This repository contains processing scripts in support of the preprint:
The main code for the connectome analysis is provided in R1-weighted_connectome.ipynb. This notebook could be used to reproduce the results in the manuscript. You can also explore some of the results via our plotly dashboard app.
- group_connectivity_thr_2.mat: Group connectomes weighted with NOS, R1, and FA, thresholded with NOS<2.
- group_connectivity_thr_5.mat: Group connectomes weighted with NOS, R1, and FA, thresholded with NOS<5.
- modularity_thr_2.mat: Precomputed communities for the consensus connectomes created using NOS_threshold=2
- modularity_thr_5.mat: Precomputed communities for the consensus connectomes created using NOS_threshold=5
- atlas_names.mat: Lausanne 2008 node labels and mapping of the nodes to Yeo's and von Economo classes
- Shell script used for preprocessing the diffusion data.
- Script to constructs individual connectomes weighted with R1, NOS, and FA, from the diffusion tractography.