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TIDL-RT: Input and Output Tensor Format

This page introduces Input and output tensor format for TIDL-RT inference. Note that this information is only useful if user is using TIDL-RT interface instead of Open Source Runtime (OSRT) interface


  • TIDL-RT interface expects user to provide input and output buffers in specific format in terms of the arrangement of data in memory
  • This section describes how user can provide the information in same format in which TIDL-RT expects

Input and Output Tensor Formats for TIDL-RT inference

  • The input and output tensor format of a network to perform inference are described by the sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.
  • Information for the structure mentioned in above statement is generated as one of the output from model compilation. After model compilation a file will be generated as part of corresponding model artifacts with the file name ending with "io_1.bin" which contains this information.
  • This information is expected to be used for the following purposes:
    • To allocate the input and output buffers supplied to TIDL-RT library from higher level application. Amount of memory which shall be allocated for input/output can be figured out using sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.inBufSize/sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.outBufSize variable respectively.
    • To identify the order in which user is expected to provide the input to TIDL-RT inference engine in cases where network has more than one input. sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.inDataName parameter contains the tensor names as in the original network which shall be used to provide the input in right order.
    • To read/de-quantize the final output of the network. A sample code is given as an example to understand how the final output can be read/de-quantize. In this sample code the data layout is assumed to be in NCHW format.
        /* Lets assume the outPtr is the output pointer for one of the output buffer whose index is outIdx for a given network. 
        OutElemTemplateType is the type of the output and it can be read from sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.outElementType, e.g. uint8_t, int16_t etc.
        All parameter are for a given output and can be accessed by sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.<parameter>[outIdx]
        Following example is for the output but same format is also applicable for input

        OutElemTemplateType outPtrStart = &outPtr[outPadT[outIdx] + outPadL[outIdx]];
        int32_t outLinePitch = outWidth[outIdx] + outPadL[outIdx] + outPadR[outIdx];
        int32_t outDim2Pitch  = outChannelPitch[outIdx] * (outNumChannels[outIdx] + outPadCh[outIdx]);
        int32_t outDim1Pitch  = outDim2Pitch * outDIM2[outIdx];
        int32_t outBatchPitch = outDim1Pitch * outDIM1[outIdx];

        float32_tidl outputVal;
        for ( batchIdx = 0; batchIdx < outNumBatches[outIdx];batchIdx++)
            for ( dim1Idx = 0; dim1Idx < outDIM1[outIdx];dim1Idx++)
                for ( dim2Idx = 0; dim2Idx < outDIM2[outIdx];dim2Idx++)
                    for ( channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < outNumChannels[outIdx];channelIdx++)
                        for ( heightIdx = 0; heightIdx < outHeight[outIdx];heightIdx++)
                            for ( widthIdx = 0; widthIdx < outWidth[outIdx];widthIdx++)
                                int32_t outIdx = widthIdx + 
                                                (heightIdx * outLinePitch) + 
                                                (channelIdx * outChannelPitch[outIdx]) +
                                                (dim2Idx * outDim2Pitch) +
                                                (dim1Idx * outDim1Pitch) +
                                                (batchIdx * outBatchPitch);
                                /* Note that this is the final de-quantized output */
                                outputVal = outPtrStart[outIdx] / outTensorScale[outIdx];
                                printf("Output Element %f \n", outputVal);
  • Below image describes properties of one channel in a tensor (This format is applicable for both input and output tensor of the network).

  • If the input/output has more than one channel then these channels are stacked continuously in the memory.

  • The Padded region in the input buffer has to be filled with zero by application. This can be done once by application during buffer allocation during system boot time.

Points to be noted

  • All the Input and output tensor follow the above described buffer format, including the SSD post processing layer. Additionally TIDL_ODLayerHeaderInfo and TIDL_ODLayerObjInfo can be used to access the detected objects.
  • User can avoid copy of input/output buffer from user space memory to shared memory between ARM core and c7x core during inference via TIDL-RT interface if following constraints are met :
    • Buffers are already allocated as part of DDR shared memory, this can be done if buffers are allocated using TIDLRT_allocSharedMem API of TIDL-RT interface
    • sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.inBufSize/sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t.outBufSize is same as sTIDLRT_Tensor_t.bufferSize
    • Properties of input/output tensor as described by sTIDL_IOBufDesc_t matches with the same in sTIDLRT_Tensor_t