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sigwo edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 7 revisions

Install jq
sudo apt-get install jq

All of these scripts were based off of the scripts posted here. You can follow the guide there if it is easier. All of the scripts here have been edited and are working correctly.

In pool_configs and set a very high payment like so. "paymentProcessing": { "enabled": true, "paymentInterval": 75, "minimumPayment": 99999999999, "daemon": {

so that the shift is paid out by the scripts that are going to be run from this folder. Either on a cron or by hand. Example of crontab -e could be:

0 */2 * * *                     ~/unomp/multipool/ >~/unomp/multipool/alerts/cronexchange.log 2>&1
*/30 * * * *                    ~/unomp/multipool/ >~/unomp/multipool/alerts/cronprice.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * *                     ~/unomp/multipool/ >~/unomp/multipool/alerts/cronaverage.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * *                     ~/unomp/multipool/ >~/unomp/multipool/alerts/cronprofit.log 2>&1

Next go to your config.json in the base folder and change the validateWorkerUsername to false:

`"defaultPoolConfigs": {`
    `"blockRefreshInterval": 1000,`
    `"jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55,`
    `"connectionTimeout": 600,`
    `"emitInvalidBlockHashes": false,`
    `"validateWorkerUsername": false,`

For any and all coins you're adding you will have to go to the multipool/bin folder and run one of the * <coinname> scripts to add them to Redis. This goes for coins that are only on the pool to be mined! Example:

`sh neoscoin`

This will add each of the coins on the pool into the database for the exchange rates, profit script, and check worker balances. These should match the .json file coin names.

./ will calculate the workers estimated earning based off of the balances they have mined in each coin and set an entry in the database for each. ./ will clear the workers balance and pay all of the workers from the coin daemon of your choice.

REDIS COMMANDER will start on port 8081 and let you get a full view of your Redis database. Make sure to close off that port when installing To install and run npm install -g redis-commander redis-commander

Webdis is a web interface for curling redis values from. To download and install git clone cd webdis sudo make clean all after installed copy webdis.json over to your webdis folder you just cloned and start with ./webdis & you will now be able to curl results from your public IP address if you open port 7379 without leaving your database accessible.

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