diff --git a/collection/PaleoGames; Dr Dhrolins Dictionary of Dinosaurs.json b/collection/PaleoGames; Dr Dhrolins Dictionary of Dinosaurs.json index 344e2e0ab..e4c1a5ae0 100644 --- a/collection/PaleoGames; Dr Dhrolins Dictionary of Dinosaurs.json +++ b/collection/PaleoGames; Dr Dhrolins Dictionary of Dinosaurs.json @@ -13604,2257 +13604,3798 @@ ], "table": [ { - "name": "Minor Mutation", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Minor Mutation", + "name": "Creature Encounter Table", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Creature Encounter Table", "colLabels": [ - "{@dice d20)", - "Mutation", - "Effect", - "Environment" + "{@dice 1d58}", + "", + "Creature", + "CR", + "MCR", + "Environments", + "Page" ], "colStyles": [ + "col-1 text-center", + "col-1 text-center", "col-2 text-center", - "col-4 text-center", - "col-4", - "col-2 text-center" - ], + "col-1 text-center", + "col-1 text-center", + "col-5 text-center", + "col-1 text-center" + ], "rows": [ [ 1, - "Tusked – {@i Two bulbous teeth protrude from this creature’s lower jaw}.", - "If this creature hits with an attack that uses its head, the hit creature must succeed a DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB) Strength saving throw or take an additional 1d6 + PB piercing damage.", - { - "type": "image", - "href": { - "type": "external", - "url": "" - }, - "title": "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" - } + "A", + "", + "1", + "2", + "", + "{@book 114|4D|114}" ], [ 2, - "Extended apnea – {@i High-capacity lungs allow this creature to hold its breath for a prolonged period}.", - "This creature may hold its breath for up to an hour with no detrimental side-effects.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Swamp/Wetlands" + "A", + "", + "13", + "13", + "", + "{@book 195|4D|195}" ], [ 3, - "Symbiotic – {@i This creature lives benevolently among another species}.", - "Select another non-humanoid creature. All creatures of that species treat this creature as an ally. Additionally, this creature gains proficiency in all ability checks while within 5 ft. of the selected creature.", - "Jungle/Rainforest" + "B", + "Bahariyan Polycotylid", + "5", + "6", + "", + "{@book 66|4D|66}" ], [ 4, - "Diminutive size – {@i This creature is particularly small}.", - "Decrease the size category of this creature by one stage (to a minimum of Tiny), decrease any damage it deals by 2 (to a minimum of 1), but add +2 to its Dexterity saving throws.", - "Island/Archipelago" + "B", + "Balaur", + "1/2", + "1", + "", + "{@book 84|4D|84}" ], [ 5, - "Rapid coagulation – {@i Blood oozing from wounds instantly clots when exposed to air}.", - "This creature cannot lose more than one third of its HP in a single turn from any combination of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.", - "" + "B", + "Beipiaosaurus", + "2", + "3", + "", + "{@book 46|4D|46}" ], [ 6, - "Elongate – {@i The limbs, tail, or muzzle of this creature are particularly long}.", - "Select one melee attack this creature has and increase its range by 5 ft.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Mountain/Volcano ; River/Lake" + "B", + "Big Al", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 197|4D|197}" ], [ 7, - "Vivid plumage – {@i Beautifully coloured feathers or fur cover this creature’s body}.", - "This creature has advantage on any Charisma checks.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" + "B", + "Bolong", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 48|4D|48}" ], [ 8, - "Thermal vision – {@i Fleshy red spots on this creature’s head allow it to detect heat}.", - "This creature can see other creatures while in any light level but struggles to distinguish them from other heat sources (such as torches).", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen" + "C", + "Carcharodontosaurus", + "10", + "12", + "", + "{@book 69|4D|69}" ], [ 9, - "Pachycephalisation – {@i The skull of this creature is huge and bulbous, giving it bony nodules that it can use as a weapon}.", - "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a skull bash attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.", - "" + "C", + "Carnotaurus", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 198|4D|198}" ], [ 10, - "Reinforced muscle fibres – {@i Metallic fibres line this creature’s muscles}.", - "This creature has advantage on Strength saving throws.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano" + "C", + "Centrosaurus", + "3", + "4", + "", + "{@book 116|4D|116}" ], [ 11, - "Prehensile tail – {@i This creature can control its tail as though it were a limb, grasping or attacking with it}.", - "This creature can use its bonus action to attack a creature within 5/10 ft. (DM's choice). That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "C", + "Concavenator", + "3", + "4", + "", + "{@book 119|4D|119}" ], [ 12, - "Alopecia – {@i All feathers, hair, and scales fall away from this creature, leaving only bare skin}.", - "This creature is vulnerable to slashing damage. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, reduce it.", - "" + "C", + "Cratoavis", + "1/8", + "1/8", + "", + "{@book 102|4D|102}" ], [ 13, - "Digital pads – {@i Soft cat-like paw pads cover the soles of this creature’s feet}.", - "This creature makes no sound when it moves. Once per day, the first time it fails a Stealth check, it may instead choose to pass.", - "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "D", + "Deinocheirus", + "6", + "8", + "", + "{@book 120|4D|120}" ], [ 14, - "Hypertrophy – {@i Huge, bulging muscles cover this creature’s body}.", - "This creature has advantage on Strength checks.", - "" + "D", + "Deinosuchus", + "11", + "11", + "", + "{@book 123|4D|123}" ], [ 15, - "Spinnerets – {@i Silk-producing glands protrude from this creature’s body, allowing it to spin webs quickly}.", - "This creature may cast {@spell Web|PHB} at 2nd level (spell save DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "D", + "Dilophosaurus", + "3", + "4", + "", + "{@book 203|4D|203}" ], [ 16, - "Aquatic – {@i This creature has webbed hands and feet, as well as gills on its neck}.", - "This creature gains a swim speed equal to its walking speed and may potentially breathe underwater (DM’s choice).", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Ocean/Deepwater ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Island/Archipelago" + "E", + "Erythrosuchus", + "8", + "9", + "", + "{@book 126|4D|126}" ], [ 17, - "Thermal sink – {@i A specialised organ in this creature’s chest is able to absorb heat}.", - "As a bonus action, all other creatures within 5 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus) Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 + PB cold damage.", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen" + "F", + "Falcatakely", + "0", + "0", + "", + "{@book 126|4D|126}" ], [ 18, - "Toxic secretions – {@i Poisons seep through this creature’s skin or scales}.", - "When hit by a melee attack, this creature may use its reaction to deal 1d6 + PB poison damage to the attacking creature.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest" + "G", + "Garjainia", + "1", + "6", + "", + "{@book 129|4D|129}" ], [ 19, - "Sail-backed – {@i A row of tall skin-covered bony protrusions line this creature’s back, linking to form a sail}.", - "This creature gets +2 to Intimidation checks and is unaffected by temperatures as high as 40°C Celsius (104°F Fahrenheit).", - "Badland/Desert" + "G", + "Giraffatitan", + "9", + "11", + "", + "{@book 133|4D|133}" ], [ 20, - "Bristle-backed – {@i Large quills or spines protrude from this creature’s back}.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "In addition to any other attack, this creature may make one ranged attack with the profile:", - "Bristle Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: range, 30 ft., +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: {@dice 1d6} + PB piercing damage." - ] - }, - "Plains/Scrublands" + "H", + "Hatzegopteryx", + "14", + "18", + "", + "{@book 89|4D|89}" ], [ 21, - "Puffable coat – {@i This creature can puff itself up with a thick fluffy coat of fur or feathers}.", - "When hit by an attack or when failing a saving throw, this creature may use its reaction to reduce incoming cold damage by 1d6 + PB. This creature is unaffected by temperatures as low as -20°C Celsius (-4°F Fahrenheit).", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen" + "I", + "Iguanodon", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 135|4D|135}" ], [ 22, - "Photosynthetic – {@i This creature has a vibrant green colour, as it’s skin, hair, or feathers contain plant-like cells}.", - "This creature requires only a few hours of sunlight for a full day’s nourishment. It also counts as a plant for the purposes of spells and abilities that target plants.", - "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "J", + "Juravenator", + "0", + "1/8", + "", + "{@book 136|4D|136}" ], [ 23, - "Floral mimicry – {@i This creature’s features look remarkably plant-like. Small frills of skin and feathers mimic leaves and flowers}.", - "While motionless, this creature is indistinguishable from plant life. A DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB) Nature or Investigation", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest ; Island/Archipelago" + "K", + "Kentrosaurus", + "3", + "3", + "", + "{@book 139|4D|139}" ], [ 24, - "Septic saliva – {@i A noxious smell emanates from this creature’s mouth, as it contains a horrible mixture of dangerous bacteria}.", - "Add {@dice 1d6} necrotic damage to any attack made by this creature that involves its mouth.", - "Swamp/Wetland" + "K", + "Klobiodon", + "1/8", + "1/8", + "", + "{@book 145|4D|145}" ], [ 25, - "Stem cell reservoir – {@i A specialised organ holds a cluster of blank cells that can rapidly redeploy, re-growing any damaged body part}.", - "Once per day as an action, this creature may recover up to one third of its hit points.", - "" + "K", + "Kulindadromeus", + "1/4", + "1/4", + "", + "{@book 143|4D|143}" ], [ 26, - "Bioluminescent – {@i Some part, or all, of this creature’s body glows beautifully with vibrant colours while in the dark}.", - "This creature emits a dim hue of light in a 15 ft. radius when in the dark.", - "Ocean/Deep Water" + "L", + "Leptonectes", + "4", + "5", + "", + "{@book 145|4D|145}" ], [ 27, - "Club-tail – {@i This creature’s tail ends in a bony mass that it can use to bash targets}.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "As a bonus action, this creature may make one melee attack with the profile:", - "{@b Club-tail}. Melee Weapon Attack: range, 5 ft., +(Strength bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage." - ] - }, - "" + "L", + "Ludodactylus", + "3", + "4", + "", + "{@book 105|4D|105}" ], [ 28, - "Gastric barrier – {@i This creature has a specialised digestive system that makes it particularly hardy}.", - "This creature has advantage on Constitution saving throws.", - "Swamp/Wetland" + "M", + "Magyarosaurus", + "4", + "5", + "", + "{@book 90|4D|90}" ], [ 29, - "Ink sacs – {@i By squeezing specialised sacs on this creature’s neck, it can spray ink from its mouth}.", - "As a bonus action, this creature may squirt ink at an opponent. Select a creature within 20 ft. It must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for two rounds.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" + "M", + "Mastodonsaurus", + "4", + "5", + "", + "{@book 146|4D|146}" ], [ 30, - "Nocturnal – {@i This creature naturally prefers the dark and has very large eyes}.", - "This creature gains dark vision equal to its normal vision, or increases its dark vision range by 30 ft. It is generally only active at night.", - "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "M", + "Megalosaurus", + "4", + "5", + "", + "{@book 149|4D|149}" ], [ 31, - "Telepathic cortex – {@i A large bump at the back of this creature’s skull houses an extra brain cortex}.", - "This creature is able to telepathically communicate with any other members of its species within 200 ft.", - "" + "M", + "Microraptor", + "0", + "0", + "", + "{@book 50|4D|50}" ], [ 32, - "Opposable claws – {@i One claw on each hand is bent inwards, forming a thumb}.", - "This creature may interact with objects that require simple or complex movements, such as opening a door or using a trinket.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "M", + "Mnyamawamtuka", + "5", + "6", + "", + "{@book 153|4D|153}" ], [ 33, - "Interlocking scales – {@i Thick, tightly locked scales coat this creature’s body}.", - "This creature gains resistance to piercing damage.", - "Badland/Desert" + "M", + "Mosasaurus", + "11", + "12", + "", + "{@book 154|4D|154}" ], [ 34, - "Horned – {@i Fused scales protrude from this creature’s forehead or snout, forming pointed horns}.", - "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a horn attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity save or take 1d6 + PB piercing damage.", - "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" + "N", + "Nothosaurus", + "3", + "4", + "", + "{@book 157|4D|157}" ], [ 35, - "Fusiform – {@i This creature can tuck its arms and legs to its sides and adopt a fish-like shape}.", - "If this creature can swim, double its swim speed.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" + "N", + "Nyctosaurus", + "1/8", + "1/4", + "", + "{@book 158|4D|158}" ], [ 36, - "Enhanced hepatocytes – {@i This creature’s liver is able to filter out any poisons almost instantly}.", - "This creature is immune to the poisoned condition.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest" + "O", + "Oviraptor", + "1", + "1", + "", + "{@book 160|4D|160}" ], [ 37, - "Quick-witted – {@i This creature can react quickly to changing situations}.", - "This creature has advantage on Intelligence saving throws.", - "" + "P", + "Paralititan", + "10", + "11", + "", + "{@book 71|4D|71}" ], [ 38, - "Elongated snout – {@i The snout and nose of this creature is extended, giving it a much more powerful sense of smell}.", - "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve smell.", - "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "P", + "Psittacosaurus", + "1/4", + "1/4", + "", + "{@book 53|4D|53}" ], [ 39, - "Dermal spines – {@i Thick scales protrude from this creature, giving its body a spikey appearance}.", - "When hit by a melee attack, this creature can use its reaction to deal {@dice 1d6} + PB piercing damage to the attacking creature.", - "Badland/Desert" + "P", + "Pterodaustro", + "1/4", + "1/4", + "", + "{@book 162|4D|162}" ], [ 40, - "Gelatinous saliva – {@i Thick globules of slimy saliva drip from this creature’s mouth}.", - "Attacks from this creature that involve its mouth reduce a hit creature’s movement speed by 10 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft., non-cumulative).", - "Swamp/Wetlands" + "Q", + "Quetzalcoatlus", + "9", + "9", + "", + "{@book 165|4D|165}" ], [ 41, - "Tonic immobility – {@i This creature can feign death, falling on its back with its belly up and tongue hanging out}.", - "If this creature would be reduced to 0 hit points, it is instead reduced to 1. It feigns death, appearing dead unless it is inspected with a DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB) Investigation or Nature check (their choice). It may choose to exit this feign at any point.", - "" + "R", + "Rhamphorhynchus", + "1/8", + "1", + "", + "{@book 168|4D|168}" ], [ 42, - "Fearsome roar – {@i Powerful lungs allow this creature to let out a gaudy and terrifying roar}.", - "As an action, this creature can roar. Each other creature within 30 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of this creature for 1 minute. They may repeat this save at the end of their turn and on a successful save are immune to the effect for 24 hours.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Plains/Scrublands" + "S", + "Scelidosaurus", + "1", + "1", + "", + "{@book 172|4D|172}" ], [ 43, - "Automimicry – {@i Strange patterns and growths make it difficult to determine where this creature’s head is}.", - "If this creature would be critically hit, the attack is instead resolved as a normal hit.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" + "S", + "Sharovipteryx", + "0", + "0", + "", + "{@book 175|4D|175}" ], [ 44, - "Sciurus tail – {@i This creature has a large fluffy tail that it can flick rapidly}.", - "This creature is unaffected by temperatures as low as -20°C Celsius (-4°F Fahrenheit) and can communicate silently with any other creatures of the same species that can see it.", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "S", + "Spinosaurus", + "7", + "8", + "", + "{@book 75|4D|75}" ], [ 45, - "Serrated denticles – {@i The claws or teeth of this creature are jagged and saw-like}.", - "All melee attacks this creature makes deal an additional {@dice 1d4} slashing damage.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Coastal/Estuary" + "S", + "Stomatosuchus", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 77|4D|77}" ], [ 46, - "Hereditary memory – {@i Ancestral memories are encoded into this creature's DNA}.", - "This creature has advantage on Wisdom saving throws.", - "" + "S", + "Struthiosaurus", + "1/2", + "1/2", + "", + "{@book 93|4D|93}" ], [ 47, - "Antlered – {@i Multi-pronged antlers protrude from this creature’s skull. It can swing them back and forth, slashing at foes.}", - "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make an antler attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB slashing damage", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "T", + "Tanystropheus", + "1/2", + "2", + "", + "{@book 176|4D|176}" ], [ 48, - "Pneumatisation – {@i This creature has air sacs and chambers within its bones, making it much lighter}.", - "Half this creature’s weight and increase its walking speed by 10 ft.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + "T", + "Tetrapodophis", + "0", + "1/2", + "", + "{@book 106|4D|106}" ], [ 49, - "Mana-infused cortex – {@i A pale-blue glow around this creature’s head reveals it has innate magical abilities}.", - "Select one cantrip of your choice. This creature knows that cantrip. Its spell save DC is (8 + Wisdom Bonus + PB) and spell attack modifier is (Wisdom bonus + PB).", - "" + "T", + "Tupandactylus", + "2", + "3", + "", + "{@book 109|4D|109}" ], [ 50, - "Bombardier gland – {@i Bulbous sacs on this creature’s body allow it to spit or secrete reactive chemicals that ignite when they mix}.", - "Add {@dice 1d4} fire damage to any attack made by this creature.", - "Swamp/Wetlands" + "U", + "“Ubirajara”", + "1/2", + "1/2", + "", + "{@book 110|4D|110}" ], [ 51, - "Thin dermis – {@i The skin of this creature is sickly thin and its veins are visible below the surface}.", - "This creature is vulnerable to piercing damage. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, decrease it.", - "Island/Archipelago" + "U", + "Utahraptor", + "4", + "4", + "", + "{@book 181|4D|181}" ], [ 52, - "Waxy skin – {@i This creature has a thick waxy coating on its skin}.", - "This creature is unaffected by temperatures as high as 40°C Celsius (104°F Fahrenheit). Reduce any slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage this creature takes by 2.", - "Badland/Desert" + "V", + "Velociraptor", + "1/2", + "1/2", + "", + "{@book 183|4D|183}" ], [ 53, - "Viperism – {@i A soft tissue frill can extend from this creature’s neck, and it can spit like a viper}.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "As a bonus action, this creature may make one attack with the profile:", - "Venom Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: range, 30 ft., +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB acid damage." - ] - }, - "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest" + "W", + "Wretchglow", + "", + "10", + "", + "{@book 205|4D|205}" ], [ 54, - "Finned tail – {@i This creature has a large fleshy fin on the end of its tail}.", - "While in water, this creature has advantage on Dexterity saving throws and can dash as a bonus action.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Coastal/Eastuary" + "X", + "Xu’thul", + "", + "12", + "", + "{@book 209|4D|209}" ], [ 55, - "Beaked – {@i A keratinous beak sheathes this creature’s snout, concealing its mouth below}.", - "This creature may add {@dice 1d6} piercing damage to any attack that involves its mouth.", - "" + "Y", + "Young Tyrannosaurus", + "5", + "5+8+8", + "", + "{@book 186|4D|186}" ], [ 56, - "Bony frill – {@i A broad bony frill projects from the back of this creature’s head, allowing it to shield its body from attacks}.", - "Increase the AC of this creature by 2.", - "Plains/Scrublands" + "Y", + "Yutyrannus", + "10", + "14", + "", + "{@book 56|4D|56}" ], [ 57, - "Strong swimmer – {@i This creature has powerful limbs and broad claws/paws/hands that aid it in moving through water}.", - "This creature gains a swim speed equal to 75% of its walking speed (rounded up to the nearest 5 ft.)", - "Swamp/Wetland ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Island/Archipelago" + "Z", + "Zalmoxes", + "1/4", + "1/4", + "", + "{@book 94|4D|94}" ], [ 58, - "Augmentative size – {@i This creature is much larger than you would expect}.", - "Increase this creature’s size by one stage, and its attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage (of the same damage type that they normally deal), but -2 from any Dexterity saving throws.", - "Plains/Scrublands ; Coastal/Eastuary" - ], + "Z", + "Zuul", + "5", + "7", + "", + "{@book 188|4D|188}" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "volCaniC lake", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "volCaniC lake", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d6}", + "Result" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 59, - "Hyper-bioluminescence – {@i Rather than glowing dimly, for a moment this creature can flash an extremely bright bioluminescent light}.", - "Once per day as an action, this creature may produce a flash of bright light. All other creatures within 20 ft. that can see it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for 2 rounds.", - "Ocean/Deep Water" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 3 + } + }, + "{@b Normal lake." ], [ - 60, - "Complex inner-ear – When other creatures would fall over, this creature is able to stagger and stabilise itself}.", - "This creature cannot be knocked prone.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 4, + "max": 5 + } + }, + "{@b Acidic volcanic lake}. Water from this lake causes {@dice 1d4} acid damage. A creature submerged in it takes {@dice 2d4} acid damage per round." ], [ - 61, - "Thick plumage – Particularly dense and thick feathers or fur cover this creature, giving it a puffy appearance}.", - "This creature gains resistance to cold damage.", - "Mountain/Volcano ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" - ], + 6, + "{@b Limnic eruption}. If the waters are disturbed, a gaseous cloud 15 ft. in diameter erupts and drifts 5 ft. per round in a random (or wind blown) direction. It causes {@dice 1d6} acid damage and {@dice 2d4} poison damage per round to any creature inside of it. The cloud can be dissipated by a powerful continuous wind." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Volcanic Event", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Volcanic Event", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d6}", + "Evidence" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 62, - "Xerophytic – {@i Specialised fleshy flaps cover this creature’s nostrils, and it has waxy skin or scales}.", - "This creature can survive without water for up to one week.", - "Badland/Desert" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "{@b The volcano stirs}. Mild tremors rock the land and the sky darkens from ash. Re-roll on this table in {@dice 3d6} hours’ time." ], [ - 63, - "Excessive myelin – {@i This creature has a reinforced nervous system}.", - "This creature is immune to the paralyzed condition.", - "" + 3, + "{@b Falling ash}. The sky darkens as burning cinders ignite fires throughout the forest. All native creatures begin to flee the area. Re-roll on this table in {@dice 3d6} hours’ time." ], [ - 64, - "Frail – {@i This creature appears thin and brittle}.", - "This creature has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, decrease it.", - "Island/Archipelago" + 4, + "{@b Eruption!} Slow flowing lava erupts, travailing at 10 ft. per round from the volcano's peak, igniting everything it touches. It flows downhill up to 900 ft., dealing 4d8 fire damage per round to creatures in contact with it. It deals a further 4d8 fire damage and 8d8 bludgeoning damage per round to creatures smothered by it. Creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Fire are unaffected." ], [ - 65, - "Venomous – {@i Horrible green venom seeps from grooves in this creature’s claws and teeth}.", - "Add {@dice 1d4} poison damage to any melee attack made by this creature.", - "Jungle/Rainforest" + 5, + "{@b Explosive eruption!} Heavy tremors rock the land as a large explosion occurs at the peak. All nearby lakes undergo a Limnic Eruption (see {@table Volcanic Lake|4D} table)." ], [ - 66, - "Agile – {@i This creature is slender and lean, able to move quickly on its feet}.", - "This creature has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.", - "" - ], + 6, + "{@b Cataclysm!} The volcano blows its peak cataclysmically. Fire and rock rains down in all directions. Every minute spent unsheltered and within 1 mile of the volcano, a creature must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d8 fire damage and 2d8 bludgeoning damage. The eruption lasts 1 hour." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "soupy sediment", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "soupy sediment", + "colLabels": [ + "1d6", + "Evidence" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "intro": [ + "Any creature that takes the dash action while moving across the mangrove sediment (touching the ground) must roll a d6 and consult the table below." + ], + "rows": [ [ - 67, - "Dorsal wings – {@i A small pair of wings or wing-like flaps extend from this creature’s back}.", - "This creature knows the {@spell Gust|PHB| cantrip (spell save DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB)) and is immune to falling damage, so long as it is not incapacitated.", - "Mountain/Volcano" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "Its speed becomes 0 until its next turn. It may use a bonus action to make a Strength or Intelligence check with a DC of 14. On a success, it is instead considered to be moving through difficult terrain until its next turn." ], [ - 68, - "Gripping digital pads – {@i This creature has rough pads on its feet that strongly gripsurfaces}.", - "While climbing, this creature can dash as a bonus action.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 3, + "max": 4 + } + }, + "It treats the ground as difficult terrain." ], [ - 69, - "Sparse osteoderms – {@i Dense bony lumps dot this creature’s back and flanks}.", - "This creature gains resistance to slashing damage.", - "Plains/Scrublands" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 5, + "max": 6 + } + }, + "It may move normally." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Carnivore: Small and Medium Carnivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Carnivore: Small and Medium Carnivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d8}", + "Small and Medium Carnivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "{@b Asleep} - The creature is asleep. If awoken by a failed Stealth check (with a DC equal to the sleeping creature's passive Perception), treat this result as an 8." ], [ - 70, - "Symbiotic spores – {@i Unusual cysts cover this creature’s shoulders. They can pop when disturbed, filling the air with a noxious cloud}.", - "At the start of this creature’s turn, any other creature of a different species within 10 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 + PB necrotic damage.", - "Swamp/Wetland" + 3, + "{@b Skittish} - The creature will attack for one round, then attempt to flee. If this creature is present in numbers equal to or greater than the party, or if it is larger than every party member, treat this result as an 8 instead." + ], + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 4, + "max": 5 + } + }, + "{@b Defensively fearful} - The creature will attempt to intimidate the players and attack if provoked. If it is reduced to half health or less, it will attempt to flee." + ], + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 6, + "max": 7 + } + }, + "{@b Aggressively territorial} - The creature attempts to intimidate the party. If they attack it, or do not leave, it will attack and fight to the death." ], [ - 71, - "Rapid thermal regulation - {@i This creature can flush extremities with blood to rapidly cool itself}.", - "This creature gains resistance to fire damage.", - "Badland/Desert" + 8, + "{@b Opportunistic feeder} - The creature attacks, attempting to kill and devour the players. It will only attempt to flee if near death." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Carnivore: Ambush Carnivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Carnivore: Ambush Carnivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d6}", + "Ambush Carnivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 3 + } + }, + "{@b Waiting in ambush} - The creature uses any abilities it has to keep entirely hidden, attacking at anything (other than its own species) that comes within half of its walking speed. It will cease attacking and flee, attempting to hide again if near death." ], [ - 72, - "Spermaceti organ (minor) – {@i This creature can emit a deafeningly loud ultra-high-pitched sound}.", - "As a bonus action, this creature may perform a sonic attack. All other creatures of a different species within 20 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or take {@dice 1d4} thunder damage and be deafened for 1 minute.", - "Ocean/Deep Water" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 4, + "max": 5 + } + }, + "{@b Basking} - The creature is conspicuously visible, basking in the sun to warm itself. It will only attack if threatened and will attempt to flee if reduced to below half health." ], [ - 73, - "Pachydermatous – {@i The skin and scales of this creature are noticeably thickened}.", - "This creature gains resistance to bludgeoning damage.", - "Badland/Desert ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" + 6, + "{@b Patrolling territory} - The creature is actively patrolling its hunting or mating grounds. It will attack and fight to the death anything it encounters but won’t pursue them if they flee." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Carnivore: Large Carnivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Carnivore: Large Carnivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d8}", + "Large Carnivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "{@b Asleep} - The creature is asleep. If awoken by a failed Stealth check (with a DC equal to the sleeping creature's passive Perception), treat this result as an 8." ], [ - 74, - "Hyper-pigmentation – {@i This creature’s skin, feathers, spines, and/or fur are jet black in colour}.", - "This creature gains resistance to radiant damage.", - "Badland/Desert" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 3, + "max": 5 + } + }, + "{@b Rest and digest} - The creature is aware of the party, but cares little and has already fed. If they come within 10 ft. of it, it will attempt to intimidate them and will only attack if they touch it or attack it." ], [ - 75, - "Alluring pheromones – This creature gives off a sweet, intoxicating smell}.", - "Once per day, this creature may cast {@spell Charm Person|PHB} at 1st level (spell save DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot.", - "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" + 6, + "{@b Irritable - The creature will attempt to drive the players away with an intimidating threat display. If they don’t leave or if they attack, it will fight back. It will only attempt to flee if near death. If it escapes, it will recover to full strength (complete a long rest) and then actively hunt the players." ], [ - 76, - "Arboreal – {@i This creature is adapted to climbing trees, with hooked claws on its hands and feet}.", - "This creature gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest ; ;Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + 7, + "{@b Territorial challenge} - The creature perceives the party’s intrudance as a challenge. It attempts to intimidate the party once, then immediately attacks if the players do not flee. It will fight to the death." ], [ - 77, - "Mana gland – Specialised glands on this creature’s body allow it to infuse magical energies into its attacks}.", - "Add {@dice 1d4} force damage to any attack made by this creature.", - "" + 8, + "{@b Actively hunting} - The creature attacks the players, only fleeing if near death. It will focus on the weakest-looking member of the party. If the party escapes, it will continue to pursue them as long as it is able. To track the players, the creature must roll a contested Survival check vs the party member with the lowest survival modifier. Abilities that cover the party’s track (such as a Ranger’s Pass Without Trace) renders the creature unable to track the party." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Herbivore: Large Herbivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Herbivore: Large Herbivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d8}", + "Large Herbivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "{@b Oblivious} - The sheer size of this creature makes the party seem like little more than pests. It will only attack if they attack it first. Ignore this result if anything in the party is the same size category as this creature." ], [ - 78, - "Dazzling plates – {@i Large vertical plates line this creature’s back that can produce sudden bright red colouration when flushed with blood}.", - "This creature has advantage on {@skill Intimidation|PHB} checks.", - "Plains/Scrubland" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 3, + "max": 4 + } + }, + "{@b Fearful} - The strangeness of the party intimidates this creature. It avoids them if possible and flees if they approach." ], [ - 79, - "Chitinous – {@i Invertebrate-like plates cover this creature’s flank}.", - "Increase this creature’s AC by {@dice 1d4}.", - "" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 5, + "max": 7 + } + }, + "{@b Challenged} - The creature will make a threat display, attempting to intimidate the party. If approached or attacked, it will fight to the death." ], [ - 80, - "Lithophagic – {@i This creature is able to ingest rocks and stones for sustenance}.", - "This creature can sustain itself by consuming rocks. Any attacks involving its mouth deal an additional {@dice 1d6} bludgeoning damage.", - "Mountain/Volcano" - ], - [ - 81, - "Binocular vision – {@i Two forward-facing eyes allow this creature to easily track prey}.", - "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve sight.", - "" - ], - [ - 82, - "Hoofed – {@i This creature has single stub hooved/clawed feet}.", - "Increase this creature’s walking speed by 20 ft. However, this creature is slowed to 10 ft. per round in difficult terrain (rather than speed halved).", - "Mountain/Volcano ; Plains/Scrubland" - ], - [ - 83, - "Enhanced cerebrum – {@i A bulbous node on this creature’s skull causes its eyes to protrude a little}.", - "As a bonus action, another creature within 60 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Intelligence bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or take 1d6 + PB psychic damage.", - "" - ], - [ - 84, - "Fossorial – {@i Scoop-like powerful forelimbs allow this creature to dig}.", - "This creature gains a burrowing speed of 15 ft.", - "Mountain/Volcano ; Plains/Scrubland ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Badlands/Desert" - ], - [ - 85, - "Hematophagic (minor) – {@i As it injures its opponent, this creature drinks their blood}.", - "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack, it gains 1d4 temporary hit points (temporary hit points do not stack).", - "" - ], - [ - 86, - "Macropod – {@i With its unusually large feet, this creature is able to jump or rear up and perform a powerful stomp}.", - "As a bonus action, this creature may perform a Thunder-stomp. Every other creature within 5 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.", - "Plains/Scrublands" - ], - [ - 87, - "Hypermobility – {@i With flexible limbs and a lean body, this creature is particularly fast}.", - "Increase this creature’s walking speed by 15 ft.", - "Badlands/Desert ; Plains/Scrublands" - ], - [ - 88, - "Electrocytes – {@i Yellow domed pods of specialised cell clusters dot this creature’s back, crackling with electricity}.", - "Add {@dice 1d4} lightning damage to any attack made by this creature.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" - ], - [ - 89, - "Pinnae – {@i Pointed wolf-like ears protrude from this creature’s head}.", - "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve sound.", - "Badlands/Desert ; Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" - ], - [ - 90, - "Reverberating membranes – {@i Specialised flaps of skin line this creature’s flanks. It can vibrate them suddenly, producing small shockwaves}.", - "Add (@dice 1d4} thunder damage to any attack made by this creature.", - "Mountain/Volcano" - ], - [ - 91, - "Regenerative torpor – {@i A miniature hibernation allows this creature to recover rapidly}.", - "This creature may gain all the benefits from completing a long rest when it completes a short rest.", - "Tundra/Polar Frozen" - ], - [ - 92, - "Dynamic camouflage – {@i The scales or feathers of this creature can change colour slightly, allowing it to blend into its surroundings}.", - "This creature has advantage on Stealth checks.", - "Ocean/Deepwater ; Jungle/Rainforest ; River/Lake ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest ; Island/Arcipelago" - ], - [ - 93, - "Hyena-like giggle – {@i The constant cackling of this creature is unnerving}.", - "This creature knows the {@spell Vicious Mockery|PHB} cantrip (spell save DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB)).", - "Plains/Scrublands ; Badlands/Desert ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" - ], - [ - 94, - "Wader – {@i This creature has webbed feet and thin ankles}.", - "This creature is not slowed by moving through shallow or waist-deep water.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary" - ], + 8, + "{@b Rutting} - Select either oblivious or fearful and apply that result to all members of this species in this encounter, bar one or two (or more depending on population size) individuals. Those exceptions are rutting and will attack the party. They will knock players unconscious, but not purposely kill them. They will submit and cease attacking if reduced to below half hit points. If there are two or more rutting creatures of the same species, they will prioritise attacking each other first." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Herbivore: Armoured/sloW Herbivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Herbivore: Armoured/sloW Herbivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d6}", + "Armoured/sloW Herbivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 95, - "Hyperdontia – {@i The teeth of this creature are particularly large}.", - "If this creature misses with an attack involving its mouth, as a reaction, it may attempt that attack again.", - "" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + }, + "{@b Immutable defence} - This creature trusts its defences and ignores the party. It will only attack if it is attacked first. If the attacker ceases attacking, so too will this creature." ], [ - 96, - "Springy tendons – {@i Frog-like spring-loaded limbs allow this creature to bound forward}.", - "This creature can jump up to 10 ft. further than it normally could.", - "Swamp/Wetland ; Mountain/Volcano ; Jungle/Rainforest" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 3, + "max": 4 + } + }, + "{@b Stand ground} - The creature makes a show of strength, stomping and posturing. It will attack if approached or attacked. However, it will not pursue a fleeing target." ], [ - 97, - "Seismic organs – {@i Specialised sensory hairs and quills on this creature allow it to sense movement}.", - "This creature gains tremor sense 30 ft.", - "Badland/Desert ; Mountain/Volcano ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" - ], + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 5, + "max": 6 + } + }, + "{@b Push back} - The creature immediately charges the party on sight, letting out an angry cry. It will attack until the opponent dies or flees, but will not pursue a fleeing target." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Herbavore:Small and Medium Herbivore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryofDinosaurs", + "caption": "Herbavore:Small and Medium Herbivore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice 1d6}", + "Small and Medium Herbivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 98, - "Volplane membrane – {@i Broad membranes link this creature’s front limbs and back limbs, allowing it to glide}.", - "This creature is immune to falling damage, so long as it is not incapacitated. While falling, it can move 1 ft. horizontally for every 2 ft. it descends.", - "Temparte Forest/Conifer Forest ; Mountain/Volcano ; Swamp/Wetland" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 1, + "max": 3 + } + }, + "{@b Skittish} - The creature will attempt to flee and only attack if trapped or immobilised." ], [ - 99, - "Chameleon-like tongue – {@i In a flash, this creature can fire it’s long, sticky, retractable tongue}.", - "", - "Island/Archipelgo ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Swamp/Wetland" + { + "type": "cell", + "roll": { + "min": 4, + "max": 5 + } + }, + "{@b Frozen} - The creature will stay motionless until attacked. It will then either flee or fight, fleeing when near death." ], [ - 100, - "Echolocation – {@i Through high-pitched clicks, this creature can sense its surroundings}.", - "This creature gains a blindsight of 20 ft.", - "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" + 6, + "{@b Backed into a corner} - The creature will fight to the death." ] ] }, { - "name": "Major Mutation", + "name": "Minor Mutation", "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Major Mutation", + "caption": "Minor Mutation", "colLabels": [ "{@dice d20)", "Mutation", - "Effect" + "Effect", + "Environment" ], "colStyles": [ "col-2 text-center", - "col-5 text-center", - "col-5" + "col-4 text-center", + "col-4", + "col-2 text-center" ], "rows": [ [ 1, - "Hyper-pachydermatous– {@i The skin and scales of this creature are extremely thick, requiring great effort to break through.", - "This creature gains resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage." + "Tusked – {@i Two bulbous teeth protrude from this creature’s lower jaw}.", + "If this creature hits with an attack that uses its head, the hit creature must succeed a DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB) Strength saving throw or take an additional 1d6 + PB piercing damage.", + { + "type": "image", + "href": { + "type": "external", + "url": "" + }, + "title": "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" + } ], [ 2, - "Greater echolocation – {@i Through rapid, loud high-pitched squawks, this creature is able to picture its surroundings.", - "This creature gains a blindsight of 60 ft." + "Extended apnea – {@i High-capacity lungs allow this creature to hold its breath for a prolonged period}.", + "This creature may hold its breath for up to an hour with no detrimental side-effects.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Swamp/Wetlands" ], [ 3, - "Neurotoxins – {@i Dangerous toxins drip from the tips of this creature’s claws or maw.", - "A creature hit by a melee attack from this creature must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned." + "Symbiotic – {@i This creature lives benevolently among another species}.", + "Select another non-humanoid creature. All creatures of that species treat this creature as an ally. Additionally, this creature gains proficiency in all ability checks while within 5 ft. of the selected creature.", + "Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ 4, - "Hyper-intelligence – {@i This creature has a veiny, bulging forehead that houses a complex brain}.", - "Improve this creature’s intelligence by 3. It has advantage on any Intelligence check and can understand any language after hearing it for one minute, although cannot speak it." + "Diminutive size – {@i This creature is particularly small}.", + "Decrease the size category of this creature by one stage (to a minimum of Tiny), decrease any damage it deals by 2 (to a minimum of 1), but add +2 to its Dexterity saving throws.", + "Island/Archipelago" ], [ 5, - "Heterodonty – {@i Erratically organised teeth of different sizes jut out in various directions, making it difficult to escape once bitten.", - "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack involving its mouth, the target is also grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB)). This creature may also continue to attack while grappling a target, but may only use attacks that require its mouth against the grappled target." + "Rapid coagulation – {@i Blood oozing from wounds instantly clots when exposed to air}.", + "This creature cannot lose more than one third of its HP in a single turn from any combination of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.", + "" ], [ 6, - "Armour-plated – {@i Extremely thick bony plates line this body}.", - "Increase the AC of this creature by 5 (to a maximum of 30)." + "Elongate – {@i The limbs, tail, or muzzle of this creature are particularly long}.", + "Select one melee attack this creature has and increase its range by 5 ft.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Mountain/Volcano ; River/Lake" ], [ 7, - "Grasping tentacles – {@i Writhing tentacles protrude from this creature, trying to grasp their prey.", - "As a bonus action, this creature may attempt to grapple another creature within 10 ft. of it. That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB))." + "Vivid plumage – {@i Beautifully coloured feathers or fur cover this creature’s body}.", + "This creature has advantage on any Charisma checks.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ 8, - "Winged – {@i This creature’s limbs have huge membranous or feathered wings}.", - "This creature gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed. If it can already fly, its flying speed is doubled." + "Thermal vision – {@i Fleshy red spots on this creature’s head allow it to detect heat}.", + "This creature can see other creatures while in any light level but struggles to distinguish them from other heat sources (such as torches).", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ 9, - "Flawless organism – {@i Strong, fast, smart - the peak of evolution, everything is perfectly balanced}.", - "In addition to any other modifiers, add this creature’s PB to any saving throws and ability checks." + "Pachycephalisation – {@i The skull of this creature is huge and bulbous, giving it bony nodules that it can use as a weapon}.", + "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a skull bash attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.", + "" ], [ 10, - "Enormous size – {@i This creature is far larger than you would expect}.", - "Increase the maximum health points of this creature by 50%, increase its size category by two stages, and increase its CR by an additional 2." + "Reinforced muscle fibres – {@i Metallic fibres line this creature’s muscles}.", + "This creature has advantage on Strength saving throws.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano" ], [ 11, - "Draconic evolution – {@i Bony spikes protrude backwards from the back of this creature’s head, revealing its draconic nature}.", - "Exhale fire (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may exhale fire in a 30 ft. cone. Any creature in the cone must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 15d6 fire damage. On a success they take half as much damage." + "Prehensile tail – {@i This creature can control its tail as though it were a limb, grasping or attacking with it}.", + "This creature can use its bonus action to attack a creature within 5/10 ft. (DM's choice). That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ 12, - "Hematophagic (major) – {@i Every drop of spilled blood is lapped up by this voracious predator.", - "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack, it gains temporary hit points equal to half of that damage (rounded down). Increase its CR by an additional 2." + "Alopecia – {@i All feathers, hair, and scales fall away from this creature, leaving only bare skin}.", + "This creature is vulnerable to slashing damage. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, reduce it.", + "" ], [ 13, - "Elemental immunity – {@i This creature is infused with a magical element, changing its colour accordingly}.", - "Select one damage type from lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. This creature is immune to that damage type and its feather/fur/skin colour changes to yellow, red, blue, purple, or green accordingly. Its attacks also deal an additional 2d4 of that damage type." + "Digital pads – {@i Soft cat-like paw pads cover the soles of this creature’s feet}.", + "This creature makes no sound when it moves. Once per day, the first time it fails a Stealth check, it may instead choose to pass.", + "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ 14, - "Chromatic plumage – {@i Iridescent feathers or fur shimmer with shifting magical energies}.", - "At the start of this creature’s turn, you can select one of the following damage types: lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. Until the start of its next turn, this creature gains resistance to that damage type and one of its attack’s damage changes to that type." + "Hypertrophy – {@i Huge, bulging muscles cover this creature’s body}.", + "This creature has advantage on Strength checks.", + "" ], [ 15, - "Supernumerary – {@i Additional back-up organs allow this creature’s body to replenish venom and gland stocks more quickly.", - "When you roll to recharge an ability for this creature, roll an additional 1d6 and choose the highest. If this creature does not have a recharge ability, reroll this result." + "Spinnerets – {@i Silk-producing glands protrude from this creature’s body, allowing it to spin webs quickly}.", + "This creature may cast {@spell Web|PHB} at 2nd level (spell save DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ 16, - "Enhanced senses – {@i Extra eyes, antennae, or multiple ears allow this creature to better sense its surroundings.", - "" + "Aquatic – {@i This creature has webbed hands and feet, as well as gills on its neck}.", + "This creature gains a swim speed equal to its walking speed and may potentially breathe underwater (DM’s choice).", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Ocean/Deepwater ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ 17, - "Chameleonic skin – {@i Instantly shifting and changing scales perfectly mimic the colour of this creature’s surroundings.", - "As a bonus action, this creature can cast Invisibility at 2nd level on itself without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus." + "Thermal sink – {@i A specialised organ in this creature’s chest is able to absorb heat}.", + "As a bonus action, all other creatures within 5 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus) Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 + PB cold damage.", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ 18, - "Macro electrocytes – {@i Giant protruding yellow sacs dot this creature’s back, crackling with powerful electricity}.", - "The first time this creature deals damage with an attack each turn, add 1d10 lightning damage to that attack. This creature may also cast Lightning Bolt at 3rd level (spell save DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times equal to its proficiency bonus per day." + "Toxic secretions – {@i Poisons seep through this creature’s skin or scales}.", + "When hit by a melee attack, this creature may use its reaction to deal 1d6 + PB poison damage to the attacking creature.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ 19, - "Spermaceti organ (major) – {@i This creature has a huge bulbous whale-like head, housing a powerful noiseproducing organ}.", - "{@b Sonic Scream} (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may make a sonic attack. All other creatures within 30 ft. of it must make a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 thunder damage and 4d8 psychic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage." + "Sail-backed – {@i A row of tall skin-covered bony protrusions line this creature’s back, linking to form a sail}.", + "This creature gets +2 to Intimidation checks and is unaffected by temperatures as high as 40°C Celsius (104°F Fahrenheit).", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ 20, - "Carcinisation – {@i Some things in evolution are inevitable}.", + "Bristle-backed – {@i Large quills or spines protrude from this creature’s back}.", { "type": "entries", "entries": [ - "This creature’s body takes on the overall appearance of a crab (of the same size as it was before), with two pincered front limbs, a further eight legs, and armoured chitinous flesh.", - "Increase the AC of this creature by 3 (to a maximum of 30). It gains resistance to slashing, piercing, and cold damage, but also gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. The first time it deals damage with a melee attack each turn, that attack deals a further 2d6 piercing damage" + "In addition to any other attack, this creature may make one ranged attack with the profile:", + "Bristle Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: range, 30 ft., +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: {@dice 1d6} + PB piercing damage." ] - } - ] - ] - }, - { - "name": "Naming: Carnivores", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Naming: Carnivores", - "colLabels": [ - "{@dice d20}", - "Prefix", - "Suffix", - "Verb" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-2 text-center", - "col-3", - "col-3", - "col-3" - ], - "rows": [ - [ - 1, - "Razor", - "Clawed", - "Slasher" + }, + "Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 2, - "Sharp", - "Taloned", - "Gouger" + 21, + "Puffable coat – {@i This creature can puff itself up with a thick fluffy coat of fur or feathers}.", + "When hit by an attack or when failing a saving throw, this creature may use its reaction to reduce incoming cold damage by 1d6 + PB. This creature is unaffected by temperatures as low as -20°C Celsius (-4°F Fahrenheit).", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 3, - "Keen", - "Handed", - "Hunter" + 22, + "Photosynthetic – {@i This creature has a vibrant green colour, as it’s skin, hair, or feathers contain plant-like cells}.", + "This creature requires only a few hours of sunlight for a full day’s nourishment. It also counts as a plant for the purposes of spells and abilities that target plants.", + "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 4, - "Serrated", - "Spurred", - "Stalker" + 23, + "Floral mimicry – {@i This creature’s features look remarkably plant-like. Small frills of skin and feathers mimic leaves and flowers}.", + "While motionless, this creature is indistinguishable from plant life. A DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB) Nature or Investigation", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 5, - "Spike", - "Toothed", - "Gnasher" + 24, + "Septic saliva – {@i A noxious smell emanates from this creature’s mouth, as it contains a horrible mixture of dangerous bacteria}.", + "Add {@dice 1d6} necrotic damage to any attack made by this creature that involves its mouth.", + "Swamp/Wetland" ], [ - 6, - "Spiny", - "Mawed", - "Snarler" + 25, + "Stem cell reservoir – {@i A specialised organ holds a cluster of blank cells that can rapidly redeploy, re-growing any damaged body part}.", + "Once per day as an action, this creature may recover up to one third of its hit points.", + "" ], [ - 7, - "Jagged", - "Mouthed", - "Clawer" + 26, + "Bioluminescent – {@i Some part, or all, of this creature’s body glows beautifully with vibrant colours while in the dark}.", + "This creature emits a dim hue of light in a 15 ft. radius when in the dark.", + "Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 8, - "Barbed", - "Jawed", - "Climber" + 27, + "Club-tail – {@i This creature’s tail ends in a bony mass that it can use to bash targets}.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "As a bonus action, this creature may make one melee attack with the profile:", + "{@b Club-tail}. Melee Weapon Attack: range, 5 ft., +(Strength bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage." + ] + }, + "" ], [ - 9, - "Sting", - "Spined", - "Striker" + 28, + "Gastric barrier – {@i This creature has a specialised digestive system that makes it particularly hardy}.", + "This creature has advantage on Constitution saving throws.", + "Swamp/Wetland" ], [ - 10, - "Pointed", - "Tailed", - "Reaper" + 29, + "Ink sacs – {@i By squeezing specialised sacs on this creature’s neck, it can spray ink from its mouth}.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may squirt ink at an opponent. Select a creature within 20 ft. It must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for two rounds.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 11, - "Hook", - "Toed", - "Slicer" + 30, + "Nocturnal – {@i This creature naturally prefers the dark and has very large eyes}.", + "This creature gains dark vision equal to its normal vision, or increases its dark vision range by 30 ft. It is generally only active at night.", + "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 12, - "Dire", - "Crested", - "Cutter" + 31, + "Telepathic cortex – {@i A large bump at the back of this creature’s skull houses an extra brain cortex}.", + "This creature is able to telepathically communicate with any other members of its species within 200 ft.", + "" ], [ - 13, - "Cut", - "Feathered", - "Ripper" + 32, + "Opposable claws – {@i One claw on each hand is bent inwards, forming a thumb}.", + "This creature may interact with objects that require simple or complex movements, such as opening a door or using a trinket.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 14, - "Rip", - "Eyed", - "Carver" + 33, + "Interlocking scales – {@i Thick, tightly locked scales coat this creature’s body}.", + "This creature gains resistance to piercing damage.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 15, - "Huge", - "Winged", - "Stabber" - ], - [ - 16, - "Thick", - "Beaked", - "Devourer" + 34, + "Horned – {@i Fused scales protrude from this creature’s forehead or snout, forming pointed horns}.", + "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a horn attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity save or take 1d6 + PB piercing damage.", + "Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 17, - "Fine", - "Hided", - "Gnawer" + 35, + "Fusiform – {@i This creature can tuck its arms and legs to its sides and adopt a fish-like shape}.", + "If this creature can swim, double its swim speed.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 18, - "Blade", - "Scaled", - "Prowler" + 36, + "Enhanced hepatocytes – {@i This creature’s liver is able to filter out any poisons almost instantly}.", + "This creature is immune to the poisoned condition.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ - 19, - "Edge", - "Backed", - "Raider" + 37, + "Quick-witted – {@i This creature can react quickly to changing situations}.", + "This creature has advantage on Intelligence saving throws.", + "" ], [ - 20, - "Honed", - "Fanged", - "Ravager" - ] - ] - }, - { - "name": "Naming: Herbavore", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Naming: Herbavore", - "colLabels": [ - "{@dice d20}", - "Prefix", - "Suffix", - "Verb" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-2 text-center", - "col-3", - "col-3", - "col-3" - ], - "rows": [ + 38, + "Elongated snout – {@i The snout and nose of this creature is extended, giving it a much more powerful sense of smell}.", + "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve smell.", + "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" + ], [ - 1, - "Blunt", - "Horned", - "Crusher" + 39, + "Dermal spines – {@i Thick scales protrude from this creature, giving its body a spikey appearance}.", + "When hit by a melee attack, this creature can use its reaction to deal {@dice 1d6} + PB piercing damage to the attacking creature.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 2, - "Ridged", - "Tailed", - "Nosher" + 40, + "Gelatinous saliva – {@i Thick globules of slimy saliva drip from this creature’s mouth}.", + "Attacks from this creature that involve its mouth reduce a hit creature’s movement speed by 10 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft., non-cumulative).", + "Swamp/Wetlands" ], [ - 3, - "Spike", - "Tusked", - "Chewer" + 41, + "Tonic immobility – {@i This creature can feign death, falling on its back with its belly up and tongue hanging out}.", + "If this creature would be reduced to 0 hit points, it is instead reduced to 1. It feigns death, appearing dead unless it is inspected with a DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB) Investigation or Nature check (their choice). It may choose to exit this feign at any point.", + "" ], [ - 4, - "Smooth", - "Backed", - "Charger" + 42, + "Fearsome roar – {@i Powerful lungs allow this creature to let out a gaudy and terrifying roar}.", + "As an action, this creature can roar. Each other creature within 30 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of this creature for 1 minute. They may repeat this save at the end of their turn and on a successful save are immune to the effect for 24 hours.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 5, - "Gnarl", - "Plated", - "Trampler" + 43, + "Automimicry – {@i Strange patterns and growths make it difficult to determine where this creature’s head is}.", + "If this creature would be critically hit, the attack is instead resolved as a normal hit.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 6, - "Hard", - "Paunched", - "Stomper" + 44, + "Sciurus tail – {@i This creature has a large fluffy tail that it can flick rapidly}.", + "This creature is unaffected by temperatures as low as -20°C Celsius (-4°F Fahrenheit) and can communicate silently with any other creatures of the same species that can see it.", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 7, - "Giant", - "Necked", - "Eater" + 45, + "Serrated denticles – {@i The claws or teeth of this creature are jagged and saw-like}.", + "All melee attacks this creature makes deal an additional {@dice 1d4} slashing damage.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Coastal/Estuary" ], [ - 8, - "Huge", - "Hided", - "Roamer" + 46, + "Hereditary memory – {@i Ancestral memories are encoded into this creature's DNA}.", + "This creature has advantage on Wisdom saving throws.", + "" ], [ - 9, - "Thick", - "Scaled", - "Sleeper" + 47, + "Antlered – {@i Multi-pronged antlers protrude from this creature’s skull. It can swing them back and forth, slashing at foes.}", + "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make an antler attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB slashing damage", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 10, - "Soft", - "Spined", - "Beater" + 48, + "Pneumatisation – {@i This creature has air sacs and chambers within its bones, making it much lighter}.", + "Half this creature’s weight and increase its walking speed by 10 ft.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 11, - "Whip", - "Armoured", - "Bellower" + 49, + "Mana-infused cortex – {@i A pale-blue glow around this creature’s head reveals it has innate magical abilities}.", + "Select one cantrip of your choice. This creature knows that cantrip. Its spell save DC is (8 + Wisdom Bonus + PB) and spell attack modifier is (Wisdom bonus + PB).", + "" ], [ - 12, - "Slab", - "Gutted", - "Thumper" + 50, + "Bombardier gland – {@i Bulbous sacs on this creature’s body allow it to spit or secrete reactive chemicals that ignite when they mix}.", + "Add {@dice 1d4} fire damage to any attack made by this creature.", + "Swamp/Wetlands" ], [ - 13, - "Grind", - "Collard", - "Rumbler" + 51, + "Thin dermis – {@i The skin of this creature is sickly thin and its veins are visible below the surface}.", + "This creature is vulnerable to piercing damage. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, decrease it.", + "Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 14, - "Polished", - "Shielded", - "Grazer" + 52, + "Waxy skin – {@i This creature has a thick waxy coating on its skin}.", + "This creature is unaffected by temperatures as high as 40°C Celsius (104°F Fahrenheit). Reduce any slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage this creature takes by 2.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 15, - "Dire", - "Stomached", - "Gnawer" + 53, + "Viperism – {@i A soft tissue frill can extend from this creature’s neck, and it can spit like a viper}.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "As a bonus action, this creature may make one attack with the profile:", + "Venom Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: range, 30 ft., +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB acid damage." + ] + }, + "Badland/Desert ; Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ - 16, - "Gentle", - "Bulwarked", - "Forager" + 54, + "Finned tail – {@i This creature has a large fleshy fin on the end of its tail}.", + "While in water, this creature has advantage on Dexterity saving throws and can dash as a bonus action.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water ; Coastal/Eastuary" ], [ - 17, - "Placid", - "Spiked", - "Rummager" + 55, + "Beaked – {@i A keratinous beak sheathes this creature’s snout, concealing its mouth below}.", + "This creature may add {@dice 1d6} piercing damage to any attack that involves its mouth.", + "" ], [ - 18, - "Stoic", - "Crested", - "Gorger" + 56, + "Bony frill – {@i A broad bony frill projects from the back of this creature’s head, allowing it to shield its body from attacks}.", + "Increase the AC of this creature by 2.", + "Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 19, - "Fat", - "Bellied", - "Gulper" + 57, + "Strong swimmer – {@i This creature has powerful limbs and broad claws/paws/hands that aid it in moving through water}.", + "This creature gains a swim speed equal to 75% of its walking speed (rounded up to the nearest 5 ft.)", + "Swamp/Wetland ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 20, - "Bloat", - "Toothed", - "Smasher" - ] - ] - }, - { - "name": "Colour Prefix (d100)", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "colStyles": [ - "col-3 text-center", - "col-7 text-center" - ], - "colLabels": [ - "{@dice d100}", - "Color" - ], - "rows": [ - [ - 1, - "Azure" + 58, + "Augmentative size – {@i This creature is much larger than you would expect}.", + "Increase this creature’s size by one stage, and its attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage (of the same damage type that they normally deal), but -2 from any Dexterity saving throws.", + "Plains/Scrublands ; Coastal/Eastuary" ], [ - 2, - "Amber" + 59, + "Hyper-bioluminescence – {@i Rather than glowing dimly, for a moment this creature can flash an extremely bright bioluminescent light}.", + "Once per day as an action, this creature may produce a flash of bright light. All other creatures within 20 ft. that can see it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for 2 rounds.", + "Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 3, - "Amethyst" + 60, + "Complex inner-ear – When other creatures would fall over, this creature is able to stagger and stabilise itself}.", + "This creature cannot be knocked prone.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano" ], [ - 4, - "Apricot" + 61, + "Thick plumage – Particularly dense and thick feathers or fur cover this creature, giving it a puffy appearance}.", + "This creature gains resistance to cold damage.", + "Mountain/Volcano ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 5, - "Aquamarine" + 62, + "Xerophytic – {@i Specialised fleshy flaps cover this creature’s nostrils, and it has waxy skin or scales}.", + "This creature can survive without water for up to one week.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 6, - "Ash" + 63, + "Excessive myelin – {@i This creature has a reinforced nervous system}.", + "This creature is immune to the paralyzed condition.", + "" ], [ - 7, - "Beige" + 64, + "Frail – {@i This creature appears thin and brittle}.", + "This creature has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, decrease it.", + "Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 8, - "Black" + 65, + "Venomous – {@i Horrible green venom seeps from grooves in this creature’s claws and teeth}.", + "Add {@dice 1d4} poison damage to any melee attack made by this creature.", + "Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ - 9, - "Blue" + 66, + "Agile – {@i This creature is slender and lean, able to move quickly on its feet}.", + "This creature has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.", + "" ], [ - 10, - "Brass" + 67, + "Dorsal wings – {@i A small pair of wings or wing-like flaps extend from this creature’s back}.", + "This creature knows the {@spell Gust|PHB| cantrip (spell save DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB)) and is immune to falling damage, so long as it is not incapacitated.", + "Mountain/Volcano" ], [ - 11, - "Bronze" + 68, + "Gripping digital pads – {@i This creature has rough pads on its feet that strongly gripsurfaces}.", + "While climbing, this creature can dash as a bonus action.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Mountain/Volcano ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 12, - "Brown" + 69, + "Sparse osteoderms – {@i Dense bony lumps dot this creature’s back and flanks}.", + "This creature gains resistance to slashing damage.", + "Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 13, - "Caramel" + 70, + "Symbiotic spores – {@i Unusual cysts cover this creature’s shoulders. They can pop when disturbed, filling the air with a noxious cloud}.", + "At the start of this creature’s turn, any other creature of a different species within 10 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 + PB necrotic damage.", + "Swamp/Wetland" ], [ - 14, - "Carmine" + 71, + "Rapid thermal regulation - {@i This creature can flush extremities with blood to rapidly cool itself}.", + "This creature gains resistance to fire damage.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 15, - "Celadon" + 72, + "Spermaceti organ (minor) – {@i This creature can emit a deafeningly loud ultra-high-pitched sound}.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may perform a sonic attack. All other creatures of a different species within 20 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or take {@dice 1d4} thunder damage and be deafened for 1 minute.", + "Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 16, - "Charcoal" + 73, + "Pachydermatous – {@i The skin and scales of this creature are noticeably thickened}.", + "This creature gains resistance to bludgeoning damage.", + "Badland/Desert ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 17, - "Cherry" + 74, + "Hyper-pigmentation – {@i This creature’s skin, feathers, spines, and/or fur are jet black in colour}.", + "This creature gains resistance to radiant damage.", + "Badland/Desert" ], [ - 18, - "Chestnut" + 75, + "Alluring pheromones – This creature gives off a sweet, intoxicating smell}.", + "Once per day, this creature may cast {@spell Charm Person|PHB} at 1st level (spell save DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot.", + "Jungle/Rainforest ; Island/Archipelago" ], [ - 19, - "Chocolate" + 76, + "Arboreal – {@i This creature is adapted to climbing trees, with hooked claws on its hands and feet}.", + "This creature gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Jungle/Rainforest ; ;Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 20, - "Cinnamon" + 77, + "Mana gland – Specialised glands on this creature’s body allow it to infuse magical energies into its attacks}.", + "Add {@dice 1d4} force damage to any attack made by this creature.", + "" ], [ - 21, - "Copper" + 78, + "Dazzling plates – {@i Large vertical plates line this creature’s back that can produce sudden bright red colouration when flushed with blood}.", + "This creature has advantage on {@skill Intimidation|PHB} checks.", + "Plains/Scrubland" ], [ - 22, - "Creamy" + 79, + "Chitinous – {@i Invertebrate-like plates cover this creature’s flank}.", + "Increase this creature’s AC by {@dice 1d4}.", + "" ], [ - 23, - "Crimson" + 80, + "Lithophagic – {@i This creature is able to ingest rocks and stones for sustenance}.", + "This creature can sustain itself by consuming rocks. Any attacks involving its mouth deal an additional {@dice 1d6} bludgeoning damage.", + "Mountain/Volcano" ], [ - 24, - "Cyan" + 81, + "Binocular vision – {@i Two forward-facing eyes allow this creature to easily track prey}.", + "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve sight.", + "" ], [ - 25, - "Dusky" + 82, + "Hoofed – {@i This creature has single stub hooved/clawed feet}.", + "Increase this creature’s walking speed by 20 ft. However, this creature is slowed to 10 ft. per round in difficult terrain (rather than speed halved).", + "Mountain/Volcano ; Plains/Scrubland" ], [ - 26, - "Ebony" + 83, + "Enhanced cerebrum – {@i A bulbous node on this creature’s skull causes its eyes to protrude a little}.", + "As a bonus action, another creature within 60 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Intelligence bonus + PB) Wisdom saving throw or take 1d6 + PB psychic damage.", + "" ], [ - 27, - "Emerald" + 84, + "Fossorial – {@i Scoop-like powerful forelimbs allow this creature to dig}.", + "This creature gains a burrowing speed of 15 ft.", + "Mountain/Volcano ; Plains/Scrubland ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Badlands/Desert" ], [ - 28, - "Fiery" + 85, + "Hematophagic (minor) – {@i As it injures its opponent, this creature drinks their blood}.", + "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack, it gains 1d4 temporary hit points (temporary hit points do not stack).", + "" ], [ - 29, - "Flame" + 86, + "Macropod – {@i With its unusually large feet, this creature is able to jump or rear up and perform a powerful stomp}.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may perform a Thunder-stomp. Every other creature within 5 ft. of it must succeed a DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.", + "Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 30, - "Fuchsia" + 87, + "Hypermobility – {@i With flexible limbs and a lean body, this creature is particularly fast}.", + "Increase this creature’s walking speed by 15 ft.", + "Badlands/Desert ; Plains/Scrublands" ], [ - 31, - "Golden" + 88, + "Electrocytes – {@i Yellow domed pods of specialised cell clusters dot this creature’s back, crackling with electricity}.", + "Add {@dice 1d4} lightning damage to any attack made by this creature.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" ], [ - 32, - "Grape" + 89, + "Pinnae – {@i Pointed wolf-like ears protrude from this creature’s head}.", + "This creature has advantage on Perception checks that involve sound.", + "Badlands/Desert ; Plains/Scrublands ; Tundra/Polar Frozen ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 33, - "Gray" + 90, + "Reverberating membranes – {@i Specialised flaps of skin line this creature’s flanks. It can vibrate them suddenly, producing small shockwaves}.", + "Add (@dice 1d4} thunder damage to any attack made by this creature.", + "Mountain/Volcano" ], [ - 34, - "Green" + 91, + "Regenerative torpor – {@i A miniature hibernation allows this creature to recover rapidly}.", + "This creature may gain all the benefits from completing a long rest when it completes a short rest.", + "Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 35, - "Granite" + 92, + "Dynamic camouflage – {@i The scales or feathers of this creature can change colour slightly, allowing it to blend into its surroundings}.", + "This creature has advantage on Stealth checks.", + "Ocean/Deepwater ; Jungle/Rainforest ; River/Lake ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest ; Island/Arcipelago" ], [ - 36, - "Gunmetal" + 93, + "Hyena-like giggle – {@i The constant cackling of this creature is unnerving}.", + "This creature knows the {@spell Vicious Mockery|PHB} cantrip (spell save DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB)).", + "Plains/Scrublands ; Badlands/Desert ; Temperate Forest/Conifer Forest" ], [ - 37, - "Iron" + 94, + "Wader – {@i This creature has webbed feet and thin ankles}.", + "This creature is not slowed by moving through shallow or waist-deep water.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; River/Lake ; Coastal/Eastuary" ], [ - 38, - "Iridescent" + 95, + "Hyperdontia – {@i The teeth of this creature are particularly large}.", + "If this creature misses with an attack involving its mouth, as a reaction, it may attempt that attack again.", + "" ], [ - 39, - "Ivory" + 96, + "Springy tendons – {@i Frog-like spring-loaded limbs allow this creature to bound forward}.", + "This creature can jump up to 10 ft. further than it normally could.", + "Swamp/Wetland ; Mountain/Volcano ; Jungle/Rainforest" ], [ - 40, - "Jade" + 97, + "Seismic organs – {@i Specialised sensory hairs and quills on this creature allow it to sense movement}.", + "This creature gains tremor sense 30 ft.", + "Badland/Desert ; Mountain/Volcano ; Tundra/Polar Frozen" ], [ - 41, - "Jasper" + 98, + "Volplane membrane – {@i Broad membranes link this creature’s front limbs and back limbs, allowing it to glide}.", + "This creature is immune to falling damage, so long as it is not incapacitated. While falling, it can move 1 ft. horizontally for every 2 ft. it descends.", + "Temparte Forest/Conifer Forest ; Mountain/Volcano ; Swamp/Wetland" ], [ - 42, - "Jet" + 99, + "Chameleon-like tongue – {@i In a flash, this creature can fire it’s long, sticky, retractable tongue}.", + "", + "Island/Archipelgo ; Jungle/Rainforest ; Swamp/Wetland" ], [ - 43, - "Lavender" - ], + 100, + "Echolocation – {@i Through high-pitched clicks, this creature can sense its surroundings}.", + "This creature gains a blindsight of 20 ft.", + "River/Lake ; Ocean/Deep Water" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Major Mutation", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Major Mutation", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice d20)", + "Mutation", + "Effect" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-5 text-center", + "col-5" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 44, - "Lilac" + 1, + "Hyper-pachydermatous– {@i The skin and scales of this creature are extremely thick, requiring great effort to break through.", + "This creature gains resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage." ], [ - 45, - "Lime" + 2, + "Greater echolocation – {@i Through rapid, loud high-pitched squawks, this creature is able to picture its surroundings.", + "This creature gains a blindsight of 60 ft." ], [ - 46, - "Lustrous" + 3, + "Neurotoxins – {@i Dangerous toxins drip from the tips of this creature’s claws or maw.", + "A creature hit by a melee attack from this creature must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned." ], [ - 47, - "Magenta" + 4, + "Hyper-intelligence – {@i This creature has a veiny, bulging forehead that houses a complex brain}.", + "Improve this creature’s intelligence by 3. It has advantage on any Intelligence check and can understand any language after hearing it for one minute, although cannot speak it." ], [ - 48, - "Mahogany" + 5, + "Heterodonty – {@i Erratically organised teeth of different sizes jut out in various directions, making it difficult to escape once bitten.", + "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack involving its mouth, the target is also grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB)). This creature may also continue to attack while grappling a target, but may only use attacks that require its mouth against the grappled target." ], [ - 49, - "Maroon" + 6, + "Armour-plated – {@i Extremely thick bony plates line this body}.", + "Increase the AC of this creature by 5 (to a maximum of 30)." ], [ - 50, - "Mauve" + 7, + "Grasping tentacles – {@i Writhing tentacles protrude from this creature, trying to grasp their prey.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may attempt to grapple another creature within 10 ft. of it. That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB))." ], [ - 51, - "Mint" + 8, + "Winged – {@i This creature’s limbs have huge membranous or feathered wings}.", + "This creature gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed. If it can already fly, its flying speed is doubled." ], [ - 52, - "Mocha" + 9, + "Flawless organism – {@i Strong, fast, smart - the peak of evolution, everything is perfectly balanced}.", + "In addition to any other modifiers, add this creature’s PB to any saving throws and ability checks." ], [ - 53, - "Mossy" + 10, + "Enormous size – {@i This creature is far larger than you would expect}.", + "Increase the maximum health points of this creature by 50%, increase its size category by two stages, and increase its CR by an additional 2." ], [ - 54, - "Mustard" + 11, + "Draconic evolution – {@i Bony spikes protrude backwards from the back of this creature’s head, revealing its draconic nature}.", + "Exhale fire (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may exhale fire in a 30 ft. cone. Any creature in the cone must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 15d6 fire damage. On a success they take half as much damage." ], [ - 55, - "Navy" + 12, + "Hematophagic (major) – {@i Every drop of spilled blood is lapped up by this voracious predator.", + "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack, it gains temporary hit points equal to half of that damage (rounded down). Increase its CR by an additional 2." ], [ - 56, - "Ochre" + 13, + "Elemental immunity – {@i This creature is infused with a magical element, changing its colour accordingly}.", + "Select one damage type from lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. This creature is immune to that damage type and its feather/fur/skin colour changes to yellow, red, blue, purple, or green accordingly. Its attacks also deal an additional 2d4 of that damage type." ], [ - 57, - "Olive" + 14, + "Chromatic plumage – {@i Iridescent feathers or fur shimmer with shifting magical energies}.", + "At the start of this creature’s turn, you can select one of the following damage types: lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. Until the start of its next turn, this creature gains resistance to that damage type and one of its attack’s damage changes to that type." ], [ - 58, - "Onyx" + 15, + "Supernumerary – {@i Additional back-up organs allow this creature’s body to replenish venom and gland stocks more quickly.", + "When you roll to recharge an ability for this creature, roll an additional 1d6 and choose the highest. If this creature does not have a recharge ability, reroll this result." ], [ - 59, - "Opalescent" + 16, + "Enhanced senses – {@i Extra eyes, antennae, or multiple ears allow this creature to better sense its surroundings.", + "This creature has advantage on Perception checks and increase its passive Perception by 4." ], [ - 60, - "" + 17, + "Chameleonic skin – {@i Instantly shifting and changing scales perfectly mimic the colour of this creature’s surroundings.", + "As a bonus action, this creature can cast Invisibility at 2nd level on itself without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus." ], [ - 61, - "Pale" + 18, + "Macro electrocytes – {@i Giant protruding yellow sacs dot this creature’s back, crackling with powerful electricity}.", + "The first time this creature deals damage with an attack each turn, add 1d10 lightning damage to that attack. This creature may also cast Lightning Bolt at 3rd level (spell save DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times equal to its proficiency bonus per day." ], [ - 62, - "Pallid" + 19, + "Spermaceti organ (major) – {@i This creature has a huge bulbous whale-like head, housing a powerful noiseproducing organ}.", + "{@b Sonic Scream} (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may make a sonic attack. All other creatures within 30 ft. of it must make a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 thunder damage and 4d8 psychic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage." ], [ - 63, - "Peach" - ], + 20, + "Carcinisation – {@i Some things in evolution are inevitable}.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "This creature’s body takes on the overall appearance of a crab (of the same size as it was before), with two pincered front limbs, a further eight legs, and armoured chitinous flesh.", + "Increase the AC of this creature by 3 (to a maximum of 30). It gains resistance to slashing, piercing, and cold damage, but also gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. The first time it deals damage with a melee attack each turn, that attack deals a further 2d6 piercing damage" + ] + } + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Naming: Carnivores", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Naming: Carnivores", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice d20}", + "Prefix", + "Suffix", + "Verb" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-3", + "col-3", + "col-3" + ], + "rows": [ [ - 64, - "Pearly" + 1, + "Razor", + "Clawed", + "Slasher" ], [ - 65, - "Pewter" + 2, + "Sharp", + "Taloned", + "Gouger" ], [ - 66, - "Pine" + 3, + "Keen", + "Handed", + "Hunter" ], [ - 67, - "Pink" + 4, + "Serrated", + "Spurred", + "Stalker" ], [ - 68, - "Platinum" + 5, + "Spike", + "Toothed", + "Gnasher" ], [ - 69, - "Plum" + 6, + "Spiny", + "Mawed", + "Snarler" ], [ - 70, - "Puce" + 7, + "Jagged", + "Mouthed", + "Clawer" ], [ - 71, - "Pumpkin" + 8, + "Barbed", + "Jawed", + "Climber" ], [ - 72, - "Purple" + 9, + "Sting", + "Spined", + "Striker" ], [ - 73, - "Rainbow" + 10, + "Pointed", + "Tailed", + "Reaper" ], [ - 74, - "Raspberry" + 11, + "Hook", + "Toed", + "Slicer" ], [ - 75, - "Red" + 12, + "Dire", + "Crested", + "Cutter" ], [ - 76, - "Rose" + 13, + "Cut", + "Feathered", + "Ripper" ], [ - 77, - "Ruby" + 14, + "Rip", + "Eyed", + "Carver" ], [ - 78, - "Russet" - ], + 15, + "Huge", + "Winged", + "Stabber" + ], [ - 79, - "Rusty" + 16, + "Thick", + "Beaked", + "Devourer" ], [ - 80, - "Saffron" + 17, + "Fine", + "Hided", + "Gnawer" ], [ - 81, - "Sage" + 18, + "Blade", + "Scaled", + "Prowler" ], [ - 82, - "Salmon" + 19, + "Edge", + "Backed", + "Raider" ], [ - 83, - "Sapphire" + 20, + "Honed", + "Fanged", + "Ravager" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Naming: Herbavore", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Naming: Herbavore", + "colLabels": [ + "{@dice d20}", + "Prefix", + "Suffix", + "Verb" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-3", + "col-3", + "col-3" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + 1, + "Blunt", + "Horned", + "Crusher" ], [ - 84, - "Scarlet" + 2, + "Ridged", + "Tailed", + "Nosher" ], [ - 85, - "Sepia" + 3, + "Spike", + "Tusked", + "Chewer" ], [ - 86, - "Shimmering" + 4, + "Smooth", + "Backed", + "Charger" ], [ - 87, - "Silver" + 5, + "Gnarl", + "Plated", + "Trampler" ], [ - 88, - "Slaty" + 6, + "Hard", + "Paunched", + "Stomper" ], [ - 89, - "Smokey" + 7, + "Giant", + "Necked", + "Eater" ], [ - 90, - "Snowy" + 8, + "Huge", + "Hided", + "Roamer" ], [ - 91, - "Sooty" + 9, + "Thick", + "Scaled", + "Sleeper" ], [ - 92, - "Steel" + 10, + "Soft", + "Spined", + "Beater" ], [ - 93, - "Tawny" + 11, + "Whip", + "Armoured", + "Bellower" ], [ - 94, - "Turquoise" + 12, + "Slab", + "Gutted", + "Thumper" ], [ - 95, - "Verdant" + 13, + "Grind", + "Collard", + "Rumbler" ], [ - 96, - "Vermillion" + 14, + "Polished", + "Shielded", + "Grazer" ], [ - 97, - "Violet" + 15, + "Dire", + "Stomached", + "Gnawer" ], [ - 98, - "Viridian" + 16, + "Gentle", + "Bulwarked", + "Forager" ], [ - 99, - "White" + 17, + "Placid", + "Spiked", + "Rummager" ], [ - 100, - "Yellow" + 18, + "Stoic", + "Crested", + "Gorger" + ], + [ + 19, + "Fat", + "Bellied", + "Gulper" + ], + [ + 20, + "Bloat", + "Toothed", + "Smasher" ] ] }, { - "name": "Descriptor Suffix (d100)", + "name": "Colour Prefix (d100)", "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", "colStyles": [ "col-3 text-center", - "col-9 text-center" + "col-7 text-center" ], "colLabels": [ "{@dice d100}", - "Descriptor" + "Color" ], "rows": [ [ 1, - "Backed" + "Azure" ], [ 2, - "Barred" + "Amber" ], [ 3, - "Bearded" + "Amethyst" ], [ 4, - "Bellied" + "Apricot" ], [ 5, - "Bellowing" + "Aquamarine" ], [ 6, - "Belted" + "Ash" ], [ 7, - "Breasted" + "Beige" ], [ 8, - "Brindled" + "Black" ], [ 9, - "Bristly" + "Blue" ], [ 10, - "Buffy" + "Brass" ], [ 11, - "Cape" + "Bronze" ], [ 12, - "Chattering" + "Brown" ], [ 13, - "Cheeked" + "Caramel" ], [ 14, - "Chested" + "Carmine" ], [ 15, - "Coastal" + "Celadon" ], [ 16, - "Cobbled" + "Charcoal" ], [ 17, - "Collared" + "Cherry" ], [ 18, - "Common" + "Chestnut" ], [ 19, - "Crested" + "Chocolate" ], [ 20, - "Crowned" + "Cinnamon" ], [ 21, - "Darting" + "Copper" ], [ 22, - "Eared" + "Creamy" ], [ 23, - "Eastern" + "Crimson" ], [ 24, - "Elegant" + "Cyan" ], [ 25, - "Eyed" + "Dusky" ], [ 26, - "Faced" + "Ebony" ], [ 27, - "Footed" + "Emerald" ], [ 28, - "Flat-throated" + "Fiery" ], [ 29, - "Forest" + "Flame" ], [ 30, - "Fork-Tailed" + "Fuchsia" ], [ 31, - "Gilded" + "Golden" ], [ 32, - "Grassland" + "Grape" ], [ 33, - "Greater" + "Gray" ], [ 34, - "Grizzled" + "Green" ], [ 35, - "Hooting" + "Granite" ], [ 36, - "Howling" + "Gunmetal" ], [ 37, - "Imperial" + "Iron" ], [ 38, - "Grumbling" + "Iridescent" ], [ 39, - "Headed" + "Ivory" ], [ 40, - "Hooded" + "Jade" ], [ 41, - "Jumping" + "Jasper" ], [ 42, - "Jungle" + "Jet" ], [ 43, - "King" + "Lavender" ], [ 44, - "Knobbled" + "Lilac" ], [ 45, - "Laughing" + "Lime" ], [ 46, - "Legged" + "Lustrous" ], [ 47, - "Lesser" + "Magenta" ], [ 48, - "Lined" + "Mahogany" ], [ 49, - "Lowland" + "Maroon" ], [ 50, - "Mangrove" + "Mauve" ], [ 51, - "Marbled" + "Mint" ], [ 52, - "Marsh" + "Mocha" ], [ 53, - "Marshland" + "Mossy" ], [ 54, - "Masked" + "Mustard" ], [ 55, - "Mottled" + "Navy" ], [ 56, - "Mountain" + "Ochre" ], [ 57, - "Naped" + "Olive" ], [ 58, - "Necked" + "Onyx" ], [ 59, - "Northern" + "Opalescent" ], [ 60, - "Ornate" + "" ], [ 61, - "Painted" + "Pale" ], [ 62, - "Paradise" + "Pallid" ], [ 63, - "Pied" + "Peach" ], [ 64, - "Plumped" + "Pearly" ], [ 65, - "Polled" + "Pewter" ], [ 66, - "Pouched" + "Pine" ], [ 67, - "Prancing" + "Pink" ], [ 68, - "Puffed" + "Platinum" ], [ 69, - "Ringed" + "Plum" ], [ 70, - "Rock" + "Puce" ], [ 71, - "Rumped" + "Pumpkin" ], [ 72, - "Sand" + "Purple" ], [ 73, - "Scaled" + "Rainbow" ], [ 74, - "Scaly" + "Raspberry" ], [ 75, - "Screaming" + "Red" ], [ 76, - "Screeching" + "Rose" ], [ 77, - "Snapping" + "Ruby" ], [ 78, - "Southern" + "Russet" ], [ 79, - "Speckled" + "Rusty" ], [ 80, - "Spotted" + "Saffron" ], [ 81, - "Streaked" + "Sage" ], [ 82, - "Striped" + "Salmon" ], [ 83, - "Strutting" + "Sapphire" ], [ 84, - "Taiga" + "Scarlet" ], [ 85, - "Tailed" + "Sepia" ], [ 86, - "Temperate" + "Shimmering" ], [ 87, - "Thighed" + "Silver" ], [ 88, - "Throated" + "Slaty" ], [ 89, - "Tropical" + "Smokey" ], [ 90, - "Tufted" + "Snowy" ], [ 91, - "Tundra" + "Sooty" ], [ 92, - "Upland" + "Steel" ], [ 93, - "Velvet" + "Tawny" ], [ 94, - "Wading" + "Turquoise" ], [ 95, - "Warbling" + "Verdant" ], [ 96, - "Wattled" + "Vermillion" ], [ 97, - "Western" + "Violet" ], [ 98, - "Whiskered" + "Viridian" ], [ 99, - "Whistling" + "White" ], [ 100, - "Wobbled" + "Yellow" ] ] }, { - "name": "Taming Food", + "name": "Descriptor Suffix (d100)", "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Taming Food", + "colStyles": [ + "col-3 text-center", + "col-9 text-center" + ], "colLabels": [ - "Size Category", - "Herbavore", - "Carnivore", - "Omnivore", - "Piscivore" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-2 text-center", - "col-3 text-center", - "col-3 text-center", - "col-2 text-center" + "{@dice d100}", + "Descriptor" ], "rows": [ [ - "Tiny (or smaller)", - "A single piece of fruit, a berry, or a nut.", - "A scrap of meat.", - "A single piece of fruit, a single berry, or a scrap of meat.", - "A scrap of fish." + 1, + "Backed" ], [ - "Small", - "1 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries or 3 lb. of leaves.", - "A small cut of meat, (¼ lb.) or a fresh bone (¼ lb.).", - "A small cut of meat, (¼ lb.) or 1 lb. of fresh berries/fruit.", - "A small (¼ lb.) cut of fish fillet." + 2, + "Barred" ], [ - "Medium", - "5 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries or 15 lb. of leaves.", - "A large cut of meat (1 lb.) or fresh bones (1 lb.)", - "A large cut of meat (1 lb.) or 5 lb. of fresh fruit/berries", - "A single small 1 lb. fish" + 3, + "Bearded" ], [ - "Large", - "50 lb. of fresh fruit/berries or 100 lb. of leafy plant material.", - "An entire carcass of a small (or larger) animal, or a massive cut of meat (40 lb.)", - "25 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries and 20 lb. of meat.", - "30 lb. of fish (a single large carp-sized fish or several smaller ones)" + 4, + "Bellied" ], [ - "Huge", - "250 lb. of leafy plant material.", - "Three small animal carcasses, an entire carcass of medium (or larger) size, or an assortment of meat and bones (180 lb.)", - "100 lb. of leafy plant material and 60 lb. of meat.", - "100 lb. of fish (a single giant catfish-sized fish or dozens of smaller ones)" + 5, + "Bellowing" ], [ - "Gargantuan (or larger)", - "500 lb. of leafy plant material", - "An entire carcass of a large animal, or an assortment of carcasses (400 lb.)", - "200 lb. of leafy plant material and 200 lb. of meat.", - "400 lb. of fish (a single enormous shark-sized fish or hundreds of smaller ones)" - ] - ] - }, - { - "name": "Howdahs", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Howdahs", - "colLabels": [ - "Size/Type", - "Recommended Cost", - "Build Time (Days)" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-5", - "col-4 text-center", - "col-3 text-center" - ], - "rows": [ + 6, + "Belted" + ], [ - "Large Howdah", - "2000-2500 gp.", - "2" + 7, + "Breasted" ], [ - "Huge Howdah", - "5000-7500 gp.", - "{@dice 1d3 + 1}" + 8, + "Brindled" ], [ - "Gargantuan Howdah", - "7500-10000 gp.", - "{@dice 3d4}" + 9, + "Bristly" ], [ - "Large Howdah (pre-built)2", - "3000 gp.", - "0" + 10, + "Buffy" ], [ - "Huge Howdah (pre-built)", - "9000 gp.", - "0" + 11, + "Cape" ], [ - "Gargantuan Howdah (pre-built)", - "15000 gp.", - "0" + 12, + "Chattering" ], [ - "Amenity", - "500-2000 gp.", - "2" + 13, + "Cheeked" ], [ - "Amenity (pre-built)", - "1000-2500 gp.", - "0" - ] - ] - }, - { - "name": "Howdah Amenity", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "Howdah Amenity", - "colLabels": [ - "Amenity", - "Effect" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-2", - "col-10" - ], - "rows": [ + 14, + "Chested" + ], [ - "Secure Storage", - "A collection of lockable crates and chests that can store a large volume and weight of items/materials. The players are issued with keys for them, and we recommend that picking the locks has a DC of 20 or that the locks are otherwise magically protected." + 15, + "Coastal" ], [ - "Smithy", - "A full set of blacksmith's equipment, including an anvil, sharpening wheel, and a small forge. It allows for the forging and repair of equipment. If attached to a huge howdah, this reduces the mount’s speed by an additional 5 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft.)" + 16, + "Cobbled" ], [ - "Alchemical Workshop", - "A series of brewing pots, glass vials, pestles and mortars, and a case of common catalytic ingredients with instructions. These allow for the brewing of potions and poisons from harvested resources with relative ease and non-expert knowledge." + 17, + "Collared" ], [ - "Shrine", - "A place of worship that can be dedicated to any single entity or pantheon. If a creature communes at the shrine with something they worship for 10 minutes, they gain the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour. A creature can only be affected by one instance of bless from any shrine at a time." + 18, + "Common" ], [ - "Landing Bay", - "This area acts as a roost for up to 2 small/medium (or 1 large) flying creatures. It comes with a feeding trough and bedding straw, as well as storage for saddles." + 19, + "Crested" ], [ - "Barracks", - "Another set of two hammocks with space for two bedrolls underneath them, accompanied by two storage chests. These effectively increase the transport capacity of the howdah, allowing four additional humanoids." + 20, + "Crowned" ], [ - "Watchtower Crown", - "{@i Sauropods only}. A seat on the head of this sauropod allows a medium or smaller humanoid to see much further (many miles) than if they were sat anywhere else on the Howdah." + 21, + "Darting" ], [ - "Tailblade", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "{@i Non-ceratopsians only}. Allows the mount to make an additional tail attack using its bonus action:", - "{@b Tailblade}. Melee Weapon Attack, range 10 ft., to hit: Dexterity modifier (+ proficiency bonus if the creature already has a tail attack). On hit, deals {@dice 2d6} + Strength modifier slashing damage.", - "Alternatively, you can simply increase the damage of the creature’s innate tail attack by 2d6 + Strength modifier slashing damage. This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." - ] - } + 22, + "Eared" ], [ - "Mounted Harpoon Launcher", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "A humanoid manning the Harpoon Launcher can take the following actions/bonus actions:", - { - "type": "entries", - "name": "Action:", - "entries": [ - "{@b Harpoon launch}. Ranged Weapon Attack, range 200 ft., +(Dexterity modifier) to hit, one target. Hit: (2d10 + Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. You may add your proficiency bonus to the hit and damage rolls of this attack if you are proficient with crossbows and firearms. Once fired, the Harpoon must be reloaded before it can be fired again.", - "An optional rope may be attached to the harpoon to snag a hit creature. If a creature hit by at least one of these attacks attempts to move out of range of the Harpoon Launcher, it must make a Strength saving throw with a DC of (16 + (2 * number of ropes attached)). On a failed save, its speed is reduced to 0 for 2 turns and it is knocked prone. On a successful save, all ropes break, freeing the creature." - ] - }, - { - "type": "entries", - "name": "Bonus Actions:", - "entries": [ - "{@b Reload harpoon launcher. The harpoon is reloaded and ready to fire again.", - "{@b Reel in}. Any harpoons fired with ropes attached begin to automatically reel in at 40 ft. per round, reducing the distance in which this Strength save is triggered and dragging a prone creature closer. No further harpoons can be fired with ropes attached until this process is complete." - ] - } - ] - } + 23, + "Eastern" ], [ - "Portal Nexus", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "Allows players to communicate in the same manner as the Sending spell an unlimited number of times from this location, so long as the target has a sending stone (or similar device) to receive the message.", - "Once per day, a portal to another portal nexus (usually located in big cities or other Howdahs) may be temporarily opened. We recommend that it requires an Evolunite shard (page 298) or similar resource of at least 250 gp. in value and that only up to 8 humanoids are able to use the portal before it closes." - ] - } + 24, + "Elegant" ], [ - "Maw Helm", - "{@i Theropods only}. Sheets of jagged metal form a tough helmet and provide a vicious steel edge to jaw and head attacks. The mount’s AC is increased by 2 and any bite or head-bash attack deals an additional 2d6 piercing damage. This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." + 25, + "Eyed" ], [ - "Fortress Plate", - "Ankylosaurs, Nodosaurs, and Ceratopsians only. Heavy armour covers this creature’s flanks. Its AC is improved by 4, but its speed is reduced by a further 5 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft.). This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." - ] - ] - }, - - - { - "name": "Suggested Crafting Table", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "caption": "suggested CraFting taBle", - "colLabels": [ - "Item Type", - "Example Item", - "Suggested Resources" - ], - "colStyles": [ - "col-4 text-center", - "col-4 text-center", - "col-4 text-center" - ], - "rows": [ + 26, + "Faced" + ], [ - "Simple Medium Armour", - "Hide Armour or Scale Mail", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "4 Hide or Skin", - "1 Featers or Scales" - ] - } + 27, + "Footed" ], [ - "Complex Medium Armour", - "Breastplate or Half Plate", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "4 Hide or Skin", - "1 Bone or Chitin", - "2 Feathers or Scale" - ] - } + 28, + "Flat-throated" ], [ - "Simple Heavy Armour", - "Ring Mail or Chainmail", - "4 Bone or Chitin" + 29, + "Forest" ], [ - "Complex Heavy Armour", - "Splint or Full Plate", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "6 Bone or Chitin", - "2 Hide or Scales" - ] - } + 30, + "Fork-Tailed" ], [ - "Small Weapon", - "Dagger, Handaxe, Dart, etc.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "1 Bone or Chitin", - "or", - "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" - ] - } + 31, + "Gilded" ], [ - "Medium Weapon", - "Shortsword, Mace, Crossbow, Axe, etc.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "2 Bone or Chitin", - "1 Hide or Skin", - "or", - "1 Bone or Chitin", - "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" - ] - } + 32, + "Grassland" ], [ - "Large Weapon", - "Longsword, Warhammer, Quarterstaff, Longbow, etc.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "3 Bone or Chitin", - "2 Hide or Skin", - "OR", - "2 Bone or Chitin", - "2 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" - ] - } + 33, + "Greater" ], [ - "Huge Weapon", - "Greataxe, Halberd, Lance, etc.", - { - "type": "entries", - "entries": [ - "2 Hide or Skin", - "5 Bone or Chitin", - "OR", - "3 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles", - "3 Bone or Chitin" - ] - } + 34, + "Grizzled" ], [ - "Shield", - "Shield", - { - "type": "list", - "items": [ - "3 Hide or Skin", - "1 Bone or Chitin", - "OR", - "3 Bone or Chitin" - ] - } + 35, + "Hooting" ], [ - "Trinket", - "Necklace, Ring, Dice, etc.", - { - "type": "list", - "items": [ - "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles", - "1 Hide or Skin" - ] - } - ] - ] - } - ], - "variantrule": [ - { - "name": "Taming", - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", - "entries": [ - "Each creature with the Beast type has a Taming Score. This score is 0 unless otherwise stated by the DM. Once a creature has been subdued and is tied/chained/caged so that it cannot escape (but not restrained), a player may attempt to increase that creature’s Taming Score. Unless otherwise stated, they may attempt to do this {@b once per day}, as the creature will be unreceptive to multiple training sessions.", - "In order to make this attempt, the player must have {@b appropriate food} in an {@b appropriate volume} to feed the beast, as outlined in the table below. The player then attempts to bond with the animal over the course of an hour. They must make a contested {@skill Animal Handling|PHB} vs {@skill Survival|PHB} check against the creature. Each success by the player increases the taming score of the creature by 1. Each failure by the player drops this score by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and the creature makes a single attack at disadvantage at the player attempting to tame it.", - "When that score exceeds the creature’s proficiency bonus or CR (whichever is higher), the animal is considered tame and is loyal to the player/NPC (or team of players/NPCs) who tamed it. It will follow them unless commanded to stay.", - { - "type": "list", - "items": [ - "{@condition Charmed|PHB} creatures make their {@skill Survival|PHB} check at disadvantage and cannot make an attack if the player is unsuccessful.", - "Dominated creatures automatically fail their {@skill Survival|PHB} check.", - "A player using {@spell Speak with Animals|PHB} has advantage and expertise on their {@skill Animal Handling|PHB} check." - ] - } - ] - } - ], - "makebrewCreatureTrait": [ - { - "name": "name", - "entries": [ - "description" - ], - "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" - } - ] -} + 36, + "Howling" + ], + [ + 37, + "Imperial" + ], + [ + 38, + "Grumbling" + ], + [ + 39, + "Headed" + ], + [ + 40, + "Hooded" + ], + [ + 41, + "Jumping" + ], + [ + 42, + "Jungle" + ], + [ + 43, + "King" + ], + [ + 44, + "Knobbled" + ], + [ + 45, + "Laughing" + ], + [ + 46, + "Legged" + ], + [ + 47, + "Lesser" + ], + [ + 48, + "Lined" + ], + [ + 49, + "Lowland" + ], + [ + 50, + "Mangrove" + ], + [ + 51, + "Marbled" + ], + [ + 52, + "Marsh" + ], + [ + 53, + "Marshland" + ], + [ + 54, + "Masked" + ], + [ + 55, + "Mottled" + ], + [ + 56, + "Mountain" + ], + [ + 57, + "Naped" + ], + [ + 58, + "Necked" + ], + [ + 59, + "Northern" + ], + [ + 60, + "Ornate" + ], + [ + 61, + "Painted" + ], + [ + 62, + "Paradise" + ], + [ + 63, + "Pied" + ], + [ + 64, + "Plumped" + ], + [ + 65, + "Polled" + ], + [ + 66, + "Pouched" + ], + [ + 67, + "Prancing" + ], + [ + 68, + "Puffed" + ], + [ + 69, + "Ringed" + ], + [ + 70, + "Rock" + ], + [ + 71, + "Rumped" + ], + [ + 72, + "Sand" + ], + [ + 73, + "Scaled" + ], + [ + 74, + "Scaly" + ], + [ + 75, + "Screaming" + ], + [ + 76, + "Screeching" + ], + [ + 77, + "Snapping" + ], + [ + 78, + "Southern" + ], + [ + 79, + "Speckled" + ], + [ + 80, + "Spotted" + ], + [ + 81, + "Streaked" + ], + [ + 82, + "Striped" + ], + [ + 83, + "Strutting" + ], + [ + 84, + "Taiga" + ], + [ + 85, + "Tailed" + ], + [ + 86, + "Temperate" + ], + [ + 87, + "Thighed" + ], + [ + 88, + "Throated" + ], + [ + 89, + "Tropical" + ], + [ + 90, + "Tufted" + ], + [ + 91, + "Tundra" + ], + [ + 92, + "Upland" + ], + [ + 93, + "Velvet" + ], + [ + 94, + "Wading" + ], + [ + 95, + "Warbling" + ], + [ + 96, + "Wattled" + ], + [ + 97, + "Western" + ], + [ + 98, + "Whiskered" + ], + [ + 99, + "Whistling" + ], + [ + 100, + "Wobbled" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Taming Food", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Taming Food", + "colLabels": [ + "Size Category", + "Herbavore", + "Carnivore", + "Omnivore", + "Piscivore" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-3 text-center", + "col-3 text-center", + "col-2 text-center" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Tiny (or smaller)", + "A single piece of fruit, a berry, or a nut.", + "A scrap of meat.", + "A single piece of fruit, a single berry, or a scrap of meat.", + "A scrap of fish." + ], + [ + "Small", + "1 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries or 3 lb. of leaves.", + "A small cut of meat, (¼ lb.) or a fresh bone (¼ lb.).", + "A small cut of meat, (¼ lb.) or 1 lb. of fresh berries/fruit.", + "A small (¼ lb.) cut of fish fillet." + ], + [ + "Medium", + "5 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries or 15 lb. of leaves.", + "A large cut of meat (1 lb.) or fresh bones (1 lb.)", + "A large cut of meat (1 lb.) or 5 lb. of fresh fruit/berries", + "A single small 1 lb. fish" + ], + [ + "Large", + "50 lb. of fresh fruit/berries or 100 lb. of leafy plant material.", + "An entire carcass of a small (or larger) animal, or a massive cut of meat (40 lb.)", + "25 lb. of fresh fruit/ berries and 20 lb. of meat.", + "30 lb. of fish (a single large carp-sized fish or several smaller ones)" + ], + [ + "Huge", + "250 lb. of leafy plant material.", + "Three small animal carcasses, an entire carcass of medium (or larger) size, or an assortment of meat and bones (180 lb.)", + "100 lb. of leafy plant material and 60 lb. of meat.", + "100 lb. of fish (a single giant catfish-sized fish or dozens of smaller ones)" + ], + [ + "Gargantuan (or larger)", + "500 lb. of leafy plant material", + "An entire carcass of a large animal, or an assortment of carcasses (400 lb.)", + "200 lb. of leafy plant material and 200 lb. of meat.", + "400 lb. of fish (a single enormous shark-sized fish or hundreds of smaller ones)" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Howdahs", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Howdahs", + "colLabels": [ + "Size/Type", + "Recommended Cost", + "Build Time (Days)" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-5", + "col-4 text-center", + "col-3 text-center" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Large Howdah", + "2000-2500 gp.", + "2" + ], + [ + "Huge Howdah", + "5000-7500 gp.", + "{@dice 1d3 + 1}" + ], + [ + "Gargantuan Howdah", + "7500-10000 gp.", + "{@dice 3d4}" + ], + [ + "Large Howdah (pre-built)2", + "3000 gp.", + "0" + ], + [ + "Huge Howdah (pre-built)", + "9000 gp.", + "0" + ], + [ + "Gargantuan Howdah (pre-built)", + "15000 gp.", + "0" + ], + [ + "Amenity", + "500-2000 gp.", + "2" + ], + [ + "Amenity (pre-built)", + "1000-2500 gp.", + "0" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Howdah Amenity", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Howdah Amenity", + "colLabels": [ + "Amenity", + "Effect" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2", + "col-10" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Secure Storage", + "A collection of lockable crates and chests that can store a large volume and weight of items/materials. The players are issued with keys for them, and we recommend that picking the locks has a DC of 20 or that the locks are otherwise magically protected." + ], + [ + "Smithy", + "A full set of blacksmith's equipment, including an anvil, sharpening wheel, and a small forge. It allows for the forging and repair of equipment. If attached to a huge howdah, this reduces the mount’s speed by an additional 5 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft.)" + ], + [ + "Alchemical Workshop", + "A series of brewing pots, glass vials, pestles and mortars, and a case of common catalytic ingredients with instructions. These allow for the brewing of potions and poisons from harvested resources with relative ease and non-expert knowledge." + ], + [ + "Shrine", + "A place of worship that can be dedicated to any single entity or pantheon. If a creature communes at the shrine with something they worship for 10 minutes, they gain the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour. A creature can only be affected by one instance of bless from any shrine at a time." + ], + [ + "Landing Bay", + "This area acts as a roost for up to 2 small/medium (or 1 large) flying creatures. It comes with a feeding trough and bedding straw, as well as storage for saddles." + ], + [ + "Barracks", + "Another set of two hammocks with space for two bedrolls underneath them, accompanied by two storage chests. These effectively increase the transport capacity of the howdah, allowing four additional humanoids." + ], + [ + "Watchtower Crown", + "{@i Sauropods only}. A seat on the head of this sauropod allows a medium or smaller humanoid to see much further (many miles) than if they were sat anywhere else on the Howdah." + ], + [ + "Tailblade", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "{@i Non-ceratopsians only}. Allows the mount to make an additional tail attack using its bonus action:", + "{@b Tailblade}. Melee Weapon Attack, range 10 ft., to hit: Dexterity modifier (+ proficiency bonus if the creature already has a tail attack). On hit, deals {@dice 2d6} + Strength modifier slashing damage.", + "Alternatively, you can simply increase the damage of the creature’s innate tail attack by 2d6 + Strength modifier slashing damage. This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." + ] + } + ], + [ + "Mounted Harpoon Launcher", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "A humanoid manning the Harpoon Launcher can take the following actions/bonus actions:", + { + "type": "entries", + "name": "Action:", + "entries": [ + "{@b Harpoon launch}. Ranged Weapon Attack, range 200 ft., +(Dexterity modifier) to hit, one target. Hit: (2d10 + Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. You may add your proficiency bonus to the hit and damage rolls of this attack if you are proficient with crossbows and firearms. Once fired, the Harpoon must be reloaded before it can be fired again.", + "An optional rope may be attached to the harpoon to snag a hit creature. If a creature hit by at least one of these attacks attempts to move out of range of the Harpoon Launcher, it must make a Strength saving throw with a DC of (16 + (2 * number of ropes attached)). On a failed save, its speed is reduced to 0 for 2 turns and it is knocked prone. On a successful save, all ropes break, freeing the creature." + ] + }, + { + "type": "entries", + "name": "Bonus Actions:", + "entries": [ + "{@b Reload harpoon launcher. The harpoon is reloaded and ready to fire again.", + "{@b Reel in}. Any harpoons fired with ropes attached begin to automatically reel in at 40 ft. per round, reducing the distance in which this Strength save is triggered and dragging a prone creature closer. No further harpoons can be fired with ropes attached until this process is complete." + ] + } + ] + } + ], + [ + "Portal Nexus", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "Allows players to communicate in the same manner as the Sending spell an unlimited number of times from this location, so long as the target has a sending stone (or similar device) to receive the message.", + "Once per day, a portal to another portal nexus (usually located in big cities or other Howdahs) may be temporarily opened. We recommend that it requires an Evolunite shard (page 298) or similar resource of at least 250 gp. in value and that only up to 8 humanoids are able to use the portal before it closes." + ] + } + ], + [ + "Maw Helm", + "{@i Theropods only}. Sheets of jagged metal form a tough helmet and provide a vicious steel edge to jaw and head attacks. The mount’s AC is increased by 2 and any bite or head-bash attack deals an additional 2d6 piercing damage. This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." + ], + [ + "Fortress Plate", + "Ankylosaurs, Nodosaurs, and Ceratopsians only. Heavy armour covers this creature’s flanks. Its AC is improved by 4, but its speed is reduced by a further 5 ft. (to a minimum of 5 ft.). This may be attached to a large howdah in addition to other sizes." + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Creature Harvest Table", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "Creature Harvest Table", + "colLabels": [ + "Creture Size", + "Hide or Skin", + "Bone or Chitin", + "Horn, Feathers, or Scale (if applicable)", + "Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles (if applicable)", + "Time Taken" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-2 text-center", + "col-2 text-center", + "col-2 text-center", + "col-2 text-center", + "col-2 text-center", + "col-2 text-center" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Tiny", + "0-1", + "n/a", + "n/a", + "n/a", + "3 Minutes" + ], + [ + "Small", + "1-2", + "0-1", + "0-1", + "0-1", + "6 Minutes" + ], + [ + "Medium", + "1-2", + "1-2", + "1-2", + "0-1", + "15 minutes" + ], + [ + "Large", + "3-4", + "3-4", + "2-3", + "1-2", + "A Short Rest" + ], + [ + "Huge", + "5-7", + "5-7", + "4-5", + "3-5", + "A Long Rest" + ], + [ + "Gargantuan", + "10-12", + "10-12", + "8-10", + "8-10", + "One Day" + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "Suggested Crafting Table", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "caption": "suggested CraFting taBle", + "colLabels": [ + "Item Type", + "Example Item", + "Suggested Resources" + ], + "colStyles": [ + "col-4 text-center", + "col-4 text-center", + "col-4 text-center" + ], + "rows": [ + [ + "Simple Medium Armour", + "Hide Armour or Scale Mail", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "4 Hide or Skin", + "1 Featers or Scales" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Complex Medium Armour", + "Breastplate or Half Plate", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "4 Hide or Skin", + "1 Bone or Chitin", + "2 Feathers or Scale" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Simple Heavy Armour", + "Ring Mail or Chainmail", + "4 Bone or Chitin" + ], + [ + "Complex Heavy Armour", + "Splint or Full Plate", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "6 Bone or Chitin", + "2 Hide or Scales" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Small Weapon", + "Dagger, Handaxe, Dart, etc.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "1 Bone or Chitin", + "or", + "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Medium Weapon", + "Shortsword, Mace, Crossbow, Axe, etc.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "2 Bone or Chitin", + "1 Hide or Skin", + "or", + "1 Bone or Chitin", + "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Large Weapon", + "Longsword, Warhammer, Quarterstaff, Longbow, etc.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "3 Bone or Chitin", + "2 Hide or Skin", + "OR", + "2 Bone or Chitin", + "2 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Huge Weapon", + "Greataxe, Halberd, Lance, etc.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "2 Hide or Skin", + "5 Bone or Chitin", + "OR", + "3 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles", + "3 Bone or Chitin" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Shield", + "Shield", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "3 Hide or Skin", + "1 Bone or Chitin", + "OR", + "3 Bone or Chitin" + ] + } + ], + [ + "Trinket", + "Necklace, Ring, Dice, etc.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "1 Horn, Fangs, Claws, or Mandibles", + "1 Hide or Skin" + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ], + "variantrule": [ + { + "name": "Taming", + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs", + "entries": [ + "Each creature with the Beast type has a Taming Score. This score is 0 unless otherwise stated by the DM. Once a creature has been subdued and is tied/chained/caged so that it cannot escape (but not restrained), a player may attempt to increase that creature’s Taming Score. Unless otherwise stated, they may attempt to do this {@b once per day}, as the creature will be unreceptive to multiple training sessions.", + "In order to make this attempt, the player must have {@b appropriate food} in an {@b appropriate volume} to feed the beast, as outlined in the table below. The player then attempts to bond with the animal over the course of an hour. They must make a contested {@skill Animal Handling|PHB} vs {@skill Survival|PHB} check against the creature. Each success by the player increases the taming score of the creature by 1. Each failure by the player drops this score by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and the creature makes a single attack at disadvantage at the player attempting to tame it.", + "When that score exceeds the creature’s proficiency bonus or CR (whichever is higher), the animal is considered tame and is loyal to the player/NPC (or team of players/NPCs) who tamed it. It will follow them unless commanded to stay.", + { + "type": "list", + "items": [ + "{@condition Charmed|PHB} creatures make their {@skill Survival|PHB} check at disadvantage and cannot make an attack if the player is unsuccessful.", + "Dominated creatures automatically fail their {@skill Survival|PHB} check.", + "A player using {@spell Speak with Animals|PHB} has advantage and expertise on their {@skill Animal Handling|PHB} check." + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "makebrewCreatureTrait": [ + { + "name": "Tusked", + "entries": [ + "{@i Two bulbous teeth protrude from this creature’s lower jaw}.", + "If this creature hits with an attack that uses its head, the hit creature must succeed a DC (8 + {@save Strength} bonus + PB) Strength saving throw or take an additional {@damage 1d6} + PB piercing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Extended apnea", + "entries": [ + "Extended apnea – {@i High-capacity lungs allow this creature to hold its breath for a prolonged period}.", + "This creature may hold its breath for up to an hour with no detrimental side-effects." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Symbiotic", + "entries": [ + "Symbiotic – {@i This creature lives benevolently among another species}.", + "Select another non-humanoid creature. All creatures of that species treat this creature as an ally. Additionally, this creature gains proficiency in all ability checks while within 5 ft. of the selected creature." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Diminutive size", + "entries": [ + "Diminutive size – {@i This creature is particularly small}.", + "Decrease the size category of this creature by one stage (to a minimum of Tiny), decrease any damage it deals by 2 (to a minimum of 1), but add +2 to its Dexterity saving throws." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Rapid coagulation", + "entries": [ + "Rapid coagulation – {@i Blood oozing from wounds instantly clots when exposed to air}.", + "This creature cannot lose more than one third of its HP in a single turn from any combination of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Elongate", + "entries": [ + "Elongate – {@i The limbs, tail, or muzzle of this creature are particularly long}.", + "Select one melee attack this creature has and increase its range by 5 ft." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Vivid plumage", + "entries": [ + "Vivid plumage – {@i Beautifully coloured feathers or fur cover this creature’s body}.", + "This creature has advantage on any Charisma checks." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Thermal vision ", + "entries": [ + "Thermal vision – {@i Fleshy red spots on this creature’s head allow it to detect heat}.", + "This creature can see other creatures while in any light level but struggles to distinguish them from other heat sources (such as torches)." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Pachycephalisation", + "entries": [ + "Pachycephalisation – {@i The skull of this creature is huge and bulbous, giving it bony nodules that it can use as a weapon}.", + "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a skull bash attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Reinforced muscle fibres", + "entries": [ + "Reinforced muscle fibres – {@i Metallic fibres line this creature’s muscles}.", + "This creature has advantage on Strength saving throws." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Prehensile tail", + "entries": [ + "Prehensile tail – {@i This creature can control its tail as though it were a limb, grasping or attacking with it}.", + "This creature can use its bonus action to attack a creature within 5/10 ft. (DM's choice). That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Alopecia", + "entries": [ + "Alopecia – {@i All feathers, hair, and scales fall away from this creature, leaving only bare skin}.", + "This creature is vulnerable to slashing damage. Instead of increasing its CR with this mutation, reduce it." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Digital pads", + "entries": [ + "Digital pads – {@i Soft cat-like paw pads cover the soles of this creature’s feet}.", + "This creature makes no sound when it moves. Once per day, the first time it fails a Stealth check, it may instead choose to pass." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hypertrophy", + "entries": [ + "Hypertrophy – {@i Huge, bulging muscles cover this creature’s body}.", + "This creature has advantage on Strength checks." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Spinnerets", + "entries": [ + "Spinnerets – {@i Silk-producing glands protrude from this creature’s body, allowing it to spin webs quickly}.", + "This creature may cast {@spell Web|PHB} at 2nd level (spell save DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Aquatic", + "entries": [ + "Aquatic – {@i This creature has webbed hands and feet, as well as gills on its neck}.", + "This creature gains a swim speed equal to its walking speed and may potentially breathe underwater (DM’s choice)." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Thermal sink", + "entries": [ + "Thermal sink – {@i A specialised organ in this creature’s chest is able to absorb heat}.", + "As a bonus action, all other creatures within 5 ft. must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus) Constitution saving throw or take {@damage 1d4} + PB cold damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Toxic secretions", + "entries": [ + "Toxic secretions – {@i Poisons seep through this creature’s skin or scales}.", + "When hit by a melee attack, this creature may use its reaction to deal {@damage 1d6} + PB poison damage to the attacking creature." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Sail-backed", + "entries": [ + "Sail-backed – {@i A row of tall skin-covered bony protrusions line this creature’s back, linking to form a sail}.", + "This creature gets +2 to Intimidation checks and is unaffected by temperatures as high as 40°C Celsius (104°F Fahrenheit)." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Bristle-backed", + "entries": [ + "Bristle-backed – {@i Large quills or spines protrude from this creature’s back}.", + { + "type": "entries", + "entries": [ + "In addition to any other attack, this creature may make one ranged attack with the profile:", + "Bristle Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: range, 30 ft., +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, one target. Hit: {@damage 1d6} + PB piercing damage." + ] + } + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Puffable coat", + "entries": [ + "Puffable coat – {@i This creature can puff itself up with a thick fluffy coat of fur or feathers}.", + "When hit by an attack or when failing a saving throw, this creature may use its reaction to reduce incoming cold damage by 1d6 + PB. This creature is unaffected by temperatures as low as -20°C Celsius (-4°F Fahrenheit)." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Photosynthetic", + "entries": [ + "Photosynthetic – {@i This creature has a vibrant green colour, as it’s skin, hair, or feathers contain plant-like cells}.", + "This creature requires only a few hours of sunlight for a full day’s nourishment. It also counts as a plant for the purposes of spells and abilities that target plants." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Floral mimicry", + "entries": [ + "Floral mimicry – {@i This creature’s features look remarkably plant-like. Small frills of skin and feathers mimic leaves and flowers}.", + "While motionless, this creature is indistinguishable from plant life. A DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB) Nature or Investigation" + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Septic Saliva", + "entries": [ + "Septic saliva – {@i A noxious smell emanates from this creature’s mouth, as it contains a horrible mixture of dangerous bacteria}.", + "Add {@damage 1d6} necrotic damage to any attack made by this creature that involves its mouth." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Stem Cell Reservoir", + "entries": [ + "Stem cell reservoir – {@i A specialised organ holds a cluster of blank cells that can rapidly redeploy, re-growing any damaged body part}.", + "Once per day as an action, this creature may recover up to one third of its hit points." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Bioluminescent", + "entries": [ + "Bioluminescent – {@i Some part, or all, of this creature’s body glows beautifully with vibrant colours while in the dark}.", + "This creature emits a dim hue of light in a 15 ft. radius when in the dark." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Club-tail", + "entries": [ + "This creature’s tail ends in a bony mass that it can use to bash targets. As a bonus action, this creature may make one melee attack with the profile:", + "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Gastric barrier", + "entries": [ + "Gastric barrier – {@i This creature has a specialised digestive system that makes it particularly hardy}.", + "This creature has advantage on Constitution saving throws." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Ink sacs", + "entries": [ + "Ink sacs – {@i By squeezing specialised sacs on this creature’s neck, it can spray ink from its mouth}.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may squirt ink at an opponent. Select a creature within 20 ft. It must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for two rounds." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Nocturnal", + "entries": [ + "Nocturnal – {@i This creature naturally prefers the dark and has very large eyes}.", + "This creature gains dark vision equal to its normal vision, or increases its dark vision range by 30 ft. It is generally only active at night." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Telepathic cortex", + "entries": [ + "Telepathic cortex – {@i A large bump at the back of this creature’s skull houses an extra brain cortex}.", + "This creature is able to telepathically communicate with any other members of its species within 200 ft." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Opposable claws", + "entries": [ + "Opposable claws – {@i One claw on each hand is bent inwards, forming a thumb}.", + "This creature may interact with objects that require simple or complex movements, such as opening a door or using a trinket." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Interlocking scales", + "entries": [ + "Interlocking scales – {@i Thick, tightly locked scales coat this creature’s body}.", + "This creature gains resistance to piercing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Horned", + "entries": [ + "Horned – {@i Fused scales protrude from this creature’s forehead or snout, forming pointed horns}.", + "If this creature moves at least 20 ft. towards a creature, it can use its bonus action to make a horn attack. If that creature is within 5 ft., it must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity save or take 1d6 + PB piercing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Reverberating membranes", + "entries": [ + "Reverberating membranes – {@i Specialised flaps of skin line this creature’s flanks. It can vibrate them suddenly, producing small shockwaves}.", + "Add (@dice 1d4} thunder damage to any attack made by this creature." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Regenerative torpor", + "entries": [ + "Regenerative torpor – {@i A miniature hibernation allows this creature to recover rapidly}.", + "This creature may gain all the benefits from completing a long rest when it completes a short rest." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Dynamic camouflage", + "entries": [ + "Dynamic camouflage – {@i The scales or feathers of this creature can change colour slightly, allowing it to blend into its surroundings}.", + "This creature has advantage on Stealth checks." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hyena-like giggle", + "entries": [ + "Hyena-like giggle – {@i The constant cackling of this creature is unnerving}.", + "This creature knows the {@spell Vicious Mockery|PHB} cantrip (spell save DC (8 + Charisma bonus + PB))." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Wader", + "entries": [ + "Wader – {@i This creature has webbed feet and thin ankles}.", + "This creature is not slowed by moving through shallow or waist-deep water." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hyperdontia", + "entries": [ + "Hyperdontia – {@i The teeth of this creature are particularly large}.", + "If this creature misses with an attack involving its mouth, as a reaction, it may attempt that attack again." + + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Springy tendons", + "entries": [ + "Springy tendons – {@i Frog-like spring-loaded limbs allow this creature to bound forward}.", + "This creature can jump up to 10 ft. further than it normally could." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Seismic organs", + "entries": [ + "Seismic organs – {@i Specialised sensory hairs and quills on this creature allow it to sense movement}.", + "This creature gains tremor sense 30 ft." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "", + "entries": [ + "Volplane membrane – {@i Broad membranes link this creature’s front limbs and back limbs, allowing it to glide}.", + "This creature is immune to falling damage, so long as it is not incapacitated. While falling, it can move 1 ft. horizontally for every 2 ft. it descends." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Chameleon-like tongue (Sticky Tongue)", + "entries": [ + "Ranged Weapon Attack: +(Dexterity bonus + PB) to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: A creature hit by this attack is grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus)) and moved 20 ft. directly towards the attacker." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Echolocation", + "entries": [ + "Echolocation – {@i Through high-pitched clicks, this creature can sense its surroundings}.", + "This creature gains a blindsight of 20 ft." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hyper-pachydermatous", + "entries": [ + "Hyper-pachydermatous– {@i The skin and scales of this creature are extremely thick, requiring great effort to break through.", + "This creature gains resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Greater echolocation", + "entries": [ + "Greater echolocation – {@i Through rapid, loud high-pitched squawks, this creature is able to picture its surroundings.", + "This creature gains a blindsight of 60 ft." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Neurotoxins", + "entries": [ + "Neurotoxins – {@i Dangerous toxins drip from the tips of this creature’s claws or maw.", + "A creature hit by a melee attack from this creature must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take {@damage 2d6} poison damage and become poisoned." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hyper-intelligence", + "entries": [ + "Hyper-intelligence – {@i This creature has a veiny, bulging forehead that houses a complex brain}.", + "Improve this creature’s intelligence by 3. It has advantage on any Intelligence check and can understand any language after hearing it for one minute, although cannot speak it." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Heterodonty", + "entries": [ + "Heterodonty – {@i Erratically organised teeth of different sizes jut out in various directions, making it difficult to escape once bitten.", + "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack involving its mouth, the target is also grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB)). This creature may also continue to attack while grappling a target, but may only use attacks that require its mouth against the grappled target." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Armour-plated", + "entries": [ + "Armour-plated – {@i Extremely thick bony plates line this body}.", + "Increase the AC of this creature by 5 (to a maximum of 30)." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Grasping tentacles", + "entries": [ + "Grasping tentacles – {@i Writhing tentacles protrude from this creature, trying to grasp their prey.", + "As a bonus action, this creature may attempt to grapple another creature within 10 ft. of it. That creature must succeed a DC (8 + Dexterity bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape DC (8 + Strength bonus + PB))." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Winged", + "entries": [ + "Winged – {@i This creature’s limbs have huge membranous or feathered wings}.", + "This creature gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed. If it can already fly, its flying speed is doubled." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Flawless organism", + "entries": [ + "Flawless organism – {@i Strong, fast, smart - the peak of evolution, everything is perfectly balanced}.", + "In addition to any other modifiers, add this creature’s PB to any saving throws and ability checks." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Enormous size", + "entries": [ + "Enormous size – {@i This creature is far larger than you would expect}.", + "Increase the maximum health points of this creature by 50%, increase its size category by two stages, and increase its CR by an additional 2." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Draconic evolution", + "entries": [ + "Draconic evolution – {@i Bony spikes protrude backwards from the back of this creature’s head, revealing its draconic nature}.", + "Exhale fire (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may exhale fire in a 30 ft. cone. Any creature in the cone must succeed a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Dexterity saving throw or take 15d6 fire damage. On a success they take half as much damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Hematophagic (major)", + "entries": [ + "Hematophagic (major) – {@i Every drop of spilled blood is lapped up by this voracious predator.", + "Whenever this creature deals damage with a melee attack, it gains temporary hit points equal to half of that damage (rounded down). Increase its CR by an additional 2." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Elemental immunity", + "entries": [ + "Elemental immunity – {@i This creature is infused with a magical element, changing its colour accordingly}.", + "Select one damage type from lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. This creature is immune to that damage type and its feather/fur/skin colour changes to yellow, red, blue, purple, or green accordingly. Its attacks also deal an additional 2d4 of that damage type." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Chromatic plumage", + "entries": [ + "Chromatic plumage – {@i Iridescent feathers or fur shimmer with shifting magical energies}.", + "At the start of this creature’s turn, you can select one of the following damage types: lightning, fire, cold, poison, or acid. Until the start of its next turn, this creature gains resistance to that damage type and one of its attack’s damage changes to that type." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Supernumerary", + "entries": [ + "Supernumerary – {@i Additional back-up organs allow this creature’s body to replenish venom and gland stocks more quickly.", + "When you roll to recharge an ability for this creature, roll an additional 1d6 and choose the highest. If this creature does not have a recharge ability, reroll this result." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Enhanced senses", + "entries": [ + "Enhanced senses – {@i Extra eyes, antennae, or multiple ears allow this creature to better sense its surroundings.", + "This creature has advantage on Perception checks and increase its passive Perception by 4." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Chameleonic skin", + "entries": [ + "Chameleonic skin – {@i Instantly shifting and changing scales perfectly mimic the colour of this creature’s surroundings.", + "As a bonus action, this creature can cast Invisibility at 2nd level on itself without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Macro electrocytes", + "entries": [ + "Macro electrocytes – {@i Giant protruding yellow sacs dot this creature’s back, crackling with powerful electricity}.", + "The first time this creature deals damage with an attack each turn, add {@damage 1d10} lightning damage to that attack. This creature may also cast Lightning Bolt at 3rd level (spell save DC (8 + Wisdom bonus + PB)) without components and without requiring a spell slot. It may do this a number of times equal to its proficiency bonus per day." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Spermaceti organ (major)", + "entries": [ + "Spermaceti organ (major) – {@i This creature has a huge bulbous whale-like head, housing a powerful noiseproducing organ}.", + "{@b Sonic Scream} (Recharge 5-6). As an action, this creature may make a sonic attack. All other creatures within 30 ft. of it must make a DC (8 + Constitution bonus + PB) Constitution saving throw or take {@damage 4d8 thunder} damage and {@damage 4d8} psychic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage." + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + }, + { + "name": "Carcinisation", + "entries": [ + "This creature’s body takes on the overall appearance of a crab (of the same size as it was before), with two pincered front limbs, a further eight legs, and armoured chitinous flesh.", + "Increase the AC of this creature by 3 (to a maximum of 30). It gains resistance to slashing, piercing, and cold damage, but also gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. The first time it deals damage with a melee attack each turn, that attack deals a further {@damage 2d6} piercing damage" + ], + "source": "DrDhrolinsDictionaryDinosaurs" + } + ] +} +