Now that you tested your CLI queries and transactions, time to test same things in the REST server. Leave the carnot
that you had running earlier and start by gathering your addresses:
$ carnotcli keys show jack --address
Now its time to start the rest-server
in another terminal window:
$ carnotcli rest-server --chain-id tctestchain --trust-node
Then you can construct and run the following queries:
NOTE: Be sure to substitute your password and buyer/owner addresses for the ones listed below!
# Get the sequence and account numbers for jack to construct the below requests
$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/auth/accounts/$(carnotcli keys show jack -a)
# > {
"type": "auth/Account",
"value": {
"address": "cosmos1eg37masx8qk20lfz0sfcu2tsfea7pcxkcst40g",
"coins": [
"denom": "cttc",
"amount": "800"
"public_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
"value": "A/7aLwoApKQM19OqenU8yVg16cgYe5rfzUIWFpD0fP1+"
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "4"
# Deposit coin from Cosmos to TTC
# NOTE: Be sure to specialize this request for your specific environment
$ curl -XPOST -s http://localhost:1317/tcchan/deposit --data-binary '{"base_req":{"from":"cosmos1eg37masx8qk20lfz0sfcu2tsfea7pcxkcst40g","password":"12345678","chain_id":"tctestchain","sequence":"7","account_number":"0","amount":"66cttc"},"target":"t0c233eC8cB98133Bf202DcBAF07112C6Abb058B89","amount":"50cttc","name":"jack","pass":"12345678"}'
# > {
"height": "0",
"txhash": "62CABFDE45F4BE3B4B078282D41E0B6D9BAE221E935825512352DE3482FEE190"
# Query the current status
$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/tcchan/current
# {
"maxOrderNumber": "4",
"currentDeposit": [
"orderID": "1",
"step": "0"
"orderID": "2",
"step": "0"
"orderID": "3",
"step": "0"
"orderID": "4",
"step": "0"
"currentWithdraw": null
# Query order details
$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/tcchan/order/1
# {
"orderId": "1",
"blockNumber": "0",
"accAddress": "cosmos1eg37masx8qk20lfz0sfcu2tsfea7pcxkcst40g",
"ttcAddress": "t0c233eC8cB98133Bf202DcBAF07112C6Abb058B89",
"value": {
"denom": "",
"amount": "0"
"deposit": false,
"status": "0"
"base_req": {
"from": "string",
"chain_id": "string",
"sequence": "number",
"account_number": "number",
"gas": "string,not_req",
"gas_adjustment": "string,not_req",
"target": "string",
"amount": "string"
"name": "string",
"password": "string"
"base_req": {
"from": "string",
"chain_id": "string",
"sequence": "number",
"account_number": "number",
"gas": "string,not_req",
"gas_adjustment": "strin,not_reqg"
"target": "string",
"amount": "string",
"name": "string",
"password": "string"