IronPlate with Hooks git fork and/or clone Start Server cd backend/ npm i nodemon Start client cd frontend/ npm i npm start For google auth you'll need a client key Deploy DB sign in with Atlas. Get connection string and add it to .env file. MONGDB_URI = ... Deploy to Heroku go to heroku and follow instructions to connect to github OR install heroku CLI and type heroku create in the root enable automatic deploys and trigger depoly git add . git commit -m 'deploying' git push git push heroku master add convig var for MONGDB_URI in heroku dashboard Deploy to Netlify Login to Netlify & Select the repo In deploy settings build command write: cd ./frontend && npm install && npm run build In Publish Directory write: frontend/build Add an environment variable: CI = false In backend/app.js add client url generated by Netlify In frontend/src/api/index.js add heroku url as a production endpoint