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Here's a minimal, complete implementation of delayed evaluation, with memoization. Spot the macro!

__all__ = ["delay", "force"]

from mcpyrate.quotes import macros, q, a

_uninitialized = object()
class Promise:
    def __init__(self, thunk):
        self.thunk = thunk
        self.value = _uninitialized

    def force(self):
        if self.value is _uninitialized:
            self.value = self.thunk()
        return self.value

def delay(tree, **kw):
    """[syntax, expr] Delay an expression."""
    return q[Promise(lambda: a[tree])]

def force(x):
    """Evaluate a delayed expression, at most once."""
    return x.force() if isinstance(x, Promise) else x

For a production-quality version of this example, see demo/

Quasiquoting is a way to build ASTs in notation that mostly looks like regular code. Classically, in Lisps, the quasiquote operator doesn't need to do much, because Lisps are homoiconic; i.e. there's not much of a difference between source code and its AST representation.

In Python, as was pioneered by macropy, quasiquoting is a way to write ASTs using the standard surface syntax of Python. This works surprisingly well, although sometimes you, the macro writer, will have to do small old-fashioned AST edits to the resulting AST, because some things that would be sensible as a quasiquoted AST (but not as regular code) are not syntactically allowed by Python.

For example, it is not possible to directly interpolate a name for a function parameter in quasiquote notation, because parameter definitions must use literal strings, not expressions. In this case, the technique is to first use a placeholder name, such as _, and then manually assign a new name for the parameter in the AST that was returned by the quasiquote operation. See mcpyrate.utils.rename, which can do this editing for you.

You'll still need to keep the AST documentation handy, but usually not much manually written AST-generating code is needed when quasiquotes automate most of it. This makes macro code much more readable.

By default, quasiquoting in mcpyrate is classical, i.e. non-hygienic. If you're familiar with Common Lisp's defmacro (or if you've been reading Seibel or Graham), you'll feel almost right at home.

The system is similar in flavor to macropy's quasiquote system, but with some important differences.

Avoiding name conflicts at the macro use site

Classical (non-hygienic) quasiquoting passes through identifiers as-is. This may lead to name conflicts, because the macro definition site has no control over what names are already in scope at the macro use site.

The problem has two related aspects, which are in a sense dual to each other. First, if a macro needs to establish new bindings in the expanded code, it must be able to generate variable names that are not already taken at the macro use site, no matter what names already appear there. This is the job of gensym.

Secondly, if the expanded code needs to refer to a value (in Python terms, an object) that was in scope at the macro definition site, that's where macro hygiene comes in. An example of such an object is a function that you imported into the global scope of your macro definition module, to be able to call that function in the code generated by your macro.


Short for generate symbol, gensym provides fresh, unused identifiers.

When your macro needs to generate code that establishes new bindings, see mcpyrate.gensym(), and use n[] (and old-fashioned AST edits or mcpyrate.utils.rename where needed) judiciously.

Macro hygiene

Macro hygiene refers to preserving the meaning of an identifier, from the macro definition site, to the macro use site. This is a highly desirable feature, and mcpyrate supports it via an explicit opt-in construct, which we call hygienic unquoting.

Hygienic unquoting captures a value from the macro definition site, at the time when the macro is running (i.e. when its use site is being macro-expanded), and automatically arranges things such that when the expanded code runs, the hygienically unquoted expression refers to that value.

The main use case is to allow the expanded code, at the macro use site, to safely refer to a function (or indeed, any other variable) that was in scope at the macro definition site. That way, at your macro's use site, it's guaranteed to really call the function you meant, and not some other function that just happened to have the same name at the use site.

To mark a value you want to be unquoted hygienically, use the h[] (hygienic-unquote) operator inside a quasiquoted code snippet.

In order for mcpyrate to support bytecode caching (.pyc), the value is pickled, separately for each invocation of h[]. When the value is looked up at run time, it is automatically unpickled the first time it is accessed in a given Python process. Further accesses, by the same invocation of h[], then refer to the same object.

Note that due to how pickle works, you can hygienically unquote local and nonlocal variables just fine, as long as the type of the value (i.e. the class) is defined at the top-level scope of some module.

Because h[] is essentially a bind operation, the result of h[expr] will forever point to the value expr had at capture time:

x = "tabby"
mycat = q[h[x]]

x = "scottishfold"
yourcat = q[h[x]]

# mycat -> AST that, when compiled and run,
#          resolves to the value "tabby".
# yourcat -> AST that, when compiled and run,
#            resolves to the value "scottishfold".

If you want to h[] an object or an array, keep in mind that the current value will be pickled and that pickled copy becomes the thing the h[] refers to.

Macro hygiene without quasiquotes

If you want to capture values or macro names hygienically in an old-school macro that does not use the quasiquote notation, this is also possible. The machinery underlying the h[] operator is part of the public API, by design.

The functions mcpyrate.quotes.capture_value and mcpyrate.quotes.capture_as_macro perform the actual capture. The return value is the AST snippet for the hygienic reference. You can call these functions directly in your macro implementation.

Advanced uses of non-hygienic quasiquoting

Macro hygiene has its place, but non-hygienic quoting leads to two advanced techniques that are sometimes useful:

  • Anaphora. The macro defines an identifier that has a specific name.

    Typically, the macro computes some value and binds it to that identifier. That value is then intended to be referred to, by that name, at the macro use site. For example, the it in the classic anaphoric if.

    This is occasionally so useful that also Lisps that have a macro system that is hygienic by default (such as Scheme and Racket), provide a way to selectively break hygiene.

    For example, in Racket it's possible to produce a return "keyword" using this approach, by binding the function's escape continuation to a variable named return, and then leaking that identifier non-hygienically. (This is possible, because Scheme and Racket have first-class continuations, so it's just a callable value.)

  • Free variable injection, the lesser-known dual to anaphora. The use site is expected to define an identifier having a specific name, and bind some particular value to it.

    That value is then intended to be referred to, by that name, in the code generated by the macro. In that code, it's a free variable (because the macro doesn't define it), hence the name of the technique.

    This term was seen in Doug Hoyte: Let Over Lambda: 50 Years of Lisp.

Obviously, both of these techniques are somewhat magic, so unless absolutely needed, they are discouraged. When used, good documentation is absolutely critical.

Reference manual

Here macro definition site and macro use site refer to those sites for the macro in whose implementation q is used to construct (part of) the output AST.

The AST for the quoted code becomes fully available at the run time of the use site of q, i.e. when your macro reaches run time.

q: quasiquote

The quasiquote supports both expression and block modes.

Expression mode


Lift the expression expr into an AST. E.g. q[42] becomes ast.Constant(value=42).

Block mode

with q as quoted:

To lift statements, use block mode. The with q as quoted construct lifts the with block body into a list of AST nodes. The list is assigned to the name given as the asname (in the example, quoted).


In both expression and block modes, any names in the quoted code remain exactly as they appear in the source. This may cause name conflicts with names already present at the macro use site. See gensym and h[], as discussed above.

For usage examples of q, see the examples of the unquote operators below.

Like macropy's q, except macro invocations within the quoted code are not expanded by default.

The macro mcpyrate.metatools.expandsq produces results closest to macropy's q.

u: unquote

u[expr] unquotes expr. It evaluates the value of the expression expr at the macro definition site, and lifts the result into an AST that is spliced into the quoted code. Unquoting occurs at run time of the use site of the surrounding q (which is typically inside the implementation of one of your own macros).

expr must evaluate to a value of a built-in type (number, string, bytes, boolean or None), a built-in container (list, dict or set) containing only such values, or a tree built out of multiple levels of such containers, where all leaves are such values.

If you need to unquote a more general value from the macro definition site (e.g. an object instance, or a top-level function), see h[].

In cases where the type restriction is acceptable, prefer u[]; it's cheaper than h[].

Typical use is like:

sourcecode = unparse(tree)
logging_call = q[h[log_value_with_sourcecode](a[tree], u[sourcecode])]

If you don't need the extra line for clearer stack traces, the temporary variable is not needed:

logging_call = q[h[log_value_with_sourcecode](a[tree], u[unparse(tree)])]

n: name-unquote

n[code] parses the expression code as Python source code at the macro definition site, and splices the resulting AST into the quoted code.

code must evaluate to a string.

This operator was mainly designed for generating an AST to access a lexical variable, whose name is computed when your macro runs (identifiers, attributes, subscripts, in any syntactically allowed nested combination). But who knows what else can be done with it?


temp = q[n[gensym()]]
with q as quoted:
    a[temp] = "I'm in a lexical variable with a computed name"

x = "computed_name"
with q as quoted:
    n[f"self.{x}"] = "I'm in an attribute with a computed name"


The second example can also be written as:

x = "computed_name"
with q as quoted:
    setattr(self, u[x], "I'm in an attribute with a computed name")

The first version generates the AST that corresponds to the source code self.computed_name = ..., whereas the second generates the AST that corresponds to setattr(self, "computed_name", ...).

The first example, on the other hand, cannot (in general) be written using setattr, since it is assigning to a lexical variable with a computed name, which is not supported by Python.

As an alternative to n[], see also mcpyrate.utils.rename, which can replace a literal dummy name (e.g. _) by a computed name in all places in a given AST where name-like things appear (e.g. function parameters, call keywords, except-as, imports, ...).

Essentially, n[code] is defined as a[ast.parse(code, mode="eval").body], but it will also automatically set the filename argument of ast.parse based on the .py filename the invocation of n[] appears in.

Finally, observe that q[n["x"]] is the name x at the macro use site. It's the same as just q[x]. This is a useless use of n[]. The reason n[] exists at all is that its argument can be the result of a computation.

Using n[] to name-unquote a string literal does shut up flake8 concerning the "undefined" name x, but for that use case, we recommend # noqa: F821.

Generalized from macropy's name, which converts a string into a lexical variable access.

a: ast-unquote

Splice an existing AST value into quoted code. This unquote supports both expr and block modes.

Expression mode


The expression expr must evaluate, at run time at the use site of the surrounding q, to an expression AST node, an AST marker containing an expression AST node in its body attribute, or in certain contexts where that is valid in the AST, a list of such values.

Typically, expr is the name of a variable that holds such data, but it doesn't have to be; any expression that evaluates to acceptable data is fine.

An example of a context that accepts a list of expression nodes is the positional arguments of a function call. q[myfunc(a[args])] will splice the list value args into the positional arguments of the Call. Each element of the list becomes one positional argument. Of course, ast-unquoting single positional arguments such as q[myfunc(a[arg1], a[arg2])] is also fine.

The result of a[] is an expression AST, replacing the invocation of a[]. Note that if a[] appears in a statement position (inside a block mode q), it actually appears in the AST inside Python's invisible ast.Expr "expression statement" node. If you want to inject a tree to the raw statement position without a surrounding ast.Expr, use the block mode of a.

The a[] operator will type-check at run time, at the use site of the surrounding q, that the value of expr is of the correct type.

Block mode

with a:

Each stmts must evaluate, at run time at the use site of the surrounding q, to a statement AST node, an AST marker containing a statement AST node (or a list of statement AST nodes) in its body attribute, or a list of such values.

Typically, stmts is the name of a variable that holds such data, but it doesn't have to be; any expression that evaluates to acceptable data is fine.

This expands as if all those statements appeared in the with body, in the order listed. The with a block itself is compiled away; the statements are spliced into the surrounding context.

The body of the with a must not contain anything else.

The with a operator will type-check at run time, at the use site of the surrounding q, once each stmts has been resolved to a value, that the value is of the correct type.


Very important: If mymacro uses q, run time for the use site of q is typically macro expansion time for an invocation of mymacro.

Furthermore, when the use site of q has reached run time, the q macro invocation is already long gone - it was expanded away when the definition of mymacro was macro-expanded. At run time of the use site of q, the AST corresponding to the quoted code has already been mostly constructed, with just some final details to be filled in by the run-time parts of the quote/unquote operators. (Mainly, any value or tree splicing occurs at that time, because that's the earliest time that has the values available.)

So any AST node type errors in invocations of the a ast-unquote are still caught during macro expansion time, but it's the macro expansion time of some module in your app. The macro that uses q must be invoked in order for the type check to run. It must behave like this, simply because the trees being spliced in are not available until the use site of q reaches run time.

The type checks are not recursive, because Python's AST format provides no information on which positions in the AST expect statements and which ones expect expressions. So this cannot be automatically checked, short of duplicating the full grammar, which would increase the maintenance effort for mcpyrate beyond a reasonable level, whenever a new minor version of the Python language is released.

So we check only the node(s) explicitly given to a, because there the macro invocation type (expr or block) explicitly tells which node type is expected. If the tree being spliced was built manually (not using quasiquotes), it may still contain type-invalid data at a deeper level.

Or in plain English: the type checks will not eliminate all sources of mysterious compile errors caused by manually introduced type errors in a macro output AST. They only eliminate the most common error source for such when quasiquotes are used (which is to say, the accidental incorrect use of a).

The tree being spliced is not copied, so if you a the same AST instance multiple times, it will do exactly that. If needed, explicitly copy.copy or copy.deepcopy, depending on what you want.

However, as a convenience, in the final global postprocess pass, the expander's automatic ctx fixer detects if a node instance requiring a ctx has already been seen during that postprocess pass, and shallow-copies it automatically to eliminate ctx conflicts, because the same node instance might appear in two or more positions that require different ctx. But until that final global postprocess pass, the id of any node you pass into a is not affected by the a.

The expression mode is equivalent to macropy's ast_literal.

s: ast-list-unquote

s[lst] takes an iterable of AST nodes, and into the quoted code, splices an ast.List node, with all nodes from the iterable collected into its elts attribute. The input iterable is converted to a list (so it can be assigned as elts), but the nodes themselves are not copied.

This allows interpolating a list of expression AST nodes as an ast.List node. This can be convenient because in Python, lists can appear in many places, such as on the LHS of an assignment:

lst = [q[a], q[b], q[c]]  # noqa: F821, only quoted.
with q as quoted:
    s[lst] = 1, 2, 3

In this example, the resulting AST corresponds to the source code [a, b, c] = 1, 2, 3.

With s[], the result is always an expression AST. (And as in the example, on the LHS of an assignment, that's perfectly fine - the assignment itself is a statement, but both its LHS and RHS are expressions.)

If you need to splice statements, see the block mode of a (ast-unquote), or the function mcpyrate.splicing.splice_statements.

Equivalent to macropy's ast_list.

t: ast-tuple-unquote

Like s, but makes an ast.Tuple.

This is especially useful to splice in a list of ASTs into the macro arguments of some parametric macro. (In mcpyrate, multiple macro arguments are always represented as an ast.Tuple node.)

args = [q[[a, 1]], q[[b, 2]], q[[c, 3]]]
q[let[t[args]][a + b + c]]

It doesn't really matter here what let is, but you can consider it as the let macro from the demos. The result of the above is the same as if we had written:

q[let[[a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 3]][a + b + c]]

Note that in the let bindings, as in any macro invocation, the outer brackets belong to the subscript expression; they do not denote a list. Because in Python's surface syntax, a bare comma (without surrounding parentheses or brackets that belong to that comma) creates a tuple, this is exactly the same as:

q[let[([a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 3])][a + b + c]]

which is how the let bindings look like if you unparse the above. Hence the natural container for multiple macro arguments in Python is a tuple; which is why we provide the t[] unquote.

h: hygienic-unquote

h[expr] captures the value of the expression expr at the macro definition site, and makes the expansion use the captured value.

The main use case of h[] is to safely (hygienically) refer to a function or a macro that is in scope at the macro definition site, so that you can be sure that when the macro expansion is spliced in at the macro use site, the expanded code will call the function you meant, and not some other function that just happened to have the same name at the macro use site. Hygienic unquoting also means that the macro use site does not need to import the thing being referred to:

from mcpyrate.quotes import macros, q, a, h

from math import log  # as in logarithm

def mymacro(tree, **kw):
    return q[h[log](a[tree])]

from .mymacros import macros, mymacro

def log(x):  # as in logging

log(mymacro[10.0])  # no name conflict, because `mymacro` uses `h[log]`

Alternatively, instead of a run-time value, expr may be the name of a macro bound in the expander instance that is expanding the use site of q. Then that macro is captured. This allows macros in scope at the use site of q to be hygienically propagated out to the use site of the macro that uses q. So you can write macros that q[h[macroname][...]], and macroname doesn't have to be macro-imported wherever that code gets spliced in:

from mcpyrate.quotes import macros, q, a, h

# let's assume we have a macro kittify[meowtype][expr]
from .catmemes import macros, kittify

def meowify(tree, **kw):
    return q[h[kittify]["meow!"][a[tree]]]

from .meowmacros import macros, meowify

print(meowify["Hello, world!"])

When meowify runs (i.e. when its use site is macro-expanded), the macro kittify is captured hygienically, but not immediately expanded. It will be expanded (by the expander's recursive mode) when meowify returns. In this trivial example, we could just as well use mcpyrate.metatools.expandr (see The expand family of macros) to expand the quoted tree immediately (before returning it), to avoid the need for hygienic unquoting. But sometimes in real-world use - especially if some of your macros expand in an inside-out order - it may be beneficial to temporarily leave the tree unexpanded (particularly, for much easier analysis by code-walking macros), and let the expander handle it later.

Whether expr is a run-time value or a macro name, h[] works also across process boundaries; that is, the hygienically captured thing can be looked up even in another Python process later. This allows bytecode caching of use sites of macros that use q[h[...]].

Hygienically captured run-time values

The result of evaluating expr can be any run-time value, as long as it is picklable.

We use pickle to support bytecode caching for hygienically captured values. For maximum flexibility, the pickled data is embedded as a byte string in the macro-expanded source code.

The value is frozen once (by pickling) at the macro definition site, and each use site (of the macro that used q[h[...]]) gets a fresh copy of the value.

At each use site, the value is unpickled only once (per Python process). Further activations of any particular use site refer to the same object instance the unpickling during that site's first activation (in the current process) produced.

Hygienically captured macros

Hygienic macro capture must be asked for explicitly, and it is not recursive. Only the macro explicitly tagged h[macroname][...] will be captured hygienically; any macro invocations in its output will not be.

Thus, each macro in a chain must use h[] explicitly, if it wants macro invocations in its output to be hygienified. This is a feature, to keep things explicit.

Hygienic macro recursion

It is always possible, for a macro implementation, to call another macro directly as a regular function (i.e. treating it as a syntax transformer); this will expand it immediately. This is indeed how things were often done using macropy when a macro needed to use another macro.

But what if we want, instead, to encode the use of that other macro as a hygienic macro invocation in the output AST, and let the expander handle it? This allows step_expansion to see the intermediate steps, while preserving macro hygiene (so we can be sure the result expands using the macro we intended).

Using q[h[...]], hygienically referring to a macro name works fine as long as the target macro is bound in the expander that is expanding the use site of q[h[...]] (keep in mind that use site is typically inside your own macro definition).

Macro bindings are usually established using macro-imports. This implies that the macro definition of the macro being hygienically referred to must have come from another source file that has already finished compiling, or from an earlier phase of the current source file (if multi-phase compiling); both cases rule out loops. So it turns out that for hygienic macro recursion, we cannot use q[h[...]].

Instead, we can use the function mcpyrate.quotes.capture_as_macro, which manually captures a hygienic reference to a macro function into the expander's global macro bindings table in the current process. This makes it possible to inject any macro function to all expanders in the current process, without caring about macro-imports. This is the same mechanism q[h[...]] itself uses; we are now just using a different source for the bindings.

A mutually recursive example (available as demo/

from mcpyrate.quotes import macros, q, u, a

import ast

from mcpyrate.quotes import capture_as_macro

def even(tree, **kw):
    if type(tree) is ast.Constant:
        v = tree.value

    if v == 0:
        return q[True]
    return q[a[our_odd][u[v - 1]]]

def odd(tree, **kw):
    if type(tree) is ast.Constant:
        v = tree.value

    if v == 0:
        return q[False]
    return q[a[our_even][u[v - 1]]]

our_even = capture_as_macro(even)
our_odd = capture_as_macro(odd)

Note the use of a[] instead of h[] to splice in the hygienic reference. This is because the function capture_as_macro already performs the capture, and returns the AST snippet that represents the hygienic reference.

(It is the job of the h[] operator to perform a capture, using the current expander's macro bindings as the source for macro captures. Now that we already have a capture, we don't need h[].)

Note the actual hygienic macro name won't be our_even or our_odd; the capture_as_macro function takes the original name of the macro function and tacks on an uuid. The variable names our_even and our_odd just refer to the AST snippets.

Pasting that code into the IPython REPL (with the extension mcpyrate.repl.iconsole loaded), we can now:

from mcpyrate.debug import macros, step_expansion
from __self__ import macros, even, odd


The output is:

In [21]: step_expansion[odd[4]]
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) before macro expansion:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) after step 1:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) after step 2:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) after step 3:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) after step 4:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) after step 5:
**Tree 0x7f66113be710 (<ipython-session>) macro expansion complete after 5 steps.
Out[21]: False

This example used mutual recursion, but the same technique works for simple self-recursion, too. Note the telltale uuid-suffixed names, indicating hygienic captures.

Finally, for the sake of exposition, let us demonstrate another useful advanced technique, using mcpyrate.utils.extract_bindings. If we know that the macro we want to invoke is in the current expander's bindings, we can grab its name from there, and then refer to it classically (non-hygienically):

from mcpyrate.utils import extract_bindings

def mymacro(tree, *, expander, **kw):
    bindings = extract_bindings(expander.bindings, mymacro)
    myname = list(bindings.keys())[0]

    newtree = q[n[myname][...]]

However, this does not work for hygienic macro recursion, because some code may call the macro function directly, instead of invoking it as a macro. So in this example, even mymacro itself is not guaranteed to be bound in the current expander. Also, mutual macro recursion cannot be achieved cleanly with this technique, because any macro being queried must have been macro-imported at the use site.

This technique does respect as-imports, though, and it's the right approach for a different use case; see demo/ for an example. This technique does the right thing when there is a set of macros that must be imported together (such as aif and its magic variable it), and the use site is expected to explicitly invoke all of them.

Note the subtle difference: in that other use case, the use site controls the names of the macros (locally), via macro-imports. So the use site knows the names, and may also rename them (via as-import). But in hygienic macro recursion, the use site doesn't even care about macros other than the one it's invoking directly. There the definition site has a macro function it wants to refer to, and the name used in its macro binding can be anything, as long as it's unambiguous.

In conclusion, for hygienic macro recursion, use the function capture_as_macro, as demonstrated above. Using that, the macros invoked hygienically in the output AST don't need to be in the expander's bindings at the use site.

Treating hygienically captured values in AST walkers

In mcpyrate, hygienically captured run-time values are represented in the AST as a Call node that matches mcpyrate.quotes.is_captured_value. That function (added in mcpyrate 3.3.0) is the public API to detect and destructure them.

If you have code-walking macros - particularly, any macropy @Walkers you intend to port to use mcpyrate's ASTTransformer - you may need to:

if is_captured_value(tree):
    return tree  # don't recurse!

in order to avoid destroying the capture. In 99% of cases, this should be done before any other AST pattern matching, and the wisest course of action is to not edit the hygienic capture node, and not recurse there. (Our sister project unpythonic contains some examples of the 1% where we need to do something else. See use sites of is_captured_value, particularly the syntax transformer for unpythonic.syntax.lazify.)

The important point is, the capture looks like a Call, but it's not really playing the role of a function call. That call is really just part of the plumbing that makes the captured value magically appear at run time. To keep things simple and explicit, it's not hidden from your macros; but this does mean you need to be aware of this detail.

From another viewpoint, the hygienic capture is a higher-level abstraction. It doesn't matter what AST node types it uses; the particular AST pattern is an implementation detail. Hence it should usually be matched first, before any AST node types in their usual roles.

If you need to analyze the captured name or expression, and/or the actual snapshotted value, the unparsed source code for the name or expression that was captured by h[] is in the return value of mcpyrate.quotes.is_captured_value (whenever there was a match; i.e. the return value is not False). The captured value can be looked up by passing the whole return value to mcpyrate.quotes.lookup_value. This can be useful if you e.g. need to see which function a hygienically unquoted function name points to. See the docstrings of is_captured_value and lookup_value for details.

Syntactically allowed positions for unquotes

Unquote operators may only appear inside quasiquoted code. This is checked at macro expansion time. If an unquote operator appears outside any quasiquote, it is a macro-expansion-time error.

Quote level is tracked, and unquoting takes place when it hits zero.

x = "hi"
assert unparse(q[u[x]]) == "'hi'"
assert unparse(q[q[u[x]]]) == "q[u[x]]"
assert unparse(q[q[u[u[x]]]]) == "q[u['hi']]"

In quasiquoted code, unquote operators may appear anywhere a subscript expression is syntactically allowed.

Especially, when q is used block mode, unquotes may appear on the LHS of an assignment, and as the operand of a del, simply because these are syntactically allowed positions for subscript expressions. The macro expander fills in the correct ctx automatically. Examples:

target = ...  # AST for something that can appear on the LHS of an assignment
with q as quoted:
    a[target] = ...

target1 = ...
target2 = ...
with q as quoted:
    a[target1], a[target2] = ...

targets = [target1, target2]
with q as quoted:
    s[targets] = ...

with q as quoted:
    del n[some_computed_name]

Quotes, unquotes, and macro expansion

In quoted code, macros are not expanded by default. Depending on what you want, you can:

  • Just leave them for the expander to handle automatically, in the use site's context, after the macro using q has returned. Useful if you hygienically unquote any macro names in your macro output.

  • Expand them explicitly. See below. Useful if you want to return a plain AST that has no macro invocations remaining.

The expand family of macros

In the simple case, when no quasiquotes are used and macros never return a tree containing further macro invocations, then expander.visit is always sufficient. But otherwise, more fine-grained control is needed, to tell the expander which macro bindings to use, so that the tree expands correctly.

Generally, considering the source code, it is always the site that built a particular AST snippet - whether implicitly by source code text, or explicitly by manual construction - that knows what the correct macro bindings for that snippet are. For example, if mymacro uses some macro invocations in its output, the definition site of mymacro is the place that has the right macro bindings for those. For any user-provided parts of tree, it's the use site of mymacro that has the right macro bindings for any macro invocations that appear in it.

When mymacro needs to invoke other macros in its output, one possibility is to use the h[] unquote to hygienically transmit the correct binding from mymacro's definition site to its use site (where the expander's recursive mode will automatically kick in). Another possibility is to expand the macros explicitly, before returning the tree. This section is about how to do the latter.

When to use

There are two main ways to explicitly expand macros in run-time AST values (such as tree in a macro, or a quoted code snippet stored in a variable): the expander.visit method with its sisters (visit_once, visit_recursively), and the expand family of macros defined in mcpyrate.metatools.

If you want to expand a tree using the macro bindings from your macro's use site, you should use expander.visit and its sisters.

If you want to expand a tree using the macro bindings from your macro's definition site, you should use the expand family of macros.

Of the expand macros, you'll most likely want expandr or expand1r, which delay expansion until your macro's run time.

Stepping a run-time macro expansion with stepr

If you need to see the steps of macro expansion of a run-time AST value, see mcpyrate.metatools.stepr.

Note stepr is an expr macro only, because it takes as its input a run-time AST value, and in Python, values are always referred to by expressions. So if you use quasiquotes, create your quoted tree first, as usual, and then quoted = stepr[quoted], where quoted is the variable you stored it in. It doesn't matter whether the quoted snippet itself is an expression or a block of statements.

The usual tool mcpyrate.debug.step_expansion does not work for debugging run-time macro expansion, because it operates at the macro expansion time of its use site. The stepr macro is otherwise the same, but it delays the stepping until the run time of its use site - and uses the same macro bindings expandr would.

Using the expand macros

Let's look at the expand macros in more detail. The mcpyrate.metatools module provides a family of macros to expand macros, all named expand plus a suffix of up to three characters in the order 1Xq, where X is one of s or r. All of the expand macros have both expr and block modes.

These macros are convenient when working with quasiquoted code, and with run-time AST values in general. Run-time AST values are exactly the kind of thing macros operate on: the macro expansion time of the use site is the run time of the macro implementation itself.

The suffixes mean:

  • 1: once. Expand one layer of macros only.
  • s: statically, i.e. at macro expansion time.
  • r: dynamically, i.e. at run time.
  • q: quote first. Apply q first, then the expander.

The s (static) variants simply hook into the expander at macro expansion time of their use site (which is, typically, inside your macro definition). This is simple, but it means that if you have defined a quoted tree, you can't just literally write expands[tree] (or expand1s[tree]) and expect it to work - because at macro expansion time, that tree argument to the expands (or expand1s) macro is just the lexical name tree, it has no value yet. Also, in quasiquoted code, operating at macro expansion time means that unquotes aren't fully processed yet, because they depend on run-time values from the use site of q.

The r (run-time) variants cover this use case. They snapshot the expander bindings at macro expansion time (of their use site), and then delay until run time (of that use site) to perform the actual expansion. They behave like calling expander.visit (or its sisters), but using the macro bindings from their use site (your macro's definition site).

Thus, expandr[tree] (as well as expand1r[tree]) will do the expected thing - i.e. expand the thing the name tree refers to when, at run time, the source code line with the expandr (respectively expand1r) invocation is reached. So you can create a quoted tree, save it to a variable tree, and then separately expand it from that variable, in the context of the macro bindings from your macro definition site.

When working with quasiquoted code, run-time expansion also has the benefit that any unquoted values will have been spliced in. Unquotes operate partly at run time of the use site of q. They must; the only context that has the user-provided names (where the unquoted data comes from) in scope is each particular use site of q, at its run time. The quasiquoted tree is only fully ready at run time of the use site of q.

Understanding the quasiquote system

This section is intended for both users and developers. The quasiquote system is probably the most complex part of mcpyrate. In the words of Matthew Might, to understand is to implement. So let's talk about the implementation.

Whether working with quasiquoted code, or thinking about how the quasiquote system itself works, one must be very careful to avoid conflating different meta-levels.

Below, let mymacro be a macro that uses q to build (part of) its output AST.

  • "Time" (as in macro expansion time vs. run time) must be considered separately for each source file.
  • As for how q works, the question is: how does one lift the input AST of a macro, from macro expansion time (of the macro's use site), into the corresponding AST, at run time (of the macro's use site)?
    • We make a new AST for code that, when it runs, it builds the original input AST as a run-time value. In mcpyrate, the function that does this is called astify.
    • For example, consider the expression q[cat], appearing inside the definition of mymacro. The input AST to q is ast.Name(id='cat'). Roughly speaking, the q macro outputs the "astified" AST ast.Call(ast.Name, [], [ast.keyword('id', ast.Constant(value='cat'))]).
      • Before reading on, let that sink in. The output AST says, call the function ast.Name with the named argument id='cat'. The ast.Call and ast.Constant nodes are there only because we represent that code as an AST.
        • In surface syntax notation, the same conversion is represented as cat becoming ast.Name(id='cat').
      • So when that code runs (at run time), the resulting run-time value, i.e. the result of the function call ast.Name(id='cat'), is a copy the original input AST that was supplied to the q macro.
        • Strictly speaking, it's a copy of the original AST minus any source location info, because we didn't say ast.Call(ast.Name, [], [ast.keyword('id', ast.Constant(value='cat')), ast.keyword('lineno', ...), ast.keyword('col_offset', ...)]). This is on purpose. The result of a quasiquote will be likely spliced into a different source file, so whatever line numbers we fill, they are wrong. Thus we let the macro expander fill in the appropriate line number (which is that of the macro invocation at the use site of mymacro) in the source file where the code is actually used.
      • Run time, at the use site of q, is exactly when we want the value. Keep in mind that in this example, the use site of q is inside mymacro. The run time of mymacro is the macro expansion time of its use site.
      • Also keep in mind that whatever the q macro returns - because q is a macro - is spliced into the AST of the use site (inside the definition of mymacro), to replace the macro invocation of q.
        • The code that is spliced in is the "astified" AST, which at run time builds the original input AST.
        • When the source file containing the definition of mymacro is macro-expanded, the q macro invocation expands away, into the "astified" AST. At run time of mymacro the q macro invocation is already long gone.
  • It cannot be overemphasized that values are a run-time thing. This includes any trees sent to the a (ast-unquote) operator.
    • For example, for the invocation a[tree], at macro expansion time of a (as well as that of the surrounding q), all that the a operator (respectively, the q operator) sees is just ast.Name(id='tree'). That tree refers to a run-time value at the use site of q - a value that doesn't exist yet at macro expansion time.
    • Hence, the unquote operators must perform part of their work at run time (of their use site), when the values are available. This includes any type checking of those values.

The above explanation is somewhat simplified.

The code generated by q is mostly an "astified" AST consisting of calls to various AST node constructors, but it may also have some other function calls (to functions defined in mcpyrate.quotes) sprinkled in that do something and then return an AST snippet. These function calls perform the run-time work of the operators.

So when the run-time value is evaluated, at run time of the use site of q, both the "astified" ast.Call function calls as well as the run-time parts of the operators run to construct the final AST. This final result is a plain AST, with no more function calls into the quasiquote system, and no extra ast.Call layer. This final AST only becomes available at run time of the use site of q.

How q arranges hygienic captures

Regular macros that want to use hygienic capture, without using quasiquotes, can just call the API functions capture_value or capture_as_macro.

q itself can't simply call capture_value, because it generates code for your macro. So instead of calling capture_value directly in the implementation of q, it needs to arrange things so that capture_value gets called at the use site of q.

If you write your own macro-generating macro that needs to do something similar, you can make an ast.Call that will, at run time, call capture_value with the appropriate arguments, and splice that ast.Call into your output. As the arguments in the ast.Call, you'll want to set value to the tree for the expression whose value you want to capture, and name to an ast.Constant with a human-readable string value.

q does call capture_macro (note no as) directly. This works because the use site imports all the macros that source file will use already at macro-expansion time. (Even if some of the macros are only imported for use in macro output, specifically so that h[] can detect references to them.) So the relevant macro binding is available in the expander that is running that invocation of q.

This is better than delaying the macro capture until run time of the use site, because at run time, macro imports are gone. So the relevant binding must be recorded at macro expansion time anyway, from the expander that's expanding the use site of q. That's exactly the expander argument of the q macro function.

Also, there might not be an expander at the use site, if the use site is not in a macro. But even if it's in a macro and there happens to be a name expander in scope at run time, that points to the wrong expander - namely, the one expanding the use site of your macro (which is in a different file, that has different macro bindings). At that point, your macro has reached run time, so the expander that processed it is already gone.


Difference between h[] and u[]

The h[] operator accepts any picklable run-time value, including those that have no meaningful repr. Via pickling the captured value, to be stored with the bytecode, it carries those values from macro expansion time to run time (even if macro expansion time was last week).

The expansion result of h[] is actually a capture command that executes when the use site of the surrounding q[] does, rewriting itself into a lookup command at that time. The use site of q[] then sees just that lookup command.

The u[] operator operates statically, purely at macro expansion time. It takes the value apart, and generates an AST that will re-construct it. It is cheaper, but only works for expressions that evaluate to certain built-in types.

Differences to Common Lisp

In mcpyrate, the Common Lisp macro-implementation pattern, where one gensyms a new name, let-binds that to the current value of the old name, and then unquotes the new name in the quasiquoted code, looks like this:

thex = q[h[x]]
tree = q[...a[thex]...]

In the Lisp family, this is perhaps closer to how Scheme and Racket handle things, except that the hygienification must be asked for explicitly.

The above is for use cases where you need to access something that exists at the macro definition site.

If you instead need a new lexical variable name to assign something to, do this:

name = q[n[gensym()]]
with q as quoted:
    a[name] = ...

It's a peculiarity of Python that the quasiquote system is implemented as macros, unlike in Lisps, where these are typically special operators built in to the language core.

Python's macro systems themselves are obviously third-party addons. The core language wasn't designed to support this level of semantic extensibility, but it's powerful enough to allow developing systems to do that.

Unlike Lisps, we must provide several types of unquotes (u, n, a), because Python has a surface syntax, instead of representing source code directly as a lightly dressed up AST, like Lisps do.

Differences to macropy

In usage

By default, in mcpyrate, macros in quasiquoted code are not expanded when the quasiquote itself expands.

In mcpyrate, all quote and unquote operators have single-character names by default: q, u, n, a, s, t, h. Of these, q and u are as in macropy, the operator n most closely corresponds to name, a to ast_literal, and s to ast_list.

mcpyrate adds a sister for s, namely t, which works similarly, but makes an ast.Tuple. This is convenient especially in the macro argument position, because mcpyrate represents multiple macro arguments as a tuple.

In mcpyrate, there is just one quote operator, q[], although just like in macropy, there are several different unquote operators, depending on what you want to do. In mcpyrate, there is no unhygienic operator, because there is no separate hq quote.

For macro hygiene, we provide a hygienic unquote operator, h[]. So instead of implicitly hygienifying all Name nodes inside a hq[] like macropy does, mcpyrate instead expects the user to use the regular q[], and explicitly say which subexpressions to hygienify, by unquoting each of those separately with h[]. The hygienic unquote operator captures expressions by snapshotting a value; it does not care about names, except for human-readable output. Hygienically capturing an identifier snapshots its current value when the use site of the surrounding q reaches run time.

In mcpyrate, also macro names can be captured hygienically.

In mcpyrate, hygienically captured run-time values are represented in the AST as a Call node that matches mcpyrate.quotes.is_captured_value. In macropy, hygienically captured identifiers are represented as Name nodes, and its machinery jumps through more hoops to retain the illusion they are regular names. It will rename them to avoid name conflicts, though; mcpyrate doesn't need to rename anything due to the different capture mechanism.

In mcpyrate, there is no expose_unhygienic, and no names are reserved for the macro system. (You can call a variable ast if you want, and it won't shadow anything important.)

The expose_unhygienic mechanism is not needed, because in mcpyrate, each macro-import is transformed into a regular import of the module the macros are imported from. So the macros can refer to anything in the top-level namespace of their module as attributes of that module object. (As usual in Python, this includes any imports. For example, mcpyrate.quotes refers to the stdlib ast module in the macro expansions as mcpyrate.quotes.ast for this reason.)

If you need to expose some name to allow the user to override it locally (e.g. a callback function, to be overridden in a block macro invocation), consider dynamic assignment (a.k.a. dynamic variables), such as that provided by our sister project unpythonic, as unpythonic.dyn. You can then set a default (make_dynvar(cat="tabby")) and let the user override it at run time (with dyn.let(cat="scottishfold")).

In mcpyrate, the a operator has also a block mode (with a), which unquotes statement AST nodes.

In mcpyrate, the n[] operator is a wrapper for ast.parse, so it will lift any source code that represents an expression, not only lexical variable references.

In implementation

We have closely followed the impressive, pioneering work that originally appeared in macropy. That source code, itself quite short, is full of creative ingenuity, although at places could be written more clearly, due to the first-generation nature of the system.

Since mcpyrate is a third-generation macro expander (and second-generation having quasiquote support), we have actively attempted to make the best of lessons learned, to make the implementation as readable as reasonably possible. We have liberally changed function and class names, and refactored things where this makes the code easier to understand.

Our h operator is both simpler and more general than macropy's hq[]. By using uuids in the lookup keys, we avoid the whole-file lexical scan.

We don't need to inject any additional imports. This makes the quasiquote system fully orthogonal to the rest of mcpyrate. (Well, almost; it uses mcpyrate.core.global_bindings. Still, although that was created for the use case of supporting h[] on macro names, in principle it's a generic core feature.)

Because mcpyrate transforms from module import macros, ... (after collecting macro definitions) into import module, we can just refer to our internal stuff (including the stdlib ast module) as attributes of the module mcpyrate.quotes. We feel this is the "better way" that source code comments in macropy's suggested must surely exist.

We allow capturing the value of any expr, not just identifiers. However, we also take a somewhat different approach, in that we don't even pretend to capture names; our h[] is an unquote operator that captures values, not a quote operator that walks the tree and changes names.


Based on quasiquotation as popularized by the Lisp family of languages, in turn based on Quine's linguistic device of the same name.