external help file | Module Name | online version | schema |
Az.Avd-help.xml |
Az.Avd |
2.0.0 |
Updates an Azure Virtual Desktop hostpool.
Update-AvdHostpool -HostpoolName <String> -ResourceGroupName <String> [-CustomRdpProperty <String>]
[-FriendlyName <String>] [-Description <String>] [-LoadBalancerType <String>]
[-ValidationEnvironment <Boolean>] [-MaxSessionLimit <Int32>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]
The function will update an Azure Virtual Desktop hostpool.
Update-AvdHostpool -hostpoolname avd-hostpool -resourceGroupName rg-avd-01 -CustomRdpProperty "targetisaadjoined:i:1"
Enter the AVD Hostpool name
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Enter the AVD Hostpool resourcegroup name
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
If needed fill in the custom rdp properties (for example: targetisaadjoined:i:1 )
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Change the host pool friendly name
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
{{ Fill Description Description }}
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Change the host pool LoadBalancerType
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Change the host pool validation environment
Type: Boolean
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Change the host pool max session limit (max 999999)
Type: Int32
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
use the force parameter if you want to override the current customrdpproperties. Otherwise it will add the provided properties.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.