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EMLABpy - AMIRIS co-simulation using Spinetoolbox

The co-simulation of AMIRIS and EMLabpy intends to investigate the investment incentives in a future flexible power system. EMLabpy is based in EMLab and is rewritten in a modular way into python to run it partially.

The co-simulation workflow is best illustrated with following diagram.


1. Prepare environments

To run this project, 3 anaconda environments (or any other virtual environment of your preference) should be created: emlabEnv, EMLabpy, Spinetoolbox

1.1. EmlabEnv (AMIRIS)

emlabEnv include the packages to run AMIRIS

Open an anaconda prompt In toolbox-amiris-emlab folder

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate emlabEnv
pip install -r requirements.txt

Close the command prompt

1.2. EMLabpy

To run EMLabpy from the Spinetoolbox, it needs to be packed as a python module. To do so, open an anaconda prompt and run the following commands in the toolbox-amiris-emlab folder

conda create -n emlabpy python=3.8
conda activate emlabpy
python install (Emlabpy has to be installed as a local module to be run in spinetoolbox)  
python -m pip install . 
pip install -r requirements.txt

close the command prompt

Updating Emlabpy

Whenever a code change occurs, including git pulls, it is necessary to update the EMLabpy environment. For this, double-click the install_emlabpy.bat file.

1.3. Spinetoolbox

Download spinetoolbox and install all requirements as their webpage indicated in:

Make a new anaconda environment called spinetoolbox.

2. How to run it

In the toolbox-amiris-emlab folder activate the environment spinetoolbox. (Type spinetoolbox to start the tool in this environment)

Once the project is open, make an emlabpy kernel as follows: In spinetooolbox > file > settings> tools > jupyter console> kernel spec editor> add interpreter: path to the python.exe in your conda environment emlabpy name: emlabpy make kernel specification > ok

Also change the path on the (Amiris future tool > basic console) to the emlabEnv conda enviroment

Finally in Settings specify the path to toolbox-amiris-emlab


Once the environments emlabpy and emlabEnv have been created, generate kernels by double-clicking any tool in the tool specification editor. Then, in the kernel spec editor, create a kernel that makes reference to the Anaconda environment.

Run it

With the project open in spinetoolbox simply execute the project clicking the play symbol


If there have been any modifications to EMLabpy code, the emlabpy module has to be repacked and the databases have to be cleaned. To quickly run the workflow, double-click on the file ______update_emlabpy_SPINETOOLBOX.bat

Deleting logs

Once in a while it is recommened to delete the logs of the spinetoolbox. To do so, double-click on the file ______delete_log_files.bat

Input Data

The input data is stored in the data folder in following files: The simulation configuration can be specified in the excel: Coupling Config.xlsx

The specifications for the EMLabpy modules (investment, capacity mechanism and CO2) should be added in : EMLAbparameters.xlsx

The power plants per country as saved in : Power_plants.xlsx

The technology and fuel costs are saved in: Traderes_Data.xlsx

Also see the summary of the data in the excel file AMIRIS-EMLABpy Data inventoryREADME.xlsx

Output Data

Once the workflow is executed, the results are stored in the toolbox-amiris-emlab\temporal_results folder. The graphs are stored in the toolbox-amiris-emlab\emlabpy\plots\Scenarios...-temporal folder.

Folder structure



This is the main Emlabpy file that activates the different modules depending on the arguments given through the spinetoolbox


Data preparation scripts.

emlabpy/util/ - Prepares the data to simulate next year

emlabpy/util/ - Main functions to read and write data from DB into a repository.

emlabpy/util/ - Wrapper of Spine DB API to modify data into the SQL Spinetoolbox database

emlabpy/util/ - Functions to sort and modify data in repository.


Each EMLab agent is defined in the modules where also getters and setters are defined.


Each EMLabpy module retrieves information from the repository and executes a logic. For example, the capacity market, investment, prepare market clearing, etc.


emlabpy/plots/ - Functions to create plots from DBs



In these files are defined the functions to run AMIRIS and to rewrite the results into excels.


Here is the tool that imports all the needed data to run AMIRIS into yaml files. It also runs AMIRIS and exports the data to files to be imported back to EMLAB.


The AMIRIS executable (amiris-core_2.0.0-alpha.13-jar-with-dependencies.jar) contains the latest code of the AMIRIS project

The file amiris_workflow/amiris/results/traderes.pb contain the encrypted results.


This is the code being triggered in the workflow. Executing it, prepares the yaml files stored in the amiris-config


The excel timeseries (fuel prices, renewable profiles, demand, availability) to run AMIRIS are prepared runnning the emlabpy modules


The processed amiris_results.xls that will be used by EMLAB are saved here


Contains miscellaneous scripts to prepare data

  • -> delete log files of spinetoolbox
  • -> deletes the data in the main dqlite databases: EmlabDB and AMIRIS DB
  • prepare power -> Groups the power plants per age.


The logging from all the workflow can be found in this folder

License and Terms of Use

The Spine Toolbox project example provided here can be used without any limitations. This does not apply to any data files contained within or any parts of the models EMLabpy and AMIRIS.

The (Un)Licensing explicitly excludes:

* Anything under "amiris", for which license of applies
* Anything under "EMLABPY", for which MIT License applies
* Any data contained in this repository.