git clone
git fetch --all
git merge
Contributing First you will need to fork "KerbalMultiPlayer" on github, and set up your SSH key.
git remote remove origin
git remote add upstream
git remote add origin [email protected]:YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE/KerbalMultiPlayer.git
git fetch --all
git push --set-upstream origin master
Make a branch so you don't bork your master.
git branch bugfix-number
git checkout bugfix-number
Do your changes here with your favourite text editor or IDE.
git add -A
git commit -a
git push --set-upstream origin bugfix-number
When you are happy with the code, open a pull request on github. After it is merged you can delete it and merge it in your master
git checkout master
git fetch -all
git merge upstream/master
git branch -D bugfix-number
git push origin :bugfix-number
In order to compile KMP, You need to copy these 3 files from "KSP_ROOT/KSP_Data/Managed/" into the root directory of your KMP clone.
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
- Assembly-CSharp.dll
- UnityEngine.dll
To edit and compile, open up the KerbalMultiPlayer.sln file with Visual Studio. Upon opening, you may receive errors relating towards KMPServerList which can be safely ignored. If you have installed all dependencies, you should be able to build the solution. Builds will be stored in either \bin\Release for the client, or \KMPServer\bin\Release for the server.
Debugging does not seem to work at this current point with the server or client. (?)
To be written by a mac developer.
Required packages: mono-complete, build-essential (or your distribution's equivilent)
Note: Mixed results have been experienced with mono-compiler versions below 3. Server may encounters crashes when people join. To check your mono-compiler version, use:
mcs --version
Distributions known to include mono-compiler 3 and above:
Debian Unstable/Sid
Gentoo, provided by dev-lang/mono in portage tree and also in dotnet overlay
Arch, provided by mono package, repository: Extra
To edit and compile, open up the KerbalMultiPlayer.sln file with MonoDevelop and make your changes. On the top menu hit build > build all. No errors should be reported at all.
xbuild is included on mono linux installs (mono-complete will install this on debian and ubuntu). cd into your KMP root clone directory and type "xbuild/p:Configuration=Release". The builds are under bin/Release/ and KMPServer/bin/Release/