Move the character from the grass to the water, avoiding the side scrolling bugs.
- Download zip or clone repository. Navigating to arcadegame folder, open HTML in browser.
Players use the keyboard arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to move the character on the screen. The character will move from square to square. If a bug is occupying the same square that a user is, it will be considered a collision between the two and the character will be sent back to the grassy area to try to get to the water again.
When the player successfully navigates the obstacles and reaches the water, and alert will appear on the screen declaring victory! Close the alert to begin a new game.
- Randomize generation of enemies within array
- Randomize the speed of enemies
- Allow for character selection
- Score board
- Animation upon winning
- Level presets: easy, medium, and hard for the starter code, graphics