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files /dev/null and b/PNG/ship.png differ diff --git a/PNG/ship.png.import b/PNG/ship.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..719ab8a --- /dev/null +++ b/PNG/ship.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://xqb747musdjy" +path="res://.godot/imported/ship.png-4511dece615282fc2f0c5c4c3ba9140b.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://PNG/ship.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/ship.png-4511dece615282fc2f0c5c4c3ba9140b.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/bg.gd b/bg.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3cc0ca --- /dev/null +++ b/bg.gd @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +extends ParallaxBackground + +var speed = 100 +# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. +func _process(delta): + scroll_offset.x -= speed * delta diff --git a/bg.tscn b/bg.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..286e3ac --- /dev/null +++ b/bg.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://cm5d7r33x0lry"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dq2onarh3re80" path="res://PNG/bg/bgcolor.png" id="1_3krag"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://bg.gd" id="1_w7fop"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cmx2kbi5eefmb" path="res://PNG/bg/Tlayer1.png" id="2_k87bj"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dkfwismmwqoa3" path="res://PNG/bg/Tlayer2.png" id="3_bf4ff"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://gwlh0ksw5ptm" path="res://PNG/bg/Tlayer3.png" id="4_c2k65"] + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground"] +script = ExtResource("1_w7fop") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="."] +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(1150, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(575.5, 324) +scale = Vector2(4.79583, 4.0375) +texture = ExtResource("1_3krag") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="."] +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(1150, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(576, 323) +scale = Vector2(4.79167, 4.025) +texture = ExtResource("2_k87bj") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="."] +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(1150, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(575.5, 324.5) +scale = Vector2(4.8125, 4.04375) +texture = ExtResource("3_bf4ff") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="."] +motion_mirroring = Vector2(1150, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(578, 324.5) +scale = Vector2(4.8, 4.03125) +texture = ExtResource("4_c2k65") diff --git a/end.gd b/end.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7755fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/end.gd @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +extends Node2D + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D + + + +func _on_button_pressed(): + anim.play("End") + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://menu.tscn") diff --git a/end.tscn b/end.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99fa8e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/end.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://bta3o5fnoq0cn"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://end.gd" id="1_33pfj"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://l3afqytkxo41" path="res://PNG/boss_.png" id="2_802so"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bk4mthp1ltp4c" path="res://music/Unknown — Change Da World My final Message Goodbye (www.lightaudio.ru).mp3" id="3_hgw8q"] + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_chk1s"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_802so") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 333, 240) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_fepxr"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_802so") +region = Rect2(666, 480, 333, 240) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_3n01o"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_802so") +region = Rect2(0, 720, 333, 240) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_80c12"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_802so") +region = Rect2(333, 720, 333, 240) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_w706w"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_802so") +region = Rect2(666, 720, 333, 240) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_h5ygi"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_chk1s") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_fepxr") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_3n01o") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_80c12") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_w706w") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"End", +"speed": 1.0 +}] + +[node name="END" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_33pfj") + +[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(79, -66) +offset = Vector2(0, -6.195) +zoom = Vector2(2.995, 2.995) + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(99, -45) +scale = Vector2(0.474474, 0.483333) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_h5ygi") +animation = &"End" +autoplay = "End" + +[node name="Button" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = -6.0 +offset_top = -17.0 +offset_right = 168.0 +offset_bottom = 17.0 +theme_override_colors/font_pressed_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_outline_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +text = "FINISH HIM" + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_hgw8q") +autoplay = true + +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/end_level.gd b/end_level.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cab7fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/end_level.gd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +extends Node2D + +func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_complete.tscn") diff --git a/end_level.tscn b/end_level.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbb349a --- /dev/null +++ b/end_level.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dtmhq4c7dkh2v"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://end_level.gd" id="1_xctwu"] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_1rj5o"] +size = Vector2(120, 60) + +[node name="END_LEVEL" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_xctwu") + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"] +position = Vector2(60, 31) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_1rj5o") + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_right = 40.0 +offset_bottom = 23.0 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +text = "EXIT HERE!" + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Area2D" to="." method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/enemy_HOG.gd b/enemy_HOG.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc86b9a --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_HOG.gd @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + + + +var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D + +var speed = 100 + +var attack = false +var alive = true + +var chase = false + +func _physics_process(delta): + if not is_on_floor(): + velocity.y += gravity * delta + var player = $"../../Player" + var direction = (player.position - self.position).normalized() + if chase == true: + velocity.x = direction.x * speed + if attack == false and alive == true: + anim.play("Run") + + + else: + velocity.x = 0 + anim.play("Idle") + if direction.x < 0: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + else: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + + if attack == true and alive == true: + anim.play("Attack") + move_and_slide() + +func _on_detector_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = true + + + +func _on_detector_body_exited(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = false + +func _on_attack_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + if body.dashing == false: + $Attack2.play() + body.health -= 35 + attack = true + await anim.animation_finished + attack = false + +func death(): + if $"../../Player".scale.x >= 2: + $Death.play() + $"../../Player".health += 25 + alive = false + anim.play("Death") + await anim.animation_finished + queue_free() diff --git a/enemy_HOG.tscn b/enemy_HOG.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2b4c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_HOG.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=17 format=3 uid="uid://gfiayc8bdbca"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b0tbjq460rhrl" path="res://PNG/hog.png" id="1_5a6q0"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://enemy_HOG.gd" id="1_s46b0"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dy5gbqwro0k7s" path="res://music/29-bruh (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="3_wc3ry"] + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_3qmm2"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(150, 150, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_htby3"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(150, 75, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_xivh5"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(0, 150, 173, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_5twmf"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(0, 225, 173, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_tiqxj"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(150, 150, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_kpteq"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_1fstc"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(150, 0, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_0e61g"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_71k8e"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_5a6q0") +region = Rect2(0, 75, 150, 75) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_ktcxv"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_3qmm2") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_htby3") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_xivh5") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_5twmf") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Attack", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_tiqxj") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_kpteq") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_1fstc") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_0e61g") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_71k8e") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 10.0 +}] + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_7qbhy"] +radius = 13.1578 +height = 44.0531 + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_86mdi"] +size = Vector2(63.0952, 6) + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_1ku2x"] +radius = 222.643 + +[node name="enemy_HOG" type="CharacterBody2D"] +scale = Vector2(1.68, 1.52) +script = ExtResource("1_s46b0") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(4.76191, 6.57894) +scale = Vector2(0.404444, 0.445614) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ktcxv") +animation = &"Attack" +frame = 3 +frame_progress = 1.0 + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +rotation = 1.57531 +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_7qbhy") + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_left = -52.0 +offset_top = -35.0 +offset_right = 91.0 +offset_bottom = -12.0 +text = "need size for kill: 2" + +[node name="Attack" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Attack"] +position = Vector2(0, 3.28947) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_86mdi") + +[node name="detector" type="Area2D" parent="."] +visible = false + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="detector"] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_1ku2x") + +[node name="Attack2" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_wc3ry") +volume_db = 13.986 + +[node name="Death" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_wc3ry") +volume_db = 9.362 + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Attack" to="." method="_on_attack_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_exited" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_exited"] diff --git a/enemy_boss.gd b/enemy_boss.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73b77fc --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_boss.gd @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + + + +var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D + +var speed = 160 + +var attack = false +var alive = true + +var chase = false + +func _physics_process(delta): + var player = $"../../Player" + var direction = (player.position - self.position).normalized() + if chase == true and alive == true: + velocity.x = direction.x * speed + velocity.y = direction.y * speed + if attack == false and alive == true: + anim.play("Idle") #run + else: + velocity.x = 0 + anim.play("Idle") + + if attack == true and alive == true: + anim.play("Attack") + + if alive == false: + velocity.x = 0 + move_and_slide() + +func _on_detector_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = true + + + +func _on_detector_body_exited(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = false + +func _on_attack_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + if body.dashing == false: + $Attack.play() + body.health -= 35 + attack = true + await anim.animation_finished + attack = false + +func death(): + if $"../../Player".scale.x >= 5: + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://end.tscn") diff --git a/enemy_boss.tscn b/enemy_boss.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5431208 --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_boss.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=15 format=3 uid="uid://dmmmgg8slp45s"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://enemy_boss.gd" id="1_1c1vv"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://l3afqytkxo41" path="res://PNG/boss_.png" id="2_thqda"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://byfd76e60ipvh" path="res://music/Инцидент 0293_ Тарковский Комар (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="3_ygcxa"] + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_2a4a8"] +radius = 58.0086 + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_ol7g8"] +radius = 1298.68 + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_fb2v6"] +radius = 86.1452 + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_7mnt7"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(333, 0, 333, 229) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_wx6dr"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(666, 0, 333, 179) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_k2bx6"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(0, 232, 333, 232) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_4ypvh"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(333, 222, 333, 222) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_m5cb1"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(666, 215, 333, 215) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_ri3jp"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(0, 436, 333, 218) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_2dj44"] +atlas = ExtResource("2_thqda") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 332, 228) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_ev3uw"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_7mnt7") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_wx6dr") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_k2bx6") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_4ypvh") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_m5cb1") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_ri3jp") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Attack", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_2dj44") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 5.0 +}] + +[node name="enemy_boss" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_1c1vv") + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_2a4a8") + +[node name="detector" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="detector"] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_ol7g8") + +[node name="attack" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="attack"] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_fb2v6") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(34, 17) +scale = Vector2(0.777108, 0.789474) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ev3uw") +animation = &"Attack" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_left = -68.0 +offset_top = -83.0 +offset_right = 75.0 +offset_bottom = -60.0 +text = "FINAL BOSS: BORIS +need size for kill: 5" + +[node name="Attack" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_ygcxa") +volume_db = 5.393 + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_exited" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_exited"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="attack" to="." method="_on_attack_body_entered"] diff --git a/enemy_boss_end.tscn b/enemy_boss_end.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2561928 --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_boss_end.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://stm7cvoaxp2l"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://l3afqytkxo41" path="res://PNG/boss_.png" id="1_qra8t"] + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_0skbk"] + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_mhi4k"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_e8khh"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(333, 500, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_4jyge"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(666, 500, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_c008r"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(0, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_j6dp0"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(333, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_2x8t4"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qra8t") +region = Rect2(666, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_iqq1u"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_mhi4k") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_e8khh") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_4jyge") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_c008r") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_j6dp0") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_2x8t4") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 1.0 +}] + +[node name="enemy_boss_end" type="CharacterBody2D"] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_0skbk") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_iqq1u") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Death" +frame = 5 +frame_progress = 1.0 diff --git a/enemy_shield.gd b/enemy_shield.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c303b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_shield.gd @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + + + +var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D + +var speed = 100 + +var attack = false +var alive = true + +var chase = false + +func _physics_process(delta): + if not is_on_floor(): + velocity.y += gravity * delta + var player = $"../../Player" + var direction = (player.position - self.position).normalized() + if chase == true: + velocity.x = direction.x * speed + if attack == false and alive == true: + anim.play("Run") + + + else: + velocity.x = 0 + anim.play("Idle") + if direction.x < 0: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + else: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + + if attack == true and alive == true: + anim.play("Attack") + move_and_slide() + +func _on_detector_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = true + + + +func _on_detector_body_exited(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = false + +func _on_attack_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + if body.dashing == false: + $Attack2.play() + body.health -= 35 + attack = true + await anim.animation_finished + attack = false + + +func death(): + pass + + + + +func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + $Death.play() + $"../../Player".health += 25 + alive = false + anim.play("Death") + await anim.animation_finished + queue_free() diff --git a/enemy_shield.tscn b/enemy_shield.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e6301f --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_shield.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=22 format=3 uid="uid://cmnxcms46frnb"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://enemy_shield.gd" id="1_djn6r"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://doobyiohlqobj" path="res://PNG/enemy_ULTRAHOG.png" id="1_qdt18"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://dbmkbfh6rkd2a" path="res://music/yt1s_nYWSz5R.mp3" id="3_q34gk"] + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_jabb2"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(333, 0, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_oab1u"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(666, 0, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_63fxx"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(666, 500, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_7eclk"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(666, 250, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_m1hrg"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(0, 500, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_xuly2"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(333, 500, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_386t1"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(0, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_2alc5"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(333, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_je40m"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(666, 750, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_c3lcp"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_lf58l"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(0, 250, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_q3p01"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_auxkh"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_qdt18") +region = Rect2(333, 250, 333, 250) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_wxude"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_jabb2") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_oab1u") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_63fxx") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Attack", +"speed": 6.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_7eclk") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_m1hrg") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_xuly2") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_386t1") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_2alc5") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_je40m") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 9.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_c3lcp") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_lf58l") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_q3p01") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_auxkh") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 10.0 +}] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_0g807"] +size = Vector2(21, 27) + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_1xw5t"] +radius = 114.0 + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_jp2lt"] +size = Vector2(43.6293, 22) + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_7j7fo"] +size = Vector2(14, 9) + +[node name="enemy_shield" type="CharacterBody2D"] +scale = Vector2(2.185, 2.185) +script = ExtResource("1_djn6r") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(-4, 0) +scale = Vector2(0.126126, 0.144) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_wxude") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(-8.5, 0.5) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_0g807") + +[node name="Detector" type="Area2D" parent="."] +visible = false + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Detector"] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_1xw5t") + +[node name="Attack" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Attack"] +position = Vector2(-9, 2) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_jp2lt") + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"] +position = Vector2(-5, -13) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_7j7fo") + +[node name="Attack2" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_q34gk") +volume_db = 16.948 + +[node name="Death" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_q34gk") +volume_db = 6.163 + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_exited" from="Detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_exited"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Attack" to="." method="_on_attack_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Area2D" to="." method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/enemy_volf.gd b/enemy_volf.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6466e80 --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_volf.gd @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + + + +var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D + +var speed = 100 + +var attack = false +var alive = true + +var chase = false + +func _physics_process(delta): + if not is_on_floor(): + velocity.y += gravity * delta + var player = $"../../Player" + var direction = (player.position - self.position).normalized() + if chase == true: + velocity.x = direction.x * speed + if attack == false and alive == true: + anim.play("Run") + + else: + velocity.x = 0 + anim.play("Idle") + if direction.x < 0: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + else: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + + if attack == true and alive == true: + anim.play("Attack") + if alive == false: + velocity.x = 0 + + move_and_slide() + +func _on_detector_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = true + + +func _on_detector_body_exited(body): + if body.name == "Player": + chase = false + +func _on_attack_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + if body.dashing == false: + $Attack2.play() + body.health -= 20 + attack = true + await anim.animation_finished + attack = false + +func death(): + $Death.play() + $"../../Player".health += 10 + alive = false + anim.play("Death") + await anim.animation_finished + queue_free() diff --git a/enemy_volf.tscn b/enemy_volf.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae9f030 --- /dev/null +++ b/enemy_volf.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=17 format=3 uid="uid://bohscn37ym0e2"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://1d4rfnh5l6ye" path="res://PNG/enemy_volk.png" id="1_c78ww"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://enemy_volf.gd" id="1_d24uv"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cbguwaqyt8181" path="res://music/Violin Screech Sound effect (256 kbps) (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="3_hntqd"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://civ48vnya8k0c" path="res://music/fart-qui-sort-bien-de-ton-cul-ptn-ses-noir (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="4_qqyls"] + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_ny6ct"] + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_ejlnt"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(193, 91, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_2fswf"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(0, 273, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_u4qwg"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(193, 273, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_4pr8n"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(0, 182, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_a2t5k"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(193, 182, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_67f4u"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_wm05j"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(0, 91, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_adefr"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_c78ww") +region = Rect2(193, 0, 193, 91) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_dibjr"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_ejlnt") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_2fswf") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_u4qwg") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Attack", +"speed": 7.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_4pr8n") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_a2t5k") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_67f4u") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_wm05j") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_67f4u") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_adefr") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 10.0 +}] + +[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_v8w4e"] +radius = 216.0 + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_lj1wf"] +size = Vector2(47, 12) + +[node name="enemy_volf" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_d24uv") + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +rotation = 1.56004 +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_ny6ct") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(3.22967, 1.49999) +scale = Vector2(0.240722, 0.252747) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_dibjr") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="detector" type="Area2D" parent="."] +visible = false + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="detector"] +shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_v8w4e") + +[node name="Attack" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Attack"] +position = Vector2(0.499999, -0.500011) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_lj1wf") + +[node name="Death" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_hntqd") + +[node name="Attack2" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("4_qqyls") + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_exited" from="detector" to="." method="_on_detector_body_exited"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Attack" to="." method="_on_attack_body_entered"] diff --git a/game_over_screen.gd b/game_over_screen.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cf54fe --- /dev/null +++ b/game_over_screen.gd @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +extends Node2D + + +func _on_yes_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://levels_menu.tscn") + + +func _on_menu_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://menu.tscn") diff --git a/game_over_screen.tscn b/game_over_screen.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d54cf0e --- /dev/null +++ b/game_over_screen.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://b00u8g5s2gw5v"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://game_over_screen.gd" id="1_3mcr5"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cm5d7r33x0lry" path="res://bg.tscn" id="2_jguo6"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b2rl4b11gcdta" path="res://PNG/pngwing.com (1).png" id="3_6taf6"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cbguwaqyt8181" path="res://music/Violin Screech Sound effect (256 kbps) 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= Vector2(0, 0) +6:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +8:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +8:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +9:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +9:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +11:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +11:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +12:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +12:3/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +1:4/0 = 0 +1:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +1:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +2:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +2:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:4/0 = 0 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0.0 +12:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +12:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +13:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +13:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +14:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +14:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +15:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +15:4/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +1:5/0 = 0 +1:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +1:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +2:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +2:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +3:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +4:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +4:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +6:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +6:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +8:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +8:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +9:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +9:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +11:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +11:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +12:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +12:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +13:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +13:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +14:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +14:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +15:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +15:5/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:6/0 = 0 +5:6/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:6/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:6/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +8:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +8:6/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:6/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:7/0 = 0 +5:7/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:7/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:7/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +8:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +8:7/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:7/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:9/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +3:9/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = 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+7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) 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11, -720801, 262144, 12, -655265, 262144, 13, -786336, 327680, 11, -720800, 327680, 12, -655264, 327680, 13, -786335, 393216, 11, -720799, 393216, 12, -655263, 393216, 13, -589729, 262144, 11, -524193, 262144, 12, -458657, 262144, 13, -589728, 327680, 11, -524192, 327680, 12, -458656, 327680, 13, -589727, 393216, 11, -524191, 393216, 12, -458655, 393216, 13, -393121, 262144, 11, -327585, 262144, 12, -262049, 262144, 13, -393120, 327680, 11, -327584, 327680, 12, -262048, 327680, 13, -393119, 393216, 11, -327583, 393216, 12, -262047, 393216, 13, -196513, 262144, 11, -130977, 262144, 11, -65441, 262144, 12, -196512, 327680, 11, -130976, 327680, 11, -65440, 327680, 12, -196511, 393216, 11, -130975, 393216, 11, -65439, 393216, 12, 95, 262144, 13, 96, 327680, 13, 97, 393216, 13, 65631, 262144, 11, 131167, 262144, 11, 196703, 262144, 12, 65632, 327680, 11, 131168, 327680, 11, 196704, 327680, 12, 65633, 393216, 11, 131169, 393216, 11, 196705, 393216, 12, 262239, 262144, 13, 262240, 327680, 13, 262241, 393216, 13, -458708, 196608, 0, -393172, 196608, 1, -327636, 196608, 2, -262100, 196608, 3, -458707, 262144, 0, -393171, 262144, 1, -327635, 262144, 2, -262099, 262144, 3, -458698, 196608, 0, -393162, 196608, 1, -327626, 196608, 2, -262090, 196608, 3, -458697, 262144, 0, -393161, 262144, 1, -327625, 262144, 2, -262089, 262144, 3, -458746, 327680, 0, -393210, 327680, 1, -327674, 327680, 2, -262138, 327680, 3, -458745, 393216, 0, -393209, 393216, 1, -327673, 393216, 2, -262137, 393216, 3, -327600, 131072, 4, -262064, 131072, 5, -327599, 196608, 4, -262063, 196608, 5, -327622, 327680, 6, -262086, 327680, 7, -327621, 458752, 6, -262085, 458752, 7, -327620, 524288, 6, -262084, 524288, 7, -327619, 655360, 6, -262083, 131072, 5, -327609, 327680, 4, -262073, 786432, 5, -327608, 393216, 4, -262072, 393216, 5, -393164, 720896, 1, -327628, 720896, 2, -262092, 720896, 3, -393163, 786432, 1, -327627, 786432, 2, -262091, 786432, 3, -458700, 720896, 0, -458699, 786432, 0, -327613, 65536, 4, -262077, 524288, 5, -327612, 131072, 4, -262076, 589824, 5, -327611, 196608, 4, -262075, 655360, 5, -327610, 262144, 4, -262074, 720896, 5, -327607, 458752, 4, -262071, 458752, 5, -327606, 524288, 4, -262070, 524288, 5, -327605, 589824, 4, -262069, 589824, 5, -327604, 655360, 4, -262068, 655360, 5, -327603, 720896, 4, -262067, 720896, 5, -327602, 786432, 4, -262066, 786432, 5, -327601, 65536, 4, -262065, 65536, 5, -327598, 262144, 4, -262062, 262144, 5, -327597, 327680, 4, -262061, 327680, 5, -327596, 393216, 4, -262060, 393216, 5, -327595, 458752, 4, -262059, 458752, 5, -327594, 524288, 4, -262058, 524288, 5, -327593, 589824, 4, -262057, 589824, 5, -327592, 655360, 4, -262056, 655360, 5, -327591, 720896, 4, -262055, 720896, 5, -327590, 786432, 4, -262054, 786432, 5, -327589, 851968, 4, -262053, 851968, 5, -327588, 917504, 4, -262052, 917504, 5, -327587, 983040, 4, -262051, 983040, 5, -458738, 458752, 0, -393202, 458752, 1, -327666, 458752, 2, -262130, 458752, 3, -458737, 524288, 0, -393201, 524288, 1, -327665, 524288, 2, -262129, 524288, 3, -262078, 458752, 5, -262082, 196608, 5, -262081, 262144, 5, -262080, 327680, 5, -262079, 393216, 5) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="."] + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("2_ltjcq") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("3_ggg31") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("4_6ctre") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("5_a0kdu") + +[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_q8fkc")] +position = Vector2(53, 507) + +[node name="enemyes" type="Node" parent="."] + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="enemyes" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(735, 469) + +[node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="CanvasLayer"] +offset_right = 167.0 +offset_bottom = 96.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "health: 100" +script = SubResource("GDScript_4fg23") diff --git a/level.tscn b/level.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f375b4c --- /dev/null +++ b/level.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=3 uid="uid://l0rjxyapx22x"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbj1ohlnvrotu" path="res://PNG/Textures&trees.png" id="1_78wut"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ctt2r8yxq0e7n" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-back-trees.png" id="2_ltjcq"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cbt6nkap7mhdc" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-front-trees.png" id="3_ggg31"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://w16lwj2wk2lb" path="res://player.tscn" id="3_q8fkc"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmplsa5l2ole5" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-lights.png" id="4_6ctre"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dqxwoneiwss4g" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png" id="5_a0kdu"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bohscn37ym0e2" path="res://enemy_volf.tscn" id="7_6be3o"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dtmhq4c7dkh2v" path="res://end_level.tscn" id="8_svblh"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://b7ijg76r88mnl" path="res://music/pizza_tower_01. Time For A Smackdown.mp3" id="9_pmuu8"] + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_n0326"] +texture = ExtResource("1_78wut") +3:0/0 = 0 +4:0/0 = 0 +5:0/0 = 0 +6:0/0 = 0 +7:0/0 = 0 +8:0/0 = 0 +9:0/0 = 0 +10:0/0 = 0 +11:0/0 = 0 +12:0/0 = 0 +3:1/0 = 0 +4:1/0 = 0 +5:1/0 = 0 +6:1/0 = 0 +7:1/0 = 0 +8:1/0 = 0 +9:1/0 = 0 +10:1/0 = 0 +11:1/0 = 0 +12:1/0 = 0 +13:1/0 = 0 +3:2/0 = 0 +4:2/0 = 0 +5:2/0 = 0 +6:2/0 = 0 +7:2/0 = 0 +8:2/0 = 0 +9:2/0 = 0 +10:2/0 = 0 +11:2/0 = 0 +12:2/0 = 0 +3:3/0 = 0 +4:3/0 = 0 +5:3/0 = 0 +6:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0 = 0 +1:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0 = 0 +4:4/0 = 0 +5:4/0 = 0 +6:4/0 = 0 +7:4/0 = 0 +8:4/0 = 0 +9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[node name="Level" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(3, -2) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("2_ltjcq") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("3_ggg31") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("4_6ctre") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("5_a0kdu") + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="level_temp"] + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(312, 502) + +[node name="enemy_volf2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(510, 409) + +[node name="enemy_volf3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(818, 409) + +[node name="enemy_volf4" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(1283, 502) + +[node name="enemy_volf5" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_6be3o")] +position = Vector2(1067, 507) + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 327680, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 327680, 10, -196600, 327680, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 327680, 10, -196597, 327680, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 327680, 10, -196592, 393216, 10, -196591, 655360, 11, -196590, 327680, 12, -196589, 786432, 11, -196588, 327680, 10, -196587, 327680, 10, -196586, 327680, 10, -196585, 327680, 10, -196584, 262144, 11, -196583, 262144, 13, -196582, 327680, 13, -196581, 393216, 13, -196580, 327680, 11, -196579, 262144, 10, -196578, 262144, 10, -196577, 262144, 10, -196576, 262144, 10, -196575, 262144, 10, -196574, 262144, 10, -196573, 262144, 10, -196572, 262144, 10, -196571, 327680, 10, -196570, 327680, 10, -196569, 393216, 12, -196568, 393216, 12, -196567, 393216, 12, -196566, 393216, 12, -196565, 393216, 12, -196564, 393216, 12, -196563, 393216, 11, -196562, 262144, 11, -196561, 327680, 11, -196560, 786432, 11, -196559, 327680, 10, -196558, 393216, 10, -196557, 393216, 10, -196556, 262144, 10, -196555, 327680, 10, -196554, 393216, 10, -196553, 262144, 10, -196552, 327680, 10, -196551, 393216, 10, -196550, 262144, 10, -196549, 327680, 10, -196548, 393216, 10, -196547, 262144, 10, -196546, 327680, 10, -196545, 393216, 10, -196544, 262144, 10, -196543, 655360, 11, 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13, -262149, 393216, 11, -196613, 393216, 12, -131077, 393216, 13, -65541, 393216, 11, -5, 393216, 12, 65531, 393216, 13, 131067, 393216, 11, 196603, 393216, 11, 262139, 393216, 12, 327675, 393216, 13, -2293766, 393216, 11, -2228230, 393216, 12, -2162694, 393216, 13, -2097158, 393216, 11, -2031622, 393216, 12, -1966086, 393216, 13, -1900550, 393216, 11, -1835014, 393216, 12, -1769478, 393216, 13, -1703942, 393216, 11, -1638406, 393216, 12, -1572870, 393216, 13, -1507334, 393216, 11, -1441798, 393216, 12, -1376262, 393216, 13, -1310726, 393216, 11, -1245190, 393216, 12, -1179654, 393216, 13, -1114118, 393216, 11, -1048582, 393216, 12, -983046, 393216, 13, -917510, 393216, 11, -851974, 393216, 12, -786438, 393216, 13, -720902, 393216, 11, -655366, 393216, 12, -589830, 393216, 13, -524294, 393216, 11, -458758, 393216, 12, -393222, 393216, 13, -327686, 393216, 11, -262150, 393216, 12, -196614, 393216, 13, -131078, 393216, 11, -65542, 393216, 12, -6, 393216, 13, 65530, 393216, 11, 131066, 393216, 12, 196602, 393216, 13, 262138, 393216, 11, 327674, 393216, 12, -2359201, 262144, 11, -2293665, 262144, 12, -2228129, 262144, 13, -2359200, 327680, 11, -2293664, 327680, 12, -2228128, 327680, 13, -2359199, 393216, 11, -2293663, 393216, 12, -2228127, 393216, 13, -2162593, 262144, 11, -2097057, 262144, 12, -2031521, 262144, 13, -2162592, 327680, 11, -2097056, 327680, 12, -2031520, 327680, 13, -2162591, 393216, 11, -2097055, 393216, 12, -2031519, 393216, 13, -1965985, 262144, 11, -1900449, 262144, 12, -1834913, 262144, 13, -1965984, 327680, 11, -1900448, 327680, 12, -1834912, 327680, 13, -1965983, 393216, 11, -1900447, 393216, 12, -1834911, 393216, 13, -1769377, 262144, 11, -1703841, 262144, 12, -1638305, 262144, 13, -1769376, 327680, 11, -1703840, 327680, 12, -1638304, 327680, 13, -1769375, 393216, 11, -1703839, 393216, 12, -1638303, 393216, 13, -1572769, 262144, 11, -1507233, 262144, 12, -1441697, 262144, 13, -1572768, 327680, 11, -1507232, 327680, 12, -1441696, 327680, 13, -1572767, 393216, 11, -1507231, 393216, 12, -1441695, 393216, 13, -1376161, 262144, 11, -1310625, 262144, 12, -1245089, 262144, 13, -1376160, 327680, 11, -1310624, 327680, 12, -1245088, 327680, 13, -1376159, 393216, 11, -1310623, 393216, 12, -1245087, 393216, 13, -1179553, 262144, 11, -1114017, 262144, 12, -1048481, 262144, 13, -1179552, 327680, 11, -1114016, 327680, 12, -1048480, 327680, 13, -1179551, 393216, 11, -1114015, 393216, 12, -1048479, 393216, 13, -982945, 262144, 11, -917409, 262144, 12, -851873, 262144, 13, -982944, 327680, 11, -917408, 327680, 12, -851872, 327680, 13, -982943, 393216, 11, -917407, 393216, 12, -851871, 393216, 13, -786337, 262144, 11, -720801, 262144, 12, -655265, 262144, 13, -786336, 327680, 11, -720800, 327680, 12, -655264, 327680, 13, -786335, 393216, 11, -720799, 393216, 12, -655263, 393216, 13, -589729, 262144, 11, -524193, 262144, 12, -458657, 262144, 13, -589728, 327680, 11, -524192, 327680, 12, -458656, 327680, 13, -589727, 393216, 11, -524191, 393216, 12, -458655, 393216, 13, -393121, 262144, 11, -327585, 262144, 12, -262049, 262144, 13, -393120, 327680, 11, -327584, 327680, 12, -262048, 327680, 13, -393119, 393216, 11, -327583, 393216, 12, -262047, 393216, 13, -196513, 262144, 11, -130977, 262144, 11, -65441, 262144, 12, -196512, 327680, 11, -130976, 327680, 11, -65440, 327680, 12, -196511, 393216, 11, -130975, 393216, 11, -65439, 393216, 12, 95, 262144, 13, 96, 327680, 13, 97, 393216, 13, 65631, 262144, 11, 131167, 262144, 11, 196703, 262144, 12, 65632, 327680, 11, 131168, 327680, 11, 196704, 327680, 12, 65633, 393216, 11, 131169, 393216, 11, 196705, 393216, 12, 262239, 262144, 13, 262240, 327680, 13, 262241, 393216, 13, -65468, 262144, 12, -196536, 393216, 10, -196535, 262144, 10, -196534, 327680, 10, -196533, 393216, 10, -196532, 262144, 10, -196531, 327680, 10, -196530, 393216, 10, -196529, 262144, 10, -393199, 196608, 11, -327663, 196608, 12, -262127, 196608, 13, -393198, 327680, 12, -327662, 327680, 11, -262126, 327680, 12, -393197, 458752, 11, -327661, 458752, 12, -262125, 458752, 13, -524271, 196608, 10, -458735, 196608, 11, -524270, 327680, 10, -458734, 327680, 11, -524269, 458752, 10, -458733, 458752, 11, -589799, 262144, 10, -589797, 393216, 10, -524261, 393216, 11, -327636, 196608, 11, -262100, 393216, 12, -327635, 262144, 11, -262099, 262144, 11, -327634, 327680, 11, -262098, 327680, 11, -327633, 393216, 11, -262097, 393216, 11, -327632, 458752, 11, -262096, 458752, 11, -393172, 196608, 11, -393171, 262144, 11, -393170, 327680, 11, -393169, 393216, 11, -393168, 458752, 11, -458708, 196608, 11, -458707, 262144, 11, -458706, 327680, 11, -458705, 393216, 11, -458704, 458752, 11, -524244, 196608, 11, -524243, 262144, 11, -524242, 327680, 11, -524241, 393216, 11, -524240, 458752, 11, -589780, 196608, 10, -589779, 262144, 10, -589778, 327680, 10, -589777, 393216, 10, -589776, 458752, 10, -589771, 196608, 10, -524235, 196608, 11, -589770, 262144, 10, -589769, 327680, 10, -524234, 262144, 11, -524233, 327680, 11, -524232, 262144, 11, -524231, 262144, 11, -524230, 458752, 11, -589768, 327680, 10, -589767, 327680, 10, -589766, 458752, 10, -262079, 196608, 10, -327614, 196608, 10, -393149, 196608, 10, -458684, 196608, 10, -524219, 196608, 10, -262078, 655360, 11, -262077, 327680, 11, -327613, 655360, 11, -327612, 327680, 11, -393148, 655360, 11, -393147, 262144, 11, -458683, 655360, 11, -458682, 262144, 11, -262076, 262144, 11, -262075, 262144, 11, -262074, 262144, 11, -327611, 262144, 11, -327610, 262144, 11, -393146, 262144, 11, -524218, 262144, 10, -524217, 262144, 10, -458681, 327680, 11, -393145, 327680, 11, -327609, 327680, 11, -262073, 327680, 11, -589798, 327680, 10, -524263, 262144, 11, -524262, 327680, 11, -589800, 196608, 10, -524264, 196608, 11, -458727, 262144, 12, -393191, 262144, 13, -458726, 327680, 12, -393190, 327680, 13, -458725, 393216, 12, -393189, 393216, 13, -327655, 262144, 13, -262119, 262144, 13, -327654, 327680, 13, -262118, 327680, 13, -327653, 393216, 13, -262117, 393216, 13, -458728, 196608, 12, -393192, 196608, 13, -327656, 196608, 13, -262120, 196608, 13, -393188, 458752, 13, -327652, 458752, 11, -262116, 458752, 12, -589796, 458752, 10, -524260, 458752, 11, -458724, 458752, 12, -262102, 262144, 10, -262101, 327680, 10, -262105, 655360, 10, -262104, 327680, 10, -262103, 393216, 10) + +[node name="Player" parent="level_temp" instance=ExtResource("3_q8fkc")] +position = Vector2(56, 486) + +[node name="END_LEVEL" parent="." instance=ExtResource("8_svblh")] +position = Vector2(1460, 454) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("9_pmuu8") +autoplay = true diff --git a/level_2.tscn b/level_2.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ac0bd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/level_2.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=13 format=3 uid="uid://cd3ag372ps71"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://w16lwj2wk2lb" path="res://player.tscn" id="1_c5brg"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ctt2r8yxq0e7n" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-back-trees.png" id="1_iuj6r"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cbt6nkap7mhdc" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-front-trees.png" id="2_mjj6c"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmplsa5l2ole5" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-lights.png" id="3_ctcjj"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dqxwoneiwss4g" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png" id="4_t276k"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbj1ohlnvrotu" path="res://PNG/Textures&trees.png" id="5_st2wm"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bohscn37ym0e2" path="res://enemy_volf.tscn" id="7_0dfom"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://gfiayc8bdbca" path="res://enemy_HOG.tscn" id="9_i1jnf"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dtmhq4c7dkh2v" path="res://end_level.tscn" id="9_l8dil"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://b7ijg76r88mnl" path="res://music/pizza_tower_01. Time For A Smackdown.mp3" id="10_yr1kt"] + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_n0326"] +texture = ExtResource("5_st2wm") +3:0/0 = 0 +4:0/0 = 0 +5:0/0 = 0 +6:0/0 = 0 +7:0/0 = 0 +8:0/0 = 0 +9:0/0 = 0 +10:0/0 = 0 +11:0/0 = 0 +12:0/0 = 0 +3:1/0 = 0 +4:1/0 = 0 +5:1/0 = 0 +6:1/0 = 0 +7:1/0 = 0 +8:1/0 = 0 +9:1/0 = 0 +10:1/0 = 0 +11:1/0 = 0 +12:1/0 = 0 +13:1/0 = 0 +3:2/0 = 0 +4:2/0 = 0 +5:2/0 = 0 +6:2/0 = 0 +7:2/0 = 0 +8:2/0 = 0 +9:2/0 = 0 +10:2/0 = 0 +11:2/0 = 0 +12:2/0 = 0 +3:3/0 = 0 +4:3/0 = 0 +5:3/0 = 0 +6:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0 = 0 +1:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0 = 0 +4:4/0 = 0 +5:4/0 = 0 +6:4/0 = 0 +7:4/0 = 0 +8:4/0 = 0 +9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[node name="Level2" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_c5brg")] +position = Vector2(87, 498) + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(24, 11) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -402) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("1_iuj6r") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("2_mjj6c") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("3_ctcjj") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("4_t276k") + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 262144, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 393216, 10, -196600, 262144, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 655360, 11, -196592, 393216, 11, -196591, 393216, 11, -196590, 393216, 11, -196589, 393216, 11, -196588, 393216, 11, -196587, 393216, 11, -196586, 393216, 11, -196585, 720896, 11, -196584, 720896, 11, -196583, 786432, 11, -196582, 393216, 10, -196581, 262144, 10, -196580, 327680, 10, -196579, 393216, 10, -196578, 262144, 10, -196577, 327680, 10, -196576, 393216, 10, -196575, 262144, 10, -196574, 327680, 10, -196573, 393216, 10, -196572, 262144, 10, -196571, 327680, 10, -196570, 393216, 10, -196569, 262144, 10, -196568, 327680, 10, -196567, 393216, 10, -196566, 262144, 10, -196565, 327680, 10, -196564, 393216, 10, 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262237, 327680, 13, 262238, 393216, 13, -393122, 196608, 11, -327586, 196608, 12, -262050, 196608, 13, -589730, 196608, 11, -524194, 196608, 12, -458658, 196608, 13, -786338, 196608, 11, -720802, 196608, 12, -655266, 196608, 13, -982946, 196608, 11, -917410, 196608, 12, -851874, 196608, 13, -1179554, 196608, 11, -1114018, 196608, 12, -1048482, 196608, 13, -1376162, 196608, 11, -1310626, 196608, 12, -1245090, 196608, 13, -1572770, 196608, 11, -1507234, 196608, 12, -1441698, 196608, 13, -1769378, 196608, 11, -1703842, 196608, 12, -1638306, 196608, 13, -1965986, 196608, 11, -1900450, 196608, 12, -1834914, 196608, 13, -2162594, 196608, 11, -2097058, 196608, 12, -2031522, 196608, 13, -2359202, 196608, 11, -2293666, 196608, 12, -2228130, 196608, 13, -1310724, 458752, 12, -2293765, 393216, 11, -2228229, 393216, 12, -2162693, 393216, 13, -2097157, 393216, 11, -2031621, 393216, 12, -1966085, 393216, 13, -1900549, 393216, 11, -1835013, 393216, 12, -1769477, 393216, 13, -1703941, 393216, 11, -1638405, 393216, 12, -1572869, 393216, 13, -1507333, 393216, 11, -1441797, 393216, 12, -1376261, 393216, 13, -1310725, 393216, 11, -1245189, 393216, 12, -1179653, 393216, 13, -1114117, 393216, 11, -1048581, 393216, 12, -983045, 393216, 13, -917509, 393216, 11, -851973, 393216, 12, -786437, 393216, 13, -720901, 393216, 11, -655365, 393216, 11, -589829, 393216, 12, -524293, 393216, 13, -458757, 393216, 11, -393221, 393216, 12, -327685, 393216, 13, -262149, 393216, 11, -196613, 393216, 12, -131077, 393216, 13, -65541, 393216, 11, -5, 393216, 12, 65531, 393216, 13, 131067, 393216, 11, 196603, 393216, 11, 262139, 393216, 12, 327675, 393216, 13, -2293766, 393216, 11, -2228230, 393216, 12, -2162694, 393216, 13, -2097158, 393216, 11, -2031622, 393216, 12, -1966086, 393216, 13, -1900550, 393216, 11, -1835014, 393216, 12, -1769478, 393216, 13, -1703942, 393216, 11, -1638406, 393216, 12, -1572870, 393216, 13, -1507334, 393216, 11, -1441798, 393216, 12, -1376262, 393216, 13, -1310726, 393216, 11, -1245190, 393216, 12, -1179654, 393216, 13, -1114118, 393216, 11, -1048582, 393216, 12, -983046, 393216, 13, -917510, 393216, 11, -851974, 393216, 12, -786438, 393216, 13, -720902, 393216, 11, -655366, 393216, 12, -589830, 393216, 13, -524294, 393216, 11, -458758, 393216, 12, -393222, 393216, 13, -327686, 393216, 11, -262150, 393216, 12, -196614, 393216, 13, -131078, 393216, 11, -65542, 393216, 12, -6, 393216, 13, 65530, 393216, 11, 131066, 393216, 12, 196602, 393216, 13, 262138, 393216, 11, 327674, 393216, 12, -2359201, 262144, 11, -2293665, 262144, 12, -2228129, 262144, 13, -2359200, 327680, 11, -2293664, 327680, 12, -2228128, 327680, 13, -2359199, 393216, 11, -2293663, 393216, 12, -2228127, 393216, 13, -2162593, 262144, 11, -2097057, 262144, 12, -2031521, 262144, 13, -2162592, 327680, 11, -2097056, 327680, 12, -2031520, 327680, 13, -2162591, 393216, 11, -2097055, 393216, 12, -2031519, 393216, 13, -1965985, 262144, 11, -1900449, 262144, 12, -1834913, 262144, 13, -1965984, 327680, 11, -1900448, 327680, 12, -1834912, 327680, 13, -1965983, 393216, 11, -1900447, 393216, 12, -1834911, 393216, 13, -1769377, 262144, 11, -1703841, 262144, 12, -1638305, 262144, 13, -1769376, 327680, 11, -1703840, 327680, 12, -1638304, 327680, 13, -1769375, 393216, 11, -1703839, 393216, 12, -1638303, 393216, 13, -1572769, 262144, 11, -1507233, 262144, 12, -1441697, 262144, 13, -1572768, 327680, 11, -1507232, 327680, 12, -1441696, 327680, 13, -1572767, 393216, 11, -1507231, 393216, 12, -1441695, 393216, 13, -1376161, 262144, 11, -1310625, 262144, 12, -1245089, 262144, 13, -1376160, 327680, 11, -1310624, 327680, 12, -1245088, 327680, 13, -1376159, 393216, 11, -1310623, 393216, 12, -1245087, 393216, 13, -1179553, 262144, 11, -1114017, 262144, 12, -1048481, 262144, 13, -1179552, 327680, 11, -1114016, 327680, 12, -1048480, 327680, 13, -1179551, 393216, 11, -1114015, 393216, 12, -1048479, 393216, 13, -982945, 262144, 11, -917409, 262144, 12, -851873, 262144, 13, -982944, 327680, 11, -917408, 327680, 12, -851872, 327680, 13, -982943, 393216, 11, -917407, 393216, 12, -851871, 393216, 13, -786337, 262144, 11, -720801, 262144, 12, -655265, 262144, 13, -786336, 327680, 11, -720800, 327680, 12, -655264, 327680, 13, -786335, 393216, 11, -720799, 393216, 12, -655263, 393216, 13, -589729, 262144, 11, -524193, 262144, 12, -458657, 262144, 13, -589728, 327680, 11, -524192, 327680, 12, -458656, 327680, 13, -589727, 393216, 11, -524191, 393216, 12, -458655, 393216, 13, -393121, 262144, 11, -327585, 262144, 12, -262049, 262144, 13, -393120, 327680, 11, -327584, 327680, 12, -262048, 327680, 13, -393119, 393216, 11, -327583, 393216, 12, -262047, 393216, 13, -196513, 262144, 11, -130977, 262144, 11, -65441, 262144, 12, -196512, 327680, 11, -130976, 327680, 11, -65440, 327680, 12, -196511, 393216, 11, -130975, 393216, 11, -65439, 393216, 12, 95, 262144, 13, 96, 327680, 13, 97, 393216, 13, 65631, 262144, 11, 131167, 262144, 11, 196703, 262144, 12, 65632, 327680, 11, 131168, 327680, 11, 196704, 327680, 12, 65633, 393216, 11, 131169, 393216, 11, 196705, 393216, 12, 262239, 262144, 13, 262240, 327680, 13, 262241, 393216, 13, -65468, 262144, 12, -196536, 327680, 13, -196535, 393216, 13, -196534, 786432, 11, -196533, 393216, 10, -196532, 262144, 10, -196531, 327680, 10, -196530, 393216, 10, -196529, 262144, 10, -262129, 196608, 10, -262128, 262144, 10, -262127, 327680, 10, -262126, 655360, 11, -327662, 655360, 10, -327661, 327680, 10, -327660, 655360, 11, -393196, 655360, 10, -393195, 655360, 11, -393194, 720896, 11, -262125, 393216, 11, -262124, 393216, 11, -262123, 393216, 11, -327659, 720896, 11, -327658, 720896, 11, -262122, 720896, 11, -524265, 327680, 10, -524264, 327680, 10, -458731, 196608, 10, -524266, 196608, 10, -458730, 655360, 11, -262121, 720896, 11, -393193, 720896, 11, -458729, 720896, 11, -327657, 720896, 11, -262120, 720896, 11, -327656, 720896, 11, -393192, 720896, 11, -458728, 720896, 11, -458727, 458752, 11, -393191, 458752, 12, -327655, 458752, 11, -262119, 458752, 12, -524263, 458752, 10, -458682, 196608, 10, -393146, 196608, 13, -327610, 196608, 12, -262074, 196608, 13, -524217, 196608, 13, -458681, 262144, 12, -393145, 262144, 13, -524216, 393216, 11, -458680, 327680, 12, -393144, 327680, 13, -524215, 393216, 11, -458679, 393216, 12, -393143, 393216, 13, -327609, 262144, 13, -327608, 327680, 13, -327607, 393216, 13, -262073, 262144, 12, -262072, 327680, 12, -262071, 393216, 12, -458678, 458752, 12, -393142, 458752, 13, -327606, 458752, 12, -262070, 458752, 13, -524214, 458752, 11, -655289, 196608, 11, -589753, 196608, 12, -851897, 196608, 10, -786361, 196608, 12, -720825, 196608, 13, -851895, 262144, 10, -851896, 262144, 10, -851894, 458752, 10, -589750, 458752, 11, -655287, 393216, 11, -720823, 393216, 11, -720822, 458752, 11, -655286, 458752, 11, -786358, 458752, 11, -589751, 393216, 11, -786359, 393216, 11, -786360, 393216, 11, -720824, 393216, 11, -655288, 393216, 11, -589752, 393216, 11) + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(24, 11) + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_0dfom")] +position = Vector2(1023, 500) + +[node name="enemy_volf2" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_0dfom")] +position = Vector2(365, 464) + +[node name="enemy_volf3" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_0dfom")] +position = Vector2(575, 504) + +[node name="enemy_volf4" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_0dfom")] +position = Vector2(921, 495) + +[node name="enemy_HOG" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("9_i1jnf")] +position = Vector2(758, 492) + +[node name="END_LEVEL" parent="." instance=ExtResource("9_l8dil")] +position = Vector2(1482, 470) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("10_yr1kt") +autoplay = true diff --git a/level_3.tscn b/level_3.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc560df --- /dev/null +++ b/level_3.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=15 format=3 uid="uid://k0scvh1o5bws"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ctt2r8yxq0e7n" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-back-trees.png" id="1_rarsu"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cbt6nkap7mhdc" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-front-trees.png" id="2_et5sd"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmplsa5l2ole5" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-lights.png" id="3_utrwi"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dqxwoneiwss4g" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png" id="4_mrf2s"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbj1ohlnvrotu" path="res://PNG/Textures&trees.png" id="5_ak4fn"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://w16lwj2wk2lb" path="res://player.tscn" id="6_4ei10"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cmnxcms46frnb" path="res://enemy_shield.tscn" id="7_23o4x"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://gfiayc8bdbca" path="res://enemy_HOG.tscn" id="7_i7h6e"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dba2gva0a7hgd" path="res://item_meat.tscn" id="7_ns3el"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dtmhq4c7dkh2v" path="res://end_level.tscn" id="9_kgw1u"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://brfjj5uw33idn" path="res://music/Jasper_Byrne_-_Voyager_Hotline_Miami_2_Wrong_Number_OST_66779027.mp3" id="10_4wj3d"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dwsbokp3bacig" path="res://ship.tscn" id="12_mjt60"] + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_n0326"] +texture = ExtResource("5_ak4fn") +3:0/0 = 0 +4:0/0 = 0 +5:0/0 = 0 +6:0/0 = 0 +7:0/0 = 0 +8:0/0 = 0 +9:0/0 = 0 +10:0/0 = 0 +11:0/0 = 0 +12:0/0 = 0 +3:1/0 = 0 +4:1/0 = 0 +5:1/0 = 0 +6:1/0 = 0 +7:1/0 = 0 +8:1/0 = 0 +9:1/0 = 0 +10:1/0 = 0 +11:1/0 = 0 +12:1/0 = 0 +13:1/0 = 0 +3:2/0 = 0 +4:2/0 = 0 +5:2/0 = 0 +6:2/0 = 0 +7:2/0 = 0 +8:2/0 = 0 +9:2/0 = 0 +10:2/0 = 0 +11:2/0 = 0 +12:2/0 = 0 +3:3/0 = 0 +4:3/0 = 0 +5:3/0 = 0 +6:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0 = 0 +1:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0 = 0 +4:4/0 = 0 +5:4/0 = 0 +6:4/0 = 0 +7:4/0 = 0 +8:4/0 = 0 +9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[node name="level_3" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(23, 12) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("1_rarsu") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("2_et5sd") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("3_utrwi") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("4_mrf2s") + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 655360, 11, -196602, 327680, 11, -196601, 262144, 11, -196600, 327680, 11, -196599, 786432, 11, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 327680, 10, -196592, 393216, 10, -196591, 655360, 11, -196590, 262144, 13, -196589, 327680, 13, -196588, 393216, 13, -196587, 327680, 13, -196586, 786432, 11, -196585, 327680, 10, -196584, 262144, 10, -196583, 327680, 10, -196582, 393216, 10, -196581, 262144, 10, -196580, 327680, 10, -196579, 393216, 10, -196578, 262144, 10, -196577, 327680, 10, -196576, 393216, 10, -196575, 262144, 10, -196574, 327680, 10, -196573, 393216, 10, -196572, 262144, 10, -196571, 262144, 10, -196570, 327680, 10, -196569, 393216, 10, -196568, 262144, 10, -196567, 327680, 10, -196566, 393216, 10, -196565, 262144, 10, -196564, 327680, 10, -196563, 393216, 10, -196562, 262144, 10, -196561, 327680, 10, -196560, 393216, 10, -196559, 262144, 10, -196558, 327680, 10, -196557, 393216, 10, -196556, 262144, 10, -196555, 327680, 10, -196554, 393216, 10, -196553, 262144, 10, -196552, 327680, 10, -196551, 393216, 10, -196550, 262144, 10, -196549, 327680, 10, -196548, 393216, 10, -196547, 262144, 10, -196546, 327680, 10, -196545, 393216, 10, -196544, 262144, 10, -196543, 327680, 10, -196542, 393216, 10, -196541, 262144, 10, -327684, 458752, 13, -262148, 458752, 12, -196612, 458752, 13, -458756, 458752, 11, -393220, 458752, 12, -655364, 458752, 11, -589828, 458752, 12, -524292, 458752, 13, -851972, 458752, 11, -786436, 458752, 12, -720900, 458752, 13, -1048580, 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11, -1703836, 327680, 12, -1638300, 327680, 13, -1769371, 393216, 11, -1703835, 393216, 12, -1638299, 393216, 13, -1769370, 262144, 11, -1703834, 262144, 12, -1638298, 262144, 13, -1769369, 327680, 11, -1703833, 327680, 12, -1638297, 327680, 13, -1769368, 393216, 11, -1703832, 393216, 12, -1638296, 393216, 13, -1769367, 262144, 11, -1703831, 262144, 12, -1638295, 262144, 13, -1769366, 327680, 11, -1703830, 327680, 12, -1638294, 327680, 13, -1769365, 393216, 11, -1703829, 393216, 12, -1638293, 393216, 13, -1769364, 262144, 11, -1703828, 262144, 12, -1638292, 262144, 13, -1769363, 327680, 11, -1703827, 327680, 12, -1638291, 327680, 13, -1769362, 393216, 11, -1703826, 393216, 12, -1638290, 393216, 13, -1769361, 262144, 11, -1703825, 262144, 12, -1638289, 262144, 13, -1769360, 327680, 11, -1703824, 327680, 12, -1638288, 327680, 13, -1769359, 393216, 11, -1703823, 393216, 12, -1638287, 393216, 13, -1769358, 262144, 11, -1703822, 262144, 12, -1638286, 262144, 13, -1769357, 327680, 11, 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262144, 13, -1572736, 262144, 11, -1507200, 262144, 12, -262066, 196608, 10, -327601, 196608, 10, -262065, 655360, 11, -327600, 262144, 10, -327599, 786432, 10, -262063, 458752, 11, -262064, 262144, 11, -917391, 327680, 11, -851855, 327680, 12, -786319, 327680, 13, -917390, 393216, 11, -851854, 393216, 12, -786318, 393216, 13, -917389, 262144, 11, -851853, 262144, 12, -786317, 262144, 13, -917388, 327680, 11, -851852, 327680, 12, -786316, 327680, 13, -917387, 393216, 11, -851851, 393216, 12, -786315, 393216, 13, -917386, 262144, 11, -851850, 262144, 12, -786314, 262144, 13, -917385, 327680, 11, -851849, 327680, 12, -786313, 327680, 13, -917384, 393216, 11, -851848, 393216, 12, -786312, 393216, 13, -917383, 262144, 11, -851847, 262144, 12, -786311, 262144, 13, -917382, 327680, 11, -851846, 327680, 12, -786310, 327680, 13, -917381, 393216, 11, -851845, 393216, 12, -786309, 393216, 13, -917380, 262144, 11, -851844, 262144, 12, -786308, 262144, 13, -917379, 327680, 11, -851843, 327680, 12, -786307, 327680, 13, -917378, 262144, 11, -851842, 262144, 12, -786306, 262144, 13, -1376130, 327680, 11, -1441665, 327680, 12, -1376129, 393216, 11, -1441664, 262144, 13, -1376128, 262144, 11, -1310594, 327680, 12, -1245058, 327680, 13, -1179522, 327680, 11, -1310593, 393216, 12, -1245057, 393216, 13, -1179521, 393216, 11, -1310592, 262144, 12, -1245056, 262144, 11, -1179520, 262144, 12, -1113986, 327680, 12, -1048450, 327680, 13, -982914, 262144, 13, -1113985, 393216, 12, -1048449, 393216, 13, -982913, 327680, 13, -1113984, 262144, 13, -1048448, 262144, 11, -982912, 262144, 12, -917377, 327680, 11, -851841, 327680, 12, -786305, 327680, 13, -917376, 262144, 13, -851840, 262144, 13, -786304, 262144, 13, -1113989, 262144, 11, -1048453, 262144, 12, -982917, 262144, 13, -1113988, 327680, 11, -1048452, 327680, 12, -982916, 327680, 13, -1113987, 262144, 12, -1048451, 262144, 13, -982915, 393216, 13, -1113992, 262144, 11, -1048456, 262144, 12, -982920, 262144, 13, -1113991, 327680, 11, -1048455, 327680, 12, -982919, 327680, 13, -1113990, 393216, 11, -1048454, 393216, 12, -982918, 393216, 13, -1113995, 262144, 11, -1048459, 262144, 12, -982923, 262144, 13, -1113994, 327680, 11, -1048458, 327680, 12, -982922, 327680, 13, -1113993, 393216, 11, -1048457, 393216, 12, -982921, 393216, 13, -1113998, 262144, 11, -1048462, 262144, 12, -982926, 262144, 13, -1113997, 327680, 11, -1048461, 327680, 12, -982925, 327680, 13, -1113996, 393216, 11, -1048460, 393216, 12, -982924, 393216, 13, -1113999, 393216, 11, -1048463, 393216, 12, -982927, 393216, 13, -1245071, 393216, 12, -1179535, 393216, 13, -1245070, 262144, 12, -1179534, 262144, 13, -1245069, 262144, 12, -1179533, 262144, 13, -1310604, 327680, 11, -1245068, 327680, 12, -1179532, 327680, 13, -1310603, 393216, 11, -1245067, 393216, 12, -1179531, 393216, 13, -1310602, 262144, 13, -1245066, 262144, 12, -1179530, 262144, 13, -1310601, 327680, 13, -1245065, 327680, 12, -1179529, 327680, 13, -1310600, 393216, 13, -1245064, 393216, 12, -1179528, 393216, 13, -1310599, 393216, 13, -1245063, 262144, 12, -1179527, 262144, 13, -1310598, 327680, 11, -1245062, 327680, 12, -1179526, 327680, 13, -1310597, 393216, 11, -1245061, 393216, 12, -1179525, 393216, 13, -1310596, 262144, 13, -1245060, 262144, 12, -1179524, 262144, 13, -1310595, 262144, 12, -1245059, 262144, 13, -1179523, 262144, 11, -1376140, 327680, 13, -1376139, 393216, 13, -1376137, 327680, 12, -1376136, 393216, 12, -1376135, 393216, 12, -1376138, 262144, 12, -1376134, 262144, 13, -1376133, 327680, 13, -1376132, 262144, 12, -1376131, 262144, 11, -917375, 327680, 13, -851839, 327680, 13, -786303, 327680, 13, -917374, 393216, 13, -851838, 393216, 13, -786302, 393216, 13, -917373, 262144, 12, -851837, 262144, 13, -786301, 262144, 13, -917372, 327680, 12, -851836, 327680, 13, -786300, 327680, 13, -917371, 393216, 12, -851835, 393216, 13, -786299, 393216, 13, -917370, 262144, 13, -851834, 262144, 12, -786298, 262144, 13, -917369, 327680, 13, -851833, 327680, 12, -786297, 327680, 13, -917368, 262144, 11, -851832, 262144, 12, -786296, 262144, 13, -1769343, 327680, 11, -1703807, 327680, 12, -1638271, 262144, 11, -1769342, 393216, 11, -1703806, 393216, 12, -1638270, 327680, 11, -1769341, 327680, 11, -1703805, 327680, 12, -1638269, 393216, 11, -1769340, 393216, 11, -1703804, 393216, 12, -1638268, 262144, 11, -1769339, 262144, 11, -1703803, 262144, 11, -1638267, 327680, 11, -1769338, 327680, 11, -1703802, 327680, 11, -1638266, 393216, 11, -1769337, 262144, 11, -1703801, 262144, 12, -1638265, 262144, 13, -1572730, 393216, 12, -1507194, 393216, 13, -1441658, 262144, 13, -1572729, 262144, 12, -1507193, 262144, 13, -1441657, 327680, 13, -1572728, 327680, 12, -1507192, 327680, 13, -1441656, 262144, 12, -1376122, 262144, 11, -1310586, 327680, 11, -1245050, 327680, 12, -1376121, 327680, 11, -1310585, 393216, 11, -1245049, 393216, 12, -1376120, 262144, 13, -1310584, 262144, 11, -1245048, 262144, 12, -1179514, 327680, 13, -1113978, 327680, 11, -1048442, 327680, 12, -1179513, 393216, 13, -1113977, 393216, 11, -1048441, 393216, 12, -1179512, 262144, 13, -1113976, 262144, 11, -1048440, 262144, 12, -1179517, 262144, 12, -1113981, 262144, 13, -1048445, 262144, 13, -1179516, 327680, 12, -1113980, 327680, 13, -1048444, 327680, 13, -1179515, 262144, 13, -1113979, 262144, 11, -1048443, 262144, 12, -982909, 262144, 11, -982908, 327680, 11, -982907, 262144, 13, -982911, 327680, 12, -982910, 393216, 12, -1179519, 327680, 12, -1113983, 327680, 13, -1048447, 327680, 11, -1179518, 393216, 12, -1113982, 393216, 13, -1048446, 393216, 11, -1376127, 327680, 11, -1310591, 327680, 12, -1245055, 327680, 11, -1376126, 393216, 11, -1310590, 393216, 12, -1245054, 393216, 11, -1572735, 262144, 12, -1507199, 262144, 13, -1441663, 327680, 13, -1572734, 327680, 12, -1507198, 327680, 13, -1441662, 393216, 13, -1376125, 262144, 12, -1310589, 262144, 13, -1245053, 262144, 11, -1376124, 327680, 12, -1310588, 327680, 13, -1245052, 327680, 11, -1376123, 393216, 12, -1310587, 262144, 11, -1245051, 262144, 12, -1572733, 393216, 12, -1507197, 393216, 13, -1441661, 262144, 11, -1572732, 262144, 12, -1507196, 262144, 13, -1441660, 327680, 11, -1572731, 327680, 12, -1507195, 327680, 13, -1441659, 393216, 11, -982906, 327680, 13, -982905, 393216, 13, -982904, 262144, 13, -917367, 327680, 11, -851831, 327680, 12, -786295, 327680, 13, -917366, 393216, 11, -851830, 393216, 12, -786294, 393216, 13, -917365, 262144, 11, -851829, 262144, 12, -786293, 262144, 13, -917364, 327680, 11, -851828, 327680, 12, -786292, 327680, 13, -917363, 393216, 11, -851827, 393216, 12, -786291, 393216, 13, -917362, 262144, 11, -851826, 262144, 12, -786290, 262144, 13, -917361, 327680, 11, -851825, 327680, 12, -786289, 327680, 13, -917360, 393216, 11, -851824, 393216, 12, -786288, 393216, 13, -1113970, 262144, 13, -1048434, 327680, 13, -982898, 262144, 13, -1113969, 327680, 13, -1048433, 393216, 13, -982897, 327680, 13, -1113968, 393216, 13, -1048432, 393216, 12, -982896, 393216, 13, -1113973, 327680, 12, -1048437, 327680, 13, -982901, 262144, 13, -1113972, 393216, 12, -1048436, 393216, 13, -982900, 327680, 13, -1113971, 262144, 12, -1048435, 262144, 13, -982899, 393216, 13, -1113975, 327680, 11, -1048439, 327680, 12, -982903, 327680, 13, -1113974, 262144, 12, -1048438, 262144, 13, -982902, 393216, 13, -1310583, 327680, 11, -1245047, 327680, 12, -1179511, 327680, 13, -1310582, 262144, 12, -1245046, 262144, 13, -1179510, 262144, 11, -1507191, 393216, 13, -1441655, 327680, 12, -1376119, 327680, 13, -1507190, 262144, 12, -1441654, 262144, 13, -1376118, 262144, 11, -1703800, 327680, 12, -1638264, 327680, 13, -1703799, 393216, 12, -1638263, 393216, 13, -1572727, 393216, 12, -1703798, 262144, 12, -1638262, 262144, 13, -1572726, 262144, 11, -1638261, 327680, 13, -1572725, 327680, 11, -1507189, 327680, 12, -1638260, 393216, 13, -1572724, 393216, 11, -1507188, 393216, 12, -1769336, 327680, 11, -1769335, 393216, 11, -1769334, 262144, 11, -1769333, 327680, 11, -1703797, 327680, 12, -1769332, 393216, 11, -1703796, 393216, 12, -1441653, 327680, 13, -1441652, 393216, 13, -1572723, 262144, 11, -1507187, 262144, 12, -1441651, 262144, 13, -1572722, 262144, 12, -1507186, 262144, 13, -1441650, 262144, 11, -1572721, 327680, 12, -1507185, 327680, 13, -1441649, 327680, 11, -1376115, 262144, 11, -1310579, 262144, 12, -1245043, 262144, 13, -1376114, 262144, 12, -1310578, 262144, 13, -1245042, 262144, 11, -1376113, 327680, 12, -1310577, 327680, 13, -1245041, 327680, 11, -1376117, 327680, 11, -1310581, 327680, 12, -1245045, 327680, 13, -1376116, 393216, 11, -1310580, 393216, 12, -1245044, 393216, 13, -1179509, 327680, 11, -1179508, 393216, 11, -1179507, 262144, 11, -1179506, 262144, 12, -1179505, 327680, 12, -1769331, 262144, 11, -1703795, 262144, 12, -1638259, 262144, 13, -1769330, 262144, 12, -1703794, 262144, 13, -1638258, 262144, 11, -1769329, 327680, 12, -1703793, 327680, 13, -1638257, 327680, 11, -1245040, 393216, 11, -1179504, 393216, 12, -1441648, 393216, 11, -1376112, 393216, 12, -1310576, 393216, 13, -1638256, 393216, 11, -1572720, 393216, 12, -1507184, 393216, 13, -1834866, 262144, 11, -1834865, 327680, 11, -1834864, 393216, 11, -1769328, 393216, 12, -1703792, 393216, 13, 65652, 196608, 10, 65653, 262144, 10, 65654, 327680, 10, 65655, 327680, 10, 65656, 458752, 10, 131192, 458752, 11, 196728, 458752, 12, 262264, 458752, 13, 131188, 196608, 11, 196724, 196608, 12, 262260, 196608, 13, 131189, 262144, 11, 196725, 262144, 12, 262261, 262144, 13, 131190, 327680, 11, 196726, 327680, 12, 262262, 327680, 13, 131191, 393216, 11, 196727, 393216, 12, 262263, 393216, 13, 65664, 196608, 10, 131200, 196608, 11, 196736, 196608, 12, 262272, 196608, 13, 65665, 262144, 10, 131201, 262144, 11, 196737, 262144, 12, 262273, 262144, 13, 65666, 327680, 10, 131202, 327680, 11, 196738, 327680, 12, 262274, 327680, 13, 65667, 327680, 10, 131203, 393216, 11, 196739, 393216, 12, 262275, 393216, 13, 65668, 458752, 10, 131204, 458752, 11, 196740, 458752, 12, 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327680, 12, -65242, 327680, 12, -196313, 327680, 12) + +[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("6_4ei10")] +position = Vector2(84, 500) + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(23, 12) + +[node name="enemy_shield" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_23o4x")] +position = Vector2(4613, 1055) + +[node name="enemy_shield2" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_23o4x")] +position = Vector2(4690, 1057) + +[node name="enemy_shield3" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_23o4x")] +position = Vector2(4752, 1053) + +[node name="enemy_shield4" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_23o4x")] +position = Vector2(4273, 897) + +[node name="enemy_HOG" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(529, 498) + +[node name="enemy_HOG5" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(5139, 1074) + +[node name="enemy_HOG6" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(4829, 1062) + +[node name="enemy_HOG7" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(4994, 1069) + +[node name="enemy_HOG2" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(1226, 495) + +[node name="enemy_HOG3" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(1043, 489) + +[node name="enemy_HOG4" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_i7h6e")] +position = Vector2(782, 459) + +[node name="items" type="Node2D" parent="."] + +[node name="item_meat" parent="items" instance=ExtResource("7_ns3el")] +position = Vector2(305, 509) + +[node name="END_LEVEL" parent="." instance=ExtResource("9_kgw1u")] +position = Vector2(3239, 531) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("10_4wj3d") +autoplay = true + +[node name="ship" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4556, 1083) + +[node name="ship2" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4535, 1084) + +[node name="ship3" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4536, 1068) + +[node name="ship4" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4552, 1067) +rotation = -0.176432 + +[node name="ship5" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4523, 1070) +rotation = -0.0943781 + +[node name="ship6" parent="." instance=ExtResource("12_mjt60")] +position = Vector2(4519, 1082) diff --git a/level_4.tscn b/level_4.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f009a1c --- /dev/null +++ b/level_4.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=29 format=3 uid="uid://da3chu8igjd45"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ctt2r8yxq0e7n" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-back-trees.png" id="1_wgvys"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cbt6nkap7mhdc" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-front-trees.png" id="2_c6sge"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmplsa5l2ole5" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-lights.png" id="3_pgjek"] 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+9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = 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id="AtlasTexture_fh6qg"] +atlas = ExtResource("9_qoy7e") +region = Rect2(142, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_5q0fl"] +atlas = ExtResource("9_qoy7e") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_05ejw"] +atlas = ExtResource("9_qoy7e") +region = Rect2(0, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_w5c6f"] +atlas = ExtResource("9_qoy7e") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_6jwbd"] +atlas = ExtResource("9_qoy7e") +region = Rect2(142, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_ynk2h"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_j5t1j") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Dash", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_c7qyi") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_343ha") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_fh6qg") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 7.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_5q0fl") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_05ejw") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_w5c6f") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_6jwbd") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 9.0 +}] + +[node name="level_4" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(22, 0) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("1_wgvys") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("2_c6sge") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("3_pgjek") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] 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instance=ExtResource("6_f70pq")] +position = Vector2(964, 392) + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 262144, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 393216, 10, -196600, 262144, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 327680, 10, -196592, 393216, 10, -196591, 262144, 10, -196590, 327680, 10, -196589, 327680, 10, -196588, 327680, 10, -196587, 327680, 10, -196586, 327680, 10, -196585, 327680, 10, -196584, 262144, 10, -196583, 327680, 10, -196582, 393216, 10, -196581, 262144, 10, -196580, 327680, 10, -196579, 655360, 11, -196578, 327680, 12, -196577, 327680, 12, 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-983033, 262144, 13, -917497, 262144, 13, -851961, 262144, 13, -786425, 262144, 13, -720889, 262144, 13, -655353, 262144, 13, -589817, 262144, 13, -524281, 262144, 13, -458745, 262144, 13, -1114104, 262144, 13, -1048568, 262144, 13, -983032, 262144, 13, -917496, 262144, 13, -851960, 262144, 13, -786424, 262144, 13, -720888, 262144, 13, -655352, 262144, 13, -589816, 262144, 13, -524280, 262144, 13, -458744, 262144, 13, -1114103, 262144, 13, -1048567, 262144, 13, -983031, 262144, 13, -917495, 262144, 13, -851959, 262144, 13, -786423, 262144, 13, -720887, 262144, 13, -655351, 262144, 13, -589815, 262144, 13, -524279, 262144, 13, -458743, 262144, 13, -1114102, 262144, 13, -1048566, 262144, 13, -983030, 262144, 13, -917494, 262144, 13, -851958, 262144, 13, -786422, 262144, 13, -720886, 262144, 13, -655350, 262144, 13, -589814, 262144, 13, -524278, 262144, 13, -458742, 262144, 13, -1114101, 262144, 13, -1048565, 262144, 13, -983029, 262144, 13, -917493, 262144, 13, -851957, 262144, 13, -786421, 262144, 13, -720885, 262144, 13, -655349, 262144, 13, -589813, 262144, 13, -524277, 262144, 13, -458741, 262144, 13, -1114100, 262144, 13, -1048564, 262144, 13, -983028, 262144, 13, -917492, 262144, 13, -851956, 262144, 13, -786420, 262144, 13, -720884, 262144, 13, -655348, 262144, 13, -589812, 262144, 13, -524276, 262144, 13, -458740, 262144, 13, -1114099, 262144, 13, -1048563, 262144, 13, -983027, 262144, 13, -917491, 262144, 13, -851955, 262144, 13, -786419, 262144, 13, -720883, 262144, 13, -655347, 262144, 13, -589811, 262144, 13, -524275, 262144, 13, -458739, 262144, 13, -1114098, 262144, 13, -1048562, 262144, 13, -983026, 262144, 13, -917490, 262144, 13, -851954, 262144, 13, -786418, 262144, 13, -720882, 262144, 13, -655346, 262144, 13, -589810, 262144, 13, -524274, 262144, 13, -458738, 262144, 13, -1114097, 262144, 13, -1048561, 262144, 13, -983025, 262144, 13, -917489, 262144, 13, -851953, 262144, 13, -786417, 262144, 13, -720881, 262144, 13, -655345, 262144, 13, 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-262091, 327680, 12, -655306, 327680, 10, -589770, 327680, 12, -524234, 327680, 12, -458698, 327680, 12, -393162, 327680, 12, -327626, 327680, 12, -262090, 327680, 12, -655305, 327680, 10, -589769, 327680, 12, -524233, 327680, 12, -655304, 327680, 10, -589768, 327680, 12, -524232, 327680, 12, -655303, 327680, 10, -589767, 327680, 12, -524231, 327680, 12, -655302, 327680, 10, -589766, 327680, 12, -524230, 327680, 12, -655301, 327680, 10, -589765, 327680, 12, -524229, 327680, 12, -655300, 327680, 10, -589764, 327680, 12, -524228, 327680, 12, -655299, 786432, 10, -589763, 458752, 11, -524227, 458752, 11, -196510, 262144, 10, -130974, 393216, 11, 98, 393216, 13, 65634, 393216, 11, 131170, 262144, 11, 196706, 262144, 12, 262242, 262144, 13, -196509, 327680, 10, -130973, 262144, 11, -65437, 262144, 12, 99, 262144, 13, 65635, 262144, 11, 131171, 327680, 11, 196707, 327680, 12, 262243, 327680, 13, -196508, 393216, 10, -130972, 327680, 11, -65436, 327680, 12, 100, 327680, 13, 65636, 327680, 11, 131172, 393216, 11, 196708, 393216, 12, 262244, 393216, 13, -196507, 262144, 10, -130971, 393216, 11, -65435, 393216, 12, 101, 393216, 13, 65637, 393216, 11, 131173, 262144, 11, 196709, 262144, 12, 262245, 262144, 13, -196506, 327680, 10, -130970, 262144, 11, -65434, 262144, 12, 102, 262144, 13, 65638, 262144, 11, 131174, 262144, 11, 196710, 262144, 12, 262246, 262144, 13, -196505, 393216, 10, -130969, 327680, 11, -65433, 327680, 12, 103, 327680, 13, 65639, 327680, 11, 131175, 327680, 11, 196711, 327680, 12, 262247, 327680, 13, -196504, 393216, 10, -130968, 327680, 11, -65432, 327680, 12, 104, 327680, 13, 65640, 327680, 11, 131176, 393216, 11, 196712, 393216, 12, 262248, 393216, 13, -196503, 262144, 10, -130967, 393216, 11, -65431, 393216, 12, 105, 393216, 13, 65641, 393216, 11, 131177, 262144, 11, 196713, 262144, 12, 262249, 262144, 13, -196502, 327680, 10, -130966, 262144, 11, -65430, 262144, 12, 106, 262144, 13, 65642, 262144, 11, 131178, 327680, 11, 196714, 327680, 12, 262250, 327680, 13, -196501, 393216, 10, -130965, 327680, 11, -65429, 327680, 12, 107, 327680, 13, 65643, 327680, 11, 131179, 393216, 11, 196715, 393216, 12, 262251, 393216, 13, -196500, 262144, 10, -130964, 393216, 11, -65428, 393216, 12, 108, 393216, 13, 65644, 393216, 11, 131180, 262144, 11, 196716, 262144, 12, 262252, 262144, 13, -196499, 327680, 10, -130963, 262144, 11, -65427, 262144, 12, 109, 262144, 13, 65645, 262144, 11, 131181, 327680, 11, 196717, 327680, 12, 262253, 327680, 13, -196498, 393216, 10, -130962, 327680, 11, -65426, 327680, 12, 110, 327680, 13, 65646, 327680, 11, 131182, 393216, 11, 196718, 393216, 12, 262254, 393216, 13, -196497, 262144, 10, -130961, 393216, 11, -65425, 393216, 12, 111, 393216, 13, 65647, 393216, 11, 131183, 262144, 11, 196719, 262144, 12, 262255, 262144, 13, -196496, 327680, 10, -130960, 262144, 11, -65424, 262144, 12, 112, 262144, 13, 65648, 262144, 11, 131184, 327680, 11, 196720, 327680, 12, 262256, 327680, 13, -196495, 393216, 10, -130959, 327680, 11, -65423, 327680, 12, 113, 327680, 13, 65649, 327680, 11, 131185, 393216, 11, 196721, 393216, 12, 262257, 393216, 13, -196494, 262144, 10, -130958, 393216, 11, -65422, 393216, 12, 114, 393216, 13, 65650, 393216, 11, 131186, 262144, 11, 196722, 262144, 12, 262258, 262144, 13, -196493, 327680, 10, -130957, 262144, 11, -65421, 262144, 12, 115, 262144, 13, 65651, 262144, 11, 131187, 262144, 11, 196723, 262144, 12, 262259, 262144, 13, -196492, 393216, 10, -130956, 327680, 11, -65420, 327680, 12, 116, 327680, 13, 65652, 327680, 11, 131188, 327680, 11, 196724, 327680, 12, 262260, 327680, 13, -196491, 393216, 10, -130955, 327680, 11, -65419, 327680, 12, 117, 327680, 13, 65653, 327680, 11, 131189, 393216, 11, 196725, 393216, 12, 262261, 393216, 13, -196490, 262144, 10, -130954, 393216, 11, -65418, 393216, 12, 118, 393216, 13, 65654, 393216, 11, 131190, 262144, 11, 196726, 262144, 12, 262262, 262144, 13, -196489, 327680, 10, -130953, 262144, 11, -65417, 262144, 12, 119, 262144, 13, 65655, 262144, 11, 131191, 327680, 11, 196727, 327680, 12, 262263, 327680, 13, -196488, 393216, 10, -130952, 327680, 11, -65416, 327680, 12, 120, 327680, 13, 65656, 327680, 11, 131192, 393216, 11, 196728, 393216, 12, 262264, 393216, 13, -196487, 262144, 10, -130951, 393216, 11, -65415, 393216, 12, 121, 393216, 13, 65657, 393216, 11, 131193, 262144, 11, 196729, 262144, 12, 262265, 262144, 13, -196486, 327680, 10, -130950, 262144, 11, -65414, 262144, 12, 122, 262144, 13, 65658, 262144, 11, 131194, 327680, 11, 196730, 327680, 12, 262266, 327680, 13, -196485, 393216, 10, -130949, 327680, 11, -65413, 327680, 12, 123, 327680, 13, 65659, 327680, 11, 131195, 393216, 11, 196731, 393216, 12, 262267, 393216, 13, -196484, 262144, 10, -130948, 393216, 11, -65412, 393216, 12, 124, 393216, 13, 65660, 393216, 11, 131196, 262144, 11, 196732, 262144, 12, 262268, 262144, 13, -196483, 327680, 10, -130947, 262144, 11, -65411, 262144, 12, 125, 262144, 13, 65661, 262144, 11, 131197, 327680, 11, 196733, 327680, 12, 262269, 327680, 13, -196482, 393216, 10, -130946, 327680, 11, -65410, 327680, 12, 126, 327680, 13, 65662, 327680, 11, 131198, 393216, 11, 196734, 393216, 12, 262270, 393216, 13, -196481, 262144, 10, -130945, 393216, 11, -65409, 393216, 12, 127, 393216, 13, 65663, 393216, 11, 131199, 262144, 11, 196735, 262144, 12, 262271, 262144, 13, -196480, 327680, 10, -130944, 262144, 11, -65408, 262144, 12, 128, 262144, 13, 65664, 262144, 11, 131200, 262144, 11, 196736, 262144, 12, 262272, 262144, 13, -196479, 327680, 12, -130943, 327680, 11, -65407, 327680, 12, 129, 327680, 13, 65665, 327680, 11, 131201, 327680, 11, 196737, 327680, 12, 262273, 327680, 13, -196478, 327680, 12, -130942, 327680, 11, -65406, 327680, 12, 130, 327680, 13, 65666, 327680, 11, 131202, 393216, 11, 196738, 393216, 12, 262274, 393216, 13, -196477, 327680, 12, -130941, 393216, 11, -65405, 393216, 12, 131, 393216, 13, 65667, 393216, 11, 131203, 262144, 11, 196739, 262144, 12, 262275, 262144, 13, -196476, 327680, 12, -130940, 327680, 12, -65404, 262144, 12, 132, 262144, 13, 65668, 262144, 11, 131204, 327680, 11, 196740, 327680, 12, 262276, 327680, 13, -196475, 327680, 12, -130939, 327680, 12, -65403, 327680, 12, 133, 327680, 13, 65669, 327680, 11, 131205, 393216, 11, 196741, 393216, 12, 262277, 393216, 13, -196474, 327680, 12, -130938, 327680, 12, -65402, 393216, 12, 134, 393216, 13, 65670, 393216, 11, 131206, 262144, 11, 196742, 262144, 12, 262278, 262144, 13, -196473, 327680, 12, -130937, 327680, 12, -65401, 262144, 12, 135, 262144, 13, 65671, 262144, 11, 131207, 327680, 11, 196743, 327680, 12, 262279, 327680, 13, -196472, 327680, 12, -130936, 327680, 12, -65400, 327680, 12, 136, 327680, 13, 65672, 327680, 11, 131208, 393216, 11, 196744, 393216, 12, 262280, 393216, 13, -196471, 327680, 12, -130935, 327680, 12, -65399, 393216, 12, 137, 393216, 13, 65673, 393216, 11, 131209, 262144, 11, 196745, 262144, 12, 262281, 262144, 13, -196470, 327680, 12, -130934, 327680, 12, -65398, 262144, 12, 138, 262144, 13, 65674, 262144, 11, 131210, 327680, 11, 196746, 327680, 12, 262282, 327680, 13, 65675, 327680, 11, 131211, 393216, 11, 196747, 393216, 12, 262283, 393216, 13, 65676, 327680, 11, 131212, 262144, 11, 196748, 262144, 12, 262284, 262144, 13, -196457, 262144, 11, -130921, 262144, 11, -65385, 262144, 12, 151, 262144, 13, 65687, 262144, 11, 131223, 327680, 11, 196759, 327680, 12, 262295, 327680, 13, -196456, 262144, 11, -130920, 262144, 11, -65384, 327680, 12, 152, 327680, 13, 65688, 327680, 11, 131224, 393216, 11, 196760, 393216, 12, 262296, 393216, 13, -196455, 262144, 11, -130919, 262144, 11, -65383, 393216, 12, 153, 393216, 13, 65689, 393216, 11, 131225, 262144, 11, 196761, 262144, 12, 262297, 262144, 13, -196454, 327680, 12, -130918, 262144, 11, -65382, 262144, 12, 154, 262144, 13, 65690, 262144, 11, 131226, 262144, 11, 196762, 262144, 12, 262298, 262144, 13, -196453, 327680, 12, -130917, 327680, 11, -65381, 327680, 12, 155, 327680, 13, 65691, 327680, 11, 131227, 327680, 11, 196763, 327680, 12, 262299, 327680, 13, -2359144, 196608, 11, -2293608, 196608, 12, -2228072, 196608, 13, -2162536, 196608, 11, -2097000, 196608, 12, -2031464, 196608, 13, -1965928, 196608, 11, -1900392, 196608, 12, -1834856, 196608, 13, -1769320, 196608, 11, -1703784, 196608, 12, -1638248, 196608, 13, -1572712, 196608, 11, -1507176, 196608, 12, -1441640, 196608, 13, -1376104, 196608, 11, -1310568, 196608, 12, -1245032, 196608, 13, -1179496, 196608, 11, -1113960, 196608, 12, -1048424, 196608, 13, -982888, 196608, 11, -917352, 196608, 12, -851816, 262144, 11, -786280, 262144, 11, -720744, 262144, 11, -655208, 262144, 11, -589672, 262144, 11, -524136, 262144, 11, -458600, 262144, 11, -393064, 262144, 11, -327528, 262144, 11, -261992, 262144, 11, -2359143, 262144, 11, -2293607, 262144, 12, -2228071, 262144, 13, -2162535, 262144, 11, -2096999, 262144, 12, -2031463, 262144, 13, -1965927, 262144, 11, -1900391, 262144, 12, -1834855, 262144, 13, -1769319, 262144, 11, -1703783, 262144, 12, -1638247, 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-327598, 720896, 10, -262062, 720896, 11, -327597, 786432, 10, -262061, 786432, 11, -262060, 851968, 11, -262015, 589824, 11, -327550, 655360, 10, -262014, 655360, 11, -327549, 655360, 11, -262013, 720896, 11, -327548, 327680, 12, -262012, 327680, 12, -262011, 327680, 12, -458620, 327680, 12, -393084, 327680, 12, -524157, 196608, 11, -458621, 196608, 12, -393085, 196608, 13, -851836, 393216, 10, -786300, 327680, 12, -720764, 327680, 12, -655228, 327680, 12, -589692, 327680, 12, -524156, 327680, 12, -851835, 393216, 10, -786299, 327680, 12, -720763, 327680, 12, -655227, 327680, 12, -589691, 327680, 12, -524155, 327680, 12, -458619, 327680, 12, -393083, 327680, 12, -327547, 327680, 12, -851834, 393216, 10, -786298, 327680, 12, -720762, 327680, 12, -655226, 327680, 12, -589690, 327680, 12, -524154, 327680, 12, -458618, 327680, 12, -393082, 327680, 12, -327546, 327680, 12, -262010, 327680, 12, -851833, 393216, 10, -786297, 327680, 12, -720761, 327680, 12, -655225, 327680, 12, -589689, 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11, -2031459, 393216, 11, -1965923, 393216, 11, -1900387, 393216, 11, -1834851, 393216, 11, -1769315, 393216, 11, -1703779, 393216, 11, -1638243, 393216, 11, -1572707, 393216, 11, -1507171, 393216, 11, -1441635, 393216, 11, -1376099, 393216, 11, -1310563, 393216, 11, -1245027, 393216, 11, -1179491, 393216, 11, -1113955, 393216, 11, -1048419, 393216, 11, -982883, 393216, 11, -917347, 393216, 11, -851811, 393216, 11, -786275, 393216, 11, -720739, 393216, 11, -655203, 393216, 11, -589667, 393216, 11, -524131, 393216, 11, -458595, 393216, 11, -393059, 393216, 11, -327523, 393216, 11, -261987, 393216, 11, -196451, 393216, 11, -130915, 393216, 11, -65379, 393216, 11, 157, 393216, 11, 65693, 393216, 11, 131229, 393216, 11, 196765, 393216, 11, 262301, 393216, 11, -2359138, 393216, 11, -2293602, 393216, 11, -2228066, 393216, 11, -2162530, 393216, 11, -2096994, 393216, 11, -2031458, 393216, 11, -1965922, 393216, 11, -1900386, 393216, 11, -1834850, 393216, 11, -1769314, 393216, 11, -1703778, 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11, -1638234, 393216, 11, -1572698, 393216, 11, -1507162, 393216, 11, -1441626, 393216, 11, -1376090, 393216, 11, -1310554, 393216, 11, -1245018, 393216, 11, -1179482, 393216, 11, -1113946, 393216, 11, -1048410, 393216, 11, -982874, 393216, 11, -917338, 393216, 11, -851802, 393216, 11, -786266, 393216, 11, -720730, 393216, 11, -655194, 393216, 11, -589658, 393216, 11, -524122, 393216, 11, -458586, 393216, 11, -393050, 393216, 11, -327514, 393216, 11, -261978, 393216, 11, -196442, 393216, 11, -130906, 393216, 11, -65370, 393216, 11, 166, 393216, 11, 65702, 393216, 11, 131238, 393216, 11, 196774, 393216, 11, 262310, 393216, 11, -2359129, 393216, 11, -2293593, 393216, 11, -2228057, 393216, 11, -2162521, 393216, 11, -2096985, 393216, 11, -2031449, 393216, 11, -1965913, 393216, 11, -1900377, 393216, 11, -1834841, 393216, 11, -1769305, 393216, 11, -1703769, 393216, 11, -1638233, 393216, 11, -1572697, 393216, 11, -1507161, 393216, 11, -1441625, 393216, 11, -1376089, 393216, 11, -1310553, 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-917336, 393216, 11, -851800, 393216, 11, -786264, 393216, 11, -720728, 393216, 11, -655192, 393216, 11, -589656, 393216, 11, -524120, 393216, 11, -458584, 393216, 11, -393048, 393216, 11, -327512, 393216, 11, -261976, 393216, 11, -196440, 393216, 11, -130904, 393216, 11, -65368, 393216, 11, 168, 393216, 11, 65704, 393216, 11, 131240, 393216, 11, 196776, 393216, 11, 262312, 393216, 11, -2359127, 393216, 11, -2293591, 393216, 11, -2228055, 393216, 11, -2162519, 393216, 11, -2096983, 393216, 11, -2031447, 393216, 11, -1965911, 393216, 11, -1900375, 393216, 11, -1834839, 393216, 11, -1769303, 393216, 11, -1703767, 393216, 11, -1638231, 393216, 11, -1572695, 393216, 11, -1507159, 393216, 11, -1441623, 393216, 11, -1376087, 393216, 11, -1310551, 393216, 11, -1245015, 393216, 11, -1179479, 393216, 11, -1113943, 393216, 11, -1048407, 393216, 11, -982871, 393216, 11, -917335, 393216, 11, -851799, 393216, 11, -786263, 393216, 11, -720727, 393216, 11, -655191, 393216, 11, -589655, 393216, 11, 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393216, 11, -2359124, 393216, 11, -2293588, 393216, 11, -2228052, 393216, 11, -2162516, 393216, 11, -2096980, 393216, 11, -2031444, 393216, 11, -1965908, 393216, 11, -1900372, 393216, 11, -1834836, 393216, 11, -1769300, 393216, 11, -1703764, 393216, 11, -1638228, 393216, 11, -1572692, 393216, 11, -1507156, 393216, 11, -1441620, 393216, 11, -1376084, 393216, 11, -1310548, 393216, 11, -1245012, 393216, 11, -1179476, 393216, 11, -1113940, 393216, 11, -1048404, 393216, 11, -982868, 393216, 11, -917332, 393216, 11, -851796, 393216, 11, -786260, 393216, 11, -720724, 393216, 11, -655188, 393216, 11, -589652, 393216, 11, -524116, 393216, 11, -458580, 393216, 11, -393044, 393216, 11, -327508, 393216, 11, -261972, 393216, 11, -196436, 393216, 11, -130900, 393216, 11, -65364, 393216, 11, 172, 393216, 11, 65708, 393216, 11, 131244, 393216, 11, 196780, 393216, 11, 262316, 393216, 11, -2359123, 393216, 11, -2293587, 393216, 11, -2228051, 393216, 11, -2162515, 393216, 11, -2096979, 393216, 11, 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11, -1638226, 393216, 11, -1572690, 393216, 11, -1507154, 393216, 11, -1441618, 393216, 11, -1376082, 393216, 11, -1310546, 393216, 11, -1245010, 393216, 11, -1179474, 393216, 11, -1113938, 393216, 11, -1048402, 393216, 11, -982866, 393216, 11, -917330, 393216, 11, -851794, 393216, 11, -786258, 393216, 11, -720722, 393216, 11, -655186, 393216, 11, -589650, 393216, 11, -524114, 393216, 11, -458578, 393216, 11, -393042, 393216, 11, -327506, 393216, 11, -261970, 393216, 11, -196434, 393216, 11, -130898, 393216, 11, -65362, 393216, 11, 174, 393216, 11, 65710, 393216, 11, 131246, 393216, 11, 196782, 393216, 11, 262318, 393216, 11, -2359121, 393216, 11, -2293585, 393216, 11, -2228049, 393216, 11, -2162513, 393216, 11, -2096977, 393216, 11, -2031441, 393216, 11, -1965905, 393216, 11, -1900369, 393216, 11, -1834833, 393216, 11, -1769297, 393216, 11, -1703761, 393216, 11, -1638225, 393216, 11, -1572689, 393216, 11, -1507153, 393216, 11, -1441617, 393216, 11, -1376081, 393216, 11, -1310545, 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393216, 11, -2359116, 393216, 11, -2293580, 393216, 11, -2228044, 393216, 11, -2162508, 393216, 11, -2096972, 393216, 11, -2031436, 393216, 11, -1965900, 393216, 11, -1900364, 393216, 11, -1834828, 393216, 11, -1769292, 393216, 11, -1703756, 393216, 11, -1638220, 393216, 11, -1572684, 393216, 11, -1507148, 393216, 11, -1441612, 393216, 11, -1376076, 393216, 11, -1310540, 393216, 11, -1245004, 393216, 11, -1179468, 393216, 11, -1113932, 393216, 11, -1048396, 393216, 11, -982860, 393216, 11, -917324, 393216, 11, -851788, 393216, 11, -786252, 393216, 11, -720716, 393216, 11, -655180, 393216, 11, -589644, 393216, 11, -524108, 393216, 11, -458572, 393216, 11, -393036, 393216, 11, -327500, 393216, 11, -261964, 393216, 11, -196428, 393216, 11, -130892, 393216, 11, -65356, 393216, 11, 180, 393216, 11, 65716, 393216, 11, 131252, 393216, 11, 196788, 393216, 11, 262324, 393216, 11) + +[node name="Player" type="CharacterBody2D" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(61, 488) +script = ExtResource("8_13mup") + +[node name="MainCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +rotation = 1.56909 +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_oks25") + +[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +zoom = Vector2(1.675, 1.675) +process_callback = 0 +limit_left = 0 +limit_right = 999999 +limit_bottom = 625 +position_smoothing_enabled = true +drag_horizontal_enabled = true + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="level_temp/Player/Area2D"] +position = Vector2(20, 0) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_p00l3") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +position = Vector2(0, -2.38419e-07) +scale = Vector2(0.33, 0.33) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ynk2h") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="level_temp/Player"] + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="level_temp/Player/CanvasLayer"] +offset_right = 136.0 +offset_bottom = 68.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 41 +text = "HP: 100" + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="level_temp/Player/CanvasLayer"] +offset_left = 903.0 +offset_right = 1152.0 +offset_bottom = 132.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 30 +text = "WASD - MOVE +E - DASH/ATTACK +M - GO TO MENU" + +[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="level_temp/Player/CanvasLayer"] +offset_top = 68.0 +offset_right = 147.0 +offset_bottom = 136.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 41 +text = "SIZE:" + +[node name="jump" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +stream = ExtResource("12_rm5tq") + +[node name="dash" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +stream = ExtResource("13_vlc6v") + +[node name="END_LEVEL" parent="level_temp" instance=ExtResource("12_3eefm")] +position = Vector2(2340, 448) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("13_ya7ml") +autoplay = true + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="level_temp/Player/Area2D" to="level_temp/Player" method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/level_5.tscn b/level_5.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63ca3dc --- /dev/null +++ b/level_5.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=24 format=3 uid="uid://dptoexer54cwc"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ctt2r8yxq0e7n" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-back-trees.png" id="1_veftv"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cbt6nkap7mhdc" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-front-trees.png" id="2_sto46"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmplsa5l2ole5" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-lights.png" id="3_ex5fa"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dqxwoneiwss4g" path="res://PNG/bg/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png" id="4_2dch7"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://gfiayc8bdbca" path="res://enemy_HOG.tscn" id="5_foua8"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bohscn37ym0e2" path="res://enemy_volf.tscn" id="6_l4w4h"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cmnxcms46frnb" path="res://enemy_shield.tscn" id="6_y0wh0"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbj1ohlnvrotu" path="res://PNG/Textures&trees.png" id="7_inxbf"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://w16lwj2wk2lb" path="res://player.tscn" id="8_15vrk"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ny0aid3a5b1y" path="res://item_sheese.tscn" id="9_g7qas"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dtmhq4c7dkh2v" path="res://end_level.tscn" id="9_ql8gk"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dwsbokp3bacig" path="res://ship.tscn" id="10_jgc0n"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ship.gd" id="11_kfhry"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://xqb747musdjy" path="res://PNG/ship.png" id="12_2xhux"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dba2gva0a7hgd" path="res://item_meat.tscn" id="13_2dxfq"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://fkmm0ak3p63i" path="res://music/inecraft_death (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="14_jbfjj"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://g73mku2gnnic" path="res://item_heal.tscn" id="15_1c2i6"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://7lne7avyxu11" path="res://music/cs_go_-_Bhop_song_75505505.mp3" id="17_mtbp8"] + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_n0326"] +texture = ExtResource("7_inxbf") +3:0/0 = 0 +4:0/0 = 0 +5:0/0 = 0 +6:0/0 = 0 +7:0/0 = 0 +8:0/0 = 0 +9:0/0 = 0 +10:0/0 = 0 +11:0/0 = 0 +12:0/0 = 0 +3:1/0 = 0 +4:1/0 = 0 +5:1/0 = 0 +6:1/0 = 0 +7:1/0 = 0 +8:1/0 = 0 +9:1/0 = 0 +10:1/0 = 0 +11:1/0 = 0 +12:1/0 = 0 +13:1/0 = 0 +3:2/0 = 0 +4:2/0 = 0 +5:2/0 = 0 +6:2/0 = 0 +7:2/0 = 0 +8:2/0 = 0 +9:2/0 = 0 +10:2/0 = 0 +11:2/0 = 0 +12:2/0 = 0 +3:3/0 = 0 +4:3/0 = 0 +5:3/0 = 0 +6:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0 = 0 +1:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0 = 0 +4:4/0 = 0 +5:4/0 = 0 +6:4/0 = 0 +7:4/0 = 0 +8:4/0 = 0 +9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_njhxy"] +size = Vector2(274, 36) + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_kry0q"] +size = Vector2(278, 38) + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_aslvb"] +size = Vector2(284, 42) + +[node name="level_5" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(2, 0) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("1_veftv") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("2_sto46") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("3_ex5fa") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("4_2dch7") + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="level_temp"] + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_l4w4h")] +position = Vector2(1003, 435) + +[node name="enemy_volf2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_l4w4h")] +position = Vector2(3192, 399) + +[node name="enemy_shield" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_y0wh0")] +position = Vector2(3688, 531) + +[node name="enemy_shield2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_y0wh0")] +position = Vector2(3853, 531) + +[node name="enemy_shield3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_y0wh0")] +position = Vector2(3529, 532) + +[node name="enemy_HOG" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("5_foua8")] +position = Vector2(3383, 544) + +[node name="enemy_HOG2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("5_foua8")] +position = Vector2(3272, 544) + +[node name="enemy_HOG3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("5_foua8")] +position = Vector2(3932, 544) + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 262144, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 393216, 10, -196600, 262144, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 655360, 11, -196594, 262144, 11, -196593, 262144, 11, -196592, 262144, 11, -196591, 262144, 11, -196590, 262144, 11, -196589, 262144, 11, -196588, 262144, 11, -196587, 262144, 11, -196586, 262144, 11, 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327680, 12, 100, 327680, 13, 65636, 327680, 11, 131172, 327680, 11, 196708, 327680, 12, 262244, 327680, 13, -196507, 393216, 10, -130971, 327680, 11, -65435, 327680, 12, 101, 327680, 13, 65637, 327680, 11, 131173, 327680, 11, 196709, 327680, 12, 262245, 327680, 13, -196506, 327680, 10, -130970, 262144, 11, -65434, 262144, 12, 102, 262144, 13, 65638, 262144, 11, 131174, 327680, 11, 196710, 327680, 12, 262246, 327680, 13, -196505, 327680, 12, -130969, 327680, 11, -65433, 327680, 12, 103, 327680, 13, 65639, 327680, 11, 131175, 393216, 11, 196711, 393216, 12, 262247, 393216, 13, -196504, 327680, 12, -130968, 393216, 11, -65432, 393216, 12, 104, 393216, 13, 65640, 393216, 11, 131176, 262144, 11, 196712, 262144, 12, 262248, 262144, 13, -196503, 327680, 12, -130967, 327680, 12, -65431, 262144, 12, 105, 262144, 13, 65641, 262144, 11, 131177, 262144, 11, 196713, 262144, 12, 262249, 262144, 13, -196502, 327680, 12, -130966, 327680, 12, -65430, 262144, 12, 106, 262144, 13, 65642, 262144, 11, 131178, 327680, 11, 196714, 327680, 12, 262250, 327680, 13, -196501, 327680, 12, -130965, 327680, 12, -65429, 327680, 12, 107, 327680, 13, 65643, 327680, 11, 131179, 327680, 11, 196715, 327680, 12, 262251, 327680, 13, -196500, 327680, 12, -130964, 327680, 12, -65428, 262144, 12, 108, 262144, 13, 65644, 262144, 11, 131180, 327680, 11, 196716, 327680, 12, 262252, 327680, 13, -196499, 327680, 12, -130963, 327680, 12, -65427, 327680, 12, 109, 327680, 13, 65645, 327680, 11, 131181, 393216, 11, 196717, 393216, 12, 262253, 393216, 13, -196498, 327680, 12, -130962, 327680, 12, -65426, 393216, 12, 110, 393216, 13, 65646, 393216, 11, 131182, 262144, 11, 196718, 262144, 12, 262254, 262144, 13, -196497, 327680, 12, -130961, 327680, 12, -65425, 262144, 12, 111, 262144, 13, 65647, 262144, 11, 131183, 262144, 11, 196719, 262144, 12, 262255, 262144, 13, -196496, 327680, 10, -130960, 262144, 11, -65424, 262144, 12, 112, 262144, 13, 65648, 262144, 11, 131184, 327680, 11, 196720, 327680, 12, 262256, 327680, 13, -196495, 393216, 10, -130959, 327680, 11, -65423, 327680, 12, 113, 327680, 13, 65649, 327680, 11, 131185, 327680, 11, 196721, 327680, 12, 262257, 327680, 13, -196494, 327680, 10, -130958, 262144, 11, -65422, 262144, 12, 114, 262144, 13, 65650, 262144, 11, 131186, 327680, 11, 196722, 327680, 12, 262258, 327680, 13, -196493, 393216, 10, -130957, 327680, 11, -65421, 327680, 12, 115, 327680, 13, 65651, 327680, 11, 131187, 393216, 11, 196723, 393216, 12, 262259, 393216, 13, -196492, 262144, 10, -130956, 393216, 11, -65420, 393216, 12, 116, 393216, 13, 65652, 393216, 11, 131188, 262144, 11, 196724, 262144, 12, 262260, 262144, 13, -196491, 327680, 10, -130955, 262144, 11, -65419, 262144, 12, 117, 262144, 13, 65653, 262144, 11, 131189, 262144, 11, 196725, 262144, 12, 262261, 262144, 13, -196490, 327680, 10, -130954, 262144, 11, -65418, 262144, 12, 118, 262144, 13, 65654, 262144, 11, 131190, 327680, 11, 196726, 327680, 12, 262262, 327680, 13, -196489, 393216, 10, -130953, 327680, 11, -65417, 327680, 12, 119, 327680, 13, 65655, 327680, 11, 131191, 327680, 11, 196727, 327680, 12, 262263, 327680, 13, -196488, 327680, 10, -130952, 262144, 11, -65416, 262144, 12, 120, 262144, 13, 65656, 262144, 11, 131192, 327680, 11, 196728, 327680, 12, 262264, 327680, 13, -196487, 393216, 10, -130951, 327680, 11, -65415, 327680, 12, 121, 327680, 13, 65657, 327680, 11, 131193, 393216, 11, 196729, 393216, 12, 262265, 393216, 13, -196486, 262144, 10, -130950, 393216, 11, -65414, 393216, 12, 122, 393216, 13, 65658, 393216, 11, 131194, 262144, 11, 196730, 262144, 12, 262266, 262144, 13, -196485, 327680, 10, -130949, 262144, 11, -65413, 262144, 12, 123, 262144, 13, 65659, 262144, 11, 131195, 262144, 11, 196731, 262144, 12, 262267, 262144, 13, -196484, 327680, 10, -130948, 262144, 11, -65412, 262144, 12, 124, 262144, 13, 65660, 262144, 11, 131196, 327680, 11, 196732, 327680, 12, 262268, 327680, 13, -196483, 393216, 10, -130947, 327680, 11, -65411, 327680, 12, 125, 327680, 13, 65661, 327680, 11, 131197, 327680, 11, 196733, 327680, 12, 262269, 327680, 13, -196482, 327680, 10, -130946, 262144, 11, -65410, 262144, 12, 126, 262144, 13, 65662, 262144, 11, 131198, 327680, 11, 196734, 327680, 12, 262270, 327680, 13, -196481, 393216, 10, -130945, 327680, 11, -65409, 327680, 12, 127, 327680, 13, 65663, 327680, 11, 131199, 393216, 11, 196735, 393216, 12, 262271, 393216, 13, -196480, 262144, 10, -130944, 393216, 11, -65408, 393216, 12, 128, 393216, 13, 65664, 393216, 11, 131200, 262144, 11, 196736, 262144, 12, 262272, 262144, 13, -196479, 327680, 10, -130943, 262144, 11, -65407, 262144, 12, 129, 262144, 13, 65665, 262144, 11, 131201, 262144, 11, 196737, 262144, 12, 262273, 262144, 13, -196478, 327680, 10, -130942, 262144, 11, -65406, 262144, 12, 130, 262144, 13, 65666, 262144, 11, 131202, 327680, 11, 196738, 327680, 12, 262274, 327680, 13, -196477, 393216, 10, -130941, 327680, 11, -65405, 327680, 12, 131, 327680, 13, 65667, 327680, 11, 131203, 327680, 11, 196739, 327680, 12, 262275, 327680, 13, -196476, 327680, 10, -130940, 262144, 11, -65404, 262144, 12, 132, 262144, 13, 65668, 262144, 11, 131204, 327680, 11, 196740, 327680, 12, 262276, 327680, 13, -196475, 393216, 10, -130939, 327680, 11, -65403, 327680, 12, 133, 327680, 13, 65669, 327680, 11, 131205, 393216, 11, 196741, 393216, 12, 262277, 393216, 13, -196474, 262144, 10, -130938, 393216, 11, -65402, 393216, 12, 134, 393216, 13, 65670, 393216, 11, 131206, 262144, 11, 196742, 262144, 12, 262278, 262144, 13, -196473, 393216, 10, -130937, 327680, 11, -65401, 327680, 12, 135, 327680, 13, 65671, 327680, 11, 131207, 327680, 11, 196743, 327680, 12, 262279, 327680, 13, -196472, 327680, 10, -130936, 262144, 11, -65400, 262144, 12, 136, 262144, 13, 65672, 262144, 11, 131208, 327680, 11, 196744, 327680, 12, 262280, 327680, 13, -196471, 393216, 10, -130935, 327680, 11, -65399, 327680, 12, 137, 327680, 13, 65673, 327680, 11, 131209, 393216, 11, 196745, 393216, 12, 262281, 393216, 13, -196470, 262144, 10, -130934, 393216, 11, -65398, 393216, 12, 138, 393216, 13, 65674, 393216, 11, 131210, 262144, 11, 196746, 262144, 12, 262282, 262144, 13, -196469, 327680, 10, -130933, 262144, 11, -65397, 262144, 12, 139, 262144, 13, 65675, 262144, 11, 131211, 262144, 11, 196747, 262144, 12, 262283, 262144, 13, -196468, 327680, 10, -130932, 262144, 11, -65396, 262144, 12, 140, 262144, 13, 65676, 262144, 11, 131212, 327680, 11, 196748, 327680, 12, 262284, 327680, 13, -196467, 393216, 10, -130931, 327680, 11, -65395, 327680, 12, 141, 327680, 13, 65677, 327680, 11, 131213, 327680, 11, 196749, 327680, 12, 262285, 327680, 13, -196466, 327680, 10, -130930, 262144, 11, -65394, 262144, 12, 142, 262144, 13, 65678, 262144, 11, 131214, 327680, 11, 196750, 327680, 12, 262286, 327680, 13, -196465, 393216, 10, -130929, 327680, 11, -65393, 327680, 12, 143, 327680, 13, 65679, 327680, 11, 131215, 393216, 11, 196751, 393216, 12, 262287, 393216, 13, -196464, 262144, 10, -130928, 393216, 11, -65392, 393216, 12, 144, 393216, 13, 65680, 393216, 11, 131216, 262144, 11, 196752, 262144, 12, 262288, 262144, 13, -196463, 327680, 10, -130927, 262144, 11, -65391, 262144, 12, 145, 262144, 13, 65681, 262144, 11, 131217, 262144, 11, 196753, 262144, 12, 262289, 262144, 13, -196462, 327680, 10, -130926, 262144, 11, -65390, 262144, 12, 146, 262144, 13, 65682, 262144, 11, 131218, 327680, 11, 196754, 327680, 12, 262290, 327680, 13, -196461, 393216, 10, -130925, 327680, 11, -65389, 327680, 12, 147, 327680, 13, 65683, 327680, 11, 131219, 327680, 11, 196755, 327680, 12, 262291, 327680, 13, -196460, 327680, 10, -130924, 262144, 11, -65388, 262144, 12, 148, 262144, 13, 65684, 262144, 11, 131220, 327680, 11, 196756, 327680, 12, 262292, 327680, 13, -196459, 393216, 10, -130923, 327680, 11, -65387, 327680, 12, 149, 327680, 13, 65685, 327680, 11, 131221, 393216, 11, 196757, 393216, 12, 262293, 393216, 13, -196458, 262144, 10, -130922, 393216, 11, -65386, 393216, 12, 150, 393216, 13, 65686, 393216, 11, 131222, 262144, 11, 196758, 262144, 12, 262294, 262144, 13, -196457, 327680, 10, -130921, 262144, 11, -65385, 262144, 12, 151, 262144, 13, 65687, 262144, 11, 131223, 262144, 11, 196759, 262144, 12, 262295, 262144, 13, -196456, 327680, 10, -130920, 262144, 11, -65384, 262144, 12, 152, 262144, 13, 65688, 262144, 11, 131224, 327680, 11, 196760, 327680, 12, 262296, 327680, 13, -196455, 393216, 10, -130919, 327680, 11, -65383, 327680, 12, 153, 327680, 13, 65689, 327680, 11, 131225, 327680, 11, 196761, 327680, 12, 262297, 327680, 13, -196454, 327680, 10, -130918, 262144, 11, -65382, 262144, 12, 154, 262144, 13, 65690, 262144, 11, 131226, 327680, 11, 196762, 327680, 12, 262298, 327680, 13, -196453, 393216, 10, -130917, 327680, 11, -65381, 327680, 12, 155, 327680, 13, 65691, 327680, 11, 131227, 393216, 11, 196763, 393216, 12, 262299, 393216, 13, -196452, 262144, 10, -130916, 393216, 11, -65380, 393216, 12, 156, 393216, 13, 65692, 393216, 11, 131228, 262144, 11, 196764, 262144, 12, 262300, 262144, 13, -196451, 327680, 10, -130915, 262144, 11, -65379, 262144, 12, 157, 262144, 13, 65693, 262144, 11, 131229, 262144, 11, 196765, 262144, 12, 262301, 262144, 13, -196450, 327680, 10, -130914, 262144, 11, -65378, 262144, 12, 158, 262144, 13, 65694, 262144, 11, 131230, 327680, 11, 196766, 327680, 12, 262302, 327680, 13, -196449, 393216, 10, -130913, 327680, 11, -65377, 327680, 12, 159, 327680, 13, 65695, 327680, 11, 131231, 327680, 11, 196767, 327680, 12, 262303, 327680, 13, -196448, 327680, 10, -130912, 262144, 11, -65376, 262144, 12, 160, 262144, 13, 65696, 262144, 11, 131232, 327680, 11, 196768, 327680, 12, 262304, 327680, 13, -196447, 393216, 10, -130911, 327680, 11, -65375, 327680, 12, 161, 327680, 13, 65697, 327680, 11, 131233, 393216, 11, 196769, 393216, 12, 262305, 393216, 13, -196446, 327680, 13, -130910, 393216, 11, -65374, 393216, 12, 162, 393216, 13, 65698, 393216, 11, 131234, 262144, 11, 196770, 262144, 12, 262306, 262144, 13, -196445, 327680, 13, -130909, 327680, 13, -65373, 262144, 12, 163, 262144, 13, 65699, 262144, 11, 131235, 262144, 11, 196771, 262144, 12, 262307, 262144, 13, -196444, 327680, 13, -130908, 327680, 13, -65372, 262144, 12, 164, 262144, 13, 65700, 262144, 11, 131236, 327680, 11, 196772, 327680, 12, 262308, 327680, 13, -196443, 327680, 13, -130907, 327680, 13, -65371, 327680, 12, 165, 327680, 13, 65701, 327680, 11, 131237, 327680, 11, 196773, 327680, 12, 262309, 327680, 13, -196442, 327680, 13, -130906, 327680, 13, -65370, 262144, 12, 166, 262144, 13, 65702, 262144, 11, 131238, 327680, 11, 196774, 327680, 12, 262310, 327680, 13, -196441, 327680, 13, -130905, 327680, 13, -65369, 327680, 13, 167, 327680, 13, 65703, 327680, 11, 131239, 393216, 11, 196775, 393216, 12, 262311, 393216, 13, -196440, 327680, 12, -130904, 327680, 13, -65368, 393216, 12, 168, 393216, 13, 65704, 393216, 11, 131240, 262144, 11, 196776, 262144, 12, 262312, 262144, 13, -196439, 393216, 11, -130903, 393216, 11, -65367, 393216, 11, 169, 393216, 11, 65705, 393216, 11, 131241, 393216, 11, 196777, 393216, 11, 262313, 393216, 11, -196438, 393216, 11, -130902, 393216, 11, -65366, 393216, 11, 170, 393216, 11, 65706, 393216, 11, 131242, 393216, 11, 196778, 393216, 11, 262314, 393216, 11, -1310553, 196608, 12, -1245017, 196608, 12, -1179481, 196608, 13, -1113945, 196608, 11, -1048409, 196608, 12, -982873, 196608, 13, -917337, 196608, 11, -851801, 196608, 12, -589657, 327680, 10, -524121, 327680, 13, -458585, 327680, 13, -393049, 327680, 13, -327513, 327680, 13, -261977, 327680, 13, -1310552, 262144, 12, -1245016, 262144, 12, -1179480, 262144, 13, -1113944, 262144, 11, -1048408, 262144, 12, -982872, 262144, 13, -917336, 262144, 11, -851800, 262144, 12, -589656, 327680, 10, -524120, 262144, 11, -458584, 262144, 12, -393048, 262144, 13, -327512, 262144, 11, -261976, 262144, 12, -1310551, 327680, 12, -1245015, 327680, 12, -1179479, 327680, 13, -1113943, 327680, 11, -1048407, 327680, 12, -982871, 327680, 13, -917335, 327680, 11, -851799, 327680, 12, -589655, 327680, 10, -524119, 327680, 11, -458583, 393216, 11, -393047, 393216, 11, -327511, 393216, 11, -261975, 393216, 11, -1310550, 393216, 11, -1245014, 393216, 11, -1179478, 393216, 11, -1113942, 393216, 11, -1048406, 393216, 11, -982870, 393216, 11, -917334, 393216, 11, -851798, 393216, 11, -589654, 327680, 10, -524118, 262144, 11, -458582, 393216, 11, -393046, 393216, 11, -327510, 393216, 11, -261974, 393216, 11, -2359129, 196608, 11, -2293593, 196608, 12, -2228057, 196608, 13, -2162521, 196608, 11, -2096985, 196608, 12, -2031449, 196608, 13, -1965913, 196608, 11, -1900377, 196608, 12, -1834841, 196608, 13, -1769305, 196608, 11, -1703769, 196608, 12, -1638233, 196608, 13, -1572697, 196608, 11, -1507161, 196608, 12, -1441625, 196608, 13, -1376089, 196608, 11, -2359128, 262144, 11, -2293592, 262144, 12, -2228056, 262144, 13, -2162520, 262144, 11, -2096984, 262144, 12, -2031448, 262144, 13, -1965912, 262144, 11, -1900376, 262144, 12, -1834840, 262144, 13, -1769304, 262144, 11, -1703768, 262144, 12, -1638232, 262144, 13, -1572696, 262144, 11, -1507160, 262144, 12, -1441624, 262144, 13, -1376088, 262144, 11, -2359127, 327680, 11, -2293591, 327680, 12, -2228055, 327680, 13, -2162519, 327680, 11, -2096983, 327680, 12, -2031447, 327680, 13, -1965911, 327680, 11, -1900375, 327680, 12, -1834839, 327680, 13, -1769303, 327680, 11, -1703767, 327680, 12, -1638231, 327680, 13, -1572695, 327680, 11, -1507159, 327680, 12, -1441623, 327680, 13, -1376087, 327680, 11, -2359126, 393216, 11, -2293590, 393216, 11, -2228054, 393216, 11, -2162518, 393216, 11, -2096982, 393216, 11, -2031446, 393216, 11, -1965910, 393216, 11, -1900374, 393216, 11, -1834838, 393216, 11, -1769302, 393216, 11, -1703766, 393216, 11, -1638230, 393216, 11, -1572694, 393216, 11, -1507158, 393216, 11, -1441622, 393216, 11, -1376086, 393216, 11, -327586, 327680, 6, -262050, 327680, 7, -327584, 524288, 6, -262048, 524288, 7, -327583, 458752, 6, -262047, 458752, 7, -327581, 655360, 6, -262045, 655360, 7, -327585, 458752, 6, -262049, 458752, 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-2424575, 393216, 11, -2359039, 393216, 11, -2293503, 393216, 11, -2227967, 393216, 11, -2162431, 393216, 11, -2096895, 393216, 11, -2031359, 393216, 11) + +[node name="Player" parent="level_temp" instance=ExtResource("8_15vrk")] +position = Vector2(61, 77) + +[node name="END_LEVEL" parent="." instance=ExtResource("9_ql8gk")] +position = Vector2(4144, 360) + +[node name="ships" type="Node2D" parent="."] + +[node name="ship" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = Vector2(1108, 508) + +[node name="ship2" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = Vector2(1138, 508) + +[node name="ship3" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = Vector2(1188, 508) + +[node name="ship4" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = Vector2(1208, 508) + +[node name="ship5" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = Vector2(1228, 508) + +[node name="ship6" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_jgc0n")] +position = 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name="item_meat2" parent="items" instance=ExtResource("13_2dxfq")] +position = Vector2(3311, 541) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("17_mtbp8") +autoplay = true + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="ships/ship14/Area2D" to="ships/ship14" method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="ships/ship15/Area2D" to="ships/ship15" method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] +[connection signal="body_entered" from="ships/ship16/Area2D" to="ships/ship16" method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/level_6.tscn b/level_6.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c48c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/level_6.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,467 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=30 format=3 uid="uid://by4jp20onwcgg"] + +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://gfiayc8bdbca" path="res://enemy_HOG.tscn" id="2_s5xhg"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dmmmgg8slp45s" path="res://enemy_boss.tscn" id="2_vjmk1"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cmnxcms46frnb" path="res://enemy_shield.tscn" id="3_vs8wc"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bohscn37ym0e2" path="res://enemy_volf.tscn" id="6_fucor"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dbj1ohlnvrotu" path="res://PNG/Textures&trees.png" id="7_14700"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player.gd" id="7_awlr8"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cyiyf8a47d7is" path="res://PNG/pig_player-Sheet.png" id="8_6b0nw"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://d3ipbdmyi5mom" path="res://music/pig-grunt-squeal.mp3" id="8_mg7er"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://f8icfnin873v" path="res://music/discord-notification.mp3" id="9_awn38"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dba2gva0a7hgd" path="res://item_meat.tscn" id="9_qyycf"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://b7mflgpcgaex2" path="res://music/под такое надо набегать.mp3" id="10_uoljf"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dwsbokp3bacig" path="res://ship.tscn" id="10_yo30r"] + +[sub_resource type="CompressedTexture2D" id="CompressedTexture2D_s48yx"] +load_path = "res://.godot/imported/Tlayer1.png-9ee98bcaa68a28a84c519dbf85bd82af.ctex" + +[sub_resource type="CompressedTexture2D" id="CompressedTexture2D_mq0e4"] +load_path = "res://.godot/imported/Tlayer2.png-307dc66a3b40f25df0add50b31ecb720.ctex" + +[sub_resource type="CompressedTexture2D" id="CompressedTexture2D_v4lm4"] +load_path = "res://.godot/imported/Tlayer3.png-4278221b2bd265a12bf103e935104e0c.ctex" + +[sub_resource type="CompressedTexture2D" id="CompressedTexture2D_4xhoi"] +load_path = "res://.godot/imported/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png-0c4e0dca20d859fc845e1026e297f763.ctex" + +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_n0326"] +texture = ExtResource("7_14700") +3:0/0 = 0 +4:0/0 = 0 +5:0/0 = 0 +6:0/0 = 0 +7:0/0 = 0 +8:0/0 = 0 +9:0/0 = 0 +10:0/0 = 0 +11:0/0 = 0 +12:0/0 = 0 +3:1/0 = 0 +4:1/0 = 0 +5:1/0 = 0 +6:1/0 = 0 +7:1/0 = 0 +8:1/0 = 0 +9:1/0 = 0 +10:1/0 = 0 +11:1/0 = 0 +12:1/0 = 0 +13:1/0 = 0 +3:2/0 = 0 +4:2/0 = 0 +5:2/0 = 0 +6:2/0 = 0 +7:2/0 = 0 +8:2/0 = 0 +9:2/0 = 0 +10:2/0 = 0 +11:2/0 = 0 +12:2/0 = 0 +3:3/0 = 0 +4:3/0 = 0 +5:3/0 = 0 +6:3/0 = 0 +7:3/0 = 0 +8:3/0 = 0 +9:3/0 = 0 +10:3/0 = 0 +11:3/0 = 0 +12:3/0 = 0 +1:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0 = 0 +4:4/0 = 0 +5:4/0 = 0 +6:4/0 = 0 +7:4/0 = 0 +8:4/0 = 0 +9:4/0 = 0 +10:4/0 = 0 +11:4/0 = 0 +12:4/0 = 0 +13:4/0 = 0 +14:4/0 = 0 +15:4/0 = 0 +1:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0 = 0 +4:5/0 = 0 +5:5/0 = 0 +6:5/0 = 0 +7:5/0 = 0 +8:5/0 = 0 +9:5/0 = 0 +10:5/0 = 0 +11:5/0 = 0 +12:5/0 = 0 +13:5/0 = 0 +14:5/0 = 0 +15:5/0 = 0 +5:6/0 = 0 +7:6/0 = 0 +8:6/0 = 0 +10:6/0 = 0 +5:7/0 = 0 +7:7/0 = 0 +8:7/0 = 0 +10:7/0 = 0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_oks25"] +height = 37.9999 + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_p00l3"] +size = Vector2(16, 20) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_j5t1j"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(0, 81, 142, 81) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_c7qyi"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(0, 160, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_343ha"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(142, 160, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_fh6qg"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(142, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_5q0fl"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_05ejw"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(0, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_w5c6f"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_6jwbd"] +atlas = ExtResource("8_6b0nw") +region = Rect2(142, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_ynk2h"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_j5t1j") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Dash", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_c7qyi") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_343ha") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_fh6qg") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 7.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_5q0fl") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_05ejw") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_w5c6f") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_6jwbd") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 9.0 +}] + +[node name="level_6" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(24, 11) + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="level_temp"] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.05, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(738.205, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(373, 340) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = SubResource("CompressedTexture2D_s48yx") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.1, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(736.78, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(370, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = SubResource("CompressedTexture2D_mq0e4") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(780.245, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(395, 356) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = SubResource("CompressedTexture2D_v4lm4") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="level_temp/BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="level_temp/BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +visible = false +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = SubResource("CompressedTexture2D_4xhoi") + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="level_temp"] + +[node name="enemy_volf2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_fucor")] +position = Vector2(6627, 432) + +[node name="enemy_volf3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_fucor")] +position = Vector2(6737, 440) + +[node name="enemy_volf4" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_fucor")] +position = Vector2(6817, 442) + +[node name="enemy_HOG" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_s5xhg")] +position = Vector2(6285, 430) + +[node name="enemy_HOG2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_s5xhg")] +position = Vector2(6471, 431) + +[node name="enemy_HOG3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_s5xhg")] +position = Vector2(6947, 434) + +[node name="enemy_HOG4" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_s5xhg")] +position = Vector2(7094, 433) + +[node name="enemy_HOG5" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_s5xhg")] +position = Vector2(7269, 436) + +[node name="enemy_shield" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(6018, 422) + +[node name="enemy_shield3" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(7463, 427) + +[node name="enemy_shield4" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(7628, 421) + +[node name="enemy_shield5" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(7822, 427) + +[node name="enemy_shield6" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(7979, 427) + +[node name="enemy_shield2" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("3_vs8wc")] +position = Vector2(6110, 421) + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_fucor")] +position = Vector2(243, 502) + +[node name="enemy_boss" parent="level_temp/enemy" instance=ExtResource("2_vjmk1")] +position = Vector2(2493, 234) + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="level_temp"] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 327680, 10, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 262144, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 393216, 10, -196600, 262144, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 327680, 10, -196592, 393216, 10, -196591, 262144, 10, -196590, 327680, 10, -196589, 327680, 10, -196588, 327680, 10, -196587, 327680, 10, -196586, 327680, 10, -196585, 327680, 10, -196584, 262144, 10, -196583, 327680, 10, -196582, 393216, 10, -196581, 262144, 10, -196580, 327680, 10, -196579, 393216, 10, -196578, 262144, 10, -196577, 327680, 10, -196576, 393216, 10, -196575, 262144, 10, -196574, 327680, 10, -196573, 393216, 10, -196572, 262144, 10, -196571, 327680, 10, -196570, 393216, 10, -196569, 262144, 10, -196568, 327680, 10, -196567, 393216, 10, -196566, 262144, 10, -196565, 327680, 10, -196564, 393216, 10, -196563, 262144, 10, -196562, 327680, 10, -196561, 393216, 10, -196560, 262144, 10, -196559, 327680, 10, -196558, 393216, 10, -196557, 393216, 10, -196556, 262144, 10, -196555, 327680, 10, -196554, 393216, 10, -196553, 262144, 10, -196552, 327680, 10, -196551, 393216, 10, -196550, 262144, 10, -196549, 327680, 10, -196548, 393216, 10, -196547, 262144, 10, -196546, 327680, 10, -196545, 393216, 10, -196544, 262144, 10, -196543, 327680, 10, -196542, 393216, 10, -196541, 262144, 10, -655364, 262144, 11, -589828, 262144, 11, -524292, 262144, 11, -851972, 262144, 11, -786436, 262144, 11, -720900, 262144, 11, -1048580, 262144, 11, -983044, 262144, 11, -917508, 262144, 11, -1245188, 262144, 11, -1179652, 262144, 11, -1114116, 262144, 11, -1507332, 262144, 11, -1441796, 262144, 11, -1376260, 262144, 11, -1703940, 262144, 11, -1638404, 262144, 11, -1572868, 262144, 11, -1900548, 262144, 11, -1835012, 262144, 11, -1769476, 262144, 11, -2097156, 262144, 11, -2031620, 262144, 11, -1966084, 262144, 11, -2293764, 262144, 11, -2228228, 262144, 11, -2162692, 262144, 11, -65540, 262144, 11, -65539, 327680, 11, -65538, 393216, 11, -65537, 262144, 11, -131072, 327680, 11, -131071, 393216, 11, -131070, 262144, 11, 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196608, 11, -2031421, 196608, 12, -1965885, 196608, 13, -1900349, 196608, 11, -1834813, 196608, 12, -1769277, 196608, 13, -1703741, 196608, 11, -1638205, 196608, 12, -1572669, 196608, 13, -1507133, 196608, 11, -1441597, 196608, 12, -1376061, 196608, 13, -1310525, 196608, 11, -1244989, 196608, 12, -1179453, 196608, 13, -1113917, 196608, 11, -1048381, 196608, 12, -982845, 196608, 13, -917309, 196608, 11, -196413, 393216, 10, -2293564, 262144, 11, -2228028, 262144, 12, -2162492, 262144, 13, -2096956, 262144, 11, -2031420, 262144, 12, -1965884, 262144, 13, -1900348, 262144, 11, -1834812, 262144, 12, -1769276, 262144, 13, -1703740, 262144, 11, -1638204, 262144, 12, -1572668, 262144, 13, -1507132, 262144, 11, -1441596, 262144, 12, -1376060, 262144, 13, -1310524, 262144, 11, -1244988, 262144, 12, -1179452, 262144, 13, -1113916, 262144, 11, -1048380, 262144, 12, -982844, 262144, 13, -917308, 262144, 11, -196412, 393216, 10, -2293563, 327680, 11, -2228027, 327680, 12, -2162491, 327680, 13, -2096955, 327680, 11, -2031419, 327680, 12, -1965883, 327680, 13, -1900347, 327680, 11, -1834811, 327680, 12, -1769275, 327680, 13, -1703739, 327680, 11, -1638203, 327680, 12, -1572667, 327680, 13, -1507131, 327680, 11, -1441595, 327680, 12, -1376059, 327680, 13, -1310523, 327680, 11, -1244987, 327680, 12, -1179451, 327680, 13, -1113915, 327680, 11, -1048379, 327680, 12, -982843, 327680, 13, -917307, 327680, 11, -196411, 393216, 10, -2293562, 393216, 11, -2228026, 393216, 12, -2162490, 393216, 13, -2096954, 393216, 11, -2031418, 393216, 12, -1965882, 393216, 13, -1900346, 393216, 11, -1834810, 393216, 12, -1769274, 393216, 13, -1703738, 393216, 11, -1638202, 393216, 12, -1572666, 393216, 13, -1507130, 393216, 11, -1441594, 393216, 12, -1376058, 393216, 13, -1310522, 393216, 11, -1244986, 393216, 12, -1179450, 393216, 13, -1113914, 393216, 11, -1048378, 393216, 12, -982842, 393216, 13, -196410, 393216, 10, -196510, 393216, 10, -130974, 262144, 11, -65438, 262144, 12, 98, 262144, 13, 65634, 262144, 11, 131170, 262144, 11, 196706, 262144, 12, 262242, 262144, 13, -196509, 393216, 10, -130973, 327680, 11, -65437, 327680, 12, 99, 327680, 13, 65635, 327680, 11, 131171, 327680, 11, 196707, 327680, 12, 262243, 327680, 13, -196508, 393216, 10, -130972, 393216, 11, -65436, 393216, 12, 100, 393216, 13, 65636, 393216, 11, 131172, 393216, 11, 196708, 393216, 12, 262244, 393216, 13, -196507, 393216, 10, -130971, 262144, 11, -65435, 262144, 12, 101, 262144, 13, 65637, 262144, 11, 131173, 262144, 11, 196709, 262144, 12, 262245, 262144, 13, -196506, 393216, 10, -130970, 327680, 11, -65434, 327680, 12, 102, 327680, 13, 65638, 327680, 11, 131174, 327680, 11, 196710, 327680, 12, 262246, 327680, 13, -196505, 393216, 10, -130969, 393216, 11, -65433, 393216, 12, 103, 393216, 13, 65639, 393216, 11, 131175, 393216, 11, 196711, 393216, 12, 262247, 393216, 13, -196504, 393216, 10, -130968, 262144, 11, -65432, 262144, 12, 104, 262144, 13, 65640, 262144, 11, 131176, 262144, 11, 196712, 262144, 12, 262248, 262144, 13, -196503, 393216, 10, -130967, 327680, 11, -65431, 327680, 12, 105, 327680, 13, 65641, 327680, 11, 131177, 327680, 11, 196713, 327680, 12, 262249, 327680, 13, -196502, 393216, 10, -130966, 393216, 11, -65430, 393216, 12, 106, 393216, 13, 65642, 393216, 11, 131178, 393216, 11, 196714, 393216, 12, 262250, 393216, 13, -196501, 393216, 10, -130965, 262144, 11, -65429, 262144, 12, 107, 262144, 13, 65643, 262144, 11, 131179, 262144, 11, 196715, 262144, 12, 262251, 262144, 13, -196500, 393216, 10, -130964, 327680, 11, -65428, 327680, 12, 108, 327680, 13, 65644, 327680, 11, 131180, 327680, 11, 196716, 327680, 12, 262252, 327680, 13, -196499, 393216, 10, -130963, 393216, 11, -65427, 393216, 12, 109, 393216, 13, 65645, 393216, 11, 131181, 393216, 11, 196717, 393216, 12, 262253, 393216, 13, -196498, 393216, 10, -130962, 262144, 11, -65426, 262144, 12, 110, 262144, 13, 65646, 262144, 11, 131182, 262144, 11, 196718, 262144, 12, 262254, 262144, 13, -196497, 393216, 10, -130961, 327680, 11, -65425, 327680, 12, 111, 327680, 13, 65647, 327680, 11, 131183, 327680, 11, 196719, 327680, 12, 262255, 327680, 13, -196496, 393216, 10, -130960, 393216, 11, -65424, 393216, 12, 112, 393216, 13, 65648, 393216, 11, 131184, 393216, 11, 196720, 393216, 12, 262256, 393216, 13, -196495, 393216, 10, -130959, 262144, 11, -65423, 262144, 12, 113, 262144, 13, 65649, 262144, 11, 131185, 262144, 11, 196721, 262144, 12, 262257, 262144, 13, -196494, 393216, 10, -130958, 327680, 11, -65422, 327680, 12, 114, 327680, 13, 65650, 327680, 11, 131186, 327680, 11, 196722, 327680, 12, 262258, 327680, 13, -196493, 393216, 10, -130957, 393216, 11, -65421, 393216, 12, 115, 393216, 13, 65651, 393216, 11, 131187, 393216, 11, 196723, 393216, 12, 262259, 393216, 13, -196492, 393216, 10, -130956, 262144, 11, -65420, 262144, 12, 116, 262144, 13, 65652, 262144, 11, 131188, 262144, 11, 196724, 262144, 12, 262260, 262144, 13, -196491, 393216, 10, -130955, 327680, 11, -65419, 327680, 12, 117, 327680, 13, 65653, 327680, 11, 131189, 327680, 11, 196725, 327680, 12, 262261, 327680, 13, -196490, 393216, 10, -130954, 393216, 11, -65418, 393216, 12, 118, 393216, 13, 65654, 393216, 11, 131190, 393216, 11, 196726, 393216, 12, 262262, 393216, 13, -196489, 393216, 10, -130953, 262144, 11, -65417, 262144, 12, 119, 262144, 13, 65655, 262144, 11, 131191, 262144, 11, 196727, 262144, 12, 262263, 262144, 13, -196488, 393216, 10, -130952, 327680, 11, -65416, 327680, 12, 120, 327680, 13, 65656, 327680, 11, 131192, 327680, 11, 196728, 327680, 12, 262264, 327680, 13, -196487, 393216, 10, -130951, 393216, 11, -65415, 393216, 12, 121, 393216, 13, 65657, 393216, 11, 131193, 393216, 11, 196729, 393216, 12, 262265, 393216, 13, -196486, 393216, 10, -130950, 262144, 11, -65414, 262144, 12, 122, 262144, 13, 65658, 262144, 11, 131194, 262144, 11, 196730, 262144, 12, 262266, 262144, 13, -196485, 393216, 10, -130949, 327680, 11, -65413, 327680, 12, 123, 327680, 13, 65659, 327680, 11, 131195, 327680, 11, 196731, 327680, 12, 262267, 327680, 13, -196484, 393216, 10, -130948, 393216, 11, -65412, 393216, 12, 124, 393216, 13, 65660, 393216, 11, 131196, 393216, 11, 196732, 393216, 12, 262268, 393216, 13, -196483, 393216, 10, -130947, 262144, 11, -65411, 262144, 12, 125, 262144, 13, 65661, 262144, 11, 131197, 262144, 11, 196733, 262144, 12, 262269, 262144, 13, -196482, 393216, 10, -130946, 327680, 11, -65410, 327680, 12, 126, 327680, 13, 65662, 327680, 11, 131198, 327680, 11, 196734, 327680, 12, 262270, 327680, 13, -196481, 393216, 10, -130945, 393216, 11, -65409, 393216, 12, 127, 393216, 13, 65663, 393216, 11, 131199, 393216, 11, 196735, 393216, 12, 262271, 393216, 13, -196480, 393216, 10, -130944, 262144, 11, -65408, 262144, 12, 128, 262144, 13, 65664, 262144, 11, 131200, 262144, 11, 196736, 262144, 12, 262272, 262144, 13, -196479, 393216, 10, -130943, 327680, 11, -65407, 327680, 12, 129, 327680, 13, 65665, 327680, 11, 131201, 327680, 11, 196737, 327680, 12, 262273, 327680, 13, -196478, 393216, 10, -130942, 393216, 11, -65406, 393216, 12, 130, 393216, 13, 65666, 393216, 11, 131202, 393216, 11, 196738, 393216, 12, 262274, 393216, 13, -196477, 393216, 10, -130941, 262144, 11, -65405, 262144, 12, 131, 262144, 13, 65667, 262144, 11, 131203, 262144, 11, 196739, 262144, 12, 262275, 262144, 13, -196476, 393216, 10, -130940, 327680, 11, -65404, 327680, 12, 132, 327680, 13, 65668, 327680, 11, 131204, 327680, 11, 196740, 327680, 12, 262276, 327680, 13, -196475, 393216, 10, -130939, 393216, 11, -65403, 393216, 12, 133, 393216, 13, 65669, 393216, 11, 131205, 393216, 11, 196741, 393216, 12, 262277, 393216, 13, -196474, 393216, 10, -130938, 262144, 11, -65402, 262144, 12, 134, 262144, 13, 65670, 262144, 11, 131206, 262144, 11, 196742, 262144, 12, 262278, 262144, 13, -196473, 393216, 10, -130937, 327680, 11, -65401, 327680, 12, 135, 327680, 13, 65671, 327680, 11, 131207, 327680, 11, 196743, 327680, 12, 262279, 327680, 13, -196472, 393216, 10, -130936, 393216, 11, -65400, 393216, 12, 136, 393216, 13, 65672, 393216, 11, 131208, 393216, 11, 196744, 393216, 12, 262280, 393216, 13, -196471, 393216, 10, -130935, 262144, 11, -65399, 262144, 12, 137, 262144, 13, 65673, 262144, 11, 131209, 262144, 11, 196745, 262144, 12, 262281, 262144, 13, -196470, 393216, 10, -130934, 327680, 11, -65398, 327680, 12, 138, 327680, 13, 65674, 327680, 11, 131210, 327680, 11, 196746, 327680, 12, 262282, 327680, 13, -196469, 393216, 10, -130933, 393216, 11, -65397, 393216, 12, 139, 393216, 13, 65675, 393216, 11, 131211, 393216, 11, 196747, 393216, 12, 262283, 393216, 13, -196468, 393216, 10, -130932, 262144, 11, -65396, 262144, 12, 140, 262144, 13, 65676, 262144, 11, 131212, 262144, 11, 196748, 262144, 12, 262284, 262144, 13, -196467, 393216, 10, -130931, 327680, 11, -65395, 327680, 12, 141, 327680, 13, 65677, 327680, 11, 131213, 327680, 11, 196749, 327680, 12, 262285, 327680, 13, -196466, 393216, 10, -130930, 393216, 11, -65394, 393216, 12, 142, 393216, 13, 65678, 393216, 11, 131214, 393216, 11, 196750, 393216, 12, 262286, 393216, 13, -196465, 393216, 10, -130929, 262144, 11, -65393, 262144, 12, 143, 262144, 13, 65679, 262144, 11, 131215, 262144, 11, 196751, 262144, 12, 262287, 262144, 13, -196464, 393216, 10, -130928, 327680, 11, -65392, 327680, 12, 144, 327680, 13, 65680, 327680, 11, 131216, 327680, 11, 196752, 327680, 12, 262288, 327680, 13, -196463, 393216, 10, -130927, 393216, 11, -65391, 393216, 12, 145, 393216, 13, 65681, 393216, 11, 131217, 393216, 11, 196753, 393216, 12, 262289, 393216, 13, -196462, 393216, 10, -130926, 262144, 11, -65390, 262144, 12, 146, 262144, 13, 65682, 262144, 11, 131218, 262144, 11, 196754, 262144, 12, 262290, 262144, 13, -196461, 393216, 10, -130925, 327680, 11, -65389, 327680, 12, 147, 327680, 13, 65683, 327680, 11, 131219, 327680, 11, 196755, 327680, 12, 262291, 327680, 13, -196460, 393216, 10, -130924, 393216, 11, -65388, 393216, 12, 148, 393216, 13, 65684, 393216, 11, 131220, 393216, 11, 196756, 393216, 12, 262292, 393216, 13, -196459, 393216, 10, -130923, 262144, 11, -65387, 262144, 12, 149, 262144, 13, 65685, 262144, 11, 131221, 262144, 11, 196757, 262144, 12, 262293, 262144, 13, -196458, 393216, 10, -130922, 327680, 11, -65386, 327680, 12, 150, 327680, 13, 65686, 327680, 11, 131222, 327680, 11, 196758, 327680, 12, 262294, 327680, 13, -196457, 393216, 10, -130921, 393216, 11, -65385, 393216, 12, 151, 393216, 13, 65687, 393216, 11, 131223, 393216, 11, 196759, 393216, 12, 262295, 393216, 13, -196456, 393216, 10, -130920, 262144, 11, -65384, 262144, 12, 152, 262144, 13, 65688, 262144, 11, 131224, 262144, 11, 196760, 262144, 12, 262296, 262144, 13, -196455, 393216, 10, -130919, 327680, 11, -65383, 327680, 12, 153, 327680, 13, 65689, 327680, 11, 131225, 327680, 11, 196761, 327680, 12, 262297, 327680, 13, -196454, 393216, 10, -130918, 393216, 11, -65382, 393216, 12, 154, 393216, 13, 65690, 393216, 11, 131226, 393216, 11, 196762, 393216, 12, 262298, 393216, 13, -196453, 393216, 10, -130917, 262144, 11, -65381, 262144, 12, 155, 262144, 13, 65691, 262144, 11, 131227, 262144, 11, 196763, 262144, 12, 262299, 262144, 13, -196452, 393216, 10, -130916, 327680, 11, -65380, 327680, 12, 156, 327680, 13, 65692, 327680, 11, 131228, 327680, 11, 196764, 327680, 12, 262300, 327680, 13, -196451, 393216, 10, -130915, 393216, 11, -65379, 393216, 12, 157, 393216, 13, 65693, 393216, 11, 131229, 393216, 11, 196765, 393216, 12, 262301, 393216, 13, -196450, 393216, 10, -130914, 262144, 11, -65378, 262144, 12, 158, 262144, 13, 65694, 262144, 11, 131230, 262144, 11, 196766, 262144, 12, 262302, 262144, 13, -196449, 393216, 10, -130913, 327680, 11, -65377, 327680, 12, 159, 327680, 13, 65695, 327680, 11, 131231, 327680, 11, 196767, 327680, 12, 262303, 327680, 13, -196448, 393216, 10, -130912, 393216, 11, -65376, 393216, 12, 160, 393216, 13, 65696, 393216, 11, 131232, 393216, 11, 196768, 393216, 12, 262304, 393216, 13, -196447, 393216, 10, -130911, 262144, 11, -65375, 262144, 12, 161, 262144, 13, 65697, 262144, 11, 131233, 262144, 11, 196769, 262144, 12, 262305, 262144, 13, -196446, 393216, 10, -130910, 393216, 11, -65374, 327680, 12, 162, 327680, 13, 65698, 327680, 11, 131234, 327680, 11, 196770, 327680, 12, 262306, 327680, 13, -196445, 393216, 10, -130909, 393216, 11, -65373, 393216, 12, 163, 393216, 13, 65699, 393216, 11, 131235, 393216, 11, 196771, 393216, 12, 262307, 393216, 13, -196444, 393216, 10, -130908, 262144, 11, -65372, 262144, 12, 164, 262144, 13, 65700, 262144, 11, 131236, 262144, 11, 196772, 262144, 12, 262308, 262144, 13, -196443, 393216, 10, -130907, 327680, 11, -65371, 327680, 12, 165, 327680, 13, 65701, 327680, 11, 131237, 327680, 11, 196773, 327680, 12, 262309, 327680, 13, -196442, 393216, 10, -130906, 393216, 11, -65370, 393216, 12, 166, 393216, 13, 65702, 393216, 11, 131238, 393216, 11, 196774, 393216, 12, 262310, 393216, 13, -196441, 393216, 10, -130905, 262144, 11, -65369, 262144, 12, 167, 262144, 13, 65703, 262144, 11, 131239, 262144, 11, 196775, 262144, 12, 262311, 262144, 13, -196440, 393216, 10, -130904, 327680, 11, -65368, 327680, 12, 168, 327680, 13, 65704, 327680, 11, 131240, 327680, 11, 196776, 327680, 12, 262312, 327680, 13, -196439, 393216, 10, -130903, 393216, 11, -65367, 393216, 12, 169, 393216, 13, 65705, 393216, 11, 131241, 393216, 11, 196777, 393216, 12, 262313, 393216, 13, -196438, 393216, 10, -130902, 262144, 11, -65366, 262144, 12, 170, 262144, 13, 65706, 262144, 11, 131242, 262144, 11, 196778, 262144, 12, 262314, 262144, 13, -196437, 393216, 10, -130901, 327680, 11, -65365, 327680, 12, 171, 327680, 13, 65707, 327680, 11, 131243, 327680, 11, 196779, 327680, 12, 262315, 327680, 13, -196436, 393216, 10, -130900, 393216, 11, -65364, 393216, 12, 172, 393216, 13, 65708, 393216, 11, 131244, 393216, 11, 196780, 393216, 12, 262316, 393216, 13, -196435, 393216, 10, -130899, 262144, 11, -65363, 262144, 12, 173, 262144, 13, 65709, 262144, 11, 131245, 262144, 11, 196781, 262144, 12, 262317, 262144, 13, -196434, 393216, 10, -130898, 327680, 11, -65362, 327680, 12, 174, 327680, 13, 65710, 327680, 11, 131246, 327680, 11, 196782, 327680, 12, 262318, 327680, 13, -196433, 393216, 10, -130897, 393216, 11, -65361, 393216, 12, 175, 393216, 13, 65711, 393216, 11, 131247, 393216, 11, 196783, 393216, 12, 262319, 393216, 13, -196432, 393216, 10, -130896, 262144, 11, -65360, 262144, 12, 176, 262144, 13, 65712, 262144, 11, 131248, 262144, 11, 196784, 262144, 12, 262320, 262144, 13, -196431, 393216, 10, -130895, 327680, 11, -65359, 327680, 12, 177, 327680, 13, 65713, 327680, 11, 131249, 327680, 11, 196785, 327680, 12, 262321, 327680, 13, -196430, 393216, 10, -130894, 393216, 11, -65358, 393216, 12, 178, 393216, 13, 65714, 393216, 11, 131250, 393216, 11, 196786, 393216, 12, 262322, 393216, 13, -196429, 393216, 10, -130893, 262144, 11, -65357, 262144, 12, 179, 262144, 13, 65715, 262144, 11, 131251, 262144, 11, 196787, 262144, 12, 262323, 262144, 13, -196428, 393216, 10, -130892, 327680, 11, -65356, 327680, 12, 180, 327680, 13, 65716, 327680, 11, 131252, 327680, 11, 196788, 327680, 12, 262324, 327680, 13, -196427, 393216, 10, -130891, 393216, 11, -65355, 393216, 12, 181, 393216, 13, 65717, 393216, 11, 131253, 393216, 11, 196789, 393216, 12, 262325, 393216, 13, -196426, 393216, 10, -130890, 262144, 11, -65354, 262144, 12, 182, 262144, 13, 65718, 262144, 11, 131254, 262144, 11, 196790, 262144, 12, 262326, 262144, 13, -196425, 393216, 10, -130889, 327680, 11, -65353, 327680, 12, 183, 327680, 13, 65719, 327680, 11, 131255, 327680, 11, 196791, 327680, 12, 262327, 327680, 13, -196424, 393216, 10, -130888, 393216, 11, -65352, 393216, 12, 184, 393216, 13, 65720, 393216, 11, 131256, 393216, 11, 196792, 393216, 12, 262328, 393216, 13, -196423, 393216, 10, -130887, 262144, 11, -65351, 262144, 12, 185, 262144, 13, 65721, 262144, 11, 131257, 262144, 11, 196793, 262144, 12, 262329, 262144, 13, -196422, 393216, 10, -130886, 327680, 11, -65350, 327680, 12, 186, 327680, 13, 65722, 327680, 11, 131258, 327680, 11, 196794, 327680, 12, 262330, 327680, 13, -196421, 393216, 10, -130885, 393216, 11, -65349, 393216, 12, 187, 393216, 13, 65723, 393216, 11, 131259, 393216, 11, 196795, 393216, 12, 262331, 393216, 13, -196420, 393216, 10, -130884, 262144, 11, -65348, 262144, 12, 188, 262144, 13, 65724, 262144, 11, 131260, 262144, 11, 196796, 262144, 12, 262332, 262144, 13, -196419, 393216, 10, -130883, 327680, 11, -65347, 327680, 12, 189, 327680, 13, 65725, 327680, 11, 131261, 327680, 11, 196797, 327680, 12, 262333, 327680, 13, -196418, 393216, 10, -130882, 393216, 11, -65346, 393216, 12, 190, 393216, 13, 65726, 393216, 11, 131262, 393216, 11, 196798, 393216, 12, 262334, 393216, 13, -196417, 393216, 10, -130881, 262144, 11, -65345, 262144, 12, 191, 262144, 13, 65727, 262144, 11, 131263, 262144, 11, 196799, 262144, 12, 262335, 262144, 13, -196416, 393216, 10, -130880, 327680, 11, -65344, 327680, 12, 192, 327680, 13, 65728, 327680, 11, 131264, 327680, 11, 196800, 327680, 12, 262336, 327680, 13, -196415, 393216, 10, -130879, 393216, 11, -65343, 393216, 12, 193, 393216, 13, 65729, 393216, 11, 131265, 393216, 11, 196801, 393216, 12, 262337, 393216, 13, -196414, 393216, 10, -130878, 262144, 11, -65342, 262144, 12, 194, 262144, 13, 65730, 262144, 11, 131266, 262144, 11, 196802, 262144, 12, 262338, 262144, 13, -130877, 327680, 11, -65341, 327680, 12, 195, 327680, 13, 65731, 327680, 11, 131267, 327680, 11, 196803, 327680, 12, 262339, 327680, 13, -130876, 393216, 11, -65340, 393216, 12, 196, 393216, 13, 65732, 393216, 11, 131268, 393216, 11, 196804, 393216, 12, 262340, 393216, 13, -130875, 262144, 11, -65339, 262144, 12, 197, 262144, 13, 65733, 262144, 11, 131269, 262144, 11, 196805, 262144, 12, 262341, 262144, 13, -130874, 327680, 11, -65338, 327680, 12, 198, 327680, 13, 65734, 327680, 11, 131270, 327680, 11, 196806, 327680, 12, 262342, 327680, 13, -196409, 393216, 10, -130873, 327680, 12, -65337, 327680, 12, 199, 327680, 12, 65735, 327680, 12, 131271, 327680, 12, 196807, 327680, 12, 262343, 327680, 12, -2293561, 327680, 12, -2228025, 327680, 12, -2162489, 327680, 12, -2096953, 327680, 12, -2031417, 327680, 12, -1965881, 327680, 12, -1900345, 327680, 12, -1834809, 327680, 12, -1769273, 327680, 12, -1703737, 327680, 12, -1638201, 327680, 12, -1572665, 327680, 12, -1507129, 327680, 12, -1441593, 327680, 12, -1376057, 327680, 12, -1310521, 327680, 12, -1244985, 327680, 12, -1179449, 327680, 12, -1113913, 327680, 12, -1048377, 327680, 12, -982841, 327680, 12, -2293560, 327680, 12, -2228024, 327680, 12, -2162488, 327680, 12, -2096952, 327680, 12, -2031416, 327680, 12, -1965880, 327680, 12, -1900344, 327680, 12, -1834808, 327680, 12, -1769272, 327680, 12, -1703736, 327680, 12, -1638200, 327680, 12, -1572664, 327680, 12, -1507128, 327680, 12, -1441592, 327680, 12, -1376056, 327680, 12, -1310520, 327680, 12, -1244984, 327680, 12, -1179448, 327680, 12, -1113912, 327680, 12, -1048376, 327680, 12, -196408, 393216, 10, -130872, 327680, 12, -65336, 327680, 12, 200, 327680, 12, 65736, 327680, 12, 131272, 327680, 12, 196808, 327680, 12, 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-1179446, 327680, 12, -1113910, 327680, 12, -1048374, 327680, 12, -196406, 393216, 10, -130870, 327680, 12, -65334, 327680, 12, 202, 327680, 12, 65738, 327680, 12, 131274, 327680, 12, 196810, 327680, 12, 262346, 327680, 12, -2293557, 327680, 12, -2228021, 327680, 12, -2162485, 327680, 12, -2096949, 327680, 12, -2031413, 327680, 12, -1965877, 327680, 12, -1900341, 327680, 12, -1834805, 327680, 12, -1769269, 327680, 12, -1703733, 327680, 12, -1638197, 327680, 12, -1572661, 327680, 12, -1507125, 327680, 12, -1441589, 327680, 12, -1376053, 327680, 12, -1310517, 327680, 12, -1244981, 327680, 12, -1179445, 327680, 12, -1113909, 327680, 12, -1048373, 327680, 12, -196405, 393216, 10, -130869, 327680, 12, -65333, 327680, 12, 203, 327680, 12, 65739, 327680, 12, 131275, 327680, 12, 196811, 327680, 12, 262347, 327680, 12, -2293556, 327680, 12, -2228020, 327680, 12, -2162484, 327680, 12, -2096948, 327680, 12, -2031412, 327680, 12, -1965876, 327680, 12, -1900340, 327680, 12, -1834804, 327680, 12, 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11, -2228164, 262144, 11, -2162628, 262144, 11, -2097092, 262144, 11, -2031556, 262144, 11, -1966020, 262144, 11, -1900484, 262144, 11, -1834948, 262144, 11, -1769412, 262144, 11, -1703876, 262144, 11, -1638340, 262144, 11, -1572804, 262144, 11, -2359235, 262144, 11, -2293699, 262144, 11, -2228163, 262144, 11, -2162627, 262144, 11, -2097091, 262144, 11, -2031555, 262144, 11, -1966019, 262144, 11, -1900483, 262144, 11, -1834947, 262144, 11, -1769411, 262144, 11, -1703875, 262144, 11, -1638339, 262144, 11, -1572803, 262144, 11, -524295, 262144, 11, -458759, 262144, 11, -393223, 262144, 11, -327687, 262144, 11, -262151, 262144, 11, -196615, 262144, 11, -131079, 262144, 11, -1441781, 262144, 11, -1507317, 262144, 11, -196386, 327680, 12, -130850, 327680, 12, -65314, 327680, 12, 222, 327680, 12, 65758, 327680, 12, 131294, 327680, 12, 196830, 327680, 12, 262366, 327680, 12, -196385, 327680, 12, -130849, 327680, 12, -65313, 327680, 12, 223, 327680, 12, 65759, 327680, 12, 131295, 327680, 12, 196831, 327680, 12, 262367, 327680, 12, -196384, 327680, 12, -130848, 327680, 12, -65312, 327680, 12, 224, 327680, 12, 65760, 327680, 12, 131296, 327680, 12, 196832, 327680, 12, 262368, 327680, 12, -196383, 327680, 12, -130847, 327680, 12, -65311, 327680, 12, 225, 327680, 12, 65761, 327680, 12, 131297, 327680, 12, 196833, 327680, 12, 262369, 327680, 12, -196382, 327680, 12, -130846, 327680, 12, -65310, 327680, 12, 226, 327680, 12, 65762, 327680, 12, 131298, 327680, 12, 196834, 327680, 12, 262370, 327680, 12, -196381, 327680, 12, -130845, 327680, 12, -65309, 327680, 12, 227, 327680, 12, 65763, 327680, 12, 131299, 327680, 12, 196835, 327680, 12, 262371, 327680, 12, -196380, 327680, 12, -130844, 327680, 12, -65308, 327680, 12, 228, 327680, 12, 65764, 327680, 12, 131300, 327680, 12, 196836, 327680, 12, 262372, 327680, 12, -196379, 327680, 12, -130843, 327680, 12, -65307, 327680, 12, 229, 327680, 12, 65765, 327680, 12, 131301, 327680, 12, 196837, 327680, 12, 262373, 327680, 12, -196378, 327680, 12, -130842, 327680, 12, -65306, 327680, 12, 230, 327680, 12, 65766, 327680, 12, 131302, 327680, 12, 196838, 327680, 12, 262374, 327680, 12, -196377, 393216, 10, -130841, 327680, 12, -65305, 327680, 12, 231, 327680, 12, 65767, 327680, 12, 131303, 327680, 12, 196839, 327680, 12, 262375, 327680, 12, -196376, 393216, 10, -130840, 327680, 12, -65304, 327680, 12, 232, 327680, 12, 65768, 327680, 12, 131304, 327680, 12, 196840, 327680, 12, 262376, 327680, 12, -196375, 393216, 10, -130839, 327680, 12, -65303, 327680, 12, 233, 327680, 12, 65769, 327680, 12, 131305, 327680, 12, 196841, 327680, 12, 262377, 327680, 12, -196374, 393216, 10, -130838, 327680, 12, -65302, 327680, 12, 234, 327680, 12, 65770, 327680, 12, 131306, 327680, 12, 196842, 327680, 12, 262378, 327680, 12, -196373, 393216, 10, -130837, 327680, 12, -65301, 327680, 12, 235, 327680, 12, 65771, 327680, 12, 131307, 327680, 12, 196843, 327680, 12, 262379, 327680, 12, -196372, 393216, 10, -130836, 327680, 12, -65300, 327680, 12, 236, 327680, 12, 65772, 327680, 12, 131308, 327680, 12, 196844, 327680, 12, 262380, 327680, 12, -196371, 393216, 10, -130835, 327680, 12, -65299, 327680, 12, 237, 327680, 12, 65773, 327680, 12, 131309, 327680, 12, 196845, 327680, 12, 262381, 327680, 12, -196370, 393216, 10, -130834, 327680, 12, -65298, 327680, 12, 238, 327680, 12, 65774, 327680, 12, 131310, 327680, 12, 196846, 327680, 12, 262382, 327680, 12, -196369, 393216, 10, -130833, 327680, 12, -65297, 327680, 12, 239, 327680, 12, 65775, 327680, 12, 131311, 327680, 12, 196847, 327680, 12, 262383, 327680, 12, -196368, 393216, 10, -130832, 327680, 12, -65296, 327680, 12, 240, 327680, 12, 65776, 327680, 12, 131312, 327680, 12, 196848, 327680, 12, 262384, 327680, 12, -196367, 393216, 10, -130831, 327680, 12, -65295, 327680, 12, 241, 327680, 12, 65777, 327680, 12, 131313, 327680, 12, 196849, 327680, 12, 262385, 327680, 12, -196366, 393216, 10, -130830, 327680, 12, -65294, 327680, 12, 242, 327680, 12, 65778, 327680, 12, 131314, 327680, 12, 196850, 327680, 12, 262386, 327680, 12, -196365, 393216, 10, -130829, 327680, 12, -65293, 327680, 12, 243, 327680, 12, 65779, 327680, 12, 131315, 327680, 12, 196851, 327680, 12, 262387, 327680, 12, -196364, 393216, 10, -130828, 327680, 12, -65292, 327680, 12, 244, 327680, 12, 65780, 327680, 12, 131316, 327680, 12, 196852, 327680, 12, 262388, 327680, 12, -196363, 393216, 10, -130827, 327680, 12, -65291, 327680, 12, 245, 327680, 12, 65781, 327680, 12, 131317, 327680, 12, 196853, 327680, 12, 262389, 327680, 12, -196362, 393216, 10, -130826, 327680, 12, -65290, 327680, 12, 246, 327680, 12, 65782, 327680, 12, 131318, 327680, 12, 196854, 327680, 12, 262390, 327680, 12, -196361, 393216, 10, -130825, 327680, 12, -65289, 327680, 12, 247, 327680, 12, 65783, 327680, 12, 131319, 327680, 12, 196855, 327680, 12, 262391, 327680, 12, -196360, 393216, 10, -130824, 327680, 12, -65288, 327680, 12, 248, 327680, 12, 65784, 327680, 12, 131320, 327680, 12, 196856, 327680, 12, 262392, 327680, 12, -196359, 393216, 10, -130823, 327680, 12, -65287, 327680, 12, 249, 327680, 12, 65785, 327680, 12, 131321, 327680, 12, 196857, 327680, 12, 262393, 327680, 12, -196358, 393216, 10, -130822, 327680, 12, -65286, 327680, 12, 250, 327680, 12, 65786, 327680, 12, 131322, 327680, 12, 196858, 327680, 12, 262394, 327680, 12, -196357, 393216, 10, -130821, 327680, 12, -65285, 327680, 12, 251, 327680, 12, 65787, 327680, 12, 131323, 327680, 12, 196859, 327680, 12, 262395, 327680, 12, -196356, 393216, 10, -130820, 327680, 12, -65284, 327680, 12, 252, 327680, 12, 65788, 327680, 12, 131324, 327680, 12, 196860, 327680, 12, 262396, 327680, 12, -196355, 393216, 10, -130819, 327680, 12, -65283, 327680, 12, 253, 327680, 12, 65789, 327680, 12, 131325, 327680, 12, 196861, 327680, 12, 262397, 327680, 12, -196354, 393216, 10, -130818, 327680, 12, -65282, 327680, 12, 254, 327680, 12, 65790, 327680, 12, 131326, 327680, 12, 196862, 327680, 12, 262398, 327680, 12, -196353, 393216, 10, -130817, 327680, 12, -65281, 327680, 12, 255, 327680, 12, 65791, 327680, 12, 131327, 327680, 12, 196863, 327680, 12, 262399, 327680, 12, -196352, 393216, 10, -130816, 327680, 12, -65280, 327680, 12, 256, 327680, 12, 65792, 327680, 12, 131328, 327680, 12, 196864, 327680, 12, 262400, 327680, 12, -196351, 393216, 10, -130815, 327680, 12, -65279, 327680, 12, 257, 327680, 12, 65793, 327680, 12, 131329, 327680, 12, 196865, 327680, 12, 262401, 327680, 12, -196350, 393216, 10, -130814, 327680, 12, -65278, 327680, 12, 258, 327680, 12, 65794, 327680, 12, 131330, 327680, 12, 196866, 327680, 12, 262402, 327680, 12, -196349, 393216, 10, -130813, 327680, 12, -65277, 327680, 12, 259, 327680, 12, 65795, 327680, 12, 131331, 327680, 12, 196867, 327680, 12, 262403, 327680, 12, -196348, 393216, 10, -130812, 327680, 12, -65276, 327680, 12, 260, 327680, 12, 65796, 327680, 12, 131332, 327680, 12, 196868, 327680, 12, 262404, 327680, 12, -196347, 393216, 10, -130811, 327680, 12, -65275, 327680, 12, 261, 327680, 12, 65797, 327680, 12, 131333, 327680, 12, 196869, 327680, 12, 262405, 327680, 12, -196346, 393216, 10, -130810, 327680, 12, -65274, 327680, 12, 262, 327680, 12, 65798, 327680, 12, 131334, 327680, 12, 196870, 327680, 12, 262406, 327680, 12, -196345, 393216, 10, -130809, 327680, 12, -65273, 327680, 12, 263, 327680, 12, 65799, 327680, 12, 131335, 327680, 12, 196871, 327680, 12, 262407, 327680, 12, -196344, 393216, 10, -130808, 327680, 12, -65272, 327680, 12, 264, 327680, 12, 65800, 327680, 12, 131336, 327680, 12, 196872, 327680, 12, 262408, 327680, 12, -196343, 393216, 10, -130807, 327680, 12, -65271, 327680, 12, 265, 327680, 12, 65801, 327680, 12, 131337, 327680, 12, 196873, 327680, 12, 262409, 327680, 12, -196342, 393216, 10, -130806, 327680, 12, -65270, 327680, 12, 266, 327680, 12, 65802, 327680, 12, 131338, 327680, 12, 196874, 327680, 12, 262410, 327680, 12, -196341, 393216, 10, -130805, 327680, 12, -65269, 327680, 12, 267, 327680, 12, 65803, 327680, 12, 131339, 327680, 12, 196875, 327680, 12, 262411, 327680, 12, -196340, 393216, 10, -130804, 327680, 12, -65268, 327680, 12, 268, 327680, 12, 65804, 327680, 12, 131340, 327680, 12, 196876, 327680, 12, 262412, 327680, 12, -196339, 393216, 10, -130803, 327680, 12, -65267, 327680, 12, 269, 327680, 12, 65805, 327680, 12, 131341, 327680, 12, 196877, 327680, 12, 262413, 327680, 12, -196338, 393216, 10, -130802, 327680, 12, -65266, 327680, 12, 270, 327680, 12, 65806, 327680, 12, 131342, 327680, 12, 196878, 327680, 12, 262414, 327680, 12, -196337, 393216, 10, -130801, 327680, 12, -65265, 327680, 12, 271, 327680, 12, 65807, 327680, 12, 131343, 327680, 12, 196879, 327680, 12, 262415, 327680, 12, -196336, 393216, 10, -130800, 327680, 12, -65264, 327680, 12, 272, 327680, 12, 65808, 327680, 12, 131344, 327680, 12, 196880, 327680, 12, 262416, 327680, 12, -196335, 393216, 10, -130799, 327680, 12, -65263, 327680, 12, 273, 327680, 12, 65809, 327680, 12, 131345, 327680, 12, 196881, 327680, 12, 262417, 327680, 12, -196334, 393216, 10, -130798, 327680, 12, -65262, 327680, 12, 274, 327680, 12, 65810, 327680, 12, 131346, 327680, 12, 196882, 327680, 12, 262418, 327680, 12, -196333, 393216, 10, -130797, 327680, 12, -65261, 327680, 12, 275, 327680, 12, 65811, 327680, 12, 131347, 327680, 12, 196883, 327680, 12, 262419, 327680, 12, -196332, 393216, 10, -130796, 327680, 12, -65260, 327680, 12, 276, 327680, 12, 65812, 327680, 12, 131348, 327680, 12, 196884, 327680, 12, 262420, 327680, 12, -196331, 393216, 10, -130795, 327680, 12, -65259, 327680, 12, 277, 327680, 12, 65813, 327680, 12, 131349, 327680, 12, 196885, 327680, 12, 262421, 327680, 12, -196330, 393216, 10, -130794, 327680, 12, -65258, 327680, 12, 278, 327680, 12, 65814, 327680, 12, 131350, 327680, 12, 196886, 327680, 12, 262422, 327680, 12, -196329, 393216, 10, -130793, 327680, 12, -65257, 327680, 12, 279, 327680, 12, 65815, 327680, 12, 131351, 327680, 12, 196887, 327680, 12, 262423, 327680, 12, -196328, 393216, 10, -130792, 327680, 12, -65256, 327680, 12, 280, 327680, 12, 65816, 327680, 12, 131352, 327680, 12, 196888, 327680, 12, 262424, 327680, 12, -196327, 393216, 10, -130791, 327680, 12, -65255, 327680, 12, 281, 327680, 12, 65817, 327680, 12, 131353, 327680, 12, 196889, 327680, 12, 262425, 327680, 12, -196326, 393216, 10, -130790, 327680, 12, -65254, 327680, 12, 282, 327680, 12, 65818, 327680, 12, 131354, 327680, 12, 196890, 327680, 12, 262426, 327680, 12, -196325, 393216, 10, -130789, 327680, 12, -65253, 327680, 12, 283, 327680, 12, 65819, 327680, 12, 131355, 327680, 12, 196891, 327680, 12, 262427, 327680, 12, -196324, 393216, 10, -130788, 327680, 12, -65252, 327680, 12, 284, 327680, 12, 65820, 327680, 12, 131356, 327680, 12, 196892, 327680, 12, 262428, 327680, 12, -196323, 393216, 10, -130787, 327680, 12, -65251, 327680, 12, 285, 327680, 12, 65821, 327680, 12, 131357, 327680, 12, 196893, 327680, 12, 262429, 327680, 12, -196322, 393216, 10, -130786, 327680, 12, -65250, 327680, 12, 286, 327680, 12, 65822, 327680, 12, 131358, 327680, 12, 196894, 327680, 12, 262430, 327680, 12, -196321, 393216, 10, -130785, 327680, 12, -65249, 327680, 12, 287, 327680, 12, 65823, 327680, 12, 131359, 327680, 12, 196895, 327680, 12, 262431, 327680, 12, -196320, 393216, 10, -130784, 327680, 12, -65248, 327680, 12, 288, 327680, 12, 65824, 327680, 12, 131360, 327680, 12, 196896, 327680, 12, 262432, 327680, 12, -196319, 393216, 10, -130783, 327680, 12, -65247, 327680, 12, 289, 327680, 12, 65825, 327680, 12, 131361, 327680, 12, 196897, 327680, 12, 262433, 327680, 12, -196318, 393216, 10, -130782, 327680, 12, -65246, 327680, 12, 290, 327680, 12, 65826, 327680, 12, 131362, 327680, 12, 196898, 327680, 12, 262434, 327680, 12, -196317, 393216, 10, -130781, 327680, 12, -65245, 327680, 12, 291, 327680, 12, 65827, 327680, 12, 131363, 327680, 12, 196899, 327680, 12, 262435, 327680, 12, -196316, 393216, 10, -130780, 327680, 12, -65244, 327680, 12, 292, 327680, 12, 65828, 327680, 12, 131364, 327680, 12, 196900, 327680, 12, 262436, 327680, 12, -196315, 393216, 10, -130779, 327680, 12, -65243, 327680, 12, 293, 327680, 12, 65829, 327680, 12, 131365, 327680, 12, 196901, 327680, 12, 262437, 327680, 12, -196314, 393216, 10, -130778, 327680, 12, -65242, 327680, 12, 294, 327680, 12, 65830, 327680, 12, 131366, 327680, 12, 196902, 327680, 12, 262438, 327680, 12, -196313, 393216, 10, -130777, 327680, 12, -65241, 327680, 12, 295, 327680, 12, 65831, 327680, 12, 131367, 327680, 12, 196903, 327680, 12, 262439, 327680, 12, -196312, 393216, 10, -130776, 327680, 12, -65240, 327680, 12, 296, 327680, 12, 65832, 327680, 12, 131368, 327680, 12, 196904, 327680, 12, 262440, 327680, 12, -196311, 393216, 10, -130775, 327680, 12, -65239, 327680, 12, 297, 327680, 12, 65833, 327680, 12, 131369, 327680, 12, 196905, 327680, 12, 262441, 327680, 12, -196310, 393216, 10, -130774, 327680, 12, -65238, 327680, 12, 298, 327680, 12, 65834, 327680, 12, 131370, 327680, 12, 196906, 327680, 12, 262442, 327680, 12, -196309, 393216, 10, -130773, 327680, 12, -65237, 327680, 12, 299, 327680, 12, 65835, 327680, 12, 131371, 327680, 12, 196907, 327680, 12, 262443, 327680, 12, -196308, 393216, 10, -130772, 327680, 12, -65236, 327680, 12, 300, 327680, 12, 65836, 327680, 12, 131372, 327680, 12, 196908, 327680, 12, 262444, 327680, 12, -196307, 393216, 10, -130771, 327680, 12, -65235, 327680, 12, 301, 327680, 12, 65837, 327680, 12, 131373, 327680, 12, 196909, 327680, 12, 262445, 327680, 12, -196306, 393216, 10, -130770, 327680, 12, -65234, 327680, 12, 302, 327680, 12, 65838, 327680, 12, 131374, 327680, 12, 196910, 327680, 12, 262446, 327680, 12, -196305, 393216, 10, -130769, 327680, 12, -65233, 327680, 12, 303, 327680, 12, 65839, 327680, 12, 131375, 327680, 12, 196911, 327680, 12, 262447, 327680, 12, -196304, 393216, 10, -130768, 327680, 12, -65232, 327680, 12, 304, 327680, 12, 65840, 327680, 12, 131376, 327680, 12, 196912, 327680, 12, 262448, 327680, 12, -196303, 393216, 10, -130767, 327680, 12, -65231, 327680, 12, 305, 327680, 12, 65841, 327680, 12, 131377, 327680, 12, 196913, 327680, 12, 262449, 327680, 12, -196302, 393216, 10, -130766, 327680, 12, -65230, 327680, 12, 306, 327680, 12, 65842, 327680, 12, 131378, 327680, 12, 196914, 327680, 12, 262450, 327680, 12, -196301, 393216, 10, -130765, 327680, 12, -65229, 327680, 12, 307, 327680, 12, 65843, 327680, 12, 131379, 327680, 12, 196915, 327680, 12, 262451, 327680, 12, -196300, 393216, 10, -130764, 327680, 12, -65228, 327680, 12, 308, 327680, 12, 65844, 327680, 12, 131380, 327680, 12, 196916, 327680, 12, 262452, 327680, 12, -196299, 393216, 10, -130763, 327680, 12, -65227, 327680, 12, 309, 327680, 12, 65845, 327680, 12, 131381, 327680, 12, 196917, 327680, 12, 262453, 327680, 12, -196298, 393216, 10, -130762, 327680, 12, -65226, 327680, 12, 310, 327680, 12, 65846, 327680, 12, 131382, 327680, 12, 196918, 327680, 12, 262454, 327680, 12, -196297, 393216, 10, -130761, 327680, 12, -65225, 327680, 12, 311, 327680, 12, 65847, 327680, 12, 131383, 327680, 12, 196919, 327680, 12, 262455, 327680, 12, -196296, 393216, 10, -130760, 327680, 12, -65224, 327680, 12, 312, 327680, 12, 65848, 327680, 12, 131384, 327680, 12, 196920, 327680, 12, 262456, 327680, 12, -196295, 393216, 10, -130759, 327680, 12, -65223, 327680, 12, 313, 327680, 12, 65849, 327680, 12, 131385, 327680, 12, 196921, 327680, 12, 262457, 327680, 12, -196294, 393216, 10, -130758, 327680, 12, -65222, 327680, 12, 314, 327680, 12, 65850, 327680, 12, 131386, 327680, 12, 196922, 327680, 12, 262458, 327680, 12, -196293, 393216, 10, -130757, 327680, 12, -65221, 327680, 12, 315, 327680, 12, 65851, 327680, 12, 131387, 327680, 12, 196923, 327680, 12, 262459, 327680, 12, -196292, 393216, 10, -130756, 327680, 12, -65220, 327680, 12, 316, 327680, 12, 65852, 327680, 12, 131388, 327680, 12, 196924, 327680, 12, 262460, 327680, 12, -196291, 393216, 10, -130755, 327680, 12, -65219, 327680, 12, 317, 327680, 12, 65853, 327680, 12, 131389, 327680, 12, 196925, 327680, 12, 262461, 327680, 12, -196290, 393216, 10, -130754, 327680, 12, -65218, 327680, 12, 318, 327680, 12, 65854, 327680, 12, 131390, 327680, 12, 196926, 327680, 12, 262462, 327680, 12, -196289, 393216, 10, -130753, 327680, 12, -65217, 327680, 12, 319, 327680, 12, 65855, 327680, 12, 131391, 327680, 12, 196927, 327680, 12, 262463, 327680, 12, -196288, 393216, 10, -130752, 327680, 12, -65216, 327680, 12, 320, 327680, 12, 65856, 327680, 12, 131392, 327680, 12, 196928, 327680, 12, 262464, 327680, 12, -196287, 393216, 10, -130751, 327680, 12, -65215, 327680, 12, 321, 327680, 12, 65857, 327680, 12, 131393, 327680, 12, 196929, 327680, 12, 262465, 327680, 12, -196286, 393216, 10, -130750, 327680, 12, -65214, 327680, 12, 322, 327680, 12, 65858, 327680, 12, 131394, 327680, 12, 196930, 327680, 12, 262466, 327680, 12, -196285, 393216, 10, -130749, 327680, 12, -65213, 327680, 12, 323, 327680, 12, 65859, 327680, 12, 131395, 327680, 12, 196931, 327680, 12, 262467, 327680, 12, -196284, 393216, 10, -130748, 327680, 12, -65212, 327680, 12, 324, 327680, 12, 65860, 327680, 12, 131396, 327680, 12, 196932, 327680, 12, 262468, 327680, 12, -196283, 393216, 10, -130747, 327680, 12, -65211, 327680, 12, 325, 327680, 12, 65861, 327680, 12, 131397, 327680, 12, 196933, 327680, 12, 262469, 327680, 12, -196282, 393216, 10, -130746, 327680, 12, -65210, 327680, 12, 326, 327680, 12, 65862, 327680, 12, 131398, 327680, 12, 196934, 327680, 12, 262470, 327680, 12, -196281, 393216, 10, -130745, 327680, 12, -65209, 327680, 12, 327, 327680, 12, 65863, 327680, 12, 131399, 327680, 12, 196935, 327680, 12, 262471, 327680, 12, -196280, 393216, 10, -130744, 327680, 12, -65208, 327680, 12, 328, 327680, 12, 65864, 327680, 12, 131400, 327680, 12, 196936, 327680, 12, 262472, 327680, 12, -196279, 393216, 10, -130743, 327680, 12, -65207, 327680, 12, 329, 327680, 12, 65865, 327680, 12, 131401, 327680, 12, 196937, 327680, 12, 262473, 327680, 12, -196278, 393216, 10, -130742, 327680, 12, -65206, 327680, 12, 330, 327680, 12, 65866, 327680, 12, 131402, 327680, 12, 196938, 327680, 12, 262474, 327680, 12, -196277, 393216, 10, -130741, 327680, 12, -65205, 327680, 12, 331, 327680, 12, 65867, 327680, 12, 131403, 327680, 12, 196939, 327680, 12, 262475, 327680, 12, -196276, 393216, 10, -130740, 327680, 12, -65204, 327680, 12, 332, 327680, 12, 65868, 327680, 12, 131404, 327680, 12, 196940, 327680, 12, 262476, 327680, 12, -196275, 393216, 10, -130739, 327680, 12, -65203, 327680, 12, 333, 327680, 12, 65869, 327680, 12, 131405, 327680, 12, 196941, 327680, 12, 262477, 327680, 12, -196274, 393216, 10, -130738, 327680, 12, -65202, 327680, 12, 334, 327680, 12, 65870, 327680, 12, 131406, 327680, 12, 196942, 327680, 12, 262478, 327680, 12, -196273, 393216, 10, -130737, 327680, 12, -65201, 327680, 12, 335, 327680, 12, 65871, 327680, 12, 131407, 327680, 12, 196943, 327680, 12, 262479, 327680, 12, -196272, 393216, 10, -130736, 327680, 12, -65200, 327680, 12, 336, 327680, 12, 65872, 327680, 12, 131408, 327680, 12, 196944, 327680, 12, 262480, 327680, 12, -196271, 393216, 10, -130735, 327680, 12, -65199, 327680, 12, 337, 327680, 12, 65873, 327680, 12, 131409, 327680, 12, 196945, 327680, 12, 262481, 327680, 12, -196270, 393216, 10, -130734, 327680, 12, -65198, 327680, 12, 338, 327680, 12, 65874, 327680, 12, 131410, 327680, 12, 196946, 327680, 12, 262482, 327680, 12, -196269, 393216, 10, -130733, 327680, 12, -65197, 327680, 12, 339, 327680, 12, 65875, 327680, 12, 131411, 327680, 12, 196947, 327680, 12, 262483, 327680, 12, -196268, 327680, 12, -130732, 327680, 12, -65196, 327680, 12, 340, 327680, 12, 65876, 327680, 12, 131412, 327680, 12, 196948, 327680, 12, 262484, 327680, 12, -196267, 327680, 12, -130731, 327680, 12, -65195, 327680, 12, 341, 327680, 12, 65877, 327680, 12, 131413, 327680, 12, 196949, 327680, 12, 262485, 327680, 12, -196266, 327680, 12, -130730, 327680, 12, -65194, 327680, 12, 342, 327680, 12, 65878, 327680, 12, 131414, 327680, 12, 196950, 327680, 12, 262486, 327680, 12, -2293538, 327680, 12, -2228002, 327680, 12, -2162466, 327680, 12, -2096930, 327680, 12, -2031394, 327680, 12, -1965858, 327680, 12, -1900322, 327680, 12, -1834786, 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371, 327680, 12, 65907, 327680, 12, 131443, 327680, 12, 196979, 327680, 12, 262515, 327680, 12, -261772, 327680, 12, -196236, 327680, 12, -130700, 327680, 12, -65164, 327680, 12, 372, 327680, 12, 65908, 327680, 12, 131444, 327680, 12, 196980, 327680, 12, 262516, 327680, 12, -261771, 327680, 12, -196235, 327680, 12, -130699, 327680, 12, -65163, 327680, 12, 373, 327680, 12, 65909, 327680, 12, 131445, 327680, 12, 196981, 327680, 12, 262517, 327680, 12, -261770, 327680, 12, -196234, 327680, 12, -130698, 327680, 12, -65162, 327680, 12, 374, 327680, 12, 65910, 327680, 12, 131446, 327680, 12, 196982, 327680, 12, 262518, 327680, 12, -261769, 327680, 12, -196233, 327680, 12, -130697, 327680, 12, -65161, 327680, 12, 375, 327680, 12, 65911, 327680, 12, 131447, 327680, 12, 196983, 327680, 12, 262519, 327680, 12, -261768, 327680, 12, -196232, 327680, 12, -130696, 327680, 12, -65160, 327680, 12, 376, 327680, 12, 65912, 327680, 12, 131448, 327680, 12, 196984, 327680, 12, 262520, 327680, 12, -261767, 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12, 131454, 327680, 12, 196990, 327680, 12, 262526, 327680, 12, -261761, 327680, 12, -196225, 327680, 12, -130689, 327680, 12, -65153, 327680, 12, 383, 327680, 12, 65919, 327680, 12, 131455, 327680, 12, 196991, 327680, 12, 262527, 327680, 12, -261760, 327680, 12, -196224, 327680, 12, -130688, 327680, 12, -65152, 327680, 12, 384, 327680, 12, 65920, 327680, 12, 131456, 327680, 12, 196992, 327680, 12, 262528, 327680, 12, -261759, 327680, 12, -196223, 327680, 12, -130687, 327680, 12, -65151, 327680, 12, 385, 327680, 12, 65921, 327680, 12, 131457, 327680, 12, 196993, 327680, 12, 262529, 327680, 12, -261758, 327680, 12, -196222, 327680, 12, -130686, 327680, 12, -65150, 327680, 12, 386, 327680, 12, 65922, 327680, 12, 131458, 327680, 12, 196994, 327680, 12, 262530, 327680, 12, -261757, 327680, 12, -196221, 327680, 12, -130685, 327680, 12, -65149, 327680, 12, 387, 327680, 12, 65923, 327680, 12, 131459, 327680, 12, 196995, 327680, 12, 262531, 327680, 12, -261756, 327680, 12, -196220, 327680, 12, 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12, -261739, 327680, 12, -196203, 327680, 12, -130667, 327680, 12, -65131, 327680, 12, 405, 327680, 12, 65941, 327680, 12, 131477, 327680, 12, 197013, 327680, 12, 262549, 327680, 12, -261738, 327680, 12, -196202, 327680, 12, -130666, 327680, 12, -65130, 327680, 12, 406, 327680, 12, 65942, 327680, 12, 131478, 327680, 12, 197014, 327680, 12, 262550, 327680, 12, -261737, 327680, 12, -196201, 327680, 12, -130665, 327680, 12, -65129, 327680, 12, 407, 327680, 12, 65943, 327680, 12, 131479, 327680, 12, 197015, 327680, 12, 262551, 327680, 12, -261736, 327680, 12, -196200, 327680, 12, -130664, 327680, 12, -65128, 327680, 12, 408, 327680, 12, 65944, 327680, 12, 131480, 327680, 12, 197016, 327680, 12, 262552, 327680, 12, -261735, 327680, 12, -196199, 327680, 12, -130663, 327680, 12, -65127, 327680, 12, 409, 327680, 12, 65945, 327680, 12, 131481, 327680, 12, 197017, 327680, 12, 262553, 327680, 12, -261734, 327680, 12, -196198, 327680, 12, -130662, 327680, 12, -65126, 327680, 12, 410, 327680, 12, 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12, -1965654, 327680, 12, -1900118, 327680, 12, -1834582, 327680, 12, -1769046, 327680, 12, -2293333, 327680, 12, -2227797, 327680, 12, -2162261, 327680, 12, -2096725, 327680, 12, -2031189, 327680, 12, -1965653, 327680, 12, -1900117, 327680, 12, -1834581, 327680, 12, -1769045, 327680, 12, -2293332, 327680, 12, -2227796, 327680, 12, -2162260, 327680, 12, -2096724, 327680, 12, -2031188, 327680, 12, -1965652, 327680, 12, -1900116, 327680, 12, -1834580, 327680, 12, -1769044, 327680, 12, -196180, 327680, 12, -130644, 327680, 12, -65108, 327680, 12, 428, 327680, 12, 65964, 327680, 12, 131500, 327680, 12, 197036, 327680, 12, 262572, 327680, 12, -196179, 327680, 12, -130643, 327680, 12, -65107, 327680, 12, 429, 327680, 12, 65965, 327680, 12, 131501, 327680, 12, 197037, 327680, 12, 262573, 327680, 12, -196178, 327680, 12, -130642, 327680, 12, -65106, 327680, 12, 430, 327680, 12, 65966, 327680, 12, 131502, 327680, 12, 197038, 327680, 12, 262574, 327680, 12, -196177, 327680, 12, -130641, 327680, 12, -65105, 327680, 12, 431, 327680, 12, 65967, 327680, 12, 131503, 327680, 12, 197039, 327680, 12, 262575, 327680, 12, -196176, 327680, 12, -130640, 327680, 12, -65104, 327680, 12, 432, 327680, 12, 65968, 327680, 12, 131504, 327680, 12, 197040, 327680, 12, 262576, 327680, 12, -196175, 327680, 12, -130639, 327680, 12, -65103, 327680, 12, 433, 327680, 12, 65969, 327680, 12, 131505, 327680, 12, 197041, 327680, 12, 262577, 327680, 12, -458324, 327680, 10, -392788, 327680, 12, -327252, 327680, 12, -261716, 327680, 12, -458323, 327680, 10, -392787, 327680, 12, -327251, 327680, 12, -261715, 327680, 12, -458322, 327680, 10, -392786, 327680, 12, -327250, 327680, 12, -261714, 327680, 12, -458321, 327680, 10, -392785, 327680, 12, -327249, 327680, 12, -261713, 327680, 12, -458320, 327680, 10, -392784, 327680, 12, -327248, 327680, 12, -261712, 327680, 12, -458319, 327680, 10, -392783, 327680, 12, -327247, 327680, 12, -261711, 327680, 12, -1769043, 327680, 12, -1769042, 327680, 12, -1769041, 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327680, 12, -130634, 327680, 12, -65098, 327680, 12, 438, 327680, 12, 65974, 327680, 12, 131510, 327680, 12, 197046, 327680, 12, 262582, 327680, 12, -458313, 327680, 10, -392777, 327680, 12, -327241, 327680, 12, -261705, 327680, 12, -196169, 327680, 12, -130633, 327680, 12, -65097, 327680, 12, 439, 327680, 12, 65975, 327680, 12, 131511, 327680, 12, 197047, 327680, 12, 262583, 327680, 12, -458312, 327680, 10, -392776, 327680, 12, -327240, 327680, 12, -261704, 327680, 12, -196168, 327680, 12, -130632, 327680, 12, -65096, 327680, 12, 440, 327680, 12, 65976, 327680, 12, 131512, 327680, 12, 197048, 327680, 12, 262584, 327680, 12, -458311, 327680, 10, -392775, 327680, 12, -327239, 327680, 12, -261703, 327680, 12, -196167, 327680, 12, -130631, 327680, 12, -65095, 327680, 12, 441, 327680, 12, 65977, 327680, 12, 131513, 327680, 12, 197049, 327680, 12, 262585, 327680, 12, -458310, 327680, 10, -392774, 327680, 12, -327238, 327680, 12, -261702, 327680, 12, -196166, 327680, 12, -130630, 327680, 12, -65094, 327680, 12, 442, 327680, 12, 65978, 327680, 12, 131514, 327680, 12, 197050, 327680, 12, 262586, 327680, 12, -458309, 327680, 10, -392773, 327680, 12, -327237, 327680, 12, -261701, 327680, 12, -196165, 327680, 12, -130629, 327680, 12, -65093, 327680, 12, 443, 327680, 12, 65979, 327680, 12, 131515, 327680, 12, 197051, 327680, 12, 262587, 327680, 12, -458308, 327680, 10, -392772, 327680, 12, -327236, 327680, 12, -261700, 327680, 12, -196164, 327680, 12, -130628, 327680, 12, -65092, 327680, 12, 444, 327680, 12, 65980, 327680, 12, 131516, 327680, 12, 197052, 327680, 12, 262588, 327680, 12, -458307, 327680, 10, -392771, 327680, 12, -327235, 327680, 12, -261699, 327680, 12, -196163, 327680, 12, -130627, 327680, 12, -65091, 327680, 12, 445, 327680, 12, 65981, 327680, 12, 131517, 327680, 12, 197053, 327680, 12, 262589, 327680, 12, -458306, 327680, 10, -392770, 327680, 12, -327234, 327680, 12, -261698, 327680, 12, -196162, 327680, 12, -130626, 327680, 12, -65090, 327680, 12, 446, 327680, 12, 65982, 327680, 12, 131518, 327680, 12, 197054, 327680, 12, 262590, 327680, 12, -458305, 327680, 10, -392769, 327680, 12, -327233, 327680, 12, -261697, 327680, 12, -196161, 327680, 12, -130625, 327680, 12, -65089, 327680, 12, 447, 327680, 12, 65983, 327680, 12, 131519, 327680, 12, 197055, 327680, 12, 262591, 327680, 12, -458304, 327680, 10, -392768, 327680, 12, -327232, 327680, 12, -261696, 327680, 12, -196160, 327680, 12, -130624, 327680, 12, -65088, 327680, 12, 448, 327680, 12, 65984, 327680, 12, 131520, 327680, 12, 197056, 327680, 12, 262592, 327680, 12, -458303, 327680, 10, -392767, 327680, 12, -327231, 327680, 12, -261695, 327680, 12, -196159, 327680, 12, -130623, 327680, 12, -65087, 327680, 12, 449, 327680, 12, 65985, 327680, 12, 131521, 327680, 12, 197057, 327680, 12, 262593, 327680, 12, -458302, 327680, 10, -392766, 327680, 12, -327230, 327680, 12, -261694, 327680, 12, -196158, 327680, 12, -130622, 327680, 12, -65086, 327680, 12, 450, 327680, 12, 65986, 327680, 12, 131522, 327680, 12, 197058, 327680, 12, 262594, 327680, 12, -458301, 327680, 10, -392765, 327680, 12, -327229, 327680, 12, -261693, 327680, 12, -196157, 327680, 12, -130621, 327680, 12, -65085, 327680, 12, 451, 327680, 12, 65987, 327680, 12, 131523, 327680, 12, 197059, 327680, 12, 262595, 327680, 12, -458300, 327680, 10, -392764, 327680, 12, -327228, 327680, 12, -261692, 327680, 12, -196156, 327680, 12, -130620, 327680, 12, -65084, 327680, 12, 452, 327680, 12, 65988, 327680, 12, 131524, 327680, 12, 197060, 327680, 12, 262596, 327680, 12, -458299, 327680, 10, -392763, 327680, 12, -327227, 327680, 12, -261691, 327680, 12, -196155, 327680, 12, -130619, 327680, 12, -65083, 327680, 12, 453, 327680, 12, 65989, 327680, 12, 131525, 327680, 12, 197061, 327680, 12, 262597, 327680, 12, -458298, 327680, 10, -392762, 327680, 12, -327226, 327680, 12, -261690, 327680, 12, -196154, 327680, 12, -130618, 327680, 12, -65082, 327680, 12, 454, 327680, 12, 65990, 327680, 12, 131526, 327680, 12, 197062, 327680, 12, 262598, 327680, 12, -458297, 327680, 10, -392761, 327680, 12, -327225, 327680, 12, -261689, 327680, 12, -196153, 327680, 12, -130617, 327680, 12, -65081, 327680, 12, 455, 327680, 12, 65991, 327680, 12, 131527, 327680, 12, 197063, 327680, 12, 262599, 327680, 12, -458296, 327680, 10, -392760, 327680, 12, -327224, 327680, 12, -261688, 327680, 12, -196152, 327680, 12, -130616, 327680, 12, -65080, 327680, 12, 456, 327680, 12, 65992, 327680, 12, 131528, 327680, 12, 197064, 327680, 12, 262600, 327680, 12, -458295, 327680, 10, -392759, 327680, 12, -327223, 327680, 12, -261687, 327680, 12, -196151, 327680, 12, -130615, 327680, 12, -65079, 327680, 12, 457, 327680, 12, 65993, 327680, 12, 131529, 327680, 12, 197065, 327680, 12, 262601, 327680, 12, -458294, 327680, 10, -392758, 327680, 12, -327222, 327680, 12, -261686, 327680, 12, -196150, 327680, 12, -130614, 327680, 12, -65078, 327680, 12, 458, 327680, 12, 65994, 327680, 12, 131530, 327680, 12, 197066, 327680, 12, 262602, 327680, 12, -458293, 327680, 10, -392757, 327680, 12, -327221, 327680, 12, -261685, 327680, 12, -196149, 327680, 12, -130613, 327680, 12, -65077, 327680, 12, 459, 327680, 12, 65995, 327680, 12, 131531, 327680, 12, 197067, 327680, 12, 262603, 327680, 12, -458292, 327680, 10, -392756, 327680, 12, -327220, 327680, 12, -261684, 327680, 12, -196148, 327680, 12, -130612, 327680, 12, -65076, 327680, 12, 460, 327680, 12, 65996, 327680, 12, 131532, 327680, 12, 197068, 327680, 12, 262604, 327680, 12, -458291, 327680, 10, -392755, 327680, 12, -327219, 327680, 12, -261683, 327680, 12, -196147, 327680, 12, -130611, 327680, 12, -65075, 327680, 12, 461, 327680, 12, 65997, 327680, 12, 131533, 327680, 12, 197069, 327680, 12, 262605, 327680, 12, -458290, 327680, 10, -392754, 327680, 12, -327218, 327680, 12, -261682, 327680, 12, -196146, 327680, 12, -130610, 327680, 12, -65074, 327680, 12, 462, 327680, 12, 65998, 327680, 12, 131534, 327680, 12, 197070, 327680, 12, 262606, 327680, 12, -458289, 327680, 10, -392753, 327680, 12, -327217, 327680, 12, -261681, 327680, 12, -196145, 327680, 12, -130609, 327680, 12, -65073, 327680, 12, 463, 327680, 12, 65999, 327680, 12, 131535, 327680, 12, 197071, 327680, 12, 262607, 327680, 12, -458288, 327680, 10, -392752, 327680, 12, -327216, 327680, 12, -261680, 327680, 12, -196144, 327680, 12, -130608, 327680, 12, -65072, 327680, 12, 464, 327680, 12, 66000, 327680, 12, 131536, 327680, 12, 197072, 327680, 12, 262608, 327680, 12, -458287, 327680, 10, -392751, 327680, 12, -327215, 327680, 12, -261679, 327680, 12, -196143, 327680, 12, -130607, 327680, 12, -65071, 327680, 12, 465, 327680, 12, 66001, 327680, 12, 131537, 327680, 12, 197073, 327680, 12, 262609, 327680, 12, -458286, 327680, 10, -392750, 327680, 12, -327214, 327680, 12, -261678, 327680, 12, -196142, 327680, 12, -130606, 327680, 12, -65070, 327680, 12, 466, 327680, 12, 66002, 327680, 12, 131538, 327680, 12, 197074, 327680, 12, 262610, 327680, 12, -458285, 327680, 10, -392749, 327680, 12, -327213, 327680, 12, -261677, 327680, 12, -196141, 327680, 12, -130605, 327680, 12, -65069, 327680, 12, 467, 327680, 12, 66003, 327680, 12, 131539, 327680, 12, 197075, 327680, 12, 262611, 327680, 12, -458284, 327680, 10, -392748, 327680, 12, -327212, 327680, 12, -261676, 327680, 12, -196140, 327680, 12, -130604, 327680, 12, -65068, 327680, 12, 468, 327680, 12, 66004, 327680, 12, 131540, 327680, 12, 197076, 327680, 12, 262612, 327680, 12, -458283, 327680, 10, -392747, 327680, 12, -327211, 327680, 12, -261675, 327680, 12, -196139, 327680, 12, -130603, 327680, 12, -65067, 327680, 12, 469, 327680, 12, 66005, 327680, 12, 131541, 327680, 12, 197077, 327680, 12, 262613, 327680, 12, -458282, 327680, 10, -392746, 327680, 12, -327210, 327680, 12, -261674, 327680, 12, -196138, 327680, 12, -130602, 327680, 12, -65066, 327680, 12, 470, 327680, 12, 66006, 327680, 12, 131542, 327680, 12, 197078, 327680, 12, 262614, 327680, 12, -458281, 327680, 10, -392745, 327680, 12, -327209, 327680, 12, -261673, 327680, 12, -196137, 327680, 12, -130601, 327680, 12, -65065, 327680, 12, 471, 327680, 12, 66007, 327680, 12, 131543, 327680, 12, 197079, 327680, 12, 262615, 327680, 12, -458280, 327680, 10, -392744, 327680, 12, -327208, 327680, 12, -261672, 327680, 12, -196136, 327680, 12, -130600, 327680, 12, -65064, 327680, 12, 472, 327680, 12, 66008, 327680, 12, 131544, 327680, 12, 197080, 327680, 12, 262616, 327680, 12, -458279, 327680, 10, -392743, 327680, 12, -327207, 327680, 12, -261671, 327680, 12, -196135, 327680, 12, -130599, 327680, 12, -65063, 327680, 12, 473, 327680, 12, 66009, 327680, 12, 131545, 327680, 12, 197081, 327680, 12, 262617, 327680, 12, -458278, 327680, 10, -392742, 327680, 12, -327206, 327680, 12, -261670, 327680, 12, -196134, 327680, 12, -130598, 327680, 12, -65062, 327680, 12, 474, 327680, 12, 66010, 327680, 12, 131546, 327680, 12, 197082, 327680, 12, 262618, 327680, 12, -458277, 327680, 10, -392741, 327680, 12, -327205, 327680, 12, -261669, 327680, 12, -196133, 327680, 12, -130597, 327680, 12, -65061, 327680, 12, 475, 327680, 12, 66011, 327680, 12, 131547, 327680, 12, 197083, 327680, 12, 262619, 327680, 12, -458276, 327680, 10, -392740, 327680, 12, -327204, 327680, 12, -261668, 327680, 12, -196132, 327680, 12, -130596, 327680, 12, -65060, 327680, 12, 476, 327680, 12, 66012, 327680, 12, 131548, 327680, 12, 197084, 327680, 12, 262620, 327680, 12, -458275, 327680, 10, -392739, 327680, 12, -327203, 327680, 12, -261667, 327680, 12, -196131, 327680, 12, -130595, 327680, 12, -65059, 327680, 12, 477, 327680, 12, 66013, 327680, 12, 131549, 327680, 12, 197085, 327680, 12, 262621, 327680, 12, -458274, 327680, 10, -392738, 327680, 12, -327202, 327680, 12, -261666, 327680, 12, -196130, 327680, 12, -130594, 327680, 12, -65058, 327680, 12, 478, 327680, 12, 66014, 327680, 12, 131550, 327680, 12, 197086, 327680, 12, 262622, 327680, 12, -458273, 327680, 10, -392737, 327680, 12, -327201, 327680, 12, -261665, 327680, 12, -196129, 327680, 12, -130593, 327680, 12, -65057, 327680, 12, 479, 327680, 12, 66015, 327680, 12, 131551, 327680, 12, 197087, 327680, 12, 262623, 327680, 12, -458272, 327680, 10, -392736, 327680, 12, -327200, 327680, 12, -261664, 327680, 12, -196128, 327680, 12, -130592, 327680, 12, -65056, 327680, 12, 480, 327680, 12, 66016, 327680, 12, 131552, 327680, 12, 197088, 327680, 12, 262624, 327680, 12, -458271, 327680, 10, -392735, 327680, 12, -327199, 327680, 12, -261663, 327680, 12, -196127, 327680, 12, -130591, 327680, 12, -65055, 327680, 12, 481, 327680, 12, 66017, 327680, 12, 131553, 327680, 12, 197089, 327680, 12, 262625, 327680, 12, -458270, 327680, 10, -392734, 327680, 12, -327198, 327680, 12, -261662, 327680, 12, -196126, 327680, 12, -130590, 327680, 12, -65054, 327680, 12, 482, 327680, 12, 66018, 327680, 12, 131554, 327680, 12, 197090, 327680, 12, 262626, 327680, 12, -458269, 327680, 10, -392733, 327680, 12, -327197, 327680, 12, -261661, 327680, 12, -196125, 327680, 12, -130589, 327680, 12, -65053, 327680, 12, 483, 327680, 12, 66019, 327680, 12, 131555, 327680, 12, 197091, 327680, 12, 262627, 327680, 12, -458268, 327680, 10, -392732, 327680, 12, -327196, 327680, 12, -261660, 327680, 12, -196124, 327680, 12, -130588, 327680, 12, -65052, 327680, 12, 484, 327680, 12, 66020, 327680, 12, 131556, 327680, 12, 197092, 327680, 12, 262628, 327680, 12, -458267, 327680, 10, -392731, 327680, 12, -327195, 327680, 12, -261659, 327680, 12, -196123, 327680, 12, -130587, 327680, 12, -65051, 327680, 12, 485, 327680, 12, 66021, 327680, 12, 131557, 327680, 12, 197093, 327680, 12, 262629, 327680, 12, -458266, 327680, 10, -392730, 327680, 12, -327194, 327680, 12, -261658, 327680, 12, -196122, 327680, 12, -130586, 327680, 12, -65050, 327680, 12, 486, 327680, 12, 66022, 327680, 12, 131558, 327680, 12, 197094, 327680, 12, 262630, 327680, 12, -458265, 327680, 10, -392729, 327680, 12, -327193, 327680, 12, -261657, 327680, 12, -196121, 327680, 12, -130585, 327680, 12, -65049, 327680, 12, 487, 327680, 12, 66023, 327680, 12, 131559, 327680, 12, 197095, 327680, 12, 262631, 327680, 12, -458264, 327680, 10, -392728, 327680, 12, -327192, 327680, 12, -261656, 327680, 12, -196120, 327680, 12, -130584, 327680, 12, -65048, 327680, 12, 488, 327680, 12, 66024, 327680, 12, 131560, 327680, 12, 197096, 327680, 12, 262632, 327680, 12, -458263, 327680, 10, -392727, 327680, 12, -327191, 327680, 12, -261655, 327680, 12, -196119, 327680, 12, -130583, 327680, 12, -65047, 327680, 12, 489, 327680, 12, 66025, 327680, 12, 131561, 327680, 12, 197097, 327680, 12, 262633, 327680, 12, -458262, 327680, 10, -392726, 327680, 12, -327190, 327680, 12, -261654, 327680, 12, -196118, 327680, 12, -130582, 327680, 12, -65046, 327680, 12, 490, 327680, 12, 66026, 327680, 12, 131562, 327680, 12, 197098, 327680, 12, 262634, 327680, 12, -458261, 327680, 10, -392725, 327680, 12, -327189, 327680, 12, -261653, 327680, 12, -196117, 327680, 12, -130581, 327680, 12, -65045, 327680, 12, 491, 327680, 12, 66027, 327680, 12, 131563, 327680, 12, 197099, 327680, 12, 262635, 327680, 12, -458260, 327680, 10, -392724, 327680, 12, -327188, 327680, 12, -261652, 327680, 12, -196116, 327680, 12, -130580, 327680, 12, -65044, 327680, 12, 492, 327680, 12, 66028, 327680, 12, 131564, 327680, 12, 197100, 327680, 12, 262636, 327680, 12, -458259, 327680, 10, -392723, 327680, 12, -327187, 327680, 12, -261651, 327680, 12, -196115, 327680, 12, -130579, 327680, 12, -65043, 327680, 12, 493, 327680, 12, 66029, 327680, 12, 131565, 327680, 12, 197101, 327680, 12, 262637, 327680, 12, -458258, 327680, 10, -392722, 327680, 12, -327186, 327680, 12, -261650, 327680, 12, -196114, 327680, 12, -130578, 327680, 12, -65042, 327680, 12, 494, 327680, 12, 66030, 327680, 12, 131566, 327680, 12, 197102, 327680, 12, 262638, 327680, 12, -458257, 327680, 10, -392721, 327680, 12, -327185, 327680, 12, -261649, 327680, 12, -196113, 327680, 12, -130577, 327680, 12, -65041, 327680, 12, 495, 327680, 12, 66031, 327680, 12, 131567, 327680, 12, 197103, 327680, 12, 262639, 327680, 12, -458256, 327680, 10, -392720, 327680, 12, 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12, -916995, 327680, 12, -851459, 327680, 12, -785923, 327680, 12, -720387, 327680, 12, -654851, 327680, 12, -589315, 327680, 12, -523779, 327680, 12, -458243, 327680, 12, -2293250, 327680, 12, -2227714, 327680, 12, -2162178, 327680, 12, -2096642, 327680, 12, -2031106, 327680, 12, -1965570, 327680, 12, -1900034, 327680, 12, -1834498, 327680, 12, -1768962, 327680, 12, -1703426, 327680, 12, -1637890, 327680, 12, -1572354, 327680, 12, -1506818, 327680, 12, -1441282, 327680, 12, -1375746, 327680, 12, -1310210, 327680, 12, -1244674, 327680, 12, -1179138, 327680, 12, -1113602, 327680, 12, -1048066, 327680, 12, -982530, 327680, 12, -916994, 327680, 12, -851458, 327680, 12, -785922, 327680, 12, -720386, 327680, 12, -654850, 327680, 12, -589314, 327680, 12, -523778, 327680, 12, -458242, 327680, 12, -392716, 327680, 12, -327180, 327680, 12, -261644, 327680, 12, -196108, 327680, 12, -130572, 327680, 12, -65036, 327680, 12, 500, 327680, 12, 66036, 327680, 12, 131572, 327680, 12, 197108, 327680, 12, 262644, 327680, 12, -392715, 327680, 12, -327179, 327680, 12, -261643, 327680, 12, -196107, 327680, 12, -130571, 327680, 12, -65035, 327680, 12, 501, 327680, 12, 66037, 327680, 12, 131573, 327680, 12, 197109, 327680, 12, 262645, 327680, 12, -392714, 327680, 12, -327178, 327680, 12, -261642, 327680, 12, -196106, 327680, 12, -130570, 327680, 12, -65034, 327680, 12, 502, 327680, 12, 66038, 327680, 12, 131574, 327680, 12, 197110, 327680, 12, 262646, 327680, 12, -392713, 327680, 12, -327177, 327680, 12, -261641, 327680, 12, -196105, 327680, 12, -130569, 327680, 12, -65033, 327680, 12, 503, 327680, 12, 66039, 327680, 12, 131575, 327680, 12, 197111, 327680, 12, 262647, 327680, 12, -392712, 327680, 12, -327176, 327680, 12, -261640, 327680, 12, -196104, 327680, 12, -130568, 327680, 12, -65032, 327680, 12, 504, 327680, 12, 66040, 327680, 12, 131576, 327680, 12, 197112, 327680, 12, 262648, 327680, 12, -392711, 327680, 12, -327175, 327680, 12, -261639, 327680, 12, -196103, 327680, 12, -130567, 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+rotation = 1.56909 +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_oks25") + +[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +zoom = Vector2(1.26, 1.26) +process_callback = 0 +limit_left = 0 +limit_right = 999999 +limit_bottom = 625 +position_smoothing_enabled = true +drag_horizontal_enabled = true + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="level_temp/Player/Area2D"] +position = Vector2(20, 0) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_p00l3") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="level_temp/Player"] +position = Vector2(0, -2.38419e-07) +scale = Vector2(0.33, 0.33) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ynk2h") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="level_temp/Player"] + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="level_temp/Player/CanvasLayer"] +offset_right = 136.0 +offset_bottom = 68.0 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instance=ExtResource("10_yo30r")] +position = Vector2(4967, 519) + +[node name="ship11" parent="ships" instance=ExtResource("10_yo30r")] +position = Vector2(4987, 519) + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("10_uoljf") +autoplay = true + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="level_temp/Player/Area2D" to="level_temp/Player" method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/level_complete.tscn b/level_complete.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d01eb5c --- /dev/null +++ b/level_complete.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://cm54os4wpdi2x"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Level_complete.gd" id="1_77c4l"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cm5d7r33x0lry" path="res://bg.tscn" id="2_hhbwe"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://xujitif11ls7" path="res://music/Space_Station_13_-_Title_3_66886647.mp3" id="3_yv2ka"] + +[node name="Level_complete" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_77c4l") + +[node name="BG" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_hhbwe")] + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_left = 424.0 +offset_top = 22.0 +offset_right = 831.0 +offset_bottom = 256.0 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0.792157, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 46 +text = "LEVEL COMPLETE!" +horizontal_alignment = 1 +vertical_alignment = 1 + +[node name="Button" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 403.0 +offset_top = 322.0 +offset_right = 878.0 +offset_bottom = 457.0 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 67 +text = " MENU" + +[node name="AudioStreamPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_yv2ka") +autoplay = true + +[connection signal="pressed" from="Button" to="." method="_on_button_pressed"] diff --git a/level_temp.tscn b/level_temp.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fcf0cf --- /dev/null +++ b/level_temp.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ 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+3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:10/0 = 0 +4:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:10/0 = 0 +5:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:10/0 = 0 +6:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:10/0 = 0 +7:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:10/0 = 0 +10:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:10/0 = 0 +11:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:10/0 = 0 +12:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:11/0 = 0 +4:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:11/0 = 0 +5:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:11/0 = 0 +6:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:11/0 = 0 +7:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +9:11/0 = 0 +9:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +10:11/0 = 0 +10:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +11:11/0 = 0 +11:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +12:11/0 = 0 +12:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +13:11/0 = 0 +13:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:12/0 = 0 +4:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:12/0 = 0 +5:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:12/0 = 0 +6:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:12/0 = 0 +7:12/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +4:13/0 = 0 +4:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +5:13/0 = 0 +5:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +6:13/0 = 0 +6:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +7:13/0 = 0 +7:13/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) + +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_solvf"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_n0326") + +[node name="level_temp" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="BG" type="ParallaxBackground" parent="."] +scroll_offset = Vector2(0, -650) + +[node name="ParallaxLayer" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.2, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Bgcolor" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer"] +position = Vector2(420, 345) +scale = Vector2(3.08415, 2.6375) +texture = ExtResource("1_uogr5") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer2" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.3, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer1" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer2"] +position = Vector2(417.992, 345.25) +scale = Vector2(3.07055, 2.62813) +texture = ExtResource("2_77jnk") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer3" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer3"] +position = Vector2(443.843, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.26355, 2.78125) +texture = ExtResource("3_5remu") + +[node name="ParallaxLayer4" type="ParallaxLayer" parent="BG"] +position = Vector2(0, 65) +motion_mirroring = Vector2(825, 0) + +[node name="Tlayer3" type="Sprite2D" parent="BG/ParallaxLayer4"] +position = Vector2(420.298, 355.5) +scale = Vector2(3.07572, 2.79375) +texture = ExtResource("4_0n46i") + +[node name="enemy" type="Node2D" parent="."] + +[node name="enemy_kaban" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("7_lbyji")] +position = Vector2(267, 498) + +[node name="enemy_volf" parent="enemy" instance=ExtResource("6_b0ole")] +position = Vector2(397, 492) + +[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="."] +position = Vector2(72, 565) +tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_solvf") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131076, 262144, 11, -131075, 327680, 10, -131074, 393216, 10, -131073, 262144, 10, -196608, 327680, 10, -196607, 393216, 10, -196606, 262144, 10, -196605, 327680, 10, -196604, 393216, 10, -196603, 262144, 10, -196602, 327680, 10, -196601, 393216, 10, -196600, 262144, 10, -196599, 327680, 10, -196598, 393216, 10, -196597, 262144, 10, -196596, 327680, 10, -196595, 393216, 10, -196594, 262144, 10, -196593, 327680, 10, -196592, 393216, 10, -196591, 262144, 10, -196590, 327680, 10, -196589, 327680, 10, -196588, 327680, 10, -196587, 327680, 10, -196586, 327680, 10, -196585, 327680, 10, -196584, 262144, 10, -196583, 327680, 10, -196582, 393216, 10, -196581, 262144, 10, -196580, 327680, 10, -196579, 393216, 10, -196578, 262144, 10, -196577, 327680, 10, -196576, 393216, 10, -196575, 262144, 10, -196574, 327680, 10, -196573, 393216, 10, -196572, 262144, 10, -196571, 327680, 10, -196570, 393216, 10, -196569, 262144, 10, -196568, 327680, 10, -196567, 393216, 10, -196566, 262144, 10, -196565, 327680, 10, -196564, 393216, 10, -196563, 262144, 10, -196562, 327680, 10, -196561, 393216, 10, 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327680, 11, 262189, 327680, 12, 196654, 393216, 11, 262190, 393216, 12, 196655, 262144, 11, 262191, 262144, 12, 196656, 327680, 11, 262192, 327680, 12, 196657, 393216, 11, 262193, 393216, 12, 196658, 262144, 11, 262194, 262144, 12, 196659, 327680, 11, 262195, 327680, 12, 196660, 393216, 11, 262196, 393216, 12, 196661, 262144, 11, 262197, 262144, 12, 196662, 327680, 11, 262198, 327680, 12, 196663, 393216, 11, 262199, 393216, 12, 196664, 262144, 11, 262200, 262144, 12, 196665, 327680, 11, 262201, 327680, 12, 196666, 393216, 11, 262202, 393216, 12, 196667, 262144, 11, 262203, 262144, 12, 196668, 327680, 11, 262204, 327680, 12, 196669, 393216, 11, 262205, 393216, 12, 196670, 262144, 11, 262206, 262144, 12, 196671, 327680, 11, 262207, 327680, 12, 196672, 393216, 11, 262208, 393216, 12, 196673, 262144, 11, 262209, 262144, 12, 196674, 327680, 11, 262210, 327680, 12, 196675, 262144, 12, 262211, 262144, 13, -196540, 327680, 10, -131004, 262144, 11, 68, 262144, 13, -196539, 393216, 10, -131003, 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11, 196695, 393216, 12, 65624, 393216, 11, 131160, 262144, 11, 196696, 262144, 12, 65625, 262144, 11, 131161, 327680, 11, 196697, 327680, 12, 65626, 327680, 11, 131162, 393216, 11, 196698, 393216, 12, 65627, 393216, 11, 131163, 262144, 11, 196699, 262144, 12, 65628, 262144, 11, 131164, 262144, 11, 196700, 262144, 12, 65629, 327680, 11, 131165, 327680, 11, 196701, 327680, 12, 65630, 393216, 11, 131166, 393216, 11, 196702, 393216, 12, 262212, 327680, 13, 262213, 393216, 13, 262214, 262144, 13, 262215, 327680, 13, 262216, 393216, 13, 262217, 262144, 13, 262218, 327680, 13, 262219, 393216, 13, 262220, 262144, 13, 262221, 327680, 13, 262222, 393216, 13, 262223, 262144, 13, 262224, 327680, 13, 262225, 393216, 13, 262226, 262144, 13, 262227, 327680, 13, 262228, 393216, 13, 262229, 262144, 13, 262230, 327680, 13, 262231, 393216, 13, 262232, 262144, 13, 262233, 327680, 13, 262234, 393216, 13, 262235, 262144, 13, 262236, 262144, 13, 262237, 327680, 13, 262238, 393216, 13, -393122, 196608, 11, -327586, 196608, 12, -262050, 196608, 13, -589730, 196608, 11, -524194, 196608, 12, -458658, 196608, 13, -786338, 196608, 11, -720802, 196608, 12, -655266, 196608, 13, -982946, 196608, 11, -917410, 196608, 12, -851874, 196608, 13, -1179554, 196608, 11, -1114018, 196608, 12, -1048482, 196608, 13, -1376162, 196608, 11, -1310626, 196608, 12, -1245090, 196608, 13, -1572770, 196608, 11, -1507234, 196608, 12, -1441698, 196608, 13, -1769378, 196608, 11, -1703842, 196608, 12, -1638306, 196608, 13, -1965986, 196608, 11, -1900450, 196608, 12, -1834914, 196608, 13, -2162594, 196608, 11, -2097058, 196608, 12, -2031522, 196608, 13, -2359202, 196608, 11, -2293666, 196608, 12, -2228130, 196608, 13, -1310724, 458752, 12, -2293765, 393216, 11, -2228229, 393216, 12, -2162693, 393216, 13, -2097157, 393216, 11, -2031621, 393216, 12, -1966085, 393216, 13, -1900549, 393216, 11, -1835013, 393216, 12, -1769477, 393216, 13, -1703941, 393216, 11, -1638405, 393216, 12, -1572869, 393216, 13, -1507333, 393216, 11, 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-1900447, 393216, 12, -1834911, 393216, 13, -1769377, 262144, 11, -1703841, 262144, 12, -1638305, 262144, 13, -1769376, 327680, 11, -1703840, 327680, 12, -1638304, 327680, 13, -1769375, 393216, 11, -1703839, 393216, 12, -1638303, 393216, 13, -1572769, 262144, 11, -1507233, 262144, 12, -1441697, 262144, 13, -1572768, 327680, 11, -1507232, 327680, 12, -1441696, 327680, 13, -1572767, 393216, 11, -1507231, 393216, 12, -1441695, 393216, 13, -1376161, 262144, 11, -1310625, 262144, 12, -1245089, 262144, 13, -1376160, 327680, 11, -1310624, 327680, 12, -1245088, 327680, 13, -1376159, 393216, 11, -1310623, 393216, 12, -1245087, 393216, 13, -1179553, 262144, 11, -1114017, 262144, 12, -1048481, 262144, 13, -1179552, 327680, 11, -1114016, 327680, 12, -1048480, 327680, 13, -1179551, 393216, 11, -1114015, 393216, 12, -1048479, 393216, 13, -982945, 262144, 11, -917409, 262144, 12, -851873, 262144, 13, -982944, 327680, 11, -917408, 327680, 12, -851872, 327680, 13, -982943, 393216, 11, -917407, 393216, 12, -851871, 393216, 13, -786337, 262144, 11, -720801, 262144, 12, -655265, 262144, 13, -786336, 327680, 11, -720800, 327680, 12, -655264, 327680, 13, -786335, 393216, 11, -720799, 393216, 12, -655263, 393216, 13, -589729, 262144, 11, -524193, 262144, 12, -458657, 262144, 13, -589728, 327680, 11, -524192, 327680, 12, -458656, 327680, 13, -589727, 393216, 11, -524191, 393216, 12, -458655, 393216, 13, -393121, 262144, 11, -327585, 262144, 12, -262049, 262144, 13, -393120, 327680, 11, -327584, 327680, 12, -262048, 327680, 13, -393119, 393216, 11, -327583, 393216, 12, -262047, 393216, 13, -196513, 262144, 11, -130977, 262144, 11, -65441, 262144, 12, -196512, 327680, 11, -130976, 327680, 11, -65440, 327680, 12, -196511, 393216, 11, -130975, 393216, 11, -65439, 393216, 12, 95, 262144, 13, 96, 327680, 13, 97, 393216, 13, 65631, 262144, 11, 131167, 262144, 11, 196703, 262144, 12, 65632, 327680, 11, 131168, 327680, 11, 196704, 327680, 12, 65633, 393216, 11, 131169, 393216, 11, 196705, 393216, 12, 262239, 262144, 13, 262240, 327680, 13, 262241, 393216, 13, -65468, 262144, 12, -196536, 393216, 10, -196535, 262144, 10, -196534, 327680, 10, -196533, 393216, 10, -196532, 262144, 10, -196531, 327680, 10, -196530, 393216, 10, -196529, 262144, 10) + +[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("6_gus47")] +position = Vector2(61, 488) diff --git a/levels_menu.gd b/levels_menu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c12390 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels_menu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +extends Node2D + +func _on_level_1_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level.tscn") + + +func _on_quit_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://menu.tscn") + + +func _on_level_2_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_2.tscn") + + +func _on_level_3_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_3.tscn") + + +func _on_level_4_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_4.tscn") + + +func _on_level_5_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_5.tscn") + + + +func _on_level_6_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://level_6.tscn") diff --git a/levels_menu.tscn b/levels_menu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ad4819 --- /dev/null +++ b/levels_menu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://dk0l7ot00nnb1"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://levels_menu.gd" id="1_hoecr"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cm5d7r33x0lry" path="res://bg.tscn" id="1_ujnur"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://ip5utl4phky0" path="res://music/pizza_tower_02. Pizza Deluxe.mp3" id="3_vg70n"] + +[node name="levels_menu" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_hoecr") + +[node name="BG" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_ujnur")] + +[node name="LEVEL1" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 41.0 +offset_top = 250.0 +offset_right = 317.0 +offset_bottom = 385.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 1" + +[node name="LEVEL2" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 41.0 +offset_top = 439.0 +offset_right = 317.0 +offset_bottom = 574.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 2 +" + +[node name="LEVEL3" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 431.0 +offset_top = 250.0 +offset_right = 707.0 +offset_bottom = 385.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 3 +" + +[node name="LEVEL4" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 431.0 +offset_top = 439.0 +offset_right = 707.0 +offset_bottom = 574.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 4" + +[node name="LEVEL5" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 845.0 +offset_top = 250.0 +offset_right = 1121.0 +offset_bottom = 385.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 5" + +[node name="LEVEL6" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 845.0 +offset_top = 439.0 +offset_right = 1121.0 +offset_bottom = 574.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL 6 +" + +[node name="QUIT" type="Button" parent="."] +offset_left = 845.0 +offset_top = 48.0 +offset_right = 1121.0 +offset_bottom = 121.0 +theme_override_colors/font_disabled_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_hover_pressed_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_hover_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_pressed_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_focus_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_outline_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_normal_color = Color(0.92549, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_focus_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_pressed_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_hover_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_hover_pressed_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/icon_disabled_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 20 +text = "QUIT +" + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_left = 459.0 +offset_right = 661.0 +offset_bottom = 77.0 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0.862745, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_shadow_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_colors/font_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 36 +text = "LEVEL-CHOICE" +horizontal_alignment = 1 +vertical_alignment = 1 + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="."] +offset_left = 41.0 +offset_top = 121.0 +offset_right = 317.0 +offset_bottom = 194.0 +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 1, 0, 1) 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signal="pressed" from="LEVEL3" to="." method="_on_level_3_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="LEVEL4" to="." method="_on_level_4_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="LEVEL5" to="." method="_on_level_5_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="LEVEL6" to="." method="_on_level_6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="QUIT" to="." method="_on_quit_pressed"] diff --git a/menu.gd b/menu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5266ba --- /dev/null +++ b/menu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +extends Node2D + + + + +func _on_quit_pressed(): + get_tree().quit() + + +func _on_play_pressed(): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://levels_menu.tscn") diff --git a/menu.tscn b/menu.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a45320 --- /dev/null +++ b/menu.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://b2p6px3qsih00"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://menu.gd" id="1_31d80"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cm5d7r33x0lry" path="res://bg.tscn" 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\320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3" "b/music/\320\230\320\275\321\206\320\270\320\264\320\265\320\275\321\202 0293_ \320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f26c2c1 Binary files /dev/null and "b/music/\320\230\320\275\321\206\320\270\320\264\320\265\320\275\321\202 0293_ \320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3" differ diff --git "a/music/\320\230\320\275\321\206\320\270\320\264\320\265\320\275\321\202 0293_ \320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3.import" "b/music/\320\230\320\275\321\206\320\270\320\264\320\265\320\275\321\202 0293_ \320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3.import" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bc8d99 --- /dev/null +++ "b/music/\320\230\320\275\321\206\320\270\320\264\320\265\320\275\321\202 0293_ \320\242\320\260\321\200\320\272\320\276\320\262\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271 \320\232\320\276\320\274\320\260\321\200 (mp3cut.net).mp3.import" @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="mp3" +type="AudioStreamMP3" +uid="uid://byfd76e60ipvh" +path="res://.godot/imported/Инцидент 0293_ Тарковский Комар (mp3cut.net).mp3-0086db1429142c5ea790f5cf01f798c7.mp3str" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://music/Инцидент 0293_ Тарковский Комар (mp3cut.net).mp3" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/Инцидент 0293_ Тарковский Комар (mp3cut.net).mp3-0086db1429142c5ea790f5cf01f798c7.mp3str"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git "a/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3" "b/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..236e04b Binary files /dev/null and "b/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3" differ diff --git "a/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3.import" "b/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3.import" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cabc52 --- /dev/null +++ "b/music/\320\277\320\276\320\264 \321\202\320\260\320\272\320\276\320\265 \320\275\320\260\320\264\320\276 \320\275\320\260\320\261\320\265\320\263\320\260\321\202\321\214.mp3.import" @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="mp3" +type="AudioStreamMP3" +uid="uid://b7mflgpcgaex2" +path="res://.godot/imported/под такое надо набегать.mp3-e997c9f63199f5f547aedff6db87a522.mp3str" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://music/под такое надо набегать.mp3" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/под такое надо набегать.mp3-e997c9f63199f5f547aedff6db87a522.mp3str"] + +[params] + +loop=true +loop_offset=0.0 +bpm=0.0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/pig_war_icon.png b/pig_war_icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fad891 Binary files /dev/null and b/pig_war_icon.png differ diff --git a/pig_war_icon.png.import b/pig_war_icon.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a200ef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/pig_war_icon.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://dj4y3s2pqteyk" +path="res://.godot/imported/pig_war_icon.png-2d1cb1eedbd1593c91cb14c52cb31a4a.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://pig_war_icon.png" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/pig_war_icon.png-2d1cb1eedbd1593c91cb14c52cb31a4a.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/player.gd b/player.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64863be --- /dev/null +++ b/player.gd @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + +@onready var anim = $AnimatedSprite2D +var SPEED = 300.0 +const JUMP_VELOCITY = -320.0 + + + +var dashDirection = Vector2(1, 0) +var dashing = false + +var health = 100 +var bust = self.scale.x * -100.0 + +# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes. +var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity") + + + +func _physics_process(delta): + dash() + Quit() + move_and_slide() + # Add the gravity. + if not is_on_floor(): + velocity.y += gravity * delta + + # Handle jump. + if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor(): + $jump.play() + velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY + bust + + # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. + # As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions. + var direction = Input.get_axis("A", "D") + if direction: + velocity.x = direction * SPEED + anim.play("Run") + else: + velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED) + if dashing == false: + anim.play("Idle") + if direction == -1: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + $Area2D/CollisionShape2D.position.x = -24 + elif direction == 1: + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $Area2D/CollisionShape2D.position.x = 24 + + $CanvasLayer/Label.text = "health: " + str(health) + $CanvasLayer/Label3.text = "SIZE: " + str(int(self.scale.x)) + + if health <= 0: + velocity.x = 0 + anim.play("Death") + await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout + queue_free() + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://game_over_screen.tscn") + + + +func Quit(): + if Input.is_action_just_pressed("M"): + get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://menu.tscn") + +func dash(): + if Input.is_action_pressed("D"): + dashDirection = Vector2(1, 0) + if Input.is_action_pressed("A"): + dashDirection = Vector2(-1, 0) + if Input.is_action_pressed("E") and dashing == false: + velocity = dashDirection.normalized() * 2500 + dashing = true + anim.play("Dash") + $dash.play() + await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout + dashing = false + + + +func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body): + if dashing == true: + if body.get_parent().name == "enemy": + body.death() + if body.alive == false: + $".".scale.x += 0.25 + $".".scale.y += 0.25 diff --git a/player.tscn b/player.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bae41e --- /dev/null +++ b/player.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=16 format=3 uid="uid://w16lwj2wk2lb"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://player.gd" id="1_lk47y"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cyiyf8a47d7is" path="res://PNG/pig_player-Sheet.png" id="1_y7s13"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://f8icfnin873v" path="res://music/discord-notification.mp3" id="3_xjoy8"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://d3ipbdmyi5mom" path="res://music/pig-grunt-squeal.mp3" id="4_1ckb7"] + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_oks25"] +height = 37.9999 + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_p00l3"] +size = Vector2(16, 20) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_j5t1j"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(0, 81, 142, 81) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_c7qyi"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(0, 160, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_343ha"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(142, 160, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_fh6qg"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(142, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_5q0fl"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 75) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_05ejw"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(0, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_w5c6f"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(0, 0, 142, 80) + +[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_6jwbd"] +atlas = ExtResource("1_y7s13") +region = Rect2(142, 85, 142, 85) + +[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id="SpriteFrames_ynk2h"] +animations = [{ +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_j5t1j") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Dash", +"speed": 10.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_c7qyi") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_343ha") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_fh6qg") +}], +"loop": false, +"name": &"Death", +"speed": 7.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_5q0fl") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Idle", +"speed": 5.0 +}, { +"frames": [{ +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_05ejw") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_w5c6f") +}, { +"duration": 1.0, +"texture": SubResource("AtlasTexture_6jwbd") +}], +"loop": true, +"name": &"Run", +"speed": 9.0 +}] + +[node name="Player" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_lk47y") + +[node name="MainCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] +rotation = 1.56909 +shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_oks25") + +[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."] +zoom = Vector2(2, 2) +process_callback = 0 +limit_left = 0 +limit_right = 999999 +limit_bottom = 625 +position_smoothing_enabled = true +drag_horizontal_enabled = true + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"] +position = Vector2(20, 0) +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_p00l3") + +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(0, -2.38419e-07) +scale = Vector2(0.33, 0.33) +sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ynk2h") +animation = &"Death" +autoplay = "Idle" + +[node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="CanvasLayer"] +offset_right = 136.0 +offset_bottom = 68.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 41 +text = "HP: 100" + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="CanvasLayer"] +offset_left = 903.0 +offset_right = 1152.0 +offset_bottom = 132.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 30 +text = "WASD - MOVE +E - DASH/ATTACK +M - GO TO MENU" + +[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="CanvasLayer"] +offset_top = 68.0 +offset_right = 147.0 +offset_bottom = 136.0 +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 41 +text = "SIZE:" + +[node name="dash" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_xjoy8") + +[node name="jump" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("4_1ckb7") + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Area2D" to="." method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"] diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95d08f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/project.godot @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +; Engine configuration file. +; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly, +; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious. +; +; Format: +; [section] ; section goes between [] +; param=value ; assign values to parameters + +config_version=5 + +[application] + +config/name="Pig War" +run/main_scene="res://menu.tscn" +config/features=PackedStringArray("4.3", "Forward Plus") +config/icon="res://icon.svg" + +[audio] + +buses/default_bus_layout="" + +[input] + +E={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":69,"key_label":0,"unicode":101,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} +A={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":65,"key_label":0,"unicode":97,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} +D={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":68,"key_label":0,"unicode":100,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} +Q={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":81,"key_label":0,"unicode":113,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} +M={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":-1,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":77,"key_label":0,"unicode":109,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} diff --git a/ship.gd b/ship.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69947ed --- /dev/null +++ b/ship.gd @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +extends Node2D + + + + +func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body): + if body.name == "Player": + $damaged.play() + body.health -= 50 diff --git a/ship.tscn b/ship.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b726a7f --- /dev/null +++ b/ship.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://dwsbokp3bacig"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://xqb747musdjy" path="res://PNG/ship.png" id="1_gkndp"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ship.gd" id="1_hb214"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://fkmm0ak3p63i" path="res://music/inecraft_death (mp3cut.net).mp3" id="3_l8qqq"] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_qp7fh"] + +[node name="ship" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_hb214") + +[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] +scale = Vector2(0.2, 0.2) +texture = ExtResource("1_gkndp") + +[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."] + +[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"] +shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_qp7fh") + +[node name="damaged" type="AudioStreamPlayer2D" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("3_l8qqq") +volume_db = 17.718 + +[connection signal="body_entered" from="Area2D" to="." method="_on_area_2d_body_entered"]