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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
+ {
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+ "fullyQualifiedName": "App.975881"
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+ }
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+ },
+ "properties": {
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+ },
+ "ruleId": "app-UnusedMediaResources",
+ "ruleIndex": 3
+ }
+ ],
+ "tool": {
+ "driver": {
+ "fullName": "PowerApps app checker",
+ "name": "PowerApps app checker",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "id": "acc-AccessibleLabelNeeded",
+ "messageStrings": {
+ "issue": {
+ "text": "Missing accessible label"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "componentType": "app",
+ "howToFix": [
+ "Edit the accessible label property to describe the item."
+ ],
+ "level": "Medium",
+ "primaryCategory": "accessibility",
+ "whyFix": "If there's no accessible text, people who can’t see the screen won't understand what’s in images and controls."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "acc-TabIndexShouldBeDefinedForInteractiveControl",
+ "messageStrings": {
+ "issue": {
+ "text": "Missing tab stop"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "componentType": "app",
+ "howToFix": [
+ "Set TabIndex to 0 or greater to ensure that interactive elements have a tab stop."
+ ],
+ "level": "Medium",
+ "primaryCategory": "accessibility",
+ "whyFix": "People who use the keyboard with your app will not be able to access this element without a tab stop."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "acc-FocusBorderShouldBeVisible",
+ "messageStrings": {
+ "issue": {
+ "text": "Focus isn't showing"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "componentType": "app",
+ "howToFix": [
+ "Change the FocusedBorderThickness property to be more than 0."
+ ],
+ "level": "Medium",
+ "primaryCategory": "accessibility",
+ "whyFix": "If the focus isn't visible, people who don't use a mouse won't be able to see it when they're interacting with the app."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "app-UnusedMediaResources",
+ "messageStrings": {
+ "issue": {
+ "text": "Unused media files"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "componentType": "app",
+ "howToFix": [
+ "Remove the unused media file in the Media pane."
+ ],
+ "level": "Medium",
+ "primaryCategory": "performance",
+ "whyFix": "This media file is not referenced by any control formulas so it is not needed. Removing it will improve performance."
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "version": "1.335"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "version": "2.1.0"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ "Label3_4": 43,
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+ "Label3_8": 18,
+ "Label3_9": 32,
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+ "Rectangle1": 7,
+ "RightContainer": 33,
+ "Title": 9,
+ "TopBar": 5
+ },
+ "FunctionParamsInvariantScripts": {},
+ "FunctionParamsInvariantScriptsOnInstances": {},
+ "HeaderLastSavedDateTimeUTC": "11/26/2023 14:29:35",
+ "IsLegacyComponentAllowGlobalScopeCase": false,
+ "LocalConnectionIDReferences": {
+ "68fc2abc-cffc-4f05-893e-e9b8a9a4a363": "\"/providers/microsoft.powerapps/apis/shared_office365users/connections/860f5c468de743f68c8c1f9ee36baab3\""
+ },
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+ "PropertyName": "Fill",
+ "RuleProviderType": "Unknown"
+ },
+ {
+ "Category": "Design",
+ "PropertyName": "BorderStyle",
+ "RuleProviderType": "Unknown"
+ },
+ {
+ "Category": "Design",
+ "PropertyName": "BorderColor",
+ "RuleProviderType": "Unknown"
+ }
+ ],
+ "StyleName": "defaultGroupContainerStyle",
+ "Type": "ControlInfo"
+ }
+ },
+ "TopParentName": "Home"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PowerApp/Src/Home.fx.yaml b/PowerApp/Src/Home.fx.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729b8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PowerApp/Src/Home.fx.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+Home As screen:
+ BackgroundImage: =
+ Fill: =RGBA(65, 67, 106, 1)
+ TopBar As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(152, 64, 99, 1)
+ Height: =86
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+ Title As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ FontWeight: =FontWeight.Bold
+ Height: =42
+ Size: =20
+ Text: ="Welcome to the Simulation Centre Launchpad"
+ Width: =1366
+ Y: =42
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Greeting As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ FontWeight: =FontWeight.Bold
+ Height: =42
+ Size: =20
+ Text: |
+ =If(Hour(Now())<12, "Good morning, ", Hour(Now())<17, "Good afternoon, ", "Good evening, ") & Office365Users.MyProfile().GivenName
+ Width: =1366
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Label3_12 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =44
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://outlook.office.com/bookings/homepage")
+ Text: ="Suggest Content"
+ Width: =138
+ Y: =42
+ ZIndex: =3
+ Icon1 As icon.Mail:
+ Color: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =41
+ Icon: =Icon.Mail
+ Width: =46
+ X: =46
+ Y: =8
+ ZIndex: =4
+ Rectangle1 As rectangle:
+ BorderColor: =
+ Fill: =RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.01)
+ Height: =86
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=mcnasam@uwl.ac.uk")
+ Width: =80
+ X: =29
+ ZIndex: =5
+ LeftContainer As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(152, 64, 99, 1)
+ Height: =635
+ Width: =420
+ X: =25
+ Y: =109
+ ZIndex: =6
+ Label2_2 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ FontWeight: =FontWeight.Semibold
+ Height: =39
+ Size: =15
+ Text: ="Tools"
+ Width: =420
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Container3_7 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(254, 150, 119, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =39
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Image1_1 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='Circle-icons-calendar.svg'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://outlook.office.com/bookings/homepage")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_7 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://outlook.office.com/bookings/homepage")
+ Text: ="Room Booking System (Backend)"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_8 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(254, 150, 119, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =112
+ ZIndex: =3
+ Image1_8 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='5156157'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://apps.powerapps.com/play/e/default-b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5/a/a58ce0c1-0101-41cc-ba6b-32afb59140ba?tenantId=b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5&source=sharebutton&sourcetime=1695980773653")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_8 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://apps.powerapps.com/play/e/default-b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5/a/a58ce0c1-0101-41cc-ba6b-32afb59140ba?tenantId=b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5&source=sharebutton&sourcetime=1695980773653")
+ Text: ="HPL & Actor Management System"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_10 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(254, 150, 119, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =185
+ ZIndex: =4
+ Image1_10 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='196123'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://simemr.sammcnab.co.uk/interface/login/login.php?site=default")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_10 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://simemr.sammcnab.co.uk/interface/login/login.php?site=default")
+ Text: ="SimEMR - Simulated Patient Records"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_11 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(254, 150, 119, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =258
+ ZIndex: =5
+ Image1_11 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='3514816'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://projects.sammcnab.co.uk/")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_11 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://projects.sammcnab.co.uk/")
+ Text: ="SimProjects - Project Management"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ CentreContainer As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(152, 64, 99, 1)
+ Height: =635
+ Width: =420
+ X: =473
+ Y: =109
+ ZIndex: =7
+ Label2 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ FontWeight: =FontWeight.Semibold
+ Height: =39
+ Size: =15
+ Text: ="Useful Information"
+ Width: =420
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Container3 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(65, 67, 106, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =39
+ ZIndex: =5
+ Image1 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: =call
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/simulationcentreteam/ET0QheN_rlhCmwZWoh-p3xcBCfd3FFfvm5BENFK3mklT-A?e=OCc8Yz")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/simulationcentreteam/ET0QheN_rlhCmwZWoh-p3xcBCfd3FFfvm5BENFK3mklT-A?e=OCc8Yz")
+ Text: ="Team Phone Directory"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_9 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(65, 67, 106, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =113
+ ZIndex: =6
+ Image1_9 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='1367171'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwlparkingpermit.com/v3/sign-in")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_9 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwlparkingpermit.com/v3/sign-in")
+ Text: ="Car Parking Booking System"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ RightContainer As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(152, 64, 99, 1)
+ Height: =635
+ Width: =420
+ X: =921
+ Y: =109
+ ZIndex: =8
+ Label2_1 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ FontWeight: =FontWeight.Semibold
+ Height: =39
+ Size: =15
+ Text: ="Useful Sites/Resources"
+ Width: =420
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Container3_2 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =39
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Image1_2 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='906326'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_2 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam")
+ Text: ="Team SharePoint Site"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_3 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =112
+ ZIndex: =3
+ Image1_3 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='906326'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_3 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/SimulationCentreUWL")
+ Text: ="Public SharePoint Site"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_4 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =185
+ ZIndex: =4
+ Image1_4 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='906349'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19:IGB5z152wMyEkk5wpG4IQ6WRAL1gRSPenzyn5L06w381%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=2d29fba9-bcbc-42fe-b64a-d7027e38ae21&tenantId=b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_4 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19:IGB5z152wMyEkk5wpG4IQ6WRAL1gRSPenzyn5L06w381%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=2d29fba9-bcbc-42fe-b64a-d7027e38ae21&tenantId=b0abd1ed-4966-4274-9f19-59dd663e81f5")
+ Text: ="MS Teams Site"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_5 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =258
+ ZIndex: =5
+ Image1_5 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='github-icon-2048x2048-91rgqivh'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://github.com/UWLSimulationCentre")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =1
+ Label3_5 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://github.com/UWLSimulationCentre")
+ Text: ="Simulation Centre GitHub Page"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Container3_1 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =332
+ ZIndex: =6
+ Label3_1 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam/SitePages/Team-Resources-%26-Guides.aspx")
+ Text: ="Resources & Guides for Tools"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Image1_6 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='wrench-flat'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam/SitePages/Team-Resources-%26-Guides.aspx")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =3
+ Container3_6 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =406
+ ZIndex: =7
+ Label3_6 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx")
+ Text: ="Team Documents & Resources"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Image1_7 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: ='199253'
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://uwloffice365live.sharepoint.com/sites/simulationcentreteam/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =3
+ Container3_12 As groupContainer.manualLayoutContainer:
+ Fill: =RGBA(246, 70, 104, 1)
+ Height: =62
+ Width: =385
+ X: =17
+ Y: =480
+ ZIndex: =8
+ Label3_13 As label:
+ Align: =Align.Center
+ Color: =RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ Height: =53
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://twitter.com/UWLSimCentre")
+ Text: ="Simulation Centre Twitter/X Profile"
+ Width: =323
+ X: =53
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =2
+ Image1_12 As image:
+ Height: =53
+ Image: =imageedit_8_9323762134
+ OnSelect: |-
+ =Launch("https://twitter.com/UWLSimCentre")
+ Width: =49
+ X: =4
+ Y: =4
+ ZIndex: =3
diff --git a/PowerApp/Src/Themes.json b/PowerApp/Src/Themes.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8844851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PowerApp/Src/Themes.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4962 @@
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