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File metadata and controls

222 lines (157 loc) · 9.37 KB


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def kittify(mytree):
    class Kittifier(ASTTransformer):
        def transform(self, tree):
            if type(tree) is ast.Constant:
                tree.value = "meow!" if self.state.meows % 2 == 0 else "miaow!"
                self.state.meows += 1
            return self.generic_visit(tree)  # recurse
    w = Kittifier(meows=0)    # set the initial state here
    mytree = w.visit(mytree)  # it's basically an ast.NodeTransformer
    print(w.collected)        # collected values, in the order visited
    return mytree

def getmeows(mytree):
    class MeowCollector(ASTVisitor):
        def examine(self, tree):
            if type(tree) is ast.Constant and tree.value in ("meow!", "miaow!"):
    w = MeowCollector()
    return w.collected

To bridge the feature gap between ast.NodeVisitor/ ast.NodeTransformer and macropy's Walker, we provide ASTVisitor and ASTTransformer that can context-manage their state for different subtrees, while optionally collecting items across the whole walk. These can be found in the module mcpyrate.walkers.

The walkers are based on ast.NodeVisitor and ast.NodeTransformer, respectively. So ASTVisitor only looks at the tree, gathering information from it, while ASTTransformer may perform edits.

The selling points of both are withstate, state, collect, collected, which see below.

For a realistic example, see mcpyrate.astfixers, or grep the mcpyrate codebase for other uses of ASTVisitor and ASTTransformer (there are a few).


Unless otherwise stated, each attribute is present in both ASTVisitor and ASTTransformer.

  • state: mcpyrate.bunch.Bunch: stores named values as its attributes.

    Mutable. The whole state can also be replaced by simply rebinding it (self.state = ...).

    It's essentially a namespace, implemented as an object that internally stores things in a dict. The point of using Bunch is convenience in access syntax; self.state.x instead of self.state['x'].

    If you're familiar with macropy's Walker, this replaces the set_ctx, set_ctx_for mechanism. Mutating the state directly is equivalent to set_ctx, and self.withstate(tree, k0=v0, ...) is equivalent to set_ctx_for.

  • collected: a list of collected values, in the order collected.


Unless otherwise stated, each method is present in both ASTVisitor and ASTTransformer.

  • __init__(k0=v0, ...): load the given bindings into the walker's initial state.

    The bindings can be accessed as self.state.k0, ...

  • visit(tree): start walking the tree. Can also be used to manually recurse selectively.

    Do not override this method, override examine (ASTVisitor) or transform (ASTTransformer) instead.

    This method implements the withstate machinery and transparent handling of statement suites (i.e. lists of AST nodes).

    Unlike the standard library classes, we don't dispatch to different methods based on node type; there is only one visit method, and only one examine or transform method it delegates to.

    When visiting a single node, visit forwards the value returned by examine (ASTVisitor) or transform (ASTTransformer).

  • examine(tree) (ASTVisitor only): examine one node. Abstract method, override this.

    There is only one examine method. To detect node type, use type(tree).

    This method must recurse explicitly. Use:

    • self.generic_visit(tree) to visit all children of tree.
    • self.visit(tree.something) to selectively visit only some children. Unlike in ast.NodeVisitor, it is ok to visit a statement suite directly; this will loop over the suite, visiting each node in it. (In that case there will be no return value.)

    As in ast.NodeVisitor:

    • Return value of examine is forwarded by visit.
    • generic_visit always returns None.
  • transform(tree) (ASTTransformer only): transform one node. Abstract method, override this!

    There is only one transform method. To detect the node type, use type(tree).

    Return value should be as in ast.NodeTransformer.visit. Usually it is the updated tree. It can be a list of AST nodes to replace with multiple nodes (when syntactically admissible, i.e. in statement suites), or None to delete this subtree.

    This method must recurse explicitly.

    Just like in ast.NodeTransformer.visit, you'll only ever get an individual AST node passed in as tree; statement suites will be sent one node at a time. If you need to replace or delete a whole suite, you can do that when transforming the statement node the suite belongs to.

    Just like when using ast.NodeTransformer, call self.generic_visit(tree) to recurse into all children of tree (including each node in any contained suite). If you generic_visit at the end of transform, then just like in ast.NodeTransformer, there's the shorthand return self.generic_visit(tree) to first generic_visit(tree) and then return tree.

    To recurse selectively, self.visit the desired subtrees. Be sure to use visit, not transform, to make withstate updates take effect.

    Unlike in ast.NodeTransformer, it is ok to visit a statement suite directly; this will loop over the suite, visiting each node in it. When visiting a suite this way, the return values for each item in the suite are treated properly, so that if a transform call returns several nodes, those will be spliced in to replace the original node in the suite, and if it returns None, the corresponding node will be removed from the suite.

  • generic_visit(tree): recurse into all children, including each node in any contained suite (i.e. a suite stored in an attribute of tree). Inherited from the standard library classes.

    • ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(tree) has no return value.
    • ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(tree) returns tree.
  • collect(value): collect a value (any object). For convenience, return value.

    The collected values are placed in the list self.collected, which is retained across the whole walk.

  • withstate(tree, k0=v0, ...): use an updated state while in a given subtree only.

    The current self.state is copied. The given bindings are merged into the copy, overwriting existing keys.

    When the walker enters the given tree, self.state becomes temporarily replaced by the updated state before calling self.transform. When the walker exits that tree (whether by normal exit or exception), the previous self.state is automatically restored.

    Any mutations to the updated state will then be lost - which is the whole point of withstate.

    The tree is identified by id(tree), at the time when visit enters it.

    If you need to store something globally across the walk (and the use case is different from collecting items), just write into a regular attribute of self. Note self.reset won't clear any attributes you add, so you might then want to override that, too (co-operatively; be sure to call super().reset).

    For withstate, tree can be an AST node, or a statement suite (list of AST nodes). If it is a statement suite, this is exactly equivalent to looping withstate over each node in the list.

    Nested subtrees can be withstate'd. The temporarily stashed previous states are kept on a stack.

  • reset(k0=v0, ...): clear the whole state stack and self.collected.

    Load the given bindings into the new, otherwise blank initial state.

    Use this to prepare for walking another unrelated tree, if you want to reuse the same ASTVisitor or ASTTransformer instance.

Terminating an ongoing visit

There are two ways to terminate an ongoing visit:

  • Recursion is explicit; simply don't recurse further. This assumes that the levels further up the call stack will co-operate.
  • Raise an exception. This will immediately exit the whole visit, assuming that the levels further up the call stack won't catch the exception.

Pattern for the second strategy:

def getmeows(mytree):
    class DetectionFinished(Exception):
    class MeowDetector(ASTVisitor):
        def examine(self, tree):
            if type(tree) is ast.Constant and tree.value in ("meow!", "miaow!"):
                raise DetectionFinished
    w = MeowCollector()
    except DetectionFinished:  # found at least one "meow!" or "miaow!"
        return True
    return False