Example Android application using TMDB Api with clean architecture principles, MVVM, Hilt DI, Kotlin, Coroutines, Kotlin Flow, LiveData, Room, Retrofit, Moshi and Paging 3 library.
You need to setup your own TMDB API key. Register for one here. You can read their terms and conditions here
Next you should copy/rename apikey.properties.example
to apikey.properties
and add your key into THEMOVIEDB_API_KEY
Finally, if you want to run the release variant you can create a new keystore via Build
-> Generate Signed Bundle/APK...
and store your keystore in a safe location. Then copy/rename apikey.properties.example
to apikey.properties
and fill in the sensitive keystore information from the keystore you created earlier.
You might get a warning since the project uses java 11. You can change java version the project uses in Preferences
-> Build,Execution, Deployment
-> Build Tools
-> Gradle
. The latest Android studio version should have java 11 bundled.