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TI EdgeAI Studio Agent

TI EdgeAI Studio Agent is required to be started on a TI Analytics device to use EdgeAI Studio with the device. To know more about EdgeAI Studio please visit

Steps to Run

Fetching IP Address of Device via UART Terminal

2. Using UART Terminal

  1. Connect the UART cable to PC and open terminal

  2. The COM ports(/dev/ttyUSB) can vary. To check all available usb serial ports, use:

    ls /dev/tty | grep USB

    usb serial ports list output

    [NOTE: TDA4VM,AM68A,AM69A will mostly be on ttyUSB2 while AM62A,AM62X,AM62P are generally on ttyUSB0. Please refer to EdgeAI SDK documentation (Getting Started) for more information.]

  3. Start minicom session on PC using:

    sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSBX

  4. Login using "root"

    tda4vm login

  5. Use ifconfig to get the ip address, the highlighted one as shown in the figure below:

    ifconfig output

2. Using a display

  1. If you have a disply, you can connect display to the board. When the board boots up, it will show the IP address of the device on the default screen.

B) Running device agent on target

  1. Navigate to edgeai-studio-agent folder:

    cd /opt/edgeai-studio-agent

  2. Execute the script:


API Documentation

GET Requests

GET /sensor (gets all the sensor attached to the target)

Find all the sensors attached to the target. This includes all the USB Camera connected to the target. It also provides other information like SDK version and device type.



http code content-type response
200 application/json All attached sensors
404 application/json {'detail': 'Sensor not found'}
Example GET response (200)
        "name": "UVC Camera (046d:0825)",
        "id": "null",
        "type": "Webcam",
        "device": [
                "id": "/dev/video-usb-cam0",
                "type": "V4L2",
                "description": "device available for capture",
                "status": "available"
        "sdk_version": "9.0",
        "device_name": "TDA4VM"
GET /sensor-session (gets all the sensor sessions)

Find all sensor sessions including initiated and started ones. The target device only supports one session at a time.



http code content-type response
200 application/json Sensor session
404 application/json {'detail': 'Session not found'}
Example GET response (200)
    "session": {
        "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
        "http_port": 8080,
        "http_url": "/raw_imagestream",
        "http_status": "started",
        "http_pid": 1231,
        "ws_port": 8000,
        "ws_url": "",
        "ws_status": "down",
        "ws_pid": 0,
        "udp_server_port": 8081,
        "udp_client_port": 0,
        "udp_status": "started",
        "udp_pid": 1231,
        "tcp_server_port": 0,
        "tcp_client_port": 0,
        "tcp_status": "Down",
        "tcp_pid": 0,
        "data_pipeline_status": "down",
        "data_pipeline_pid": 0,
        "stream_type": "null"
    "sensor": {
        "name": "test_name",
        "id": "test_id",
        "type": "test_type",
        "device": [
                "id": "/dev/video-usb-cam0",
                "type": "V4L2",
                "description": "V4L2",
                "status": "available"
        "sdk_version": "9.0",
        "device_name": "TDA4VM"
    "project": null,
    "inference": null

Note: "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c" is the unique id of the sensor-session

GET /sensor-session/{id} (gets sensor session by id)

Find the unique sensor sessions by id.

name type data type description
id required string The specific unique idendifier
http code content-type response
200 application/json Sensor session with given id
400 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid ID supplied'}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Session not found'}
Example GET response (200)
    "session": {
        "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
        "http_port": 8080,
        "http_url": "/raw_imagestream",
        "http_status": "started",
        "http_pid": 1288,
        "ws_port": 8000,
        "ws_url": "",
        "ws_status": "down",
        "ws_pid": 0,
        "udp_server_port": 8081,
        "udp_client_port": 0,
        "udp_status": "started",
        "udp_pid": 1288,
        "tcp_server_port": 0,
        "tcp_client_port": 0,
        "tcp_status": "Down",
        "tcp_pid": 0,
        "data_pipeline_status": "down",
        "data_pipeline_pid": 0,
        "stream_type": "null"
    "sensor": {
        "name": "test_name",
        "id": "test_id",
        "type": "test_type",
        "device": [
                "id": "/dev/video-usb-cam0",
                "type": "V4L2",
                "description": "V4L2",
                "status": "available"
        "sdk_version": "9.0",
        "device_name": "TDA4VM"
    "project": null,
    "inference": null
GET /project (gets registered project)

Find registered project



http code content-type response
200 application/json Project
404 application/json {'detail': 'Project not found'}
Example GET response (200)
        "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
        "name": "test_project",
        "sensor": "null",
        "task_type": "classification",
        "model": "null",
        "target_device": "null",
        "model_file": "null",
        "model_file_checksum": "null"
GET /project/{id} (gets registered project by id)

Find the registered project by id.

name type data type description
id required string The specific unique idendifier
http code content-type response
200 application/json Project with given id
404 application/json {'detail': 'Project not found'}
Example GET response (200)
        "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
        "name": "test_project",
        "sensor": "null",
        "task_type": "classification",
        "model": "null",
        "target_device": "null",
        "model_file": "null",
        "model_file_checksum": "null"

POST Requests

POST /sensor-session (initiate a sensor session)

Initiate a unique sensor session by generating a unique id and setting up all the required client and server processes

Example POST data
    "name": "test_name",
    "id": "test_id",
    "type": "test_type",
    "device": [
            "id": "/dev/video-usb-cam0",
            "type": "V4L2",
            "description": "device available for capture",
            "status": "available"
    "sdk_version": "9.0",
    "device_name": "TDA4VM"
http code content-type response
202 application/json Sensor session with generated unique id
405 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid input'}
POST /project (register a project)

Register a project to the target and set up project entry with all required parameters supplied

Example POST data
    "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
    "name": "test_project",
    "task_type": "classification"
    "sensor": "null"
    "model": "null"
    "target_device": "null"
    "model_file": "null"
    "model_file_checksum": "null"
http code content-type response
201 text/html;charset=utf-8 Succesfully created
POST /project/{id}/model (upload model to the target)

Upload model tarball to the target as outputFile.tar.gz. Each call will overwrite the previous file and checksum with the new file.

name type data type description
id required string The specific unique idendifier
Example POST data

File object of the model tarball renamed as outputFile.tar.gz

http code content-type response
201 text/html;charset=utf-8 Succesfully created, {id}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Project not found'}
405 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid input'}

PUT Requests

PUT /sensor-session/{id} (start session and associated data pipeline)

Start sensor session by setting up the required data pipeline (inference or raw capture). Whether to start inference pipeline or raw capture pipeline is decided by the key "inference" in the PUT data. Client creates the project_session object by aggregating the initiated session object, project object and inference parameter. Sensor session object and project object will be validated, data pipeline process will be started for direct sensor data or inference output based on the value of inference parameter. If successfully started, the response will have data_pipeline_status as 'started' and data_pipeline_pid with the PID of the pipeline process supplying data to the UDP/TCP server/client. This API can also produce and stream data over websockets for browser front end application to display on the UI, for e.g., for log streaming, memory usage, inference time etc. If websocket interface is started, the response will have ws_status as 'started', ws_url & ws_port duly filled, and ws_pid with the PID of the websocket server process supplying data to the Javascript front end application.

name type data type description
id required string The specific unique idendifier
Example PUT data
    "session": {
        "id": "88c046f1-4ef1-456f-9978-c3a20456b05c",
        "http_port": 8080,
        "http_url": "/raw_imagestream",
        "http_status": "started",
        "http_pid": 1999,
        "ws_port": 8000,
        "ws_url": "",
        "ws_status": "down",
        "ws_pid": 0,
        "udp_server_port": 8081,
        "udp_client_port": 0,
        "udp_status": "started",
        "udp_pid": 1999,
        "tcp_server_port": 0,
        "tcp_client_port": 0,
        "tcp_status": "Down",
        "tcp_pid": 0,
        "data_pipeline_status": "down",
        "data_pipeline_pid": 0,
        "stream_type": "image"
    "sensor": {
        "name": "test_name",
        "id": "test_id",
        "type": "test_type",
        "device": [
                "id": "/dev/video-usb-cam0",
                "type": "V4L2",
                "description": "V4L2",
                "status": "available"
        "sdk_version": "9.0",
        "device_name": "TDA4VM"
    "inference": false
http code content-type response
202 application/json Data with updated datapipeline and websocket status
400 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid ID supplied'}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Session not found'}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Project not found'}
409 application/json {'detail': 'Sensor session alreday running'}

DELETE Requests

DELETE /sensor-session/{id} (deletes sensor session by id)

Delete sensor session with given id. All processes and resources associated to the sensor sessions will be cleared and freed.

http code content-type response
202 text/html;charset=utf-8 Operation accepted
400 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid ID supplied'}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Session not found'}
DELETE /sensor-session/{id}/dpipe (deletes data pipeline associated with sensor session)

Deletes only the data pipeline associated with sensor session having the given id. The data pipeline are the inference or raw data capture pipelines running on the target. The websockets interface associated with the data pipelines are also terminated. The same data pipeline associated with session can be later restarted using PUT method on /sensor-session/{id}.

http code content-type response
202 text/html;charset=utf-8 Operation accepted
400 application/json {'detail': 'Invalid ID supplied'}
404 application/json {'detail': 'Session not found'}
DELETE /project/{id} (deletes project by id)

Deletes the registered project with given id. All the resources including model files, artifacts and configuration files related to this project will be cleared and freed.

http code content-type response
200 text/html;charset=utf-8 Successful operation
404 application/json {'detail': 'Project not found'}