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Workflows 工作流

Workflows is a container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes.We build it on top of Argo Workflows, which is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition).

工作流是一个容器原生的工作流引擎,用于在Kubernetes上编排并行作业。我们在Argo Workflow之上构建它,它被作为Kubernetes CRD实现的 (自定义资源定义).

Argo Workflow Install安装Argo Workflow

You need to configure the ArgoWorkflow environment before deploy your own workflows. Fortunately, it is extremely convenient to install ArgoWorkflow based on the cloud-native k8s environment. Make sure you have kubectl configured correctly on your machine, use kubectl apply command with installation yaml file in workflows/ folder to install Argo:

你需要在部署自己的工作流之前配置 Argo Workflow环境。幸好,基于云原生k8s环境安装Argo Workflow非常方便。确保您在您的机器上正确配置了 kubectl ,使用在 workflows/文件夹中带有安装yaml文件的 kubectl apply 按键去安装Argo:

# Create specific namespace for ArgoWorkflow 
$ kubectl create ns argo  kubectl 
# Install ArgoWorkflow  
$ kubectl apply -f workflows/install.yaml -n argo

Optional: Download the latest Argo CLI from official releases page which includes the guide on setting up.

可选:从官方发布页面下载最新的Argo CLI,其中包括设置指南。

Configure Artifact Repository 配置Artifact仓库

To run Argo workflows that use artifacts, such as Mnist we are running, you must configure and use an artifact repository. Argo supports any S3 compatible artifact repository such as AWS, GCS ( Google Cloud Storage ) and Minio. We all used GCS in our examples:

为了运行使用artifacts的Argo workflows,如我们正在运行的Mnist ,必须配置和使用一个artifact repository。

Argo支持任何与S3兼容的artifact repository ,如AWS、GCS(谷歌云存储)和 Minio。我们在示例中都使用了 GCS

  1. Create a bucket and name it mlops-example-bucket from the GCP Console 从 GCP 控制台创建一个存储桶并将其命名为 mlops-example-bucket (

  2. Create the Service Account key and store it as a K8s secret:创建服务帐户密钥并将其存储为 K8s 机密:

    # Create specific namespace for Mnist Demo 为 Mnist Demo 
    $ kubectl create ns mnist-demo  kubectl 
    # Create secret for GCS used by Mnist workflows  
    $ kubectl create secret generic mlops-bucket-serviceaccount --from-file=serviceAccountKey=<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-KEY-file> -n mnist-demo

Create Service Account for Argo Workflows 为Argo Workflows创建服务账户

To access cluster resources, such as pods and workflows contronller, you should create a new service account with proper authorization.

要访问集群资源,如pods和workflows 控制器,您应该创新一个具体适当授权的新的服务账户

$ kubectl create -f workflows/create-serviceaccounts.yaml -n mnist-demo

Mnist Example (Optional) Mnist 示例(可选)

Build Images 构建图像

All scripts used for Mnist model training and evaling are in the mnist/ folder, use docker build command to build and tag the image:

用于Mnist 模型训练和评估的所有脚本都在mnist/文件夹,使用docker build 命令构建和标记图像

$ cd mnist/docker/
$ docker build -t $DOCKER_REGISTRY/$MY_ORG/mnist-example:$TAG ./
$ docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/$MY_ORG/mnist-example:$TAG

Scripts used for Mnist serving are in the mnist-serving folder: 用到Mnist服务的脚本在 mnist-serving 文件夹中:

$ cd mnist-serving/docker/
$ docker build -t $DOCKER_REGISTRY/$MY_ORG/mnist-serving:$TAG ./
$ docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/$MY_ORG/mnist-serving:$TAG

Feel free to choose your favorite docker registry(dockerhub, huaweicloud swr...) and create the organization. You may need to login the registry before pushing.

自由地选择您 最喜欢的docker注册中心(dockerhub、huaweicloud swr...)并创建组织。

Replace the image values替换图像值

After building and pushing the images, specify the image url in the corresponding yaml file, mnist-train-eval.yaml in this demo.


$ cd workflows
$ vim examples/mnist-train-eval.yaml
# Update the value of 'image' field to your own docker registry url

Setup Mnist workflow设置 Mnist Workflow

Then all you have to do is set up the resources with kubectl:

然后你所要做的就是使用 kubectl 设置资源:

# Setup Mnist workflow:
$ cd workflows
$ kubectl apply -f ./examples/mnist-train-eval.yaml -n mnist-demo

NOTE: Once all three steps in workflow mnist-train-eval passed, you can visit the mnist website with url https://MASTER_NODE_IP:9003 . Draw a digit and test it.

注意: 一旦工作流 mnist-train-eval 所有的三个步骤都通过,您可以使用 url 访问 mnist 网站 https://MASTER_NODE_IP:9003 .


Events is an event-driven workflow automation framework for Kubernetes which helps you trigger K8s objects, Argo Workflows, Serverless workloads, etc. on events from a variety of sources like webhooks, S3, schedules, messaging queues, gcp pubsub, sns, sqs, etc.

Events是一个用于Kubernetes的事件驱动的工作流自动框架,它可以帮助触发K8s对象,Argo Workflows,无服务器工作负载等来自各种来源的事件,如 webhooks, S3, schedules, messaging queues, gcp pubsub, sns, sqs等。

Argo Events Install安装Argo Events

Argo Events is an event-driven workflow automation framework for Kubernetes which helps you trigger K8s objects, Argo Workflows, Serverless workloads, etc. on events from a variety of sources like webhooks, S3, schedules, messaging queues, gcp pubsub, sns, sqs, etc.

Argo Events是一个用于Kubernetes的事件驱动的工作流自动框架,它可以帮助触发K8s对象,Argo Workflows,无服务器工作负载等来自各种来源的事件,如 webhooks, S3, schedules, messaging queues, gcp pubsub, sns, sqs等。

# Create specific namespace for argo events
$ kubectl create namespace argo-events

# Deploy Argo Events, SA, ClusterRoles, Sensor Controller, EventBus Controller and EventSource Controller.
# Cluster-wide Installation
$ kubectl apply -f events/install.yaml
# Or Namespace Installation
$ kubectl apply -f events/namespace-install.yaml

Create Service Account for Argo Events为Argo Events创建服务账户

To make the Sensors be able to trigger Workflows, a Service Account with RBAC settings is required (assume you run the examples in the namespace argo-events).

为了使传感器能够触发工作流,需要一个具有 RBAC设置的服务账户(假设您在命名空间 argo-events 中运行示例)。

$ kubectl apply -f events/create-serviceaccount.yaml -n argo-events

Webhook Example of Argo Events (Optional)

Argo Events的 Webhook示例

We are going to set up a sensor and event-source for webhook. The goal is to trigger an Argo workflow upon a HTTP Post request.

我们将为 webhook 设置传感器和事件源。目标是根据 HTTP Post 请求触发 Argo workflow。

  • Set up the eventbus.

    $ kubectl apply -f events/examples/eventbus_native.yaml -n argo-events
  • Create the webhook event source.

    $ kubectl apply -f events/examples/eventsource_webhook.yaml -n argo-events
  • Create the webhook sensor.

    $ kubectl apply -f events/examples/sensor_webhook.yaml -n argo-events

If the commands are executed successfully, the eventbus, event-source and sensor pods will get created. You will also notice that a service is created for the event-source.

如果成功执行命令,将创建事件总线、事件源和传感器pods。 您还会注意到为事件源创建的一个服务。

  • Use either Curl or Postman to send a post request to the http://localhost:9100/example.

    $ curl -d '{"message":"this is my first webhook"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9100/example
  • Now, you should see an Argo workflow being created.

    $ kubectl get wf -n argo-events
  • Make sure the workflow pod ran successfully. You will see the message printed in the workflow logs

     < this is my first webhook >
                        ##        .
                ## ## ##       ==
            ## ## ## ##      ===
        /""""""""""""""""___/ ===
    ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
        \______ o          __/
            \    \        __/


We build CD on top of ArgoCD, which is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

我们在 ArgoCD 之上构建 CD,ArgoCD 是一种用于 Kubernetes 的声明性 GitOps 持续交付工具。

Argo CD Install

We will create a new namespace, argocd, where Argo CD services and application resources will live.

我们将创建一个新的命名空间 argocd,Argo CD 服务和应用程序资源将存放在其中。

$ kubectl create namespace argocd
$ kubectl apply -f cd/install.yaml -n argocd

Login via UI

The initial password for the admin account is auto-generated and stored as clear text in the field password in a secret named argocd-initial-admin-secret in your Argo CD installation namespace. You can simply retrieve this password using kubectl:

admin 帐户的初始密码是自动生成的,并以明文形式存储在 Argo CD 安装命名空间中名为 argocd-initial-admin-secret 的密码字段中。您可以使用 kubectl简单地检索此密码:

$ kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Open a browser to the Argo CD external UI, and login by visiting the IP/hostname(https://MASTER_NODE_IP:2747) in a browser.

打开浏览器到 Argo CD 外部 UI,并通过在浏览器中访问 IP/主机名(https://MASTER_NODE_IP:2747) 登录。

Few things to take care of 注意事项

  • The current default setting of Argo needs to use the token to login, you may need to generate a token with shell script we provided:


    $ ./workflows/
    # Copy the output starting with 'Bearer' to the token box of the Argo login interface (https://MASTER_NODE_IP:2746)
    # Now you can see all the workflows in argo namespace on https://MASTER_NODE_IP:2746/workflows/argo web.

    Argo url: https://MASTER_NODE_IP:2746

  • Before you deploy the public network service, please make sure that the firewall policy of your cloud server allows outgoing communication on the required port, such as port 2746 and 9003 .

    在部署公网服务之前,请确保您的云服务器的防火墙策略允许在所需端口上进行传出通信,例如端口 27469003

  • See more technical details in the Argo Workflows official document and Argo Events official document.

    更多技术细节,请查看 Argo Workflows official documentArgo Events official document

  • See more examples in Argo Workflows Github Repository and Argo Events Github Repository.

    更多示例,请查看Argo Workflows Github RepositoryArgo Events Github Repository