Releases: SynapseSL/Synapse
Version 2.7.1
+ Added Exception for when Reloading throws an Error
+ Added Command Arguments
+ Synapse Commands are now also added to the auto completion
* fixed CustomRole bug
* fixed Command AutoCompletion bug
* fixed Player.Hurt() and Player.Kill()
* fixed Ragdoll bug
* fixed Permission bug with NW Group
* fixed LeavePocketEvent
- Debug Commands
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
The KeyPressInjector.exe
is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
Game Update 11.0.0
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
The KeyPressInjector.exe
is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
Version 2.6.1 - Patch Release
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ added subcommand delete to permission command
+ PermissionHandler.DeleteServerGroup()
* improved ModDescription
* fixed escape messages for ClassD
* fixed Micro Exception
* Escape Event invokes now correctly
Version 2.6.0
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ PlayerDamagePermissionEvent
+ PlayerUncuffTargetEvent
+ PlayerChangeItemEvent
+ TransmitPlayerDataEvent
+ Player.Radio
+ Player.DissonanceUserSetup
+ Player.Escape
+ Player.MovementState
+ Player.GetSightPreference()
+ Player.GetbarrelPreference
+ Player.GetOtherPreference
+ Door.IsPryable
+ RoleManager.UnRegisterCustomRole()
+ Round.MtfTickets
+ Round.ChaosTickets
+ Round.SpawnVehicle()
+ Round.PlayChaosSpawnSound()
+ SerializedPlayerItem
+ SerializedAmmo
+ SerializedPlayerInventory
+ support for int constructor in Role
+ RoleInformation
+ Synapse can load in the Server files
+ AutoFF Config
+ Some fixes in the SynapseLoader
+ Synapse Exceptions
+ Inheritance for SynapseGroups
+ Dummy Rework => They can now walk
+ WeaponType enum
* fixed Player.Cuffer
* Reworked the Escape system -> can break Plugins
* fixed Translation Bug
* fixed 939 can see Invisible bug
* fixed Dummy Player ID Bug
* RoleManager.RegisterCustomRole can now also be used with RoleInformation
* RoleManager.CustomRoles is now a List -> can break Plugins
Game Update 10.2.2
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ SerializedVector3
* Update to Game Version 10.2.2
* fixed permission null excpetion
* fixed player leave event null exception
Version 2.5.2
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ Scp173PlacerScript.TurnedPlayers
+ CantLookAt173 Config in config.syml
* fixed Round.NextRespawn
* fixed Player null exception in Player leave event
* fixed Respawn command description
* fixed many bugs in special situations with CustomRoles and CustomTeams
* If SCP-173 can see invisible players and someone is Invisible he will be turned so that he doesn't stop the movement of SCP-173
* shared config/translation/permission is prefered
- SynapseExtensions.CanNotHurtByScp() is now Obsolete
Update for Game Hotfix
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ Dummy.Player
+ Player.IsDummy
+ Map.Dummies
+ Ragdoll.CreateRagdoll()
+ PermissionHandler.Groups
* Player.Cuffer now returns Host if he is forced cuffed
* fixed Nuke.Detonate()
* Dummys have now all different Player ids
New Translation System
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ Synapse Translation
+ SynapseTeam API
+ Room.LightsOut
+ Room.SetLightIntensity
+ Room.Doors
+ Door.Rooms
+ Door.Open
+ Door.Locked
+ Elevator.ElevatorType
+ Elevator.ToString()
+ Map.GetElevator()
+ Update Event
+ Player.ExecuteCommand()
+ ScpTrigger173 config
+ Server.OfflineBanID()
+ Server.OfflineBanIP()
+ TeamRespawnEventArgs.TeamID
+ Synapse respawn command
* PlayerLeave Event is now invoked before the player is dead
* moved spawn methods from Map to each class
* changed IRole.GetEscapeRole to integer
* fixed Elevator.Name
* fixed Scp079 recontain bug
* fixed Scp0492 spawn bug
* fixed Scp096 Attack Event
* fixed Map.TriggerTeslaEvent
* fixed bug that tesla is activating while being invisible
- Door.IsOpen
- TriggerTeslaEventArgs.HurtRange
Game Update 10.2.1
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ Server.Prefabs
+ Map.SpawnDoorVariant()
+ Door.Rotation
+ Door.setPosition
+ Auto builder for Pull Request (GitHub only)
* Update to Game Version 10.2.1
* improved PlayerDeathPatch
Game Update 10.2.0 Door Hotfix
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ Door.IsBreakable
+ Door.IsOpen
+ Door.TryBreakDoor()
* update DoorType Enum
* Logger accepts now any object
* fixed many bugs related to the new Door api