Releases: Vantiv/cnp-sdk-for-dotnet
==Version 12.24.0 (April 18, 2022)
Note: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.23. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.23, please use SDK version 12.24.0
- Change: Vantiv.CnpSdkForNet will support .NET Framework v4.7.2 & above. This change is applicable from SDK v12.15.1.
- Change: .NET Framework v4.7.2 supported System.Net.Http version is included with this release as a NuGet dependency.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new value in businessIndicatorEnum to support businessIndicator element :buyOnlinePickUpInStore.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new element :orderChannel for Auth/sale transaction request.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements(accountUsername, userAccountNumber, userAccountEmail, membershipId, membershipPhone, membershipEmail, membershipName, accountCreatedDate and userAccountPhone) in customerInfo type.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements:sellerId , url to support contact type which is referenced by retailerAddress
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added new elements retailerAddress,additionalCOFData to support Auth/Sale/CaptureGivenAuth.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new elements:discountCode,discountPercent,fulfilmentMethodType in enhancedData.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.23] Added a new elements:itemCategory,itemSubCategory,productId,productName in LineItemData
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added a new values in businessIndicatorEnum to support businessIndicator element :highRiskSecuritiesPurchase,fundTransfer,walletTransfer
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added OrderChannelEnum to support element :orderChannel for Auth/sale transaction request.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added fulfilmentMethodTypeEnum to support element fulfilmentMethodType in enhancedData type
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new value in frequencyOfMITEnum: Annually(It was Anually- Incorrect spelling in earlier version.)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new element crypto to support Auth/Sale/CaptureGivenAuth.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.24] Added new element fraudCheckStatus to support Auth/Sale.
==Version 12.22.0 (March 25, 2022)
Note1 : Required .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework builds will now need to be 4.7.2 or greater)
Note2: It contains changes from cnpAPI v12.20 & v12.21. In case you need any feature supported by cnpAPI v12.20 or v12.21, please use SDK version 12.22.0.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] New element vendorAddress is added in vendorCredit and vendorDebit transaction type.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] Optional element cardholderAddress is added to fastAccessFunding transaction type.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.22] New addressType is added to support vendorAddress and cardholderAddress.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.21] fraudCheck authenticationValue can support upto 512 characters now.
*Feature: [cnpAPI v12.20] New methodOfPaymentTypeEnum value IC for Interac Payment has been added.
*BugFix: Invalid methodOfPaymentTypeEnum.BL has been corrected to PL.
==Version 12.19.0 (March 24, 2022)
- Feature: OrderID element now supports 256 characters.
- Feature: Optional OrderID element is supported in Capture and Credit transactions.
- Feature: transactionReversal transaction is not supported in and after cnpAPI v12.19. It has been split into two different transactions:
- depositTransactionReversal
- refundTransactionReversal
- Feature Added maxConnections config parameter to set the maximum number of http connections (defaults to ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit)
- Change Propagated changes from 12.7.5-12.7.6, with some changes
- Change The first CnpOnline object's config will now determine the proxy and timeout for the lifetime of the application
- BugFix Tls 1.2 now the only available online encryption, specified for cnp-related connections only
- Feature: Added AuthenticationShopperID to cardTokenType
- Feature: Added copayAmount to healthcareAmounts
- Feature: Created echeckTokenRoutingNumber and echeckTokenAccountTypeEnum types and set routingNum and accType in eCheckTokenType to those new types
- Feature: Added debitResponse and debitMessage fields to pinlessDebitResponse