I want to make a one stop shop where educators can send students to practice their specific music, sight reading, and much more.
This project is deigned for music students 6th through 12th in public school.
This also be a technical exercise for myself as I will be learning a huge amount of things on the way.
cd frontend
npm install && npm run dev
cd backend
python3 -m venv env
pip install django djangorestframework django-cors-headers music21
python3 main/manage.py migrate
python3 main/manage.py runserver
Material UI - Beautiful UI components
OpenSheetMusicDisplay - Display the musical files on the web browser
Music21 - Generate the midi and xml files as needed
Django - Complementing the music21 library very well. Used for the music generations microservice.
Go - sqlx for database interaction and mapping to structs, playground validator for validations. Used for the user tracking microservice