Pygame is a set of python modules designed for writing video games. You will use pygame for your next project.
Read more about pygame here:
There are a few concepts that you need to be familiar with.
Pygame uses OOP. The Pygame modules contain several classes that you will use to create instacnes that perform functions in your pygame applications.
Sprite - This is a base class used to display things on the screen. You'll subclass it to make your specialized game objects.
Inheritence - A core feature of OOP. You'll use inheritence to create sepcialized classes from baseclasses.
Group - Group is a class used to manage groups of Sprites. You'll it's methods and properties work with the Sprites you create.
Polymorphism - You'll be subclassing the Sprite class to make new game objects. These will be contained in Groups. You'll be processing Sprites in Groups. Polymorphism will allow this to happen.
Game Loop - The Game Loop is a block of code that runs each time the screen is updated. The Game Loop is an important part of Game and software development in general. In many environments it's integral and you won't work with it directly. In your pygame project the game loop is responsible for updating the position of all of your game objects, checking for collisions, and handling events. These things need to be handled each time the game updates the screen which is typically 30 to 60 times per second.
Cartesian Coordinates - The games you create with pygame will draw on a 2d grid of pixels. Understanding this coordinate system is important positoning game elements on the screen.
RGB Color Model - Colors are handled with the RGB color model. You'll need to use this to
You will follow the tutorial here:
When you're done you'll turn your work in to GradeScope.