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Releases: UnchartedBull/OctoDash


26 Nov 22:22
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Minor patch release, which fixes some minor bugs. Nothing amazing to see here. Please make sure to upgrade your Enclosure Plugin to 4.13.1 or higher.

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Shutdown Button #281
  • Integrate new Enclosure API #261

Fixed bugs:

  • Callout Adjustments #269
  • Can‘t load files shown on init #268
  • Android App can't be installed [Parse Error] #267
  • Pause/Resume Print issue #265
  • Temperature display not working with no heated bed #260
  • 1.3.2 sometimes touches arent registered correctly #258
  • Possible "interference" with PSUControl? #256
  • Bed Termperature not rendered correctly - possibly when temp is 100C or above #235

Closed issues:

  • Raspberry Pi 2 compatability / Illegal Instruction #318
  • Advice please #291
  • Help #286
  • Needs a simple install for a Noob like me :) #266

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23 Oct 20:08
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This is minor update, which includes some bugfixes and smaller features:

  • New effect that lets you know when you touched the screen
  • Adjust print parameters during print
  • Turn off screen when idle (You need to enable turnScreenOffSleep in the ~/.config/octodash/config.json file for now)
  • PSUControl Plugin supported via Custom Actions
  • OctoDash will go into standby if your printer is offline and don't spam error messages
  • And finally OctoDash got a sparkling new icon thanks to @hessius!

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Improved touch callout suggestion #212
  • Enable scroll on files // UI increase scroll bar contrast #208
  • Improve offline response & Connect to Printer #202
  • Control PSU from OctoDash #201
  • Turn off screen when idle #200
  • Make arm64 compatible #167
  • Adjust printer parameters during print. #55

Fixed bugs:

  • cant retriever printer status #239
  • Fan speed is not updated #236
  • Bed Termperature not rendered correctly - possibly when temp is 100C or above #235
  • Arrows Control get cut #224
  • 409 CONFLICT error with OctoDash #218
  • Version Update not working correctly #211
  • OctoDash dont read/show files #210
  • Enable scroll on files // UI increase scroll bar contrast #208
  • Bug: Tap and hold shows text selection #203
  • Installation error related to virtual environment #197

Closed issues:

  • setting up my configs without keyboard ? #207
  • Multiple Cameras #204
  • compatibility problem with waveshare 3.5ich ips lcd #199
  • Errors on launch - possible missing dependencies? #198
  • Uninstall #191
  • Design an App Icon #85

Merged pull requests:


08 Oct 22:23
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This release has been updated, if you had any issues with v1.3.1 please reinstall this release again via the update script. Sorry!

This is just a small path that fixes some issues with v1.3.0 and removes the node-dht-sensor dependency so it can be installed on every system. There is now also a small notification inside OctoDash that lets you know once an update is released.

Please install the Preheat Button and Enclosure plugin as they are needed from now on.

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Redesign Loaded File Screen #185
  • Use OctoPrint-Enclosure Plugin #182
  • Notification if new version is available #166
  • Integrate Preheat into OctoDash #151

Fixed bugs:

  • Clear Loaded File after starting print #184

Closed issues:

  • unable to open octodash via VNC #180

Merged pull requests:


30 Sep 22:27
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  • File View is finally here! View your files and print them directly from OctoDash!
    • Browse all of your files on the SD Card of your PI via the files menu
    • Click once on a file to load it and prepare everything for printing
    • Click and hold on a file for about a second and view more information, delete the file or start printing directly
  • CustomControls now supports iFrames!
  • DisplayLayerProgress now has an official API, which is used by OctoDash, no need anymore for custom packages!
  • Plus some bug improvements 😄

Please update DisplayLayerProgress to the latest version in order to work with OctoDash. You can update with the normal OctoPrint package, the custom one created by me isn't needed anymore.

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Octoprint Plugin #95
  • Integrate DisplayLayerProgess API #93
  • File Actions #18
  • Detailed File View #17
  • File API #16
  • File browser #15

Fixed bugs:

  • Long Filenames don't get cut correctly #150
  • Temperature Sensor not working reliably #87

Closed issues:

  • Integrate iFrame to be triggered by Custom Actions #162
  • Screen resolution #145

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13 Aug 21:50
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OctoDash can now control your printhead and even send custom GCodes to the printer!

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Make jog speed adjustable #79
  • Implement Main Screen for Touchscreen #13

Fixed bugs:

  • adjust screen does not open #58

Closed issues:

  • Rename access token to api key #81

Merged pull requests:


24 Jul 13:09
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OctoDash now can cancel and pause your prints directly from the interface!

Change Log

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Implement Pause Job #12
  • Implement Cancel Job #11
  • Implement Print Controls #10
  • Switch between Touchscreen and Non-Touchscreen Version #9

Closed issues:

  • Structure #28
  • Include Dependabot #27
  • Help #25

Merged pull requests:


18 Jul 23:26
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This is the last release without touchscreen controls + some fixes and the implementation of a temperature sensor.


Implemented enhancements:

  • Interface for Octoprint API #31
  • Initial Setup with Electron #23
  • Electron Build #7
  • Add DHT-22 sensor #2

Fixed bugs:

  • If temperature is over 200°C the interface breaks #34
  • Fan Speed show 2 % characters #26

First Release

15 Jul 20:45
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This is the first release of OctoDash!

It is the non-touchscreen version, so there aren't any controls yet. It is packaged as an electron app, so it can be easily installed. Please refer to the README for further details.

This version probably has some bugs in it. If you find any please create an issue so I can fix them!