Creates an IOT topic rule and configures the Lambda to run when a message is published on a matching IOT Gateway topic
claudia add-iot-topic-rule {OPTIONS}
: the IOT SQL Statement for the topic filter, see For example: SELECT * FROM 'iot/+'
: (optional) The name of the topic rule- For example: temperaturecheck
- Defaults to: a random autogenerated name
: (optional) topic rule description- For example: Checks temperature limits
- Defaults to: empty
: (optional) IOT SQL Language version used in the SQL statement, see For example: beta
- Defaults to: 2015-10-08
: (optional) Bind to a particular version- For example: production
- Defaults to: latest version
: (optional) Directory with project files- Defaults to: current directory
: (optional) Config file containing the resource names- Defaults to: claudia.json