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The Main Menu

Super Hackio edited this page Dec 24, 2018 · 7 revisions

This is the main control center of Launch Cam Plus.

The Main Menu with a BCAM loaded. It appears to be from a SMG2 Hack...

Features List

  1. File Management
  2. General Editing
  3. Presets
  4. Camera Data

File Management

Launch Cam Plus has 3 main functions that deal with files: Making a new file, Opening an existing file, and saving the opened file. This section will cover all of these.


File > New [CTRL+N] creates a new camera file for you.

Note: Launch Cam Plus will ask you if you want to make a new file if you already have one open.


File > Open [CTRL+O] Allows you to choose a Camera file (.bcam)

Note: If the Camera Data is corrupt, LCP will fail to open it. Camera Data has only been reported corrupt after Dossun2 has been used on them.


File > Save [CTRL+S] Allows you to save the .bcam
File > Save As [SHFT+CTRL+S] Allows you to save a new .bcam

Note: If you created a new Camera file, Save As will be used instead the first time you use Save.

General Editing

Launch Cam Plus allows users to do some basic stuff.

Adding Cameras

Edit > Add [SHFT+CTRL+A] Adds a new camera with the default settings.

Note: The default camera for Launch Cam Plus is the same default that Dossun2 uses.


Edit > Copy [SHFT+CTRL+C] Copies the selected camera to the copy buffer
Edit > Paste [SHFT+CTRL+V] Pastes the selected camera onto the selected camera.

Tip: You can copy a camera from one file to another
WARNING! Pasting will overwrite the selected camera, so be careful!.

Deleting Cameras

Edit > Delete [CTRL+DELETE] Deletes the selected camera.

Note: If you delete all the cameras, Launch Cam Plus will force you to add one again.


Presets are Cameras that have been built for you. There are two kinds: Official & Unofficial


Official presets are built into the program and can be accessed in Edit > Presets


Unofficial presets are made with the The Preset Exporter and can be accessed in Edit > Presets > Load LCPP.

Tip: If you want one of your presets to become an "Official Preset", open a new issue with the title "Preset Request" and attach your .lcpp file.

Camera Data

This section explains what all the options do. If you don't know what one does, you can look here.

Camera ID

This is the ID of the camera. You link the camera to the object based on two things: The Camera Caller Type and the ID.

  • c:XXXX Links to Camera Areas (Example: c:0000 links to a Camera Area with a Camera ID of 0)
  • s:XXXX Links to Player Spawns. (Example: s:0000 links to a Spawn with a Camera ID of 0)
  • e:__________XXX Links to a specific object. Like a launch star. (Example: e:スーパースピンドライバー:001:00番目 links to a Launch star with Camera ID 1)
  • o:__________ Special cameras for things like the default camera the galaxy will use.
  • g:__________ Links to ground, but nobody knows how to use it yet so there isn't any special features for it.

Note: Launch Cam Plus will display the English translation of known event cameras in the Camera List.

Camera Type

This indicates what kind of camera this is. At the time of this writing, the community doesn't know how all the types work.
The most common one is CAM_TYPE_XZ_PARA, which is a simple camera that follows the player with a fixed rotation.

Camera Angles

The camera can be rotated on 3 different axis: X Axis | Y Axis | Z Axis (Up/Down | Left/right | Roll)
The rotation range is -180-180, so you have 360 degrees to work with.


This value is how far away from the Fixpoint the camera should be. Most of the time, the Fixpoint is Mario's position.

Allow D-Pad Rotation

If checked, the player can rotate the camera using the D-pad in-game

Unknown Num2


Transition speed

The time that the camera can change in. Smaller values mean the camera changes faster.

End Transition speed

The time the camera remains active after it deactivates

To be continued...

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