- Integration with Redis for data input.
- Set up a Redis channel for ingesting the data.
- HTTP client setup to send data to the endpoint.
- Header configuration for the HTTP client.
- Algorithm selection for header signing (e.g., HMAC, RSA).
- Implementation of the signing process using a secret key.
- Implement an exponential backoff mechanism.
- Tests to validate exponential backoff behavior.
- Implement or integrate a queuing mechanism.
- Implement a retry mechanism upon failure.
- Define max retry count and intervals.
- Logger setup for the project.
- Implement file-based persistent logging.
- Implementation of password security or other authentication methods for Redis.
- Strategy for handling high concurrency using goroutines and worker pools.
- Comprehensive documentation for setup, features, and usage.
- Contribution guidelines for the community.
- Discord community
- Comprehensive test coverage for all features.
- Continuous Integration (CI) setup.
- First major release with all the initial features.
- Distribution in Dockerhub