Keep a dictionary of the adjacent list as, adjacency_list:
Nodename as key, value as list of tuples
Keep another dictionary as H: Nodename as key, heuristic value as value
Write a python class named Node with the following attributes: nodename : String
parent : Node
g : float
h : float
f : float
Add a constructor that takes four parameters(nodename, parent, g, h) to initialize the attributes
Create an empty list name priority_queue
Create a Node object, NOb of the “S” node with (nodename: ‘S’, parent: None, g: 0, h: H[‘S’]) and Insert the node in priority_queue
Now inside a while loop:
while priority_queue is not empty:
Find out the Node object in priority_queue with the minimum value of f
Extract it from the priority_queue and store it in NOb
If NOb.nodename == ‘G’:
For every neighbor of NOb.nodename from adjacency_list
Insert a new node in priority_queue with (nodename: neighbor_name, parent: NOb, g: NOb.g + edge_cost, h: H[NOb.nodename])
Set NOb = None
path = []
cost = NOb.g
while NOb.parent is not None:
NOb = NOb.parent
Reverse the path list
Print the path and cost
adjacency_list = {
'S': [('A', 1), ('B', 4)],
'A': [('B', 2), ('C', 5), ('G', 12)],
'B': [('C', 2)],
'C': [('D', 2), ('G', 3)],
'D': [('G', 2), ('A', 2)],
'G': [('C', 4)]
H = {
'S': 7,
'A': 6,
'B': 2,
'C': 1,
'D': 1,
'G': 0