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Usage of the WaPOR dataset for calculating Food Production, Water Productivity, Climate, Drought, and Irrigation Indicators

0. Content

  1. Content
  2. About WaPOR
  3. Introduction WaporTranslator
  4. Installation Anaconda
  5. Installation QGIS
  6. Installation WaporTranslator
    1. Method 1: Install WaporTranslator automatically
      1. Step 1: Download WaporTranslator
      2. Step 2: Run installation file
    2. Method 2: Install WaporTranslator manually
      1. Step 1: Download watertools, WaporAPI, and WaporTranslator
      2. Step 2: Install all the python modules
        1. Method 1: conda
        2. Method 2: pip
        3. Method 3: wheel
        4. Method 4: python file
  7. Add Environment Variables
  8. Required Accounts for WaporTranslator
    1. Account 1: WaPOR
    2. Account 2: NASA
  9. Run WaporTranslator
    1. Step 1: Open Anaconda prompt
    2. Step 2. Activate python environment
    3. Step 3. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 1
    4. Step 4. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 2
    5. Step 5. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 3
  10. LANDSAF option as input
  11. WaporTranslator Indicators

1. About WAPOR

WaPOR is an open accessible near real time database that use satellite information to monitor different agricultural related parameters like Evapotranspiration, Net Primary Production, and Gross Biomass Water Productivity. At the moment, version 2.0 has been launced on the 17th of June 2019 whole Africa with a spatial resolution of 250 meters for a dekadal timescale. The main riverbasins are covered on a 100m grid, and some parts have even a spatial resolution of 30m. All the dataset area available since 2009 and runs till near real time.

2. Introduction WaporTranslator

The WaporTranslator is a python based module, that mainly uses WaPOR data in combination with GLDAS, MODIS, LANDSAF, SoilGrids and SRTM data to calculate multiple indicators for Food Production, Water Productivity, Climate, Drought, and Irrigation.

The tool is made on a 64-bits Windows 10 computer using python 3.7. For calculating large areas, make sure your computer has enough RAM (minimum of 16Gb working memory). For smaller areas a 8Gb RAM would be sufficient.

Limitation: Due to the limitation in solar input, the model is now forced to include a recent year within the analyses. This means that if LANDSAF is used as solar input, the "End_Year" parameter cannot be smaller than 2016 and for KNMI option (default) as solar input this parameter cannot be smaller than 2017.

3. Installation Anaconda

There are several packages available, which include python. Recommended for the WaporTranslator is to use the python package within Anaconda. The great advantage of using the standard Anaconda package is that most of the common used modules are included within the package and also an IDE is included (Spyder). Alternatively, these modules can be installed separately by the user if a not Anaconda is preferred.

A main advantage of this Anaconda package is the easy installation of the python modules that are included within the Anaconda library. The whole overview of python modules that are already installed or are included in the Anaconda library can be seen here.

The Anaconda executable can be downloaded from: It is recommended to download the 64-bits version, this will increase the calculation capacity enormously. However, be sure that your computer/laptop is a **64-bits computer/laptop. Otherwise, install the 32-bits version.

The WaporTranslator python module is programmed in python version 3.7 on a Windows 10 operating system.

After downloading Anaconda you can run the installation of Anaconda by double-click the executable file and follow the automatic installation steps. Choose a logical location for the Anaconda main directory, a logical location is a directory without spaces and preferably near the root folder (C: or D:), the default place is the user folder (C:\Users\username). In the remaining of this document this directory will be called $HOME.

The Anaconda package also includes Spyder, which is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This is a layout for writing and running python scripts.

4. Installation QGIS

In order to run all the WaporTranslator functions, there are some necessary executables for running the whole tool properly. For reprojections of the dataset the GDAL functions are required.

The GDAL package is a geoprocessing toolbox that is also included in QGIS. The easiest way to get this GDAL package is to install QGIS Standalone version on your computer.

To make python able to find all the properties of the different projections a required environment variable must be checked and created if needed. Search within the environment variable if the GDAL_DATA variable name exists. If this variable already exists, there is no need to create this variable again. If not, this variable must be created by yourself. For more explanation about how to add an environment user variable go to the Add Environment Variable chapter within this manual.

If QGIS is installed, the folder with projections information can be found somewhere here “$HOME\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\share\gdal”. create the following environment variable (do not place a semi column at the end of the variable value):

GDAL_DATA >> $HOME\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\share\gdal

5. Installation WaporTranslator

There are two options to install the WaporTranslator. Method 1 is to use the installation file that is located in the WaporTranslator package. This will create a new python environment that can run the WaporTranslator functions. Method 2 describes how to install the tool manually. Both methods will be further described step by step in the remaining of this chapter:

5.1 Method 1: Install WaporTranslator automatically:

To install the WaporTranslator automatically the following steps are needed:

  • Step 1: Download WaporTranslator
  • Step 2: Run installation file

The steps mentioned above will be described one by one below.

Step 1: Download WaporTranslator

Download the WaporTranslator by clicking on the "Clone or download" button located on the top right of the following page:

After downloading, subtract the data and change the name from "WaporTranslator-master" into "WaporTranslator".

Step 2: Run installation file

This method can only be performed if Anaconda is installed. Otherwise the installation has to be done manually as described in the manual installation. Open the windowsOS.yml file (located in the WaporTranslator folder) in a text editor program and change the last line defining the path to the location of Anaconda on your operating system. The default is set on C:\Username\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator, do not forget to replace the 'Username' with the location of your $HOME folder where Anaconda3 folder is located (leave Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator on the end of this line).

If you forgot the $HOME folder, you can search by opening the Command Prompt and type:

dir Anaconda3 /AD /s

After saving the windowsOS.yml file, navigate to the folder where this .yml file is located by opening Anaconda prompt and type:

cd C:\PATH\TO\DIRECTORY\WaporTranslator

The next step will install all the required modules for the WaporTranslator within a new python environment called env_waportranslator. The installation can be started by typing the following command in the Anaconda prompt:

conda env create -f windowsOS.yml

If no error is shown, the installation was succesful. If not, try Method 2 to install manually the specified modules that gave the errors during the automated process.

After installation, copy and paste the complete "WaporTranslator" folder within the site-packages location of the new created python environment within the Anaconda3 folder ($HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages).

5.2 Method 2, Install WaporTranslator manually:

To install the WaporTranslator manually the following steps are required:

  • Step 1: Download WaporTranslator, watertools, and WaporAPI
  • Step 2: Install required python modules

The steps mentioned above will be described one by one below.

If during the installation not a new python environment is created the path $HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages will not exists and all the modules will be installed in $HOME\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages or in the environment name created by yourself. If in the remaining of this manual $HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages is mentioned, you have to go to: $HOME\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages or if you created an environment by yourself: $HOME\Anaconda3\envs\NAME_OF_YOUR_ENVIRONMENT\Lib\site-packages.

Step 1: Download watertools, WaporAPI, and WaporTranslator

Three python modules are required all the modules are available on Github.

( . Click on the "Clone or download" button located on the top right of the window:

After downloading, subtract the data and change the name from "watertools-master" into "watertools". Copy and paste the complete "watertools" folder within the site-packages location of Anaconda ($HOME/Anaconda3/Lib/site-packages).

Do the same for the WaporTranslator tool and the WaporAPI tool.

Step 2: Install all the python modules

The list below gives an overview of all the required modules for WaporTranslator. The version number that is used during programming of the tool is also shown. The automatical installation installs those modules within a new python environment, this is not required, but to make sure those modules will not interfere with your current python environment and projects it is advisable to create a new python environment.

Modules Install Name Command Used Version
hdf5 hdf5 conda install hdf5 1.10.4
numpy numpy conda install numpy 1.16.5
bs4 beautifulsoup4 conda install beautifulsoup4 4.8.0
gdal gdal/osgeo conda install gdal 2.3.3
joblib joblib conda install joblib 0.13.2
netCDF4 netCDF4 conda install netCDF4 1.4.2
pandas pandas conda install pandas 0.25.1
paramiko paramiko conda install paramiko 2.6.0
pyproj pyproj pip install pyproj 2.4.1
Shapefile pyshp conda install pyshp 2.1.0
requests requests conda install requests 2.22.0
scipy scipy conda install scipy 1.3.1
pycurl pycurl conda install pycurl
h5py h5py conda install h5py 2.9.0
fiona fiona conda install fiona 1.8.4
lxml lxml conda install lxml 4.4.1
watertools watertools pip install watertools 0.0.11
WaporAPI WaporAPI pip install WaporAPI 0.0.3

Python modules are function packages that can be imported into your python code. They usually contain stand-alone functions, which can be used within your own python code.

In order to import the WaporTranslator all the modules used in this toolbox must be present. This can be checked by running the following line in Spyder:

import WaporTranslator

If you get no command everything is fine, if not you will see:

ImportError: No module named ... module name ...

The missing modules needs to be added manually. The missing module name (that is showing in the ImportError message of python) can be copied (the only exception is "shapefile", this module is called "pyshp" and "osgeo" is called "gdal") and installed by using one of the following 4 methods, the easiest methods are method 1 and 2 which is normally also sufficient to install all the python modules of the WaporTranslator module. If a module cannot be installed by the first method described below, the second method can be used, followed by the third and fourth. After installing one module, close and re-open an Ipython console and check if "import WaporTranslator" can be imported or to see which new module is missing. Use only for the pyproj module the pip command instead of the conda command!

Method 1: conda

If a package is missing, you can search in the anaconda library by starting the Anaconda prompt and type:

conda install ... module name ...

The "conda" command will only work if Anaconda is installed. The module will be downloaded from the conda library and installed on your computer. If multiple python versions are installed, check the current active version within the Anaconda prompt by typing "spyder". This will open a python console mentioning the version name on the top. Below is an example of a command to install the "gdal" module by using the Anaconda library:

A specific version of a certain module can be installed by defining the version number behind the module name like this: "conda install gdal==2.3.3". This will install gdal version 2.3.3.

Method 2: pip

The following command can also be used within the Anaconda prompt:

pip install ... module name ...

Below is an example of a command to install the "pyproj" module by using the pypi libary:

Method 3: wheels

It is also possible to install a module by using a .whl file (wheel-file). The wheels can be downloaded here: and Select the wheel containing win32 within the name if a 32 bits version of Python is used, and win_amd64 if the 64 bits version is used. After downloading the module wheel file, open command prompt and change the directory to the directory where the .whl file is located. You can change the directory in command prompt by using the cd command, as shown in the example below.

After changing the directory, use the following command within the command prompt to install the module.

pip install ... name.whl ...

Method 4: python file

If a module consists of a complete folder with a script inside after unzipping, the module can be installed by opening the command prompt and change the directory ("cd" command) to the path where the is located. Then you can install the module by using the following command within the command prompt:

python install

6. Add Environment Variables

To add an environment variable, search in windows for the "Environment Variables", and click on the "Edit the system environment variables" option as shown in the figure below:

This will pops up the window as shown below. Click on the Environment Variables button in the Advanced tab.

For the WaporTranslator two environment variables needs to be created.


This can be done in the user environment variables manager by clicking on the "New.." button (see figure below).

Create environment variables

The environment variables that must be created are for the WA_PATHS variable and the GDAL_DATA variable.

Path 1: WA_PATHS

Search for the folder where the GDAL executables like gdalwarp.exe, gdal_translate.exe etc. (see picture on the right) are located (Do not use the GDAL executables that are stored in the Anaconda3 folder).

If QGIS is installed those executables are in “C:\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\bin”, so the following user environment variable must be created:

WA_PATHS >> $HOME\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\bin


Search for the folder where the GDAL csv files like gcs.csg, datum_shift.csv etc. (see picture on the right) are located.

If QGIS is installed those executables are in “C:\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\share\gdal”, so the following user environment variable must be created:

GDAL_DATA >> C:\Program Files\QGIS x.xx\share\gdal

7. Required Accounts for WaporTranslator

After fulfilling the steps above, the WaporTranslator is installed. The functions that are within the toolbox can be used, to collect the data automatatically some free accounts for authentication are required.

The following accounts are required for the WaporTranslator:

  • Account 1: WaPOR
  • Account 2: NASA

Account 1: WaPOR

Required for: WaPOR Data

To create a Wapor Account go to FAO's WaPOR webpage: And push the Sign in button on the top right of the page. Create an account and sign in.

Go back to the portal page and now the sign in button is replaced by the My WaPOR button. Click on this button, to open your profile.

Select the "My Profile" option. And in the API Token section, you can generate an API Token by clicking on the "Generate API Token" button.

Save this API-KEY somewhere on your computer, this token is needed later to run the WaporTranslator. This token is private and you should not share this token with others!

Account 2: NASA

Within the watertools Toolbox, there are multiple codes to download data automatically, but some datasets requires an account in order to get the data from their server.

Within the file located in the watertools directory ($HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages\watertools) the accounts information can be specified. Open this file in notepad (see picture on the right).

After the server names (NASA, GLEAM, FTP_WA etc..) the authentication information must be specified of this specific server. Between the first pair of apostrophes the username needs to be filled in and between second pair of apostrophes the password needs to be defined.

For the WaporTranslator only a NASA account is required. With this account you can download GLDAS, MODIS, and TRMM data automatically. A new NASA account can be created here:

Don't forget to fill in the username and password in the!

After the account has been created, login into the earthdata server by using this account:

Go to the "My Applications" tab and check if all the required applications (see picture below) are approved. If one is missing click on the "APPROVE MORE APPLICATIONS" button and search and approve the missing applications.

8. Run WaporTranslator

The WaporTranslator includes three levels. The first level will download and process all the required datasets. The second level will calculate all the intermediate results that is required to calculate the level 3 indicators. Level 3 will calculate the different indicators. A list of all the calculated indicators can be found in WaporTranslator Indicators section of this manual.

All the three levels can be runned from the Anaconda prompt by setting up 1 JSON file. This JSON file should have the following keys and items:

An example can also be found in $HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages\WaporTranslator\input_example.json.

The inputs are the following:

  • Start_Year = integer, defining the start year of the analyses (must be 2009 or later)
  • End_Year = integer, defining the end year of the analyses
  • Input_Shapefile = string, defining the path to the shapefile (determines the area of interest of the analyses)
  • Threshold_Mask = integer or string, value beween 0 and 100 that defines the percentage of the pixel that needs to be within the shapefiles border in order to include within the analyses. If the shapefile is very large this option can cause a MEMORY ERROR on the computer. If this is the case you can turn this option off by replacing the value by "OFF".
  • Output_folder = string, defines the directory to store the outputs, it will be created if folder does not exists
  • API_WAPOR_KEY = string, the personal API-WAPOR-TOKEN generated in Account 1: WaPOR section of this manual
  • WAPOR_LEVEL = integer, the options are 1 for 30m data, 2 for 100m data, or 3 if the 250m dataset of WAPOR has to be used within the analyses
  • LU_Map_Format = string, the default is "", this will use a combined map of WAPOR and ESACCI as standard. If an own Landuse map needs to be used, one can fill in the format of the path to this dataset here. Example: "C:\Landuse\LU.tif" is an example if the map is fixed in time and "C:\Landuse\LU_{yyyy}.tif" is an example if the map changes every year. The {yyyy} will be fillend in with the year.
  • LU_Legend = dictionary, if LU_Map_Format is filled in one need to define the conversion from the given LU map to the WaporTranslator LU map. This is done by defining the corresponding "Agriculture" and "Grassland" pixels. An example: {"Agriculture":[10, 20], "Grassland":[130]}. This example shows that the regions with number 10 and 20 corresponds to Agriculture and number 130 corresponds with Grassland.
  • Albedo_Source = string, options are "MODIS" or "Table". This variable defines the source of the Albedo dataset. (Table will increase the downloading speed)
  • Radiation_Source = string, Options are "LANDSAF" or "KNMI". Defines the source of radiation data.
  • METEO_timestep = string, options are "Daily" or "Monthly". The monthly timestep will increase the calculation speed. The required meteo datasets will be taken from GLDAS in monthly timesteps instead of daily timesteps. For monthly also the GLDAS data will be used as default for radiation instead of the source defined in Radiation_Source variable. The montlhly option will reduce the required memory and will increase the calculation speed.
  • Phenology_Variable = string, options are "T" or "ET". This parameter defines if the Transpiration or the Evapotranspiration has to be used for calculating the phenology.
  • Phenology_Threshold = float, this variable defines the minimum amount of maximum Transpiration/Evapotranspiraton in mm/day (dekadal average) a pixel needs to have in a season in order to start a season.
  • Phenology_Slope = float, this variable defines the minimum amount of maximum Transpiration/Evapotranspiraton slope in delta mm/day (difference between two following dekadal averages) a pixel needs to have in a season in order to start a season.
  • Champion_Percentage = float, to define the champion pixels value (the local heroes) a certain percentile over all the agricultural pixels within one Area Ecological Zone is used. This variable defines this percentile.
  • On_Farm_Efficiency = float, this variable defines the on farm efficiency.
  • Irrigation_Dekads_Threshold = integer, defines the amount of dekads needs to be assigned as irrigated in a year before a pixel within the yearly irrigation map is also assigned as irrigated.
  • Yield_info_S1 = dictionary, defines the crop type, harvest index, and moisture index of the crop in Season 1. The Yield is calculated by Total Biomass * Harvest_Index / Moisture_Index. An example of the dictionary:

"Yield_info_S1": {"Croptype": "Rice", "Harvest_Index": 0.40, "Moisture_Index": 0.15}

  • Yield_info_S2 = dictionary, defines the crop type, harvest index, and moisture index of the crop in Season 2.
  • Yield_info_S3 = dictionary, defines the crop type, harvest index, and moisture index of the crop in Season 3.
  • Yield_info_Per = dictionary, defines the crop type, harvest index, and moisture index of the Perennial crops.

After creating this file with the inputs, the WaporTranslator can be runned. Using the following steps:

Step 1. Open Anaconda prompt

First step is to open Anaconda Prompt of the python version where the WaporTranslator python environment is created. By opening the Anaconda Prompt, the active environment will be the "base" environment (includes the python modules installed in $HOME\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages). This is indicated by the "(base)" statement in front of the working directory.

Step 2. Activate python environment

To change the python environment into the one in which the WaporTranslator modules are located the following line can be used (if the environment still has the default env_waportranslator name):

conda activate env_waportranslator

The Anaconda Prompt will now show the "(env_waportranslator)" in front of the working directory.

Step 3. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 1

Now the WaporTranslator can be runned by using the created JSON file. First all the required data will be collected by running level 1 of the WaporTranslator code. Within the Anaconda Prompt the following line can be used to start level 1:

python "$HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages\WaporTranslator\" "C:\PATH\TO\input_example.txt"

The line will start with "python", followed by the python code that has to be runned, and the last input is the path to the JSON file.

It can take a while before all the data is collected (depending on the extent and time period of the analyses). Within the output folder a new subfolder is created called "LEVEL1" in here you will see all the dataset that is already collected. It is possible to stop the code at any moment, by pressing ctrl+c in Anaconda Prompt. The data collection will be continued by just using the same command and will skip the data that is already collected and stored within the LEVEL1 subfolder.

Step 4. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 2

When is finished, can be runned by using the following command:

python "$HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages\WaporTranslator\" "C:\PATH\TO\input_example.txt"

The only difference between LEVEL1 and LEVEL2 is the python code that will be used. The input file is still the same JSON file.

LEVEL2 will calculate intermediate results that are required to calculate the WaporTranslator indicators. The data will be stored in a subfolder called "LEVEL2" within the output folder.

Step 5. Run WaporTranslator LEVEL 3

The last step is to run This can be done by using the following command:

python "$HOME\Anaconda3\envs\env_waportranslator\Lib\site-packages\WaporTranslator\" "C:\PATH\TO\input_example.txt"

Also here the only difference is the python code that is used. The input file is still the same JSON file.

LEVEL3 will calculate the WaporTranslator indicators catogorized in 5 subfolders. The data will be stored in a subfolder called "LEVEL3" within the output folder.

9. LANDSAF option as input

The WaporTranslator has two different methods to calculate the net radiation. One method is using the KNMI data. This is also the default option. The KNMI data is downloaded automatically.

Another option is to use the solar radiation of LANDSAF. This data can be downloaded here. Go to the "Get Data" section on top and select the "Archived Products". Create an account on LSASAF and you can start downloading their data.

After login, the ordering method selection can be selected. If LSASAF's recommended options for data delivery are OK, you can directly click on the proceed button.

The next page the data needs to be selected. For the WaporTranslator, two parameters are required, namely the DIDSSF and DIDSLF. Select for the area the MSG Disk and select the required start and end data. The daily data is available since 2015-11-11.

After selecting click the proceed button on the bottom of the page. The data will be generated and stored on your specific FTP page: username/.

After downloading the .bz2 files, create a folder in the LEVEL1 subfolder called "LANDSAF". Now you can also run the WaporTranslator with the "LANDSAF" as "Radiation_Source" instead of "KNMI".

10. WaporTranslator Indicators

LEVEL 2 Results

Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Available_Before_Depletion mm Dekadal click here
Critical_Soil_Moisture cm3/cm3 Dekadal click here
Crop_Coef_Dry_Soil - Dekadal click here
Crop_Coef_Update - Dekadal click here
Crop_Water_Requirement mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
1. ET0 Cumulative mm Dekadal click here
2. Evapotranspiration Cumulative mm Dekadal click here
3. NPP Cumulative kg/ha Dekadal click here
4. Precipitation Cumulative mm Dekadal click here
5. Temperature Cumulative Celcius Dekadal click here
6. Transpiration Cumulative mm Dekadal click here
Deep_Percolation mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Evaporative_Fraction - Dekadal click here
Evaporative_Fraction_Long_Term - Long Term Dekadal click here
Fractional_Vegetation_Cover - Dekadal click here
LAI m2/m2 Dekadal click here
Land_Surface_Emissivity (only LANDSAF option) - Dekadal click here
LU_END - Yearly click here
Net_Radiation W/m2 Dekadal click here
Net_Radiation_Long_Term W/m2 Long Term Dekadal click here
Net_Supply_Drainage mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
1. CropClass - Yearly click here
2. End DOY S1/S2 click here
3. Perenial DOY S1/S2 click here
4. Start DOY S1/S2 click here
Root_Depth cm Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture cm3/cm3 Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_Change mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_End cm3/cm3 Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_Long_Term cm3/cm3 Long Term Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_Start cm3/cm3 Dekadal click here
Soil_Water_Holding_Capacity mm/m Static click here
Storage_Coeff_Surface_Runoff mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Surface_Runoff_Coefficient - Dekadal click here
Surface_Runoff_P mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Theta_FC_Subsoil cm3/cm3 Static click here
Theta_Sat_Subsoil cm3/cm3 Static click here
Theta_WP_Subsoil cm3/cm3 Static click here

LEVEL 3 Results

Climate Smart

Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Carbon_Root_Zone kg/ha Dekadal click here
Carbon_Sequestration kg/ha/dekadal Dekadal click here
Climatic_Cooling Celsius/dekadal Dekadal click here
Combating_Soil_Erosion kg/ha/dekadal Dekadal click here
NPP_Change_In_Time Percentage/year Static click here
Soil_Erodibility - Static click here
Sustaining_Rainfall m3/ha/dekadal Dekadal click here
Water_Generation m3/ha/dekadal Dekadal click here


Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Accumulated_Rainfall_Deficit mm Dekadal click here
ET_Deficit mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Integrated_Drought_Alert_Level Level Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_Anomaly Percentage Dekadal click here

Food Security

Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Accumulated_Biomass_Production_Season kg/ha/season Season click here
Accumulated_NPP_Season kg/ha/season Season click here
Actual_Biomass_Production kg/ha/day Dekadal click here
AEZ - Yearly click here
Grassland - Yearly click here
Irrigation - Dekadal click here
Irrigation_Maps_Yearly - Yearly click here
Mean_Biomass_Production kg/ha/day Long Term Dekadal click here
Production_Gap_Soil_Moisture kg/ha/day Dekadal click here
Production_Gap_Spatial kg/ha/day Dekadal click here
Production_Gap_Temporal kg/ha/day Dekadal click here
Soil_Moisture_Stress - Dekadal click here
Target_Biomass_Production kg/ha/day Dekadal click here
Water_Unlimited_Biomass_Production kg/ha/season Season click here
Yield kg/ha/season Season click here
Yield_Fresh_Grass kg/ha/season Season click here


Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Adequacy_Crop_Water_Deficit mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Adequacy_Relative_Irrigation_Water_Supply - Dekadal click here
Adequacy_Relative_Water_Supply - Dekadal click here
Degree_Of_Over_Irrigation - Dekadal click here
Degree_Of_Under_Irrigation - Dekadal click here
Equity_Soil_Moisture - Dekadal click here
ET_Savings_Spatial mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
ET_Target_Spatial mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
ETblue mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
ETgap mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Feasible_Water_Conservation mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Gross_Irrigation_Water_Supply mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Irrigation_Water_Requirement mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Mean_Long_Term_Evapotranspiration mm/dekadal Long Term Dekadal click here
Non_Beneficial_Water_Losses mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Non_Consumptive_Use_Due_To_Irrigation mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Onfarm_Irrigation_Efficiency Percentage Dekadal click here
Reliability_Soil_Moisture - Yearly click here

Water Productivity

Parameter Name Unit Timestep Link to Python Code
Accumulated_ET mm Season click here
Accumulated_ET_Trend percentage/year Static click here
Accumulated_ET0 mm Season click here
Accumulated_ET0_Trend percentage/year Static click here
Accumulated_P mm Season click here
Accumulated_P_Trend percentage/year Static click here
Accumulated_T mm Season click here
Accumulated_T_Trend percentage/year Static click here
AquaCrop_Water_Use_Efficiency kg/m2 Dekadal click here
GBWP_Decade kg/m3 Dekadal click here
GBWP_Gap kg/m3 Dekadal click here
GBWP_Improvement_Required percentage Dekadal click here
GBWP_Season kg/m3 Season click here
GBWP_Target kg/m3 Dekadal click here
Normalized_GBWP_Max_Per_TBP kg/m3 Dekadal click here
Normalized_GBWP_Min_Per_TBP kg/m3 Dekadal click here
T_Efficiency mm/dekadal Dekadal click here
Water_Productivity kg/m3 Season click here
Water_Productivity_Score - Dekadal click here