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StravaZpot Swift

A fluent API to integrate with Strava on iOS apps written in Swift.


This document explains how to use StravaZpot in your Swift iOS app. For additional questions, you may want to check Strava official documentation here.


Authentication View Controller

Strava uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate users, and then request them to grant permission to your app. To get a Client ID and Secret from Strava for your app, follow this link.

Once you have your app credentials, you can create an AuthenticationViewController and set the necessary fields with the following code:

let authenticationViewController = AuthenticationViewController()
authenticationViewController.url = url // URL
authenticationViewController.redirectURL = redirectURL // String
authenticationViewController.delegate = delegate // AuthenticationDelegate
authenticationViewController.title = "Login to Strava"

The url that you need to send has some special arguments. StravaZpot provides an easy way to build it:

let url = StravaLogin(clientID: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>,
                      redirectURI: <YOUR_REDIRECT_URL>,
                      approvalPrompt: ApprovalPrompt.force,
                      accessScope: AccessScope.Write).makeURL()

You need to notice several things with this call:

  • <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> must be replaced with the Client ID provided by Strava when you registered your application.
  • <YOUR_REDIRECT_URL> must be in the domain you specified when you registered your app in Strava.
  • Refer to ApprovalPrompt enum to get more options for this parameter.
  • Refer to AccessScope enum to get more options for this parameter.

The delegate you pass to the AuthenticationViewController must implement the protocol AuthenticationDelegate, which consists of a single method:

func authenticationViewController(_ authenticationViewController: AuthenticationViewController, didFinishWithCode code: String) {
  // Use code to obtain token

Obtain a Token

Every Strava API call needs a token to prove the user is authenticated and the app has permission to access the API. After you have obtained the code from user login, you need to exchange it with Strava to get a token. You can do it with the following code:

let client = HTTPClientBuilder.authenticationClient(debug: true)
AuthenticationAPI(client: client)
  .getToken(forApp: AppCredentials(clientID: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>,
                                   clientSecret: <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>),
            withCode: self.code)
  .execute { loginResult : StravaResult<LoginResult> in
    // Check if result is successful or not

Notice that in this call you must provide the Client ID and Secret provided by Strava when you registered your application, and the code obtained during the login process. Also, the execution of the previous code involves a network request; you are responsible for calling this code in a suitable thread, outside the UI thread. Otherwise, you will get an exception.

If the previous request is successful, you will get a LoginResult, which has a Token that you can use in your subsequent API calls, and an Athlete instance, representing the authenticated user.

All responses from Strava API calls are wrapped in StravaResult<T>, which is an enum that indicates if the result was successful or not. The successful case contains an instance of the object that Strava returns. The failure case contains an Error explaining the reason for the failure.

Athlete API


Before introducing the AthleteAPI, we have to talk about HTTPClient. HTTPClient is a protocol required by all the APIs in StravaZpot to configure the way it is going to interact with Strava. You can create an HTTPClient as soon as you obtain a token and reuse it during your app lifecycle. To create an instance of this:

let client = HTTPClientBuilder.client(withToken: <YOUR_TOKEN>, debug: true)

You must provide the token obtained during the authentication process. The debug argument will print useful information about the API calls.

Once you have the HTTPClient, you can proceed to use all the APIs.

Create the Athlete API object

let athleteAPI = AthleteAPI(client: client)

Retrieve current athlete

          .execute { result : StravaResult<Athlete> in ... }

Retrieve another athlete

athleteAPI.retrieveAthlete(withID: 227615)
          .execute { result : StravaResult<Athlete> in ... }

Update an athlete

ahtleteAPI.updateCurrentAthlete(withCity: "Irvine",
                                withState: "California",
                                withCountry: "USA",
                                withSex: .male,
                                withWeight: 85.6)
          .execute { result : StravaResult<Athlete> in ... }

Retrieve athlete's zones

          .execute { result : StravaResult<Zones> in ... }

Retrieve athlete's totals and stats

atheleteAPI.getTotalsAndStats(withID: 227615)
           .execute { result : StravaResult<Stats> in ... }

List athlete K/QOMs/CRs

athleteAPI.listAthleteKOMS(withID: 227615)
          .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
          .execute { result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<SegmentEffort>> in ... }

Friend API

Create the Friend API object

let friendAPI = FriendAPI(client: client)

List user's friends

   .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
   .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List another athlete's friends

friendAPI.listAthleteFriends(withID: 227615)
   .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
   .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List user's followers

         .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List another athlete's followers

friendAPI.listAthleteFollowers(withID: 227615)
         .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List common following athletes between two users

friendAPI.listBothFollowing(withID: 227615)
         .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

Activity API

Create the Activity API object

let activityAPI = ActivityAPI(client: client)

Create an activity

activityAPI.createActivity(withName: "Rowing session",
                           withType: .rowing,
                           withStartDate: Date(day: 20, month: 1, year: 2016, hour: 12, minute: 35, second: 46),
                           withElapsedTime: Time(seconds: 6345),
                           withDescription: "Relaxing training",
                           withDistance: Distance(meters: 1234),
                           isPrivate: false,
                           withTrainer: true,
                           withCommute: false)
           .execute { result : StravaResult<Activity> in ... }

Retrieve an activity

activityAPI.retrieveActivity(withID: 321934,
                             includeAllEfforts: true)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<Activity> in ... }

Update an activity

activityAPI.updateActivity(withID: 321934,
                           withName: "Rowing session",
                           withType: .rowing,
                           isPrivate: true,
                           withTrainer: false,
                           withCommute: true,
                           withGearID: "b123456",
                           withDescription: "Best training ever!")
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<Activity> in ... }

Delete an activity

activityAPI.deleteActivity(withID: 321934)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<Bool> in ... }

List user's activities

activityAPI.listActivities(before: 1000, after: 2000)
           .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Activity>> in ... }

List user's friends' activities

activityAPI.listFriendsActivities(before: 1000)
           .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Activity>> in ... }

List related activities

activityAPI.listRelatedActivities(toActivityWithID: 321934)
           .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Activity>> in ... }

List activity zones

activityAPI.listActivityZones(withID: 321934)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<ActivityZone>> in ... }

List activity laps

activityAPI.listActivityLaps(withID: 321934)
           .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<ActivityLap> in ... }

Comment API

Create the Comment API object

let commentAPI = CommentAPI(client: client)

List activity comments

commentAPI.listActivityComments(withID: 123)
          .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Comment>> in ... }

Kudos API

Create the Kudos API object

let kudosAPI = KudosAPI(client: client)

List activity kudoers

kudosAPI.listActivityKudos(withID: 321934)
        .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
        .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

Photo API

Create the Photo API object

let photoAPI = PhotoAPI(client: client)

List activity photos

photoAPI.listActivityPhotos(withID: 81121657)
        .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Photo>> in ... }

Club API

Create the Club API object

let clubAPI = ClubAPI(client: client)

Retrieve a club

clubAPI.retrieveClub(withID: 1)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<Club> in ... }

List club announcements

clubAPI.listClubAnnouncements(withID: 109984)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Announcement>> in ... }

List club group events

clubAPI.listClubGroupEvents(withID: 1)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Event>> in ... }

List user's clubs

       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Club>> in ... }

List club members

clubAPI.listClubMembers(withID: 123)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List club admins

clubAPI.listClubAdmins(withID: 123)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Athlete>> in ... }

List club activities

clubAPI.listClubActivities(withID: 123, before: 9999)
       .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Activity>> in ... }

Join a club

clubAPI.joinClub(withID: 123)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<JoinResult> in ... }

Leave a club

clubAPI.leaveClub(withID: 123)
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<LeaveResult> in ... }

Gear API

Create the Gear API object

let gearAPI = GearAPI(client: client)

Retrieve gear

gearAPI.getGear(withID: "b105763")
       .execute{ result : StravaResult<Gear> in ... }

Route API

Create the Route API

let routeAPI = RouteAPI(client: client)

Retrieve a route

routeAPI.retrieveRoute(withID: 1263727)
        .execute{ result : StravaResult<Route> in ... }

List athlete's routes

routeAPI.listAthleteRoutes(withID: 1234)
        .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Route>> in ... }

Segment API

Create the Segment API object

let segmentAPI = SegmentAPI(client: client)

Retrieve a segment

segmentAPI.retrieveSegment(withID: 229781)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<Segment> in ... }

List user's starred segments

          .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Segment>> in ... }

List another athlete's starred segments

segmentAPI.listAthleteStarredSegments(withID: 1234)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Segment>> in ... }

Star a segment

segmentAPI.starSegment(withID: 229781)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<Segment> in ... }

Unstar a segment

segmentAPI.unstarSegment(withID: 229781)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<Segment> in ... }

List segment efforts

segmentAPI.listSegmentEfforts(withID: 229781,
                              forAthleteWithID: 1234,
                              withStartDate: Date(day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 1),
                              withEndDate: Date(day: 31, month: 12, year: 2015, hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59))
          .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<SegmentEffort>> in ... }

Retrieve segment leaderboard

segmentAPI.retrieveSegmentLeaderboard(withID: 229781,
                                      withGender: .female,
                                      withAgeGroup: .age_25_34,
                                      withWeightClass: .kg_65_74,
                                      following: true,
                                      withClubID: 321,
                                      inDateRange: .thisMonth,
                                      withContextEntries: 4)
          .of(page: 2, itemsPerPage: 10)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<Leaderboard> in ... }

Explore segments

segmentAPI.explore(inRegion: Bounds(southWest: Coordinates(latitude: 15, longitude: -24),
                                    northEast: Coordinates(latitude: -32, longitude: 40)),
                   withActivityType: .running,
                   withMinCategory: 3,
                   withMaxCategory: 7)
          .execute{ result : StravaResult<ExploreResult> in ... }

Segment Effort API

Create the Segment Effort API object

let segmentEffortAPI = SegmentEffortAPI(client: client)

Retrieve a segment effort

segmentEffortAPI.retrieveSegmentEffort(withID: 269990681)
                .execute{ result : StravaResult<SegmentEffort> in ... }

Stream API

Create the Stream API object

let streamAPI = StreamAPI(client: client)

Retrieve activity streams

streamAPI.listActivityStreams(withID: 112233,
                              forTypes: .altitude, .time, .temperature,
                              withResolution: .low,
                              withSeriesType: .time)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Stream>> in ... }

Retrieve segment effort streams

streamAPI.listSegmentEffortStreams(withID: 112233,
                                   forTypes: .altitude, .time, .temperature,
                                   withResolution: .low,
                                   withSeriesType: .time)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Stream>> in ... }

Retrieve segment streams

streamAPI.listSegmentStreams(withID: 112233,
                             forTypes: .altitude, .time, .temperature,
                             withResolution: .low,
                             withSeriesType: .time)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Stream>> in ... }

Retrieve route streams

streamAPI.listRouteStreams(withID: 112233)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<EquatableArray<Stream>> in ... }

Upload API

Create the Upload API object

let uploadAPI = UploadAPI(client: client)

Upload a file

Strava allows you to upload files with formats GPX, FIT or TCX. We recommend to use TCXZpot in order to generate TCX files that can be uploaded to Strava.

uploadAPI.upload(file : URL(string: "file://path_to_file")!,
                 withFilename : "",
                 withDataType : .fit,
                 withActivityType : .ride,
                 withName : "A complete ride around the city",
                 withDescription : "No description",
                 isPrivate : false,
                 hasTrainer : false,
                 isCommute : false,
                 withExternalID : "")
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<UploadStatus> in ... }

Check upload status

uploadAPI.checkUploadStatus(withId: 16486788)
         .execute{ result : StravaResult<UploadStatus> in ... }


You can get StravaZpot from CocoaPods. Just add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'StravaZpot-Swift', '~> 1.0.5'


Copyright 2017 SweetZpot AS

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.