- prerequisites:
- subtopics:
- curators:
- Computer vision 🆓
- Introduction to computer vision (2015) 🆓
- Programming computer vision with python (2012) 🆓
- An analysis of single-layer networks in unsupervised feature learning - Interesting paper about how using weaker classifiers (kmeans) can get comparable results to more sophisticated ones like deep neural nets with the decisions made before training a model like statistical whitening, picking a large number of features, etc.
- Viola jones robust real-time object detection - Real time face detection method most cameras use today, discusses ensemble learning methods (adaboost) and a clever way to detect features in one O(n) pre-processing step.
- Example-based photometric stereo: shape reconstruction with general, varying brdfs - Discusses how you can reconstruct an objects 3d shape just by analyzing how light reflects off an object's surface.
- Mask r-cnn