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2.0.0 Release notes

KillerOfPie edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 1 revision

This article contains a summary of the changes and optimizations for the TradeShop v2.0.0 release (see below for download links).


+ Addition of GUIs
+ Shops may now be opened/closed at the owner's will
+ Shop metadata shall be stored on the hard disk
+ More efficient item serialization was implemented
+ You may now backup/move the entirety of the plugin's data in case you wish to debug your server or reinstall plugins
+ The `explode` setting was added
+ The `tradeshop.edit` permission has been added
+ Per command help was added,it now shows command usage and aliases
+ Added `/ts what`
* Some messages have been removed, added or modified
* General help has been improved

- The custom items feature has been renoved from the plugin’s main sources
+ A custom addon framework with hooks for custom commands and event listeners has been added (WIP)

* The double-chest bug has been fixed
* Other major and minor bugs were fixed

* Many chunks of the core of the plugin have been recoded
* The causes for several stacktraces ("console errors") have been ironed out
* The Update-checker has been optimised slightly
* Performance and quality improvements
* Refactoring, repackaging
- Removal of redundant and/or legacy code
+ From now on the server administrator is encouraged to leave Metrics enabled

More Details

Known Issues

  • None
For the sake of updating the plugin, support for versions before Minecraft 1.13.x has been removed and will not be added again. If you are running a server with outdated software you will have to stick to older plugin versions which may have bugs we have already patched.
Please do not ask us to issue patches for these versions.

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  • You may download the latest version here.
  • You may clone the source with the command git clone
  • You may also clone the whole wiki to your computer with the command git clone


You may contact the developers for any reason on Discord or on GitHub.


The entire project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.

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