This is a Frontend of a simple imaginary movie rentel application. To run this app first you have to set a MongoDB database and a Node.js Backend which can be found in my Vidly-Backend repository
- Pagination
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Routing with React Router 6
- Forms
- Calling Backend Servies with Axios
- Authentication and Authorization with Json Web Token
- React Router 6 - Routing
- Axios - Backend Services
- Proptypes - Validate props datatypes
- Joi Browser - Form Validation
- React Toastify - Popup Notification
- Jwt Decode - Decode JSON Web Tokens
After setting up the mongoDB database and the node.js backend as instructed in Vidly-Backend repository
Fork and clone this repository on your local machine with the command
git clone
To install all the dependencies which is required to run the application
npm i
To start the react app in your local machine
npm start