Initial support for FreeBSD has been added. Support is experimental.
The database, boltdb, used locks the database file to ensure only one process has access to the database. This prevents multiple instances of CLInote to run at the same time. This improvement ensures the database closes at least 5 seconds after the last db action to allow other instances access the db.
The notebook name has been added to the note header. The note can be moved to a different notebook by changing the notebook in the header.
The release binaries are now stripped to reduce the size.
Added unit tests for the function CreateAndEditNewNote
- Ensure notes ends with a new line character.
- Fixed temporary filename when editing new notes
It's possible to add credential via the user add command. This can be used to add a different user account.
The output tables are now generated by the tablewriter package.
If the note saving fails, due to for example a network issue,
clinote will save a copy of the note to the local storage.
The saved note can be recovered by using the --recover
A new note header is now added to the note. The header currently only holds the note title but more can be added in the future. Changing the note title in the header will change the note title.
- The note edit logic has been moved to the main library.
- Added unit tests for testing the logic.
- Added overflow check for cached note list
- Fix bug when moving note to different notebook
This release adds support for BoltDB storage.
- Notebook list is cached. The cache is refreshed if it's older than 24 hours or when you force a refresh using the new flag
. - Searches of notes are cached. See README for use cases.
Switched to a different HTML to Markdown library. Should parse the note content better.
Moved all Evernote code into one package.
A notes content can now be viewed and edited in XML form instead
of markdown. Call the command edit, new, or note with the --raw
flag to edit, create, or view the note content in XML format.
The external browser during login is now started in the background.
The XML decoder was to strict which could cause it to fail and an empty note content was returned. The new decoder is less strict.
Initial release