A curated list of awesome test-time prior adaptation resources. Your contributions are always welcome!
[Vucetic, Obradovic, Proc. ECML 2001] Classification on data with biased class distribution [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Latinne et al., Proc. ICML 2001] Adjusting the outputs of a classifier to new a priori probabilities may significantly improve classification accuracy: evidence from a multi-class problem in remote sensing [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Saerens et al., Neural Computation 2002] Adjusting the outputs of a classifier to new a priori probabilities: A simple procedure [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Chan et al., Proc. ACL 2006] Estimating class priors in domain adaptation for word sense disambiguation [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Yang and Zhou, Pattern Recognition 2008] Non-stationary data sequence classification using online class priors estimation [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Du Plessis and Sugiyama, Neural Networks 2014] Semi-supervised learning of class balance under class-prior change by distribution matching [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Royer and Lampert, Proc. CVPR 2015] Classifier adaptation at prediction time [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Lipton et al., Proc. ICML 2018] Detecting and correcting for label shift with black box predictors [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Azizzadenesheli et al., Proc. ICLR 2019] Regularized learning for domain adaptation under label shifts [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Sulc and Matas, Proc. ICCV Workshops 2019] Improving CNN classifiers by estimating test-time priors [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Alexandari et al., Proc. ICML 2020] Maximum likelihood with bias-corrected calibration is hard-to-beat at label shift adaptation [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Garg et al., Proc. NeurIPS 2020] A unified view of label shift estimation [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Sulc et al., Proc. WACV 2020] Fungi recognition: A practical use case [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Šipka, Thesis 2021] Adaptation of CNN classifiers to prior shift [PDF] [G-Scholar--] -
[Wu et al., Proc. NeurIPS 2021] Online adaptation to label distribution shift [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Šipka et al., Proc. WACV 2022] The hitchhiker's guide to prior-shift adaptation [PDF] [G-Scholar] -
[Sun et al., Arxiv 2022] Beyond invariance: Test-time label-shift adaptation for distributions with" spurious" correlations [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Zhang et al., Proc. NeurIPS 2022] Self-supervised aggregation of diverse experts for test-agnostic long-tailed recognition [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE] -
[Ma et al., Proc. MICCAI 2022] Test-time adaptation with calibration of medical image classification nets for label distribution shift [PDF] [G-Scholar] [CODE]