Due to the varied use and import of third-party libraries across different drivers within this repository, each driver is governed by its specific license. The licensing details for each driver are documented in the corresponding subdirectory, alongside the driver code itself. We strongly advise reviewing these licenses to understand the terms and conditions under which each driver is offered.
Our goal is to standardize on the MIT License for all newly contributed drivers. We believe the MIT License offers a good balance of freedom and protection for both the contributors and users, facilitating widespread use and contribution while maintaining credit to the original authors.
If you are contributing a new driver to this repository, we ask that you license your contributions under the MIT License. This ensures that your contribution can be freely used, modified, and shared by others under the same terms. A copy of the MIT License should be included with your contribution if it is not already present in the repository.
We acknowledge and are thankful for the contributions of various third-party libraries that are used within this repository. The diversity of these libraries enriches the functionality and versatility of our drivers, even as it necessitates a varied licensing approach.
This summary and any accompanying documentation do not constitute legal advice. For detailed understanding and compliance, please review each driver's license and consult with a legal professional if necessary.