- Practice the concepts
- JavaScript exercises
- Code along
- PROJECT: The Tip Calculator
Let's get familiar with basic Javascript concepts, with interactive exercises! Check out the following resources:
Inside of your
fork, navigate to the folderWeek3
. Then to the folderjs-exercises
. In this folder you will find separate files for each exercise. Please put your code in the correct file.
Exercise 1: Add six
Declare a function called createBase
. The function takes a number as a parameter and return a closure, that adds a number to the base number argument.
Call the function three times. The return values should be:
- 15
- 24
- 33
It should look a little like this:
function createBase() {
// Put here your logic...
const addSix = createBase(6);
// Put here your function calls...
Exercise 2: Take out the duplicates
Write a function called removeDuplicates
, that takes in an array as an argument:
const letters = ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'f', 'f', 'c', 'b'];
The function should modifies the original array: it should remove duplicate letters and return
the result.
The end result should be:
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'];
Exercise 3: Guess the output
In this exercise you'll be presented with a code snippet. Your task is to guess the output and write out your reasoning in 50 words or less.
// Snippet
let a = 10;
const x = (function() {
a = 12;
return function() {
Exercise 4: Guess more
In this exercise you'll be presented with another code snippet. Guess the output and write out your reasoning in 50 words or less.
// Snippet
const x = 9;
function f1(val) {
val = val + 1;
return val;
const y = { x: 9 };
function f2(val) {
val.x = val.x + 1;
return val;
Exercise 5: The lottery machine
Don't you just love the thrill of the lottery? What if I told you we can make our own lottery machine? Let's get started!
Write a function that takes 4 arguments.
- A start value
- An end value
- A callback that executes if the number is divisible by 3
- A callback that executes if the number is divisible by 5
The function should first generate an array containing values from start value to end value (inclusive).
Then the function should take the newly created array and iterate over it, and calling the first callback if the array value is divisible by 3.
The function should call the second callback if the array value is divisible by 5.
Both functions should be called if the array value is divisible by both 3 and 5.
Here is a starter template:
function threeFive(startIndex, stopIndex, threeCallback, fiveCallback) {
const numbers = [];
// make array
// start at beginning of array and check if you should call threeCallback or fiveCallback or go on to next
threeFive(10, 15, sayThree, sayFive);
// Should create an array [10,11,12,13,14,15]
// and call sayFive, sayThree, sayThree, sayFive
In the following "code along" you'll be making a Booklist App. A user will be able to add books to a list by filling in a form, and also delete each book entry in the list.
You'll make the app using vanilla JavaScript and CSS framework Bootstrap.
Happy learning!
Every week ends with a project you have to build on your own. Instead of getting clear-cut instructions, you'll get a list of criteria that your project needs to measure up to.
Important! Place your code in the folder
Week3 \ project
In this week's project you'll be making a Tip Calculator! A user can fill in 3 things:
- The amount of the bill
- How good the service was
- How many people will share the bill
When the button is clicked a calculation is made and the user can read the tip amount underneath.
It should look like this:
Here are the requirements:
- No frameworks allowed
- Use a form, that has 3 input fields (the first and last can only take numbers)
- The second field should have the following options:
- If there's only 1 person who shares the bill, output only the tip amount (omit the "each")
- If any of the input fields are empty when the button is clicked, call an alert that says: "You need to fill in all the fields!"
See it in action here.
Good luck!
Finished? Good on you! The homework that needs to be submitted is the following:
- JavaScript exercises
- PROJECT: The Tip Calculator
Upload both to your forked JavaScript2 repository in GitHub. Make a pull request to the original repository.
Forgotten how to upload your homework? Go through the guide to learn how to do this again.
Deadline Saturday 23.59 CET