The actors in the diagrams are as follows:
Actor | Description |
Controller | The coordination layer of FTL. This creates and manages Runner instances, routing, resource creation, etc. |
Platform | The platform FTL is running on, eg. Kubernetes, VMs, etc. |
Runner | The component of FTL that coordinates with the Controller to spawn and route to user code. |
Deployment | Optional process containing user code serving VerbService for a module written in a particular language. This code may be dynamically loaded and served by the Runner. |
participant B as Controller
participant P as Platform
participant R as Runner
B ->> P: CreateRunner(language)
P ->> R: CreateInstance(language)
R ->> B: RegisterRunner(language)
participant C as Client
participant B as Controller
box Module
participant R as Runner
participant D as Deployment
C ->> B: GetArtefactDiffs()
B -->> C: missing_digests
loop All artefacts
C ->> B: UploadArtefact()
B -->> C: digest
C ->> B: CreateDeployment()
B -->> C: id
B ->> R: Deploy(id)
R -->> B: ack
R ->> B: GetDeployment(id)
B -->> R: schema
R ->> B: GetDeploymentArtefacts(id)
B -->> R: artefacts
loop Until alive
R ->> D: Ping()
R ->> B: Deployed(id)
B ->> B: UpdateRoutingTable()
This diagram shows a routing example for a client calling verb V0 which calls verb V1.
%% autonumber
participant C as Client
participant B as Controller
box Module0
participant R0 as Runner0
participant M0 as Deployment0
box Module1
participant R1 as Runner1
participant M1 as Deployment1
C ->> B: Call(Module0.V0)
B ->> R0: Call(Module0.V0)
R0 ->> M0: Call(Module0.V0)
M0 ->> B: Call(Module1.V1)
B ->> R1: Call(Module1.V1)
R1 ->> M1: Call(Module1.V1)
M1 -->> R1: R1
R1 -->> B: R1
B -->> M0: R1
M0 -->> R0: R0
R0 -->> B: R0
B -->> C: R0