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Glenn Lanzer edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 2 revisions


This repository is not for an app but more as a journal where I keep a record of everything I have done and learned from FreeCodeCamp. I decided to use a wiki as I can put more information easily on it. You will find my code there and also on the right directories if you just want to see the code.

I try to keep it updated but bear in mind that the challenges have and will continue to change and I might not update previous comments, or code. I do tend to update the code only section of the repo with new improved solutions when I do review then but given my time, I don't have a set schedule for it.

If you want to contribute, you can follow these steps found here How To Contribute To The Wiki.. I will be accepting improvements with explanations, grammar fixes and perhaps some minor code for the wiki side, but when it comes to the coding section I will not be accepting pull requests.

Contact me

Glenn Lanzer III


Github | FreeCodeCamp | CodePen | LinkedIn | Medium | Portfolio | E-Mail

Get Started with Free Code Camp

  1. Lesson: Learn how Free Code Camp Works Incomplete
  2. Lesson: Create a GitHub Account and Join our Chat Rooms Incomplete
  3. Lesson: Configure your Public Profile Incomplete
  4. Lesson: Join a Campsite in Your City Incomplete
  5. Lesson: Learn What to Do If You Get Stuck

Responsive Web Design

Basic HTML and HTML5

  1. Lesson: Say Hello to HTML Elements
  2. Lesson: Headline with the h2 Element
  3. Lesson: Inform with the Paragraph Element
  4. Lesson: Uncomment HTML
  5. Lesson: Comment out HTML
  6. Lesson: Fill in the Blank with Placeholder Text
  7. Lesson: Delete HTML Elements
  8. Lesson: Change the Color of Text
  9. Lesson: Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements
  10. Lesson: Use a CSS Class to Style an Element
  11. Lesson: Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class
  12. Lesson: Change the Font Size of an Element
  13. Lesson: Set the Font Family of an Element
  14. Lesson: Import a Google Font
  15. Lesson: Specify How Fonts Should Degrade
  16. Lesson: Add Images to your Website
  17. Lesson: Size your Images
  18. Lesson: Add Borders Around your Elements
  19. Lesson: Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius
  20. Lesson: Make Circular Images with a Border Radius
  21. Lesson: Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements
  22. Lesson: Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph
  23. Lesson: Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol
  24. Lesson: Turn an Image into a Link
  25. Lesson: Add Alt Text to an Image for Accessibility
  26. Lesson: Create a Bulleted Unordered List
  27. Lesson: Create an Ordered List
  28. Lesson: Create a Text Field
  29. Lesson: Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field
  30. Lesson: Create a Form Element
  31. Lesson: Add a Submit Button to a Form
  32. Lesson: Use HTML5 to Require a Field
  33. Lesson: Create a Set of Radio Buttons
  34. Lesson: Create a Set of Checkboxes
  35. Lesson: Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default
  36. Lesson: Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element
  37. Lesson: Give a Background Color to a Div Element
  38. Lesson: Set the ID of an Element
  39. Lesson: Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element
  40. Lesson: Adjusting the Padding of an Element
  41. Lesson: Adjust the Margin of an Element
  42. Lesson: Add a Negative Margin to an Element
  43. Lesson: Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element
  44. Lesson: Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element
  45. Lesson: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element
  46. Lesson: Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element
  47. Lesson: Style the HTML Body Element
  48. Lesson: Inherit Styles from the Body Element
  49. Lesson: Prioritize One Style Over Another
  50. Lesson: Override Styles in Subsequent CSS
  51. Lesson: Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes
  52. Lesson: Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles
  53. Lesson: Override All Other Styles by using Important
  54. Lesson: Use Hex Code for Specific Colors
  55. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Color Elements White
  56. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Red
  57. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Green
  58. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Blue
  59. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Mix Colors
  60. Lesson: Use Hex Code to Color Elements Gray
  61. Lesson: Use Hex Code for Specific Shades of Gray
  62. Lesson: Use Abbreviated Hex Code
  63. Lesson: Use RGB values to Color Elements
  64. Lesson: Use RGB to Color Elements White
  65. Lesson: Use RGB to Color Elements Red
  66. Lesson: Use RGB to Color Elements Green
  67. Lesson: Use RGB to Color Elements Blue
  68. Lesson: Use RGB to Mix Colors
  69. Lesson: Use RGB to Color Elements Gray

Basic CSS

  1. Lesson: Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers
  2. Lesson: Make Images Mobile Responsive
  3. Lesson: Center Text with Bootstrap
  4. Lesson: Create a Bootstrap Button
  5. Lesson: Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button
  6. Lesson: Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow
  7. Lesson: Call out Optional Actions with Button Info
  8. Lesson: Warn your Users of a Dangerous Action
  9. Lesson: Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side
  10. Lesson: Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap
  11. Lesson: Use Spans for Inline Elements
  12. Lesson: Create a Custom Heading
  13. Lesson: Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons
  14. Lesson: Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons
  15. Lesson: Responsively Style Radio Buttons
  16. Lesson: Responsively Style Checkboxes
  17. Lesson: Style Text Inputs as Form Controls
  18. Lesson: Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap
  19. Lesson: Create a Bootstrap Headline
  20. Lesson: House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div
  21. Lesson: Create a Bootstrap Row
  22. Lesson: Split your Bootstrap Row
  23. Lesson: Create Bootstrap Wells
  24. Lesson: Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells
  25. Lesson: Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style
  26. Lesson: Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors
  27. Lesson: Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements
  28. Lesson: Label Bootstrap Wells
  29. Lesson: Give Each Element a Unique ID
  30. Lesson: Label Bootstrap Buttons
  31. Lesson: Use Comments to Clarify Code

Gear up for Success

  1. Lesson: Browse Camper News Incomplete
  2. Lesson: Reference our Wiki Incomplete
  3. Lesson: Join our LinkedIn Alumni Network Incomplete
  4. Lesson: Commit to a Goal and a Nonprofit

Applied Visual Design

  1. Lesson: Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready Work
  2. Lesson: Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery
  3. Lesson: Target Elements by Class Using jQuery
  4. Lesson: Target Elements by ID Using jQuery
  5. Lesson: Delete your jQuery Functions
  6. Lesson: Target the same element with multiple jQuery Selectors
  7. Lesson: Remove Classes from an element with jQuery
  8. Lesson: Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery
  9. Lesson: Disable an Element Using jQuery
  10. Lesson: Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery
  11. Lesson: Remove an Element Using jQuery
  12. Lesson: Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery
  13. Lesson: Clone an Element Using jQuery
  14. Lesson: Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery
  15. Lesson: Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery
  16. Lesson: Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery
  17. Lesson: Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQuery
  18. Lesson: Use jQuery to Modify the Entire Page

Applied Accessibility

Responsive Web Design Principles

CSS Flexbox

Applied Responsive Web Design Projects

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Basic JavaScript

  1. Lesson: Introduction to JavaScript
  2. Lesson: Comment Your JavaScript Code
  3. Lesson: Declare JavaScript Variables
  4. Lesson: Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
  5. Lesson: Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
  6. Lesson: Understanding Uninitialized Variables
  7. Lesson: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
  8. Lesson: Add Two Numbers with JavaScript
  9. Lesson: Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
  10. Lesson: Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
  11. Lesson: Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
  12. Lesson: Increment a Number with JavaScript
  13. Lesson: Decrement a Number with JavaScript
  14. Lesson: Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
  15. Lesson: Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript
  16. Lesson: Divide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript
  17. Lesson: Finding a Remainder in JavaScript
  18. Lesson: Compound Assignment with Augmented Addition
  19. Lesson: Compound Assignment with Augmented Subtraction
  20. Lesson: Compound Assignment with Augmented Multiplication
  21. [Lesson: Compound Assignment with Augmented Division]( Augmented-Division)
  22. Lesson Review:
  23. Lesson:
  24. Lesson:
  25. Lesson:
  26. Lesson:
  27. Lesson:
  28. Lesson:
  29. Lesson: Constructing Strings with Variables
  30. Lesson: Appending Variables to Strings
  31. Lesson: Find the Length of a String
  32. Lesson: Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String
  33. Lesson: Understand String Immutability
  34. Lesson: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
  35. Lesson: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String
  36. Lesson: Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String
  37. Lesson Review: Word Blanks
  38. Lesson: Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
  39. Lesson: Nest one Array within Another Array
  40. Lesson: Access Array Data with Indexes
  41. Lesson: Modify Array Data With Indexes
  42. Lesson: Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
  43. Lesson: Manipulate Arrays With push()
  44. Lesson: Manipulate Arrays With pop()
  45. Lesson: Manipulate Arrays With shift()
  46. Lesson: Manipulate Arrays With unshift()
  47. Lesson Review: Shopping List
  48. Lesson: Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions
  49. Lesson: Passing Values to Functions with Arguments
  50. Lesson: Global Scope and Functions
  51. Lesson: Local Scope and Functions
  52. Lesson: Global vs. Local Scope in Functions
  53. Lesson: Return a Value from a Function with Return
  54. Lesson: Assignment with a Returned Value
  55. Lesson Review: Stand in Line
  56. Lesson: Use Conditional Logic with If Statements
  57. Lesson: Comparison with the Equality Operator
  58. Lesson: Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator
  59. Lesson: Comparison with the Inequality Operator
  60. Lesson: Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator
  61. Lesson: Comparison with the Greater Than Operator
  62. Lesson: Comparison with the Greater Than Equal To Operator
  63. Lesson: Comparison with the Less Than Operator
  64. Lesson: Comparison with the Less Than Equal To Operator
  65. Lesson: Comparisons with the Logical And Operator
  66. Lesson: Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator
  67. Lesson: Introducing Else Statements
  68. Lesson: Introducing Else If Statements
  69. Lesson: Chaining If Else Statements
  70. Lesson Review: Golf Code
  71. Lesson: Selecting from many options with Switch Statements
  72. Lesson: Adding a default option in Switch statements
  73. Lesson: Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements
  74. Lesson: Replacing If Else Chains with Switch
  75. Lesson: Returning Boolean Values from Functions
  76. Lesson: Return Early Pattern for Functions
  77. Lesson Review: Counting Cards
  78. Lesson: Build JavaScript Objects
  79. Lesson: Accessing Objects Properties with the Dot Operator
  80. Lesson: Accessing Objects Properties with Bracket Notation
  81. Lesson: Accessing Objects Properties with Variables
  82. Lesson: Updating Object Properties
  83. Lesson: Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object
  84. Lesson: Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object
  85. Lesson: Using Objects for Lookups
  86. Lesson: Testing Objects for Properties
  87. Lesson: Introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  88. Lesson: Accessing Nested Objects in JSON
  89. Lesson: Accessing Nested Arrays in JSON
  90. Lesson Review: Record Collection
  91. Lesson: Iterate with JavaScript For Loops
  92. Lesson: Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop
  93. Lesson: Count Backwards With a For Loop
  94. Lesson: Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop
  95. Lesson: Nesting For Loops
  96. Lesson: Iterate with JavaScript While Loops
  97. Lesson: Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript
  98. Lesson: Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript
  99. Lesson: Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range
  100. [Lesson: Sift through Text with Regular Expressions](Sift through Text with Regular Expressions)
  101. Lesson: Find Numbers with Regular Expressions
  102. Lesson: Find Whitespace with Regular Expressions
  103. Lesson: Invert Regular Expression Matches with JavaScript
  104. Lesson Review: Profile Lookup


  1. Old One Page Basic JavaScript Lessons
  2. Lesson: Create a JavaScript Slot Machine
  3. Lesson: Add your JavaScript Slot Machine Slots
  4. Lesson: Bring your JavaScript Slot Machine to Life
  5. Lesson: Give your JavaScript Slot Machine some stylish images
  6. Old Advanced Lesson: Functional Programming in JavaScript

Regular Expressions

  1. Lesson: Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables
  2. Lesson: Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions
  3. Lesson: Make Object Properties Private
  4. Lesson: Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor
  5. Lesson: Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function
  6. Lesson: Iterate over Arrays with .map
  7. Lesson: Condense arrays with .reduce
  8. Lesson: Filter Arrays with .filter
  9. Lesson: Sort Arrays with .sort
  10. Lesson: Reverse Arrays with .reverse
  11. Lesson: Concatenate Strings with .concat
  12. Lesson: Split Strings with .split
  13. Lesson: Join Strings with .join


Basic Data Structures

Basic Algorithm Scripting

  1. Lesson: Get Set for Bonfires
  2. Bonfire: Meet Bonfire
  3. Bonfire: Reverse a String
  4. Bonfire: Factorialize a Number
  5. Bonfire: Check for Palindromes
  6. Bonfire: Find the Longest Word in a String
  7. Bonfire: Title Case a Sentence
  8. Bonfire: Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
  9. Bonfire: Confirm the Ending
  10. Bonfire: Repeat a string repeat a string
  11. Bonfire: Truncate a string
  12. Bonfire: Chunky Monkey
  13. Bonfire: Slasher Flick
  14. Bonfire: Mutations
  15. Bonfire: Falsey Bouncer
  16. Bonfire: Seek and Destroy
  17. Bonfire: Where do I belong
  18. Bonfire: Caesar's Cipher

Object Oriented Programming

Functional Programming

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects

  1. Lesson: Get Set for Ziplines
  2. Zipline: Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage
  3. Zipline: Build a Random Quote Machine
  4. Zipline: Show the Local Weather
  5. Zipline: Build a Pomodoro Clock
  6. Zipline: Use the JSON API
  7. Zipline: Build a JavaScript Calculator

Claim Your JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certificate

Front End Libraries


  1. Bonfire: Sum All Numbers in a Range
  2. Bonfire: Diff Two Arrays
  3. Bonfire: Roman Numeral Converter
  4. Bonfire: Where art thou
  5. Bonfire: Search and Replace
  6. Bonfire: Pig Latin
  7. Bonfire: DNA Pairing
  8. Bonfire: Missing letters
  9. Bonfire: Boo who
  10. Bonfire: Sorted Union
  11. Bonfire: Convert HTML Entities
  12. Bonfire: Spinal Tap Case
  13. Bonfire: Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
  14. Bonfire: Sum All Primes
  15. Bonfire: Smallest Common Multiple
  16. Bonfire: Finders Keepers
  17. Bonfire: Drop it
  18. Bonfire: Steamroller
  19. Bonfire: Binary Agents
  20. Bonfire: Everything Be True
  21. Bonfire: Arguments Optional


  1. Lesson: Trigger Click Events with jQuery Incomplete
  2. Lesson: Change Text with Click Events
  3. Lesson: Get JSON with the jQuery getJSON Method
  4. Lesson: Convert JSON Data to HTM
  5. Lesson: Render Images from Data Sources
  6. Lesson: Prefilter JSON
  7. Lesson: Get Geo-location Data


  1. Zipline: Stylize Stories on Camper News
  2. Zipline: Wikipedia Viewer
  3. Zipline: Build a Tic Tac Toe Game
  4. Zipline: Build a Simon Game


  1. Lesson: Create a Simple JSX Element
  2. Lesson: Create a Complex JSX Element
  3. Lesson: Add Comments in JSX
  4. Lesson: Render HTML Elements to the DOM
  5. Lesson: Define an HTML Class in JSX
  6. Lesson: Learn About Self-Closing JSX Tags
  7. Lesson: Create a Stateless Functional Component
  8. Lesson: Create a React Component
  9. Lesson: Create A Component with Compisition
  10. Use React to Render Nested Components
  11. Compose React Components
  12. [Render a Class Component to the DOM(
  13. Writer a React Component from Scratch
  14. Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component
  15. Pass an Array as Props
  16. Use Default Props
  17. Override Default Props
  18. Use PropTypes to Define the Props You Expect
  19. Access Props Using this.props
  20. Review Using Props with Stateless Functional Components
  21. Create a Stateful Component
  22. Render State in the User Interface
  23. Render State in the User Interface Another Way
  24. Set State with this.setState
  25. Bind 'this' to a Class Method
  26. Use State to Toggle an Element
  27. Write a Simple Counter
  28. Create a Controlled Input
  29. Create a Controlled Form
  30. Pass State as Props to Child Components
  31. Pass a Callback as Props
  32. Use the Lifecycle Method componentWillMount
  33. Use the Lifecycle Method componentWillMount
  34. Add Event Listeners
  35. Managing Updates with Lifecycle Methods
  36. Optimize Re-Renders with shouldComponentUpdate
  37. Introducing Inline Styles
  38. Add Inline Styles in React
  39. Use Advanced JavaScript in React Render Method
  40. Render with an If/Else Condition
  41. Use && for a More Concise Conditional
  42. Use a Ternary Expression for Conditional Rendering
  43. Render Conditionally from Props
  44. Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State
  45. Use to Dynamically Render Elements
  46. Give Sibling Elements a Unique Key Attribute
  47. Use Array.filter() to Dynamically Filter an Array
  48. Render React On the Server with renderToString


React and Redux

Front End Libraries Projects

Claim Your Front End Libraries Certificate

  1. My Front End Development Certificate

Data Visualization

Data Visualization with D3  

  1. Lesson: Learn SASS Challenges


  1. Lesson: Learn React Challenges

Data Visualization Projects  

  1. Zipline: Visualize Data with a Bar Chart
  2. Zipline: Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph
  3. Zipline: Visualize Data with a Heat Map
  4. Zipline: Show Relationships with a Force Directed Graph
  5. Zipline: Map Data Across the Globe

Claim Your Data Visualization Certificate  

  1. Lesson: Claim Your Data Visualization Certificate

Apis and Microservices

Managing Packages with npm

  1. Bonfire: Make a Person
  2. Bonfire: Map the Debris
  3. Bonfire: Pairwise

Basic Node and Express

  1. Lesson: Use the Javascript Console
  2. Lesson: Using typeof

MongoDB and Mongoose

  1. Bonfire: Validate US Telephone Numbers
  2. Bonfire: Symmetric Difference
  3. Bonfire: Exact Change
  4. Bonfire: Inventory Update
  5. Bonfire: No repeats please
  6. Bonfire: Friendly Date Ranges



  1. Lesson: Save your Code Revisions Forever with Git

Node.js and Express.js


  1. Lesson: Store Data in MongoDB

Apis and Microservices Projects

Claim Your Apis and Microservices Certificate

Information Security and Quality Assurance

Dynamic Web Applications

  1. Build a Voting App
  2. Build a Nightlife Coordination App
  3. Chart the Stock Market
  4. Manage a Book Trading Club
  5. Build a Pinterest Clone

Claim Your Information Security and Quality Assurance Certificate

  1. My Full Stack Development Certificate

Contribute To Open Source and Help Nonprofits

Coding Interview Questions and Take Home Assignments


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