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AI Personality

Sh0wdown edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 26 revisions

List of 169 parameters which set the AI characters' personality, f.e. what troops to recruit or how many iron mines to build.

Name Value Type Description
Unknown000 Int32
Unknown001 Int32
Unknown002 Int32
Unknown003 Int32
Unknown004 Int32
Unknown005 Int32
CriticalPopularity 0 to 10000 10000 equals 100 popularity. Below this value, the AI sells more stuff than usual to get money.
LowestPopularity 0 to 10000 Below this value the AI sets taxes zero until it reaches 'HighestPopularity' again.
HighestPopularity 0 to 10000 Above this value the AI sets taxes back up
Unknown009 Int32
Unknown010 Int32
Unknown011 Int32
Farm1 FarmBuilding An array of farm slots, which the AI builds in the given sequence.
Farm2 FarmBuilding
Farm3 FarmBuilding
Farm4 FarmBuilding
Farm5 FarmBuilding
Farm6 FarmBuilding
Farm7 FarmBuilding
Farm8 FarmBuilding
PopulationPerFarm Int32 The AI builds one farm for each amount of this population value. (Also check MaxFarms)
PopulationPerWoodcutter Int32
PopulationPerQuarry Int32
PopulationPerIronmine Int32
PopulationPerPitchrig Int32
MaxQuarries Int32
MaxIronmines Int32
MaxWoodcutters Int32
MaxPitchrigs Int32
MaxFarms Int32 The maximum amount of farms the AI builds. HopFarms are excluded from this! (Also check PopulationPerFarm)
BuildInterval Int32 This is only considered <= 5000 gold
ResourceRebuildDelay Int32 The delay before the AI rebuilds destroyed buildings.
MaxFood Int32 includes flour?
MinimumApples Int32
MinimumCheese Int32
MinimumBread Int32
MinimumWheat Int32
MinimumHop Int32 unclear
TradeAmountFood Int32
TradeAmountEquipment Int32
Unknown040 Int32
Unknown041 Int32
Unknown042 Int32
MaxWood Int32
MaxStone Int32
MaxResourceOther Int32
MaxEquipment Int32
MaxBeer Int32
MaxResourceVariance Int32 added to all max resource values?
RecruitGoldThreshold Int32 A (gold) threshold which disables any recruitment of all units except for raiding and sortie until it is met
BlacksmithSetting BlacksmithSetting
FletcherSetting FletcherSetting
PoleturnerSetting PoleturnerSetting
SellResource01 Resource
SellResource02 Resource
SellResource03 Resource
SellResource04 Resource
SellResource05 Resource
SellResource06 Resource
SellResource07 Resource
SellResource08 Resource
SellResource09 Resource
SellResource10 Resource
SellResource11 Resource
SellResource12 Resource
SellResource13 Resource
SellResource14 Resource
SellResource15 Resource
Unknown068 Int32
Unknown069 Int32
DefSiegeEngineGoldThreshold Int32 This one makes no sense. In code: [if (Gold + Threshold > 30) then RecruitEngineer()], maybe it was supposed to be minus...
DefSiegeEngineBuildDelay Int32 The delay before the AI builds its first defensive siege engine.
Unknown072 Int32
Unknown073 Int32
RecruitProbDefDefault Int32 The probability with which this AI reinforces missing defense troops.
RecruitProbDefWeak Int32
RecruitProbDefStrong Int32
RecruitProbRaidDefault Int32
RecruitProbRaidWeak Int32
RecruitProbRaidStrong Int32
RecruitProbAttackDefault Int32
RecruitProbAttackWeak Int32
RecruitProbAttackStrong Int32
SortieUnitRangedMax Int32
SortieUnitRanged Unit Type of ranged units that go to the last attacked farm or building, and guard it until another is attacked.
SortieUnitMeleeMax Int32
SortieUnitMelee Unit Type of melee units to attack enemy units shooting at the AI's buildings or workers.
DefDiggingUnitMax Int32 Amount of units that dig own moat.
DefDiggingUnit DiggingUnit Type of unit to dig own moat.
RecruitInterval Int32
RecruitIntervalWeak Int32 The 'weak' state sets in if the AI is completely trashed. F.e. troops < 8, gold < 200, population < 15, ...
RecruitIntervalStrong Int32 The 'strong' state sets in if f.e. the AI has troops >= 40, gold >= 200, population >= 40, ...
DefTotal Int32 The total count of all defensive units (wall defense + patrols)
OuterPatrolGroupsCount Int32 The number of groups the patrols defending the outer economy split into.
OuterPatrolGroupsMove Bool Whether the patrols stay at one place (quarry) or move around.
Unknown095 Int32
DefWalls Int32
DefUnit1 Unit
DefUnit2 Unit
DefUnit3 Unit
DefUnit4 Unit
DefUnit5 Unit
DefUnit6 Unit
DefUnit7 Unit
DefUnit8 Unit
RaidUnitsBase Int32 Base amount of raid troops, Special case: [unknown trigger => end result multiplied by 1.25]
RaidUnitsRandom Int32 Maximum random addition to raid troops. Special cases: [gold > 5000 => multiplied by 2][gold < 1000 => set to 0][enemy gold < 500 => divided by -2]
RaidUnit1 Unit
RaidUnit2 Unit
RaidUnit3 Unit
RaidUnit4 Unit
RaidUnit5 Unit
RaidUnit6 Unit
RaidUnit7 Unit
RaidUnit8 Unit
HarassingSiegeEngine1 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine2 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine3 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine4 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine5 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine6 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine7 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEngine8 HarassingSiegeEngine
HarassingSiegeEnginesMax Int32 The maximum of harassing siege engines an AI builds.
Unknown124 Int32
AttForceBase Int32 The base amount of troops with which this AI attacks
AttForceRandom Int32 The maximum random amount of additional troops in an attack (this is not the amount by which the troops increase per attack!)
AttForceRallyDistanceRandom Int32 The distance variance an AI will add to the default rally distance for sieges.
AttForceRallyPercentage Int32 The %-amount of units of the attack force that the AI will rally before attacking. (0 - 100)
Unknown129 Int32
AttForceCasualtiesPercentageBeforeAssault Int32 The %-amount of (siege engines? engineers? laddermen? tunnelers? siege def?) that need to be destroyed / killed before the main units attack.
AttForceSuccessRallyPercentage Int32 The %-amount of units of the attack force that will rally (at the bested enemy's keep location) before retreating or attacking again.
Unknown132 Int32
SiegeEngine1 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine2 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine3 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine4 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine5 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine6 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine7 SiegeEngine
SiegeEngine8 SiegeEngine
Unknown141 Int32
Unknown142 Int32
AttMaxEngineers Int32
AttDiggingUnit DiggingUnit This unit is only recruited if the target enemy has moat and used preferably to dig enemy moat.
AttDiggingUnitMax Int32
AttUnit2 Unit
AttUnit2Max Int32
AttMaxAssassins Int32
AttMaxLaddermen Int32
AttMaxTunnelers Int32
AttUnitPatrol Unit Ranged attack unit that patrols around the enemy castle / keep. Preferably ranged units should be used here.
AttUnitPatrolMax Int32
AttUnitPatrolGroupsCount Int32 # of groups the AttUnitPatrol split into. BUGGY! More than 1 group results to only a single group attacking, the others standing idle.
AttUnitBackup Unit Attacking unit that holds position and doesn't attack until the walls are breached.
AttUnitBackupMax Int32
RangedBackupGroupsCount Int32 # of groups the RangedBackupUnits split into. If shields are present in the army, one will be added to each group (if possible).
AttUnitEngage Unit Units that engage enemy groups of units outside the castle. Prioritizes larger groups no matter where they are on the map. Otherwise destroys buildings outside the castle.
AttUnitEngageMax Int32
AttUnitSiegeDef Unit These units patrol between siege enginees in order to protect them.
AttUnitSiegeDefMax Int32
Unknown161 Int32
AttUnitMain1 Unit AttUntiMain1 to AttUnitMain4 is a list of the main strike force the AI recruits for sieges. Priotizes in order of the list, but only recruits untis for which they have enough gold. So try to place expensive units higher up.
AttUnitMain2 Unit
AttUnitMain3 Unit
AttUnitMain4 Unit
AttMaxDefault Int32 This does nothing
AttMainGroupsCount Int32 "# of groups all the AttUnitMain split into. Maximum is 3"
TargetChoice TargetingType
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