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Isotropy in the Contextual Embedding Space: Clusters and Manifolds

This repo contains the code, the poster and the slides for the paper: X.Cai, J.Huang, Y.Bian and K. Church, "Isotropy in the Contextual Embedding Space: Clusters and Manifolds", ICLR 2021.

The poster and slides are in the poster/ folder.

Supplementary Code

Set up using venv

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

[Optional]: install FAISS to compute Local Intrinsic Dimension (LID)

To install FAISS, please refer to

Minimum effort to run the code

This script will generate a 3D plot of embeddings for tokens ["the","first","man"]


Generate embeddings:

For example, to generate BERT's 3rd layer's token embeddings, using wiki2 dataset, simply run the following:

source venv/bin/activate
python bert wiki2 3 --save_file bert.layer.3.dict

The code will put generated files at


The arguments include:

usage: model dataset layer

positional arguments:
  model                 model: gpt, gpt2, bert, dist (distilbert), xlm
  dataset               dataset: wiki2, ptb, wiki103, or other customized datapath
  layer                 layer id

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --save_file SAVE_FILE
                        save pickle file name
  --log_file LOG_FILE   log file name
  --datapath DATAPATH   customized datapath
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size, default=1
  --bptt_len BPTT_LEN   tokens length, default=512
  --sample SAMPLE       [beta], uniform with probability=beta
  --no_cuda             disable gpu

Perform comprehensive analysis

After obtain the embedding dict files in the previous step, we can perform comprehensive analysis by giving tasks arguments:

python embeds/wiki2/bert.layer.3.dict [tasks]

Tasks include the following:

  1. Compute the averaged inter-cosine similarity. For each type/word, sample 1 embedding instance.
--inter_cos --maxl 1
  1. Compute the averaged intra-cosine similarity.
  1. Perform clustering and report the mean-shifted, as well as clustered, inter and intra cosines.
--cluster --cluster_cos --center
  1. Draw 2D, 3D or frequency heatmap figures.
--draw [2d]/[3d]/[freq]
  1. Draw tokens in 3D plots. Specify tokens to draw using --draw_token. The code will evaluate the string as a list, so please use the following format.
--draw token --draw_token "['the','first','man','&']"
  1. Compute LID using either Euclidean distance or cosine distancel
--lid --lid_metric [l2]/[cos]

Other settings include:

  1. Dimension reduction and sampling. Please refer to -h to see the details of the following.
--embed [embed_dimension] --maxl [sample_method]
  1. Center shiftting, subtract the mean.
  1. Zoom into the two distinct clusters existed in the GPT2 embedding sapce.
--zoomgpt2 [left]/[right] --draw 3d

Get ELMo embeddings

We use AllenNLP package for ELMo. To obtain the embeddings, first need to prepare the input data as raw text file, then run:

source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install allennlp==1.0.0rc3
allennlp elmo /path/to/dataset_text.txt /tmp/output.hdf5 --all
python /tmp/output.hdf5 /path/to/dataset_text.txt [dataset_name] [layer_id]

Note that only allennlp latest version does not have "elmo" subcommand. So please use the older version, e.g 1.0.0rc3.