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File metadata and controls

126 lines (90 loc) · 4.74 KB


Basic features:

  • Send email on Live start
  • Send email with danmaku preceded by keyword on Live end
  • Record guard buy and report in live end email

Optional features:

  • Send comment to jump to marked timestamp under livestream replay
  • Send reminder on the hour
  • Ban/Unban users on keywords and gift

How to deploy (tested with AWS EC2 Ubuntu & AWS RDS mysql)?

1. Prepare virtual environment on EC2 Ubuntu

Note: Allow internet access from when setting up EC2

Note: python3.10 and python3.12 WILL NOT WORK

sudo apt update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install python3.11 -y
screen -S BLM
git clone
cd BiliLiveManager
python3.11 -m venv py311
source py311/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Create mysql database

Remember to allow access from your EC2 instance when setting up AWS RDS mysql database

Fill database access information into mysql.json

vim Configs/mysql.json

Create tables

CREATE TABLE credentials (master VARCHAR(255), sessdata VARCHAR(255), bili_jct VARCHAR(255), buvid3 VARCHAR(255), dedeuserid VARCHAR(255), ac_time_value VARCHAR(255))
CREATE TABLE liveTime (room_id INT, start TIMESTAMP, end TIMESTAMP, summary VARCHAR(255))
CREATE TABLE danmu (name VARCHAR(255), uid BIGINT UNSIGNED, text VARCHAR(255), type INT, medal_id INT, medal_level INT, time TIMESTAMP, room_id INT, danmu_id VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)
CREATE TABLE banned (uid BIGINT UNSIGNED, reason VARCHAR(255), time TIMESTAMP, room_id INT)
CREATE TABLE postProgress (room_id INT, aid INT)
CREATE TABLE checkin (uid BIGINT UNSIGNED, room_id INT, name VARCHAR(255), slot_0 INT, slot_1 INT, slot_2 INT, slot_3 INT, slot_4 INT, slot_5 INT, slot_6 INT, slot_7 INT, slot_8 INT, slot_9 INT, slot_10 INT, slot_11 INT, slot_12 INT, slot_13 INT, slot_14 INT, slot_15 INT, slot_16 INT, slot_17 INT, slot_18 INT, slot_19 INT, slot_20 INT, slot_21 INT, slot_22 INT, slot_23 INT, slot_24 INT, slot_25 INT, slot_26 INT, slot_27 INT, slot_28 INT, slot_29 INT, count INT AS SUM(slot_0, slot_1, slot_2, slot_3, slot_4, slot_5, slot_6, slot_7, slot_8, slot_9, slot_10, slot_11, slot_12, slot_13, slot_14, slot_15, slot_16, slot_17, slot_18, slot_19, slot_20, slot_21, slot_22, slot_23, slot_24, slot_25, slot_26, slot_27, slot_28, slot_29), all_time INT, UNIQUE (uid, room_id))
CREATE TABLE guard (room_id int, uid BIGINT UNSIGNED, username varchar(255), guard_name varchar(255), guard_num int)
cur.execute("INSERT INTO checkin (uid, room_id, name, slot_0) VALUES (<MASTER_UID_HERE>, ROOM_ID_HERE, 'MASTER_NICKNAME', 1)")

3. Log into in PRIVATE browser window

Get credentials following this guide

Store your credentials in database, give this account a nickname as master

from json import load
from mysql.connector import connect
mydb = connect(**load(open("Configs/mysql.json")))
cur = mydb.cursor()
sql = "UPDATE credentials SET sessdata=%s, bili_jct=%s, buvid3=%s, dedeuserid=%s, ac_time_value=%s WHERE master=%s"
val = ("<sessdata>", "<bili_jct>", "<buvid3>","<dedeuserid>", "<ac_time_value>", "<master>")
cur.execute(sql, val)

4. Get gmail credentials

Get gmail app password following this guide

Rename and fill Configs/masterCongid.json

5. Fill in which Stream(s) to monitor

Fill the room id, and the account nickname into room_ids of Configs/masterConfig.json

Note: Put room_id in quotes!

6. Create a config{room_id}.json per stream

See template Configs/config{room_id}.json

Note: Feature flag 0 is OFF ; 1 is ON

7. Run

python 1>out 2>error &

8. Install and run apache server

sudo apt install apache2
sudo chown -R ubuntu /var/www
sudo service apache2 restart
cd var/www/html

modify index.html and {room_id}.html according to web/index.html

When used in obs/哔哩哔哩直播姬:

'browser source' -> <EC2_public_ip>/{room_id}.html -> banner_style.css

9. set cron jobs

55 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/BiliLiveManager && py311/bin/python 2> popout &
10 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/BiliLiveManager && py311/bin/python 2> postout &
@reboot cd /home/ubuntu/BiliLiveManager && py311/bin/python 1>out 2>error &
@reboot sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart