Property | Value |
Hex Value | $BB30 |
Categories | |
Localizations |
Displays complex value
in polar format.
Availability: Token available everywhere.
complex value ►Polar
Name | Type | Optional |
complex value | complex |
math, CMPLX
, 7:Polar
The ►Polar command can be used when displaying a complex number on the home screen, or with the Disp and Pause commands. It will then format the number as though r𝑒^θ𝑖 mode were enabled. It also works with lists.
{1 1𝑒^(1.570796327i)}
It will also work when displaying a number by putting it on the last line of a program by itself. It does not work with Output(, Text(, or any other more complicated display commands.
To actually separate a number into the components of polar form, use abs( and angle(.
- ERR:SYNTAX is thrown if the command is used somewhere other than the allowed display commands.
- ERR:DATA TYPE is thrown if the value is real.
Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: DarkerLine, GoVegan.
Calculator | OS Version | Description |
TI-83 | 0.01013 | Added |