GEANT4-based simulation of a single bar or small matrix for DualReadout calorimeter studies.
Note: this code is based on the GEANT4 version 9 releases. The optical photon tracing and scintiallor (material) description APIs are modified in the version 10 releases. This this code will require several code updates for version 10 compatibility.
The only requirement to run this code out of the box is to have a working installation of cvmfs.
The following works on the UVa NAS1 server:
cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/cvmfs/
cmake --build .
For debug builds add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to original cmake command
Note: each time you open a new terminal, you will need to source the script to set up you environment. The first cmake command is only needed the fist time the code is built. For subsequent changes it is only necessary to type 'make'.
# Example: usage with GUI
./CV_Testbeam -c template.cfg -u Qt
# -u <GUI>
# Example: usage
./CV_Testbeam -c template.cfg -m run.mac -o test
# -c <config file>
# -m <macro file>
# -o <output file[.root]>
- The default run.mac simulates ten 100 GeV muons aimed arouns the axis of the crystals module.
- Use run1Mopticalphoton.mac to generate 1e6 optical photons randomly within the rear crystal. Note that the particle source setting assumes the detauls cryatsl size and positioning in template.cfg. When using the optical photon particle souece, the proper setting for the optical tracing flags is:
switchOnScintillation = 0
propagateScintillation = 1
switchOnCerenkov = 0
propagateCerenkov = 0
example run command: ``./CV_Testbeam -c templateOP.cfg -m run1Mopticalphoton.mac -o 1Mopticalphoton_1.root`
## Use the runner script
python -b <beam> -G <E in GeV> of -M <E in MeV> -n <events> -o<outputfile>
use standard GEANT particle names: [e-,pi+,mu-,gamma,etc]
example: python -bpi+ -G10 -n10 -opi_test
usage: [-h] [-G GEV] [-M MEV] [-n NEVENT] [-b BEAM] [-d OUTDIR]
GEANT Runner Script
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-G GEV, --GeV GEV Particle energy in GeV
-M MEV, --MeV MEV Particle energy in MeV
-n NEVENT, --nevent NEVENT
Number of events to run
-b BEAM, --beam BEAM Beam particle type (eg, pi-, mu-, e-)
-d OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Output directory name [.]
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name[.root]
-f, --force Force overwrite
Material between xtal face and SiPM ([1 air], 2
optical grease, 5 silcone)
Crystal wapper material (17 Epoxy, [18 Al])
-a ANGLE, --angle ANGLE
Angle of bar [0]
-y YSHIFT, --yshift YSHIFT
y-shift of bar [0]
-p, --idealPolished Use ideal polished surfaces
Crystal type [14 PWO], 18 BGO
-t, --tee tee output to logfile and terminal
use the in ./template
cd template
lambda of photons produced: (f)ront/(rear) crystal, Cherenkov/Scintillation light
- h_phot_lambda_ECAL_f_produce_Ceren
- h_phot_lambda_ECAL_f_produce_Scin
- h_phot_lambda_ECAL_r_produce_Ceren
- h_phot_lambda_ECAL_r_produce_Scin
time of photon production (ns)
- h_phot_time_ECAL_f_produce_Ceren
- h_phot_time_ECAL_f_produce_Scin
- h_phot_time_ECAL_r_produce_Ceren
- h_phot_time_ECAL_r_produce_Scin
time of photon detected: SiPM(F) in front SiPM(C/S) in rear, Cherenkov/Scintillation light
- h_phot_time_SiPMF_Ceren
- h_phot_time_SiPMF_Scin
- h_phot_time_SiPMC_Ceren
- h_phot_time_SiPMC_Scin
- h_phot_time_SiPMS_Ceren
- h_phot_time_SiPMS_Scin
photons collected in front sipm
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMF_f_Ceren
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMF_f_Scin
photons collected in rear sipms
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMC_r_Ceren
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMC_r_Scin
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMS_r_Ceren
- h_phot_lambda_SiPMS_r_Scin
Branches in tree (partial list)
beam parameters
- Branch("inputMomentum", "vector", &inputMomentum) 3-momentum, MeV
- Branch("primaryID", &this->primaryID, "primaryID/I") beam particle ID
energy deposited in MeV, total and by ionization only
- Branch("depositedEnergyECAL_f", &this->depositedEnergyECAL_f, "depositedEnergyECAL_f/F")
- Branch("depositedEnergyECAL_r", &this->depositedEnergyECAL_r, "depositedEnergyECAL_r/F")
- Branch("depositedIonEnergyTotal", &this->depositedIonEnergyTotal, "depositedIonEnergyTotal/F")
- Branch("depositedIonEnergyECAL_f", &this->depositedIonEnergyECAL_f, "depositedIonEnergyECAL_f/F")
- Branch("depositedIonEnergyECAL_r", &this->depositedIonEnergyECAL_r, "depositedIonEnergyECAL_r/F")
count of Scint and Cherenkov photons produced in crystal bars
- Branch("ECAL_f_total_S", &this->ECAL_f_total_S, "ECAL_f_total_S/I")
- Branch("ECAL_f_total_C", &this->ECAL_f_total_C, "ECAL_f_total_C/I")
- Branch("ECAL_r_total_S", &this->ECAL_r_total_S, "ECAL_r_total_S/I")
- Branch("ECAL_r_total_C", &this->ECAL_r_total_C, "ECAL_r_total_C/I")
count of photons exiting front and rear crystals
- Branch("ECAL_f_exit_S", &this->ECAL_f_exit_S, "ECAL_f_exit_S/I")
- Branch("ECAL_f_exit_C", &this->ECAL_f_exit_C, "ECAL_f_exit_C/I")
- Branch("ECAL_r_exit_S", &this->ECAL_r_exit_S, "ECAL_r_exit_S/I")
- Branch("ECAL_r_exit_C", &this->ECAL_r_exit_C, "ECAL_r_exit_C/I")
count of photons detected in three SiPM detectors
- Branch("SDFdetected_f_S", &this->SDFdetected_f_S, "SDFdetected_f_S/I")
- Branch("SDFdetected_f_C", &this->SDFdetected_f_C, "SDFdetected_f_C/I")
- Branch("SDCdetected_r_S", &this->SDCdetected_r_S, "SDCdetected_r_S/I")
- Branch("SDCdetected_r_C", &this->SDCdetected_r_C, "SDCdetected_r_C/I")
- Branch("SDSdetected_r_S", &this->SDSdetected_r_S, "SDSdetected_r_S/I")
- Branch("SDSdetected_r_C", &this->SDSdetected_r_C, "SDSdetected_r_C/I")
cd /tmp; mkdir geant-test; cd geant-test
# build a specific example, eg
cmake $G4EXAMPLES/basic/B5
To remove local changes and reset to the remote
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/main