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-title: "Introducing the Tidyverse"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- What is the Tidyverse?
-- Dataframes / tibbles
-- Tidy data format
-## What is the Tidyverse?
-The Tidyverse is self-described as:
-> "...an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All
-> packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data
-> structures'."
-> —
-When you install the `tidyverse` package, you install a suite of packages. These
-include the following packages; we've marked the ones this course
-will introduce with a ☺:
-- ☺ `readr`: Load 'rectangular' data into an R session (e.g. CSV files).
-- ☺ `dplyr`: Manipulate data (filtering, computing summaries, etc.)
-- ☺ `tidyr`: Reshape data (e.g. into 'tidy' format).
-- ☺ `stringr`: Working with strings.
-- ☺ `lubridate`: Working with dates
-- `ggplot2`: Visualise data.
-- `tibble`: A modern refresh of the core R dataframe, used throughout
- Tidyverse packages.
-- `forcats`: Tools for working with R 'factors', often used for categorical
- data.
-- `purrr`: Tools for working with R objects in a functional way.
-These are designed to help you work with data, from cleaning and manipulation to
-plotting and modelling. The benefits of the Tidyverse include:
-- They are increasingly popular with large user bases (good for support /
- advice).
-- The packages are generally very well-documented.
-- The packages are designed to work together seamlessly and operate well with
- many other modern R packages.
-- Provide features to help you write expressive code and avoid common pitfalls
- when working with data.
-- Built around a consistent philosophy of how to structure data for analysis
- (the 'tidy' data format).
-## Dataframes / tibbles
-The key data structure that Tidyverse packages are designed to work with is the
-Actually, this is not quite the whole story. As you read the documentation for
-Tidyverse packages, you'll inevitably come across the term *tibble*. This is
-essentially the same thing as a dataframe, although there are some minor
-differences. For the purposes of this course, you can consider dataframes and
-tibbles to be interchangeable and mentally think of them as 'the same thing'.
-To demonstrate this, let's consider the Palmer Station penguins data related to
-three species of Antarctic penguins from Horst, Hill, and Gorman [^1]. We'll
-work with this dataset throughout this course. The data contains size
-measurements for male and female adult foraging Adélie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo
-penguins observed on islands in the Palmer Archipelago near Palmer Station,
-Antarctica between 2007-2009. Data were collected and made available by
-Dr Kristen Gorman and the Palmer Station Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
-Program. You can read more about the package on the
-[`palmerpenguins` documentation website](https://allisonhorst.github.io/palmerpenguins/index.html).
-To load the dataset, we just import the `palmerpenguins` package and look at
-the `penguins` object.
-library(palmerpenguins) # loads `penguins` object
-If we look closely, we see that the class of `penguins` (i.e. the kind of object
-it is) is a tibble, indicated by the `"tbl_df"` in the output below:
-## Tidy data
-*Tidy data* is a convention that specifies how to arrange our data into a table.
-It states that
-- The columns of the table should correspond to the variables in the data.
-- The rows of the table should correspond to observations (or samples) of the
- variables in the data.
-Packages in the Tidyverse are designed to work with tidy data.
-You can read more about the tidy data format in [Hadley Wickham's Tidy
-Data](https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v059.i10) paper[^2].
-### Tidy data: Example
-Suppose we have a pet dog and a pet cat, and we want to study the average weight
-of our pets by year, to see if there is some kind of association between the
-species and the trend in weight variation over time. We could represent this in
-a 'matrix-like' format, with the years corresponding to rows and species
-corresponding to columns:
-| Year | Dog_weight_kg | Cat_weight_kg |
-| 2021 | 21.4 | 8.7 |
-| 2022 | 20.9 | 8.4 |
-| 2023 | 21.8 | 8.1 |
-: Weights of pets by year (non-tidy format)
-However, this is not in a tidy format. The variables in our data we're
-interested in studying are the year, animal species and weight, but there the
-columns correspond to the weights for each kind of species. Instead, we should
-have a separate column for the species:
-| Year | Species | Weight_kg |
-| 2021 | dog | 21.4 |
-| 2021 | cat | 8.7 |
-| 2022 | dog | 20.9 |
-| 2022 | cat | 8.4 |
-| 2023 | dog | 21.8 |
-| 2023 | cat | 8.1 |
-: Weights of pets by year (tidy format)
-## Acknowledgement
-The material in this notebook is adapted from Eliza Wood's [Tidyverse: Data
-wrangling & visualization](https://liza-wood.github.io/tidyverse_intro/) course,
-which is licensed under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). This in itself is
-based on material from [UC Davis's R-DAVIS
-course](https://gge-ucd.github.io/R-DAVIS/index.html), which draws heavily on
-[Carpentries](https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/) R lessons.
-## Footnotes
-[^1]: Horst AM, Hill AP, Gorman KB (2020). palmerpenguins: Palmer Archipelago
- (Antarctica) penguin data. R package version 0.1.1.
- . doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3960218.
-[^2]: Wickham, H. (2014). Tidy Data. *Journal of Statistical Software*,
- *59*(10), 1–23.
diff --git a/R_notebooks/02_Loading_data.Rmd b/R_notebooks/02_Loading_data.Rmd
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-title: "Loading data into R with `readr`"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- Loading data from a csv file
-- Other file formats (Excel workbook, Google Sheets)
-## Introduction
-The package `readr` provides functions for reading data from 'flat' files,
-such as csv or other delimited files. The functionality provided by `readr`
-offers some advantages over the base R functions available for performing the
-same task.
-## Loading data from a csv file
-You may have used the R function `read.csv` to load data from a csv file into
-a dataframe:
-timeseries <- read.csv("./data/timeseries_data.csv")
-This is fine in a lot of cases, however, note some assumptions have been made.
-For example, in the above, the `Id` column is read as an integer and the `Date`
-column is read in as a string. In fact, the original data file records the Id
-with padded zeros, like so:
-What we really want to is to read the Id as a string and the Date as a date
-The `read_csv` from the `readr` package is more 'shouty' about assumptions made
-when parsing the data, and can have better default interpretations. For example:
-timeseries <- readr::read_csv("./data/timeseries_data.csv")
-Notice how it has explicitly told us that
-- `Id` is parsed as a string (which is what we wanted!)
-- `Date` is parsed as a date (more about dates later in the course)
-- `X_variable` and `Y_variable` are parsed as doubles, as expected.
-In general, it's good practice to be explicit about how we parse data from
-files, rather than assuming the defaults will work. For example, we've no way of
-knowing whether in the future the `readr` package maintainers will decide in the
-future to interpret padded numbers as in the `Id` column as integers.
-We can be explicit about how columns are parsed by using the `col_types`
-optional argument. The general way to do this is to supply a list with names
-being the column names and values being a _column specifier_,
- col_types = list(colA = readr::col_logical(), # column colA is a boolean
- colB = readr::col_integer(), # column colB is an integer
- colC = readr::col_double(), # column colC is a floating point number
- colD = readr::col_character(), # column colD is a string
- colE = readr::col_date(), # column colE is a date
- .default = readr::col_double() # columns are floating point numbers
- # unless specified otherwise
- ))
-**Note:** For a full list of the available column specifiers, run
-`vignette("readr")` in the R console.
-So, to specify that we want to read the `Id` column as a string, the `Date`
-column as a date, and the remaining columns as floating point numbers:
-timeseries <- readr::read_csv("./data/timeseries_data.csv",
- col_types = list(Id = readr::col_character(),
- Date = readr::col_date(),
- .default = readr::col_double()))
-Notice how the informational message about parsing has gone away, because we
-explicitly gave the types.
-### Exercise: parsing data from files
-Change the above so that the `Id` column is parsed as an integer and the
-`Date` column is parsed as a string.
-timeseries <- readr::read_csv("./data/timeseries_data.csv",
- col_types = list(Id = readr::col_integer(),
- Date = readr::col_character(),
- .default = readr::col_double()))
-## Other file formats
-There are related packages in the Tidyverse ecosystem that provide support for
-reading data from file types other than csv:
-- `readxl`: package for reading data from Excel workbooks.
-- `googlesheets4`: package for reading data from Google Sheets spreadsheets.
-We also mention here the `ncdf4` package for reading NetCDF files (not part of
-the Tidyverse).
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diff --git a/R_notebooks/03_Manipulating_a_dataframe.Rmd b/R_notebooks/03_Manipulating_a_dataframe.Rmd
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+++ /dev/null
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-title: "Manipulating a dataframe with `dplyr`"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- Sub-setting data
-- Creating new variables
-- Sorting
-- Summarising data
-## Introduction
-The package `dplyr` from the Tidyverse contains functions for manipulating
-dataframes. We will use the `penguins` dataset contained in the `palmerpenguins`
-package. Note that this data is already in tidy format.
-library(palmerpenguins) # loads `penguins` data
-## Sub-setting data
-For taking subsets of data, we can use the functions `select` and
-`filter` from `dplyr`:
-- `dplyr::select` is used to keep only specified columns of the dataframe, i.e. to
- 'select' certain variables from the data.
-- `dplyr::filter` is used to keep rows that meet some specified condition, i.e. to
- 'filter' the observations in the data.
-### Selecting columns
-To use `select`, name the columns to keep after supplying the dataframe
-(or tibble), like so:
-dplyr::select(data, column1, column2, ...)
-**Note**: We _don't_ use strings to specify the columns! Instead, we write them
-as if they were variables e.g. `dplyr::select(data, column1)` instead of
-`dplyr::select(data, "column1")`.
-Let's first check the column names in our tibble:
-Now let's select the species, year, sex, and body mass columns:
-# Select species, year, sex, and body mass
-penguins_selected <- dplyr::select(penguins, species, year, sex, body_mass_g)
-The `select` function can also be used to _remove_ columns by using the `-`
-operator. For example, we may want to remove only two columns, island and year:
-# Remove the island and year columns by using `-`.
-penguins_deselected <- dplyr::select(penguins, -island, -year)
-# Take a look at the columns
-### Filtering rows
-The `filter` function from `dplyr` is used to keep rows from a dataframe/tibble
-that meet a _predicate condition_ in terms of the column values, i.e. a
-statement that is either `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
-#### Comparitive operators
-One way to create predicate conditions is to use the
-[comparative operators](https://www.w3schools.com/r/r_operators.asp), which
-should be familiar:
-x == y : equal
-x != y : not equal
-x > y : greater than
-x < y : less than
-x >= y : greater than or equal
-x <= y : less than or equal
-For example, suppose we want to keep all penguin data only from the year
-2008. In base R, we could accomplish this by indexing on a boolean vector
-created using the `==` operator:
-# Create boolean vector indicating where year = 2008
-is_year_2008 <- penguins$year == 2008
-head(is_year_2008, n = 75)
-# Index on this vector
-The `filter` function works by specifying the predicate condition for filtering
-in terms of the column names, like so:
-dplyr::filter(data, condition) # keep rows satisfying condition
-So to filter the penguins data to keep only the 2008 observations:
-penguins_2008 <- dplyr::filter(penguins, year == 2008)
-#### Logical operators
-We can build more complicated predicate conditions by using the
-[logical operators](https://www.w3schools.com/r/r_operators.asp) on columns:
-A & B : A AND B e.g. col1 == 2 & col2 == 10
-A | B : A OR B e.g. col1 > 2 | col2 != 10
-!A : NOT A e.g. !(col1 < 2)
-In addition, `filter` allows us to specify multiple AND operations by listing
-out multiple predicate conditions:
-dplyr::filter(data, condition1, condition2, ...) # keep rows satisfying
- # condition1 AND condition2 AND ...
-Some examples on the penguin data:
-# Observations of male penguins from the year 2008:
-print(dplyr::filter(penguins, sex == "male" & year == 2008)) # using &
-print(dplyr::filter(penguins, sex == "male", year == 2008)) # listing multiple conditions in filter
-# Observations of penguins with bill length > 40mm or bill depth < 20mm
-print(dplyr::filter(penguins, bill_length_mm > 40 | bill_depth_mm < 20))
-# Observations except those of male penguins on the island of Biscoe
-print(dplyr::filter(penguins, !(sex == "male" & island == "Biscoe")))
-#### Filtering missing values
-There are other functions we can use to evaluate columns and get a true/false
-output. An important one is `is.na()`. This function evaluates a column and
-reports back a `TRUE` value when there is an `NA` in that column's row. For
-example, we can use the `head()` function to look at the top 6 values of the
-`sex` column, and see that there is an NA in the fourth row.
-The `is.na` function evaluates the whole column and gives us `TRUE`s whenever it
-sees an NA. Not surprisingly, we see a `TRUE` in the fourth observation.
-Since `is.na()` gives us a `TRUE`/`FALSE` vector, we can use it with `filter`.
-The following gives us all rows where the sex column has missing data (i.e. is
-set to `NA`):
-dplyr::filter(penguins, is.na(sex))
-To do the reverse, i.e. keep only the observations where the sex value is not
-missing, combine `is.na` with the NOT operator:
-dplyr::filter(penguins, !is.na(sex))
-### Exercise: subsetting data
-Write code to extract data for Gentoo penguins with weight between 4.8kg and
-5.2kg (inclusive). Only keep the species, sex and body mass columns in the
-output. Give the numbers of resulting observations for male penguins, female
-penguins and penguins with unknown sex.
-penguins_subset <- dplyr::filter(penguins,
- species == "Gentoo",
- 4800 <= body_mass_g & body_mass_g <= 5200)
-penguins_subset <- dplyr::select(penguins_subset, species, sex, body_mass_g)
-cat("Number of male penguins:", nrow(dplyr::filter(penguins_subset, sex == "male")), "\n")
-cat("Number of female penguins:", nrow(dplyr::filter(penguins_subset, sex == "female")), "\n")
-cat("Number of penguins of unknown sex:", nrow(dplyr::filter(penguins_subset, is.na(sex))), "\n")
-## Creating new variables
-We may often want to make a new column with some updated or transformed value.
-We can use the `mutate` function in `dplyr` for this:
-# value1, value2,... are expressions, possibly involving column names
-dplyr::mutate(data, new_column1 = value1, new_column2 = value2, ...)
-For example, to add a column of IDs for identifying each row in the data:
-penguins_with_ids <- dplyr::mutate(penguins, id = 1:nrow(penguins))
-# Optional: Put the ID column at the beginning of the dataframe
-penguins_with_ids <- dplyr::relocate(penguins_with_ids, id, .before = species)
-Another example: if we wanted to calculate a new value, the ratio of bill length
-to bill depth, we could do the following
-dplyr::mutate(penguins, bill_ratio = bill_length_mm / bill_depth_mm)
-**Note**: the output of mutate is not just a new column on its own,
-but the whole dataframe with the new column appended. To update `penguins` to
-have the new column, we need to overwrite it:
-penguins <- dplyr::mutate(penguins, bill_ratio = bill_length_mm / bill_depth_mm)
-### Exercise: creating variables
-Update the `penguins` dataframe so that it contains an ID column
-_with IDs represented as strings_.
-# Solution 1
-penguins <- dplyr::mutate(penguins, id = as.character(1:nrow(penguins)))
-# Solution 2
-penguins <- dplyr::mutate(penguins, id = 1:nrow(penguins)) # int IDs
-penguins <- dplyr::mutate(penguins, id = as.character(id)) # update column to strings
-## Sorting observations
-We can sort the rows of data by the value of a particular column using the
-`arrange` function in `dplyr`. By default, the sorting is performed in increasing
-order, although we can use the `desc()` function on the column to sort in
-descending order:
-dplyr::arrange(data, col) # sort rows by ascending order of values from column
- # `col`
-dplyr::arrange(data, dplyr::desc(col)) # sort rows by descending order of
- # values from column `col`
-For example, to sort the `penguins` data by descending value of flipper length:
-penguins_sorted_flipper <- dplyr::arrange(penguins, dplyr::desc(flipper_length_mm))
-### Exercise: sorting
-Sort the `penguins` data by the id column we created in the previous exercise.
-Explain the resulting order on the id column.
-penguins_sorted_id <- dplyr::arrange(penguins, id)
-head(dplyr::select(penguins_sorted_id, id, species, year, bill_length_mm))
-## Summarising / aggregating data
-Often we want to aggregate data at certain levels to better understand
-differences across groups. For instance, does flipper length differ by species?
-Does body mass change between years?
-First, we can use `summarise` on its own, without any grouping, to get a single
-summary about the dataframe. Here are some examples using the body mass variable:
-# Count number of observations
-print(dplyr::summarise(penguins, num_rows = dplyr::n()))
-# Count number of different years in the data
-print(dplyr::summarise(penguins, num_years = dplyr::n_distinct(year)))
-# Get the min and max year
-print(dplyr::summarise(penguins, min_year = min(year), max_year = max(year)))
-# calculate the sum of body masses for the whole data frame
-print(dplyr::summarise(penguins, sum_flipper_length_mm = sum(flipper_length_mm)))
-If the result is `NA`, it's likely because the column contained missing values.
-We include the `na.rm = TRUE` optional argument to tell `summarise` to remove
-`NA`s before calculating:
-# remove missing values
-dplyr::summarise(penguins, sum_flipper_length_mm = sum(flipper_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE))
-More generally, we can compute summaries for subgroups of the data by combining
-the `group_by` and `summarise` (or `summarize`) functions in `dplyr`. The steps
-to do this are:
-1. First use `group_by` to declare the column (or columns) that you want to
- group the data by.
-2. Then use `summarise` to actually do the summarising on each of the subgroups
- from step 1. The resulting dataframe will have one summary per subgroup.
-For example, to get the average flipper length of each sex:
-# First group the data by sex
-penguins_grouped_by_sex <- dplyr::group_by(penguins, sex)
-# Then find the mean flipper length for each sex
-dplyr::summarise(penguins_grouped_by_sex, mean_flipper_length_mm = mean(flipper_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE))
-These functions are powerful. We can group by multiple columns at once to create
-pairwise groups. As we saw above, we can also create several summary variables
-at the same time:
-dplyr::group_by(data, col1, col2, ...) # group by combinations of values in
- # col1, col2, ...
-# Compute multiple summaries on the same data
-dplyr::summarise(grouped_data, summary1 = <...>, summary2 = <...>, ...)
-### Exercise: grouping and summarising
-Create a summary dataframe that gives the mean, range (i.e. `max - min`)
-and standard deviation of the body mass for each species / sex combination, as
-well as the number of observations in each group.
-penguins_grouped <- dplyr::group_by(penguins, species, sex)
- mean_body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE),
- sd_body_mass_g = sd(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE),
- range_body_mass_g = max(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE) - min(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))
-### An unimportant detail: grouped dataframes
-`dplyr::group_by` returns a 'grouped dataframe' (`dplyr::grouped_df`). These
-behave just like tibbles/dataframes except they have some extra information
-about the grouping attached to them.
-When you group by multiple columns, the result of `summarise` will typically
-also be a grouped dataframe. Usually, the groups are given by all columns except
-the last one in the grouped dataframe supplied to `summarise`. By default, you
-get a console message telling you on which columns the output is grouped by (see
-the result of the exercise above).
-The upshot of this is that it allows us to do successive summaries without
-having to keep regrouping the data. For example, the code below will produce a
-'max of averages':
-penguins_grouped <- dplyr::group_by(penguins, sex, species) # grouped by sex and species
-# Average mass for each species / sex combination
-# Result is grouped by sex (see console output)
-penguins_grouped_mass <- dplyr::summarise(penguins_grouped,
- mean_body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))
-# Max of the average mass for each species
-penguins_max_species_avg_mass <- dplyr::summarise(
- penguins_grouped_mass,
- max_species_avg_body_mass_g = max(mean_body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE)
- )
-In practice, you don't have to worry about this detail. If you want to get back
-to a plain old tibble/dataframe, use the `dplyr::ungroup` function.
-## Acknowledgement
-The material in this notebook is adapted from Eliza Wood's [Tidyverse: Data
-wrangling & visualization](https://liza-wood.github.io/tidyverse_intro/) course,
-which is licensed under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). This in itself is
-based on material from [UC Davis's R-DAVIS
-course](https://gge-ucd.github.io/R-DAVIS/index.html), which draws heavily on
-[Carpentries](https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/) R lessons.
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index 7ada745..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-title: "Piping and functional style"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- The functional philosophy of Tidyverse
-- Piping operator
-## The Functional philosophy of Tidyverse
-The Tidyverse packages are built around a philosophy of having functions that
-work well together. Let's look at some of the functions we've seen so far:
-| Package | Function | Data input type | Output type |
-| `tidyr` | `read_csv` | string | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `filter` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `select` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `mutate` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `relocate` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `arrange` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `summarise` | dataframe | dataframe |
-| `dplyr` | `group_by` | dataframe | grouped dataframe |
-Notice how consistent these are in accepting a dataframe as input and returning
-a dataframe (or something like a dataframe). It is this consistency that makes
-it easy to compose functions.
-In addition, it's important to note that none of the functions we've seen so
-far modify the input dataframe 'in place', they always return a new dataframe.
-(This is even the case for the `mutate` function, despite the name!) This
-encourages a 'pipeline' approach, where we successively take the output
-of one function and feed it in as the input to another function.
-## Piping operator
-Since version 4.1, R has had a pipe operator `|>` which facilitates chaining
-function calls.
-**Note:** Before a pipe operator was introduced into the base R language, people
-used another pipe operator `%>%` from the `magrittr` package. It is still very
-common to see people using the `magrittr` pipe and it behaves in a similar way
-to base R's `|>` (though there are some minor differences). You can use
-whichever you like, though for this course we'll use the base R pipe.
-The pipe operator takes the value in the left hand side and 'feeds it into' the
-_first_ argument of a function call on the right hand side. So, using
-`dplyr::select` as an example, the following two expressions are equivalent ways
-to select two columns `colA` and `colB` from a dataframe `data`:
-dplyr::select(data, colA, colB) data |> dplyr::select(colA, colB)
-Notice how it looks like the dataframe argument to `dplyr::select` is missing
-in the second expression. The pipe takes care of putting `data` into the first
-argument slot, and the remaining slots are available for all other arguments
-(in this case, the column names `colA` and `colB`).
-We can now chain multiple pipe calls together, like so:
-data |> dplyr::select(colA, colB) |> dplyr::filter(colA > 10)
-The result of the whole of the expression to the right of the assignment `<-`
-gets stored in the `transformed_data`. In words, the above
-1. Takes a variable `data`
-2. Selects columns `colA` and `colB`
-3. Takes the result of 2. and filters it to keep rows where `colA > 10`
-Usually, to make it easier to read, people will put successive pipe calls
-on new lines, like so:
-data |>
- dplyr::select(colA, colB) |>
- dplyr::filter(colA > 10)
-If we want to store the overall result in a new variable `data_transformed`,
-we can do so by putting the assignment `data_transformed <- ` at the beginning
-of the chain, like so:
-data_transformed <- data |>
- dplyr::select(colA, colB) |>
- dplyr::filter(colA > 10)
-### Exercise: piping
-The following code calculates the average bill ratio for penguins observed in
-the year 2009.
-library(palmerpenguins) # loads `penguins` data
-# Select species, year, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm
-penguins1 <- dplyr::select(penguins, year, species, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm)
-# Filter to keep year 2009 data only
-penguins2 <- dplyr::filter(penguins1, year == 2009)
-# Compute new bill_ratio column
-penguins3 <- dplyr::mutate(penguins2, bill_ratio = bill_length_mm / bill_depth_mm)
-# Compute average bill ratio
-penguins4 <- dplyr::summarise(penguins3, mean_bill_ratio = mean(bill_ratio, na.rm = TRUE))
-Rewrite this code to use the pipe operator instead of storing each intermediate
-dataframe, storing the overall result in a new variable called `summarised`.
-summarised <- penguins |>
- dplyr::select(year, species, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm) |>
- dplyr::filter(year == 2009) |>
- dplyr::mutate(bill_ratio = bill_length_mm / bill_depth_mm) |>
- dplyr::summarise(mean_bill_ratio = mean(bill_ratio, na.rm = TRUE))
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-title: "Combining datasets with `dplyr`"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- Joining datasets
-## Joining datasets
-In your data wrangling journey, you will often find yourself wanting to combine
-one dataframe with some kind of supplementary or partner dataframe. In our
-case, we have the penguins and weather data stored separately, but if we ever
-wanted to explore any relationships between them, we'd ideally want it in a
-single dataframe / table. This requires lining up the observations and variables
-in the datasets appropriately, something which is accomplished by performing
-appropriate **joins**.
-The key to joining is to identify the variables by which you want to join the
-data. In other words, which columns in each data are the ones that link them
-together? In some cases these may be one-to-one matches (e.g. ID numbers to IDs
-numbers), or in other cases there is data at different levels that need to be
-lined up.
-### Left joins
-There are several kinds of join function in `dplyr`, but we'll just focus on
-`left_join` and leave you to explore the others for yourself.
-Like all the join functions, `left_join` takes three arguments: the two dataframes
-you'd like to join, and the name of the column (or columns) by which to join.
-dplyr::left_join(data_left, data_right, by = )
-The way `left_join` works is to match up the columns given in the `by` column
-and create a new dataframe by pasting new columns from `data_right` alongside
-the columns from `data_left`. We bring in as many rows from `data_right` as we
-can. The 'left' in `left_join` indicates that we're keeping everything from the
-'left' dataframe (i.e. the first one) and joining the other dataframe onto the
-'left' one.
-It's helpful to use small, toy dataframes to explore how joins work (or remind
-yourself after a period of time away).
-df1 <- data.frame(colA = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
- colB = c(2021, 2022, 2023, 2024),
- colC = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
-df2 <- data.frame(colA = c(1, 3),
- colD = c('foo', 'bar'),
- colE = c('dog', 'cat'))
-Now let's join `df2` onto `df1` by the column `colA`:
-df1 |>
- dplyr::left_join(df2, by = "colA")
-- All the data from the left-hand dataframe, `df1`, is kept (columns `colA` -- `colC`).
-- The data from the right-hand dataframe `df2` has been brought over
- for the rows where the 'by' column `colA` has matching values in the
- left-hand dataframe `df1`.
-- The rows where there aren't matching values in the 'by' column `colA` have
- missing values for the other right-hand dataframe columns (`colD` and `colE`
- in this case).
-### Exercise: left join practice
-Suppose now the right hand dataframe is as follows:
-df2 <- data.frame(colA = c(1, 3, 2, 4, 5),
- colD = c('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'foo'),
- colE = c('dog', 'cat', 'mouse', 'rabbit', 'horse'))
-Can you guess what the output of `dplyr::left_join(df1, df2, by = "colA")` will
-be? Check your guess with code below.
-df1 |>
- dplyr::left_join(df2, by = "colA")
-Now what if you swap the order of `df1` and `df2`? Guess the output of
-`dplyr::left_join(df2, df1, by = "colA")` and check your answer below.
-df2 |>
- dplyr::left_join(df1, by = "colA")
-### Optional exercise: repeated keys
-The values in the 'by' column(s) are sometimes called _keys_ for the join. The
-rules we described in the above example are not the whole story and can be
-complicated by the presence of repeated keys.
-What do you think happens if there are repeated keys? For example, try to
-guess the output of the following code:
-df1 <- data.frame(colA = c(1, 2, 3, 3), # repeated key 3
- colB = c(2021, 2022, 2023, 2024),
- colC = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
-df2 <- data.frame(colA = c(1, 3),
- colD = c('foo', 'bar'),
- colE = c('dog', 'cat'))
-df1 |>
- dplyr::left_join(df2, by = "colA")
-Now what if we swap the roles of `df1` and `df2`?
-df2 |>
- dplyr::left_join(df1, by = "colA")
-#### Warning about doubles
-It's generally not a good idea to join on a 'by' column (or columns)
-that contain doubles. This is because matching in the join will be done
-by an exact equality test on the doubles, which can create strange
-results due to numerical imprecision and be difficult to reproduce. Example: in
-the following, two doubles that look distinct are considered equal to
-`1 / 3 = 0.333...`, so 'match' on the `1 / 3` entry in data frame `x`.
-x <- data.frame(colA = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3),
- colB = c(1000, 2000))
-y <- data.frame(colA = c(0.33333333333333331, 0.33333333333333334),
- colB = c("foo", "bar"))
-dplyr::left_join(x, y, by = "colA")
-### Exercise: joining penguin and weather data
-Recall the penguin data from the `palmerpenguins` package. We're going to join
-this with some annual weather data, taken from the Palmer Station in Antarctica
-from 1989 - 2019[^1].
-library(palmerpenguins) # loads `penguins` data
-weather <- readr::read_csv("./data/weather_annual.csv")
-Use a join to create a single dataframe that has all the penguin data and
-weather data combined. Hint: there are some subtleties to be aware of:
-- First think about which column(s) to join on -- a call to `dplyr::rename`
- might be in order!
-- We should make sure that the 'by' column(s) to join on are of the same type.
- Examine the kind of data in each dataframe closely and coerce if necessary!
-weather_cleaned <- weather |>
- dplyr::rename(year = Year) |>
- dplyr::mutate(year = as.integer(year))
-penguins |>
- dplyr::left_join(weather_cleaned, by = "year")
-## Acknowledgement
-The material in this notebook is adapted from Eliza Wood's [Tidyverse: Data
-wrangling & visualization](https://liza-wood.github.io/tidyverse_intro/) course,
-which is licensed under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). This in itself is
-based on material from [UC Davis's R-DAVIS
-course](https://gge-ucd.github.io/R-DAVIS/index.html), which draws heavily on
-[Carpentries](https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/) R lessons.
-## Footnotes
-[^1]: The dataset was derived from the following dataset: Palmer Station
- Antarctica LTER. 2023. Daily weather averages for Palmer
- Station, Antarctica (1989-2023) ver 9. Environmental Data Initiative.
- https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/3eefb45dbfb784c3cabe3690ea46fe9e (Accessed
- 2024-01-08). See the README in the data folder accompanying these
- notebooks for more details.
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-title: "Reshaping data with `tidyr`"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- Converting to/from tidy format
-## Introduction
-There are often cases where you'd like to change the shape of your data, by
-which we mean to change the structure of the columns and/or rows. The `tidyr`
-package contains functions to support this.
-As an example dataset for reshaping, we'll use data on territorial fossil CO2
-emissions by country (Friedlingstein et al. 2023)[^1].
-**Note:** To read the data, we'll use a call to the `read_excel` function from
-the `readxl` package. We only touched on this in notebook 2, so don't worry
-about understanding exactly how the data is read in. Treat this as a glimpse of
-seeing the Tidyverse in action 'in the wild'. You can read up about `read_excel`
-as extra homework, if you're keen :-)
-emissions <- readxl::read_excel("data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx",
- sheet = "Territorial Emissions",
- skip = 11) |>
- dplyr::rename(Year = `...1`) |> # missing column name in data got assigned name `...1` when reading
- dplyr::select(Year, World, Africa, Asia, `Central America`, Europe,
- `Middle East`, `North America`, Oceania, `South America`,
- Bunkers) |>
- dplyr::mutate(Year = as.integer(Year))
-## Converting to/from tidy format
-One scenario for reshaping data is when we receive data that is not in tidy
-format and want to transform it so that it is tidy.
-In the emissions data above, notice how each column other than 'Year'
-corresponds to a region of the world (or the category 'Bunkers'):
-This is not in tidy format. The observations correspond to year-region pairs,
-while the variable being measured is territorial emissions. But the data is
-structured as a matrix, where to get the emissions value for a region and year
-you look up the entry for the appropriate row and column.
-What we'd like to do is create a dataframe with columns 'Year', 'Country' and
-'Territorial_emissions' columns, with rows corresponding to year-region pairs.
-### Matrix format to tidy format with `pivot_longer`
-We can use the function `pivot_longer` from the `tidyr` package to help us make
-the required transformation. Like most of the Tidyverse functions, there are a
-lot of possible parameters to use in this function, but we only need to use it
-as follows:
-tidyr::pivot_longer(data, , names_to = "Name_for_gathered_columns", values_to = "Variable_name")
-- `data` is the dataframe to transform.
-- `` is a specification of the columns that should be
- gathered into a new column.
-- `names_to` defines the name of the new column to create, whose values will
- be the names in ``.
-- `values_to` is the name of a new column that contains the values that were
- in the columns `` (i.e. the variable that the original
- data was giving).
-**Note**: More specifically, `` is a 'tidy-select'. This is a
-way of specifying collections of columns within the Tidyverse. Unfortunately
-details of this are outside the scope of this course, but you can learn more by
-running `?tidyr::tidyr_tidy_select` in the R console. We will explain our use of
-'tidy-select' in code comments below.
-The behaviour of `pivot_longer` is much easier to see with an example. The
-following creates a new column called 'Region' that contains all the column
-names in `emissions` from 'World' to 'Bunkers'. The values from these columns
-are put into a new column called 'Territorial_emissions'.
-emissions_tidy <- emissions |>
- tidyr::pivot_longer(World:Bunkers, # All columns from 'World' to 'Bunkers'
- names_to = "Region",
- values_to = "Territorial_emissions")
-Notice how each row corresponds to a year-region pair. The
-'Territorial_emissions' values line up with the year and region they
-corresponded to in the original data.
-Notice that the number of rows is equal to the number of regions multiplied by
-the number of years, as we'd expect:
-cat("Number of rows in emissions_tidy:", nrow(emissions_tidy), "\n")
-# Use ncol(emissions) - 1 so not to include the year column
-cat("Number of year-region pairs:", length(emissions$Year) * (ncol(emissions) - 1), "\n")
-In general, `pivot_longer` is called such because it make the table of data
-'longer' i.e. have more rows.
-#### Exercise: pivoting
-What do you think the output of the following `pivot_longer` will be?
-emissions |>
- tidyr::pivot_longer(!Africa, # this means all columns except 'Africa'
- names_to = "Names_column",
- values_to = "Territorial_emissions?")
-Run the code below to see if you're correct!
-emissions |>
- tidyr::pivot_longer(!Africa, # this means all columns except 'Africa'
- names_to = "Names_column",
- values_to = "Territorial_emissions?")
-What do values in the 'Africa' and 'Territorial_emissions?' columns correspond
-to in the following output?
-emissions |>
- tidyr::pivot_longer(!Africa, # this means all columns except 'Africa'
- names_to = "Names_column",
- values_to = "Territorial_emissions?") |>
- dplyr::filter(Names_column == "Year")
-### Tidy format to matrix format with `pivot_wider`
-What if we want to go the other way, i.e. turn a tidy dataframe into a matrix
-format? In that case, we can use `pivot_wider` from the `tidyr` package.
-tidyr::pivot_wider(data, names_from = , values_from = )
-- `data` is the dataframe to transform.
-- `names_from` is the column whose values will be the names of new columns in
- the new dataframe.
-- `values_from` is the name of a column whose values will go into the 'cells'
- of the new dataframe.
-To see this in action, the following use of `pivot_wider` will take our tidied
-emissions data and put it back into the original 'matrix' format, where regions
-corresponded to columns and the entries gave the emissions for each year-region
-emissions_tidy |>
- tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = Region, values_from = Territorial_emissions)
-## Acnowledgements
-We acknowledge the Global Carbon Project, which is responsible for the Global
-Carbon Budget and we thank the fossil carbon emissions modelling groups for
-producing and making available their model output.
-## Footnotes
-[^1]: Taken from Global Carbon Budget 2023 (Friedlingstein et al., 2023, ESSD).
- Excel workbook obtained from https://globalcarbonbudgetdata.org/downloads/latest-data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx
- (accessed 2024-02-28).
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--- a/R_notebooks/07_Strings_and_dates.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
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-title: "Working with strings and dates with `stringr` and `lubridate`"
-output: html_notebook
-## Outline
-- Working with strings
- - Cleaning strings
- - Splitting / pasting strings
- - Extracting substrings
-- Working with dates
- - Converting from strings
- - Accessing timestamp components
-## Introduction
-In this notebook we'll be looking at ways to work with two common kinds of
-data: text data and dates/timestamps. When we first create and collect data, it
-may not be in its tidiest form, especially when it comes to working with
-text data and timestamps. The following packages provide lots of useful
-functions for working with strings / timestamps:
-- `stringr`: working with strings (included with `tidyverse`).
-- `lubridate`: working with dates/timestamps (a non-core Tidyverse package).
-To demonstrate these packages, we'll be working with two datasets:
-- A toy dataset consisting of some coin flipping experiments (thrilling stuff).
-- Weather data from the Palmer Station in Antarctica from 1989 - 2019, where
- data are available for each day[^1].
-**Note** We'll be making use of the pipe operator `|>` throughout; see
-the `04_Piping.Rmd` notebook.
-## Working with text - heads and tails
-We have a toy dataset for getting familiar with working with text. The
-`heads_and_tails.csv` file contains data on some coin flipping experiments
-performed by two people, Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe. The experiments were performed
-on different days and are split up into different parts (coin flipping is
-tiring work).
-The data is not in a clean state:
-- Joe and Jane's names are recorded in multiple ways
-- The results are inconsistently formatted.
-- The experiments look pretty consistent, but note that in some rows the date is
- separated from the `part n` bit by a colon `:` whereas in other rows it's
- separated by a space.
-experiments <- readr::read_csv("./data/heads_and_tales.csv")
-We'll some of the functions in `stringr` to clean up this dataset.
-### Cleaning whitespace
-Before tidying up the columns, let's first rename the current columns to indicate
-they contain the 'raw' values. We can use the function `rename` from the `dplyr`
-package to do this:
-dplyr::rename(new_col_name1 = old_col_name1, new_col_name1 = old_col_name1, ...)
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::rename(Experiment_raw = Experiment,
- Technician_raw = Technician,
- Result_raw = Result)
-Let's first tackle cleaning up the technician's names. Look at the unique values
-in the Technician column:
-Let's make the case consistent. There are several `stringr` functions we could
-use for this, of the form `str_to_*`
-print(stringr::str_to_lower("aLbErt EinStEin")) # albert einstein
-print(stringr::str_to_upper("aLbErt EinStEin")) # ALBERT EINSTEIN
-print(stringr::str_to_title("aLbErt EinStEin")) # Albert Einstein
-print(stringr::str_to_sentence("aLbErt EinStEin")) # Albert einstein
-Let's convert the technicians' names to title case. Do we now have consistent
-names for Joe and Jane?
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::mutate(Technician = stringr::str_to_title(Technician_raw))
-Not quite. We can replace the two spaces in the middle of "Joe Bloggs" with a
-single space by using `stringr::str_squish`:
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::mutate(Technician = stringr::str_squish(Technician))
-Note that a closely related `stringr` function, `str_trim`, can be used for only
-removing leading and trailing whitespace, if for some reason we wanted to keep
-all the whitespace between the words:
-# \t = tab character, \n = new line character
-cat("\tAda Lovelace \n")
-cat(stringr::str_trim("\tAda Lovelace \n")) # "Ada Lovelace"
-### Replacing characters / substrings
-Next, let's make the Result entries consistently formatted. We'll remove
-the commas from the first few experiments and instead just have a string of
-`H`s and `T`s. We can view this as replacing each comma with the empty string,
-In general, to perform text replacement, we can use one of the following
-`stringr` functions:
-# Replace the *first* instance of "--" with ", "
-print(stringr::str_replace("a--e--i--o--u", pattern = "--", replacement = ", ")) # a, e--i--o--u
-# Replace *all* instances of "--" with ", "
-print(stringr::str_replace_all("a--e--i--o--u", pattern = "--", replacement = ", ")) # a, e, i, o, u
-You may wonder why the parameter name 'pattern' is used for the string we want
-to replace. The reason is that we actually need to supply a _regular expression_
-to match on. We'll come back to this.
-Let's now clean up the Result column by removing the commas:
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::mutate(Result = stringr::str_replace_all(Result_raw, ",", ""))
-experiments |>
- dplyr::select(Result_raw, Result)
-### Exercise: replacing strings
-Put the Experiment column into a consistent format, so that the experiment is
-recorded as `:part ` where `` is a date string and `` is a
-number `1`, `2`, etc.
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::mutate(Experiment = stringr::str_replace(Experiment_raw, " part", ":part"))
-experiments |>
- dplyr::select(Experiment_raw, Experiment)
-### Splitting and concatenating columns
-With the columns cleaned up, we no longer need the 'raw' columns, so let's
-remove them:
-experiments <- experiments |>
- dplyr::select(-Experiment_raw, -Technician_raw, -Result_raw)
-It would be good to have the Experiment column consist of a unique identifier
-for each experiment. We could just give it an integer label, but let's do
-something more sophisticated. Each row is uniquely identifiable from the
-current Experiment string and the name of the Technician. So let's combine
-these together to make a new ID string, as follows:
-Joe Bloggs + 2024-01-04:part 2 --> 2024-01-04:2:JoeBloggs
-Note that we've removed the `part ` string and removed the inner space in the
-name. How can we accomplish this transformation in smaller steps?
-- First split the experiment label `2024-01-04:part 2` into two pieces:
- `2024-01-04` and `2`.
-- Remove the space from the name, `Joe Bloggs` to `JoeBloggs`.
-- Paste the results together using colons:
- `2024-01-04` + `2` + `JoeBloggs` --> `2024-01-04:2:JoeBloggs`.
-We know how to do the second step (use `str_replace`), but steps 1 and 3 are new.
-The trick is to do this column-wise in the dataframe. Se we'll
-**make new columns** containing the pieces we want to paste together, and then
-create a new column by pasting these two columns together.
-To perform the splitting, we can use the `separate` function from the
-`tidyr` package (not `stringr`!) to split a column on a separator. The result is
-one column for each piece of the split; we thus need to also provide names for
-the new columns:
- col,
- into = c("NewCol1", "NewCol2", ...),
- sep = )
-To paste columns back together with a custom separator, we can use the
-`str_c` function from `stringr`:
-stringr::str_c("foo", "bar", "baz", sep = " -- ") # foo -- bar -- baz
-### Exercise: splitting and concatenating columns
-Use `tidyr::separate` and `stringr:str_c` to create a unique experiment ID by
-pasting together:
-- The experiment date
-- The sub-experiment number
-- The technician's name (without a space)
-Joe Bloggs + 2024-01-04:part 2 --> 2024-01-04:2:JoeBloggs
-Hint: don't try to do this all in one go. Instead, build it up step-by-step and
-use the pipe operator `|>` join the steps together.
-experiments |>
- tidyr::separate(col = Experiment,
- into = c("Experiment_date", "Sub_experiment"),
- sep = ":part ") |> # don't forget the space!
- dplyr::mutate(Experiment_id = stringr::str_c(Experiment_date,
- Sub_experiment,
- stringr::str_remove(Technician, " "),
- sep = ":"))
-### Finding substrings
-How many of the experiments features a run of 5 heads or 5 tails?
-We can answer this by:
-- For each row, determine whether it contains a run of 5 heads or 5 tails
-- Filter on the result
-To perform the first step, we can use `str_detect` from `stringr`. This simply
-returns `TRUE` or `FALSE` depending on whether it finds a given pattern in
-a string:
-stringr::str_detect(a_string, pattern)
-The `pattern` argument is interpreted as a _regular expression_. We mentioned
-this earlier when looking at `str_replace` / `str_replace_all`. Regular expressions
-are a mini-language for specifying matches on strings. We're not going to go into
-this much here, but they are useful to know about, especially if you work with
-text data a lot; check out the great
-[stringr cheat sheet](https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/blob/main/strings.pdf)
-for a summary, or consult the
-[chapter on regular expressions in R for Data Science (2e)](https://r4ds.hadley.nz/regexps)
-for an introduction. Here are some example regular expressions in action, using
-`str_detect` to indicate whether the given string matches or not:
-# Match on a string as-is (case sensitive)
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "ex") |> print() # true
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "COOL") |> print() # false
-# Match on 1 or more instances
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "o+") |> print() # true
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "coolcool+") |> print() # false
-# Regex-special characters need escaping e.g. to match on a period, use \\.
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "\\.") |> print() # true
-# Match on either one pattern or another with pipe |
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "cool|meh") |> print() # true
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is meh.", pattern = "cool|meh") |> print() # true
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "meh|lame") |> print() # false
-# Match at the beginning of the string only with ^
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "^Regex") |> print() # true
-stringr::str_detect("Regex is cool.", pattern = "^cool") |> print() # false
-### Exercise: finding substrings
-With the help of `str_detect` and a suitable regular expression, write code to
-work out how many experiments feature a run of at least 5 straight heads or 5
-straight tails.
-experiments |>
- dplyr::mutate(Has_run_of_5 = stringr::str_detect(Result, pattern = "HHHHH|TTTTT")) |>
- dplyr::filter(Has_run_of_5) |>
- nrow()
-## Working with dates
-We have weather data from the Palmer Station in Antarctica from 1989 - 2019[^1],
-where data are available for each day.
-weather <- read.csv("./data/PalmerStation_Daily_Weather.csv")
-However, the structure of the data above indicate that the first variable, Date,
-is a 'character'. This means that R is not reading these dates as numbers, and
-so it may be hard to manipulate them any further (e.g. extracting certain
-(**Note**: if we'd used `read_csv` from the `readr` package then these would
-automatically have been coerced into dates. We're avoiding this for now to
-demonstrate how to convert raw strings into dates.)
-We'll use the `lubridate` package (loaded in when we load in `tidyverse`)
-to convert these variables into dates and create a column for the year.
-### Converting from strings
-The `lubridate` package has very intuitive function names and argument
-structures. For instance, you can convert a character type into a date type by
-using a function with letters representing the date format. In `lubridate`,
-y = year, m = month, d = day, h = hour, m = minute, s = second, etc.
-(You can see all of these formats by using the auto-complete box in RStudio,
-e.g. to see all functions starting with 'y', begin typing `lubridate::y`.)
-We can see that our data is formatted in the year-month-day format, and so we
-can use the `ymd` function to indicate to R what format we want it to detect as
-it converts characters to dates. If we use this function and assign the output
-to a date vector, we can then evaluate the class to see that it is a date.
-date_vector <- lubridate::ymd(weather$Date)
-Remember that manipulating a column does not mean it automatically saves into
-the dataframe. Instead, we need to remember to write (or overwrite) that column
-into our dataframe. Remember that we can use the mutate function to do this,
-where we can overwrite out date column:
-weather <- weather |>
- dplyr::mutate(Date = lubridate::ymd(Date))
-### Accessing timestamp components
-Now that R recognizes these as dates, we can extract certain date-related
-features, such as the year, month, and day. The `lubridate` package has functions
-conveniently named `year`, `month`, `day` that can be used with a date argument,
-and that element of the date will be extracted. For example:
-weather <- weather |>
- dplyr::mutate(Year = lubridate::year(Date))
-head(weather) |>
- dplyr::select(Date, Year)
-#### Exercise: working with dates
-Create a summary of the weather data that gives the maximum, minimum, and
-mean of the average temperatures for each **month** of the year.
-weather |>
- dplyr::mutate(Month = lubridate::month(Date)) |>
- dplyr::group_by(Month) |>
- dplyr::summarize(Average_temp = mean(Temperature.Average..C., na.rm = TRUE),
- Max_temp = max(Temperature.High..C., na.rm = TRUE),
- Min_temp = min(Temperature.Low..C., na.rm = TRUE))
-## Acknowledgement
-The material in this notebook is adapted from Eliza Wood's [Tidyverse: Data
-wrangling & visualization](https://liza-wood.github.io/tidyverse_intro/) course,
-which is licensed under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). This in itself is
-based on material from [UC Davis's R-DAVIS
-course](https://gge-ucd.github.io/R-DAVIS/index.html), which draws heavily on
-[Carpentries](https://datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/) R lessons.
-## Footnotes
-[^1]: Palmer Station Antarctica LTER. 2023. Daily weather averages for Palmer
- Station, Antarctica (1989-2023) ver 9. Environmental Data Initiative.
- https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/3eefb45dbfb784c3cabe3690ea46fe9e (Accessed
- 2024-01-08).
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-title: "Summary and next steps"
-output: html_notebook
-## Review
-This course has provided an introduction to working with data using packages
-in the Tidyverse. We looked at
-- Using `readr` to reading csv data with explicit column specifications, and
- touched on other packages for reading other kinds of files e.g. Excel
- workbooks.
-- Using `dplyr` to manipulate data (selecting columns, filtering, summarising,
- sorting, etc.) and for joining multiple dataframes together.
-- Using `tidyr` to reshape data e.g. from 'matrix' format to tidy format.
-- Working with strings and dates using the `stringr` and `lubridate` packages.
-We also discussed some key philosophical underpinnings of the Tidyverse:
-- Adopting the convention of putting data into _tidy_ format.
-- The idea that the functions in Tidyverse packages are designed with very
- consistent 'interfaces' e.g. taking in a dataframe and returning a new
- dataframe.
-- The 'functional' style of programming, where we can set up pipelines for
- performing successive transformations of data.
-## Next steps / further resources
-This course has given you a grounding in using the Tidyverse and you
-now feel confident using it in your own work. To take your knowledge further,
-the following extra resources are available:
-- Cheatsheets for several Tidyverse packages, including the ones we've covered
- in this course, are available at .
- These are a great way to quickly look up function(s) that help you perform
- some concrete task. Often it's a good idea to look at the cheatsheet to know
- what functions(s) you need, then use the help system in R to read the
- documentation, or search the web for further advice.
-- The [R for Data Science book (2nd ed.)](https://r4ds.hadley.nz/) by Hadley
- Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Garrett Grolemund is a freely available,
- online book which covers lots of aspects of working with and visualising data
- using the Tidyverse in a way that's approachable for non-expert R programmers.
-- A natural follow up to this course would be to learn about plotting and
- visualising data in R with the `ggplot2` package, which is part of the
- Tidyverse. The R for Data Science book above is a great resource to start
- with for learning how to plot with `ggplot2`.
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diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx b/R_notebooks/data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c0753..0000000
Binary files a/R_notebooks/data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/PalmerStation_Daily_Weather.csv b/R_notebooks/data/PalmerStation_Daily_Weather.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7a462..0000000
--- a/R_notebooks/data/PalmerStation_Daily_Weather.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12478 +0,0 @@
-Date,Temperature High (C),Temperature Low (C),Temperature Average (C),Sea Surface Temperature (C),Sea Ice (WMO Code),Pressure High (mbar),Pressure Low (mbar),Pressure Average (mbar),Wind Peak (knots),Wind 5-Sec Peak (knots),Wind 2-Min Peak (knots),Wind Average (knots),Wind Peak Direction,Wind 5-Sec Peak Direction,Wind 2-Min Peak Direction,Wind Prevailing Direction,Precipitation Melted (mm),Precipitation Snow (cm),Depth at Snowstake (cm),Sky Coverage (tenths)
diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/README b/R_notebooks/data/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 298fd7b..0000000
--- a/R_notebooks/data/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-The following datasets in this folder were obtained from the sources listed
-below. All other datasets were artificially created for this course.
-Palmer Station Antarctica LTER. 2023. Daily weather averages for Palmer Station,
-Antarctica (1989-2023) ver 9. Environmental Data Initiative.
-(accessed 2024-01-08).
-Intellectual Rights of the authors (as accessed from the above link on
-This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution
-- CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The consumer of these
-data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any
-publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these
-data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination
-may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to
-contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results
-occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration
-or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that
-misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original
-study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and
-associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed.
-All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however,
-that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User
-to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where
-these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use
-or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
-This was derived from PalmerStation_Daily_Weather.csv, by aggregating the data
-for each year. (All aggregations are calculated after removing missing values.)
-The columns computed are:
-- Average_temp: The mean of 'Temperature Average (C)' for each year.
-- Max_temp: The maximum of 'Temperature High (C)' for each year.
-- Min_temp: The minimum of 'Temperature Low (C)' for each year.
-Friedlingstein, P., O'Sullivan, M., Jones, M. W., Andrew, R. M., Bakker, D. C. E., Hauck, J., Landschützer, P., Le Quéré, C., Luijkx, I. T., Peters, G. P., Peters, W., Pongratz, J., Schwingshackl, C., Sitch, S., Canadell, J. G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R. B., Alin, S. R., Anthoni, P., Barbero, L., Bates, N. R., Becker, M., Bellouin, N., Decharme, B., Bopp, L., Brasika, I. B. M., Cadule, P., Chamberlain, M. A., Chandra, N., Chau, T.-T.-T., Chevallier, F., Chini, L. P., Cronin, M., Dou, X., Enyo, K., Evans, W., Falk, S., Feely, R. A., Feng, L., Ford, D. J., Gasser, T., Ghattas, J., Gkritzalis, T., Grassi, G., Gregor, L., Gruber, N., Gürses, Ö., Harris, I., Hefner, M., Heinke, J., Houghton, R. A., Hurtt, G. C., Iida, Y., Ilyina, T., Jacobson, A. R., Jain, A., Jarníková, T., Jersild, A., Jiang, F., Jin, Z., Joos, F., Kato, E., Keeling, R. F., Kennedy, D., Klein Goldewijk, K., Knauer, J., Korsbakken, J. I., Körtzinger, A., Lan, X., Lefèvre, N., Li, H., Liu, J., Liu, Z., Ma, L., Marland, G., Mayot, N., McGuire, P. C., McKinley, G. A., Meyer, G., Morgan, E. J., Munro, D. R., Nakaoka, S.-I., Niwa, Y., O'Brien, K. M., Olsen, A., Omar, A. M., Ono, T., Paulsen, M., Pierrot, D., Pocock, K., Poulter, B., Powis, C. M., Rehder, G., Resplandy, L., Robertson, E., Rödenbeck, C., Rosan, T. M., Schwinger, J., Séférian, R., Smallman, T. L., Smith, S. M., Sospedra-Alfonso, R., Sun, Q., Sutton, A. J., Sweeney, C., Takao, S., Tans, P. P., Tian, H., Tilbrook, B., Tsujino, H., Tubiello, F., van der Werf, G. R., van Ooijen, E., Wanninkhof, R., Watanabe, M., Wimart-Rousseau, C., Yang, D., Yang, X., Yuan, W., Yue, X., Zaehle, S., Zeng, J., and Zheng, B.: Global Carbon Budget 2023, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5301–5369, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-5301-2023, 2023
-Fossil CO2 emissions by country (territorial) data obtained from obtained
-from https://globalcarbonbudgetdata.org/downloads/latest-data/National_Fossil_Carbon_Emissions_2023v1.0.xlsx
-(accessed 2024-02-28).
-We acknowledge the Global Carbon Project, which is responsible for the Global
-Carbon Budget and we thank the fossil carbon emissions modelling groups for
-producing and making available their model output.
diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/heads_and_tales.csv b/R_notebooks/data/heads_and_tales.csv
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index f933bc3..0000000
--- a/R_notebooks/data/heads_and_tales.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-2024-01-04:part 1,joe bloggs,"H,H,H,T,T,H,H,T,H,H,T,H,H,H,T,T,H,H,T,T"
-2024-01-04:part 2,Joe Bloggs,"T,T,H,T,H,T,T,H,T,T,T,T,H,T,H,H,T,H,T,T"
-2024-01-04:part 3,Joe Bloggs,"H,T,H,T,T,H,T,H,H,T,H,T,H,T,T,T,H,H,H,T,T,H,T,H,T"
-2024-01-04 part 1,jane doe,HTHHTHTHTTHTHTHTTT
-2024-01-04 part 2,jane doe,HHTTTTHHHTTHTHHTHHTTT
-2024-01-05 part 1,Jane doe,THTTTHHTTTH
-2024-01-05 part 2,Jane doe,TTTTTHTHTHTTTTTHTTHT
-2024-01-06:part 1,Joe Bloggs,HTHTTTTHHHHTTTHHHHHTHH
-2024-01-06:part 2,Joe Bloggs,TTTTTTHTTTHTH
-2024-01-06 part 2,Jane Doe,TTTTHHTHHTTHTHHHTHTTTH
-2024-01-06 part 3,Jane Doe,HHTHTTTTTHTTTHTHTHT
-2024-01-07:part 1,joe bloggs,TTHTTHHHHTHHHHTTTHHT
diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/timeseries_data.csv b/R_notebooks/data/timeseries_data.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index b89135d..0000000
--- a/R_notebooks/data/timeseries_data.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/R_notebooks/data/weather_annual.csv b/R_notebooks/data/weather_annual.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e46759..0000000
--- a/R_notebooks/data/weather_annual.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
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index c474fac..0000000
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@@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
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- ],
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- ],
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- ],
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- },
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
- "Hash": "960e2ae9e09656611e0b8214ad543207"
- },
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- "Repository": "CRAN",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
- "Hash": "915fb7ce036c22a6a33b5a8adb712eb1"
- },
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- "Version": "1.2.0",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
- "Hash": "79540e5fcd9e0435af547d885f184fd5"
- },
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
- "Hash": "5ac22900ae0f386e54f1c307eca7d843"
- },
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- "Version": "0.4.0",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
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- },
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- "Version": "1.2.4",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
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- },
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Requirements": [
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- ],
- "Hash": "c03fa420630029418f7e6da3667aac4a"
- },
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- "Version": "1.6.5",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
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- },
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- "Version": "3.0.0",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
- "Hash": "d31b6c62c10dcf11ec530ca6b0dd5d35"
- },
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- "Package": "xfun",
- "Version": "0.42",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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- ],
- "Hash": "fd1349170df31f7a10bd98b0189e85af"
- },
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- "Package": "yaml",
- "Version": "2.3.8",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "29240487a071f535f5e5d5a323b7afbd"
- }
- }