This PowerShell Module offers simple integration between a PowerShell script and CipherTrust Manager
Download this module (available as for simplicity) and put it in the Modules directory on your Windows computer. These Modules are usually the user's personal module path. This path can be found by running the command: "(Get-ChildItem Env:\PSModulePath).value.split(";")". Typically though, these are the appropriate paths for the different versions of PowerShell:
Powershell 5.1: C:\Users<current user>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
PowerShell 6+ : C:\Users<current user>\Documents\PowerShell\Modules
In your PowerShell script, add
Import-Module CipherTrustManager -Force -ErrorAction Stop
. The-Force
will ensure that the module is overwritten if already loaded. The-ErrorAction Stop
will abort your script if the module cannot be found.Note: If installing on PowerShell 5.1, you must run the following command to install JWTDetails independently from the main module:
Install-Module JWTDetails Optionally: add -Scope CurrentUser
This will reach out to the PSGallery and put down the module.
#Initialize and authenticate a connection with CipherTrust Manager
Connect-CipherTrustManager `
-server <ip_address_of_CipherTrust_Manager> `
-user <account_with_access> `
-pass <password_for_that_account> `
-domain <sub-domain_to_authenticate_into> #(optional)
Connect-CipherTrustManager `
-server <ip_address_of_CipherTrust_Manager> `
-refresh_token <CM_generated_refresh_token> `
-domain <sub-domain_to_authenticate_into> #(optional)
- At this point, you are connected and authenticated so you can make any calls that the REST API and PowerShell Module supports
├── CipherTrustManager.psd1 # Module Manafest
├── CipherTrustManager.psm1 # Primary Module (Loads all submodules)
├── CertificateAuthority # A Certificate Authority (CA) issues and installs digital certificates and certificate signing requests (CSR).
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-CAs.psm1 # Module to configure the Certificat Authority (CA).
├── Connections # CipherTrust Manager Connections (Identity Providers - IdP)
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Connections-IdP # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to an LDAP or OIDC Identity Provider for CM Authentication.
├── ConnectionsMgr # CipherTrust Manager Connection Manager
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Main # Main Module - Used for find all connections within CipherTrust Manager.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-AWS # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to AWS for CCKM.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Akeyless # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Akeyless for CCKM.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Azure # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Azure for CCKM.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-DSM # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to DSMs for CCKM.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Elasticsearch # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Elasticsearch for Log Forwarding.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Google # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Google Cloud for CCKM.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Hadoop # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Hadoop for DDC.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-LDAP # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to an LDAP Provider for CTE Usage.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Loki # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Loki for Log Forwarding.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-LunaHSMConnections # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection Luna HSM Partitions.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-LunaHSMServer # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to Luna Network HSMs.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-LunaHSMSTCPartitions # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection of Luna STC Partitions. (EXPERIMENTAL)
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-OIDC # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to an OIDC Provider for CTE Usage.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Oracle # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance..
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-SAP # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to a SAP Data Custodian instance.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-SCP # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to a SCP Connections for Backups..
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-SMB # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to a SMB Connections for CTE over CIFS.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Salesforce # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to a Salesforce Shield Key Management.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ConnectionMgr-Syslog # Manage the creation, deletion, and testing of connection to a Syslog for Log Forwarding.
├── CCKM # CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager can manage the lifecycle of CSP keys as well as create them
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-CCKM-AWSCKS.psm1 # Manage keys within AWS
├── DataProtection # Data protection is a centralized place for all Application and Database encryption configuration.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-AccessPolicies.psm1 # Manage how a user/app can `access` data through the `Reveal` API
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ClientProfiles.psm1 # Create the Client Profile of how an Application or Database is protected as seen in `Application Data Protection` tile of CipherTrust Manager
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-CharacterSets.psm1 # A character set is used with format preserving algorithms to define characters that are to be included for protection. For example when encrypting a credit card number a user will want the encrypted data to only contain numbers.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-DPGPolicies.psm1 # Configure the DPG Policy that contains a set of URLs tied with encryption parameters
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-MaskingFormats.psm1 # Create a set of Masking Formats that determine HOW data will be revealed (e.g. Show last four chars, Hide first six chars)
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-ProtectionPolicies.psm1 # Manage how specific data is protected by defining critical parameters like the cipher and key to use through the `Protect` API
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-UserSets.psm1 # Manage lists of users that can be assigned to HOW data is presented by the `Reveal` API
├── Domains
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Domains.psm1 # Manage the creation and deletion of domains.
├── Info # These endpoints allow the user to query for some basic information from CipherTrust Manager - the name, version and model number, vendor of the platform. It is also possible to update the platform name to something that is illustrative to the user.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Info.psm1 # Manage System Information inclding ability to change name of CipherTrust Manager server
├── Interfaces # Interfaces are the services the CipherTrust Manager is hosting. Most interfaces are listening on a particular port, but may also represent other input channels, like local shell access or serial port access.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Interfaces.psm1 # Manage interfaces
├── Keys # Keys are the cryptographic material used in crypto operations.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Keys.psm1 # Manage keys
├── Syslog Connections # Users are unique individuals or systems using the API.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-SyslogConnections.psm1 # Manage connections to remote syslog servers.
├── Users # Users are unique individuals or systems using the API.
│ ├── CipherTrustManager-Users.psm1 # Manage Users.
└── Utils # Miscellaneous Utilities including managing lifecycle of the Authentication Token (JWT).
└── CipherTrustManager-Utils.psm1
As best we could, we have added documentation and help to the module. To see what a command can do AND get examples:
- For basic help
Get-Help Connect-CipherTrustManager
- To see examples
Get-Help Connect-CipherTrustManager -examples
- For full help
Get-Help Connect-CipherTrustManager -full