First of all, thanks for contributing!
If you have a feature request or an issue for Sumo Logic portal, you should contact support so the request can be properly tracked.
If you think you've found an issue with the app or sumoapp CLI tool, you can open a Github issue.
Feel free to reach out to us at
To contribute you will need to ensure you satisfy the following prerequisites:
- You have a working Python 3 environment with pip installed.
- You have a working Git CLI.
- You have access to Sumo Logic portal.
If you are a new user of Sumo Logic you can look into the Resources section below for getting up to speed with the query language used in panels.
You can develop a new app or make changes to the app's dashboards in your Sumo Logic portal. Sumo Logic recommends the best app development practices mentioned in these docs - Classic Dashboards and New Dashboards. After you are satisfied with your changes you can follow below steps to publish your changes.
Put all app resources (e.g searches, dashboards) in a top-level folder in the Sumo Logic console.Make sure all the dashboards and the top-level folder have the description field filled in (before exporting to JSON).
Export the JSON of the top-level app folder. Even if your app has 1 resource like a dashboard, you need to put it in a folder then export that folder.Instructions on how to export are here.
Use this template to create the docs. Host the docs and get a publicly accessible link (not password protected) as it will be made available in the Sumo Logic App Catalog as helpURL when customers click on the app. Also, it will be linked to from the Sumo Logic DocHub. For Github Readme you can use this readme template.
Get a logo (Icon is 72x72px png on a transparent background).
Capture hi-resolution screenshots of all dashboards.
Get a text file with sample log messages that can light up dashboards (use the export search results feature.)
NOTE: - Maximum file size limit is 5 MB for each screenshot and icon file. For sample log file size limit is 10 MB. Also all the content in the resources folder should not exceed 100 MB.
Decide on Application Categories corresponding to your app (1-3 or more of: Amazon Web Services, Compliance and Security, DevOps, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Microsoft Azure)
If you are doing app development for first time then follow the below steps for setting up the repo else go to the next phase.In this phase, you will fork Sumo Logic’s public app repository that will allow you to collaborate with the Sumo Logic Apps team.You will also install the sumoapp CLI tool for running the unit tests.
Navigate to the
In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork
Pull the GitHub repository locally on your computer using the following command
git clone<owner>/sumologic-public-partner-apps.git
Install the sumo logic CLI tool using the following command
pip3 install sumologic-apptestutils
To upgrade the CLI tool run below command
pip install --upgrade sumologic-apptestutils
Ensure that the client is installed by running the following help command
sumoapp -h
To support tabbing run the following command
sumoapp enableautocomplete
In this phase we will commit exported json, run unit test, push the code to a git branch and create a PR for review.
Change directory to the cloned repository created in Phase 2 Step 3.
NOTE: - All the CLI commands in the next steps should be run inside the directory.
Create a new branch by using the following command.
git checkout -b <appname_ddMMyyyy>
NOTE: - Use camelcase without spaces for App name; and if it’s longer than 10 characters then truncate it as you feel.
Run the following command; replace My_App with Sumo Logic App Name and Folder with the app folder name. In general folder names should not contain spaces or any special characters.
sumoapp init -a <My_App> -t <Folder>
On “Enter app description” prompt provide the brief description of your app. This will be automatically added in your app’s file.This will create the required folder structure for the repository.
NOTE: - You may also see testlogs folder which is the logs directory for the cli tool which you don’t need to include in your commits.
Go to your app folder. Replace the empty JSON file (MyApp.json) in the current directory with the exported JSON in step 1.2.
Run the following command to generate the Manifest file (MyApp.manifest.json). This will be generated in the current folder. This file contains meta-data about the Sumo Logic Partner App.
sumoapp create-manifest -s <Myapp>.json
On prompt, Provide the number corresponding to the category name (comma separated in case of multiple categories), help URL and author for your app from phase 1.
To update the manifest run the below command.
sumoapputils update-manifest -s <exported json filepath> -m <file path to manifest.json>
Open the manifest in txt editor and review it to make sure every field is right, especially values for field “categories”, “author” and “name”
NOTE: - If there are multiple source categories, please make sure that all queries reflect the correct source category. For example, _sourceCategory=System/AppSource1, _sourcecategory = System/AppSource1, _sourceCategory = system/appsource1, _sourceCategory = "System/AppSource1" will generate single input source parameter while _sourceCategory = System/AppSource1 and _sourceCategory = System/AppSource2 will generate 2 separate input source parameters.
Go to the resources/icon folder and add a logo (Icon is 72x72px png on a transparent background).
Go to the resources/screenshots folder and add hi-resolution screenshots of all dashboards.
Go to the resources/logs folder and add a sample log file(with .txt .json .csv or .xml) with sample log messages (use the export search results feature).
After adding the above artifacts you should have a folder structure as shown below.
Run unit tests locally with the below command.
sumoapp run-app-tests -s <exported json filepath> -m <file path to manifest.json>
You should see RESULT: ALL TESTS PASSED as shown below. If not, read the Error message and fix the issue(s).
Push the changes to the new branch created in step 3.2 and create a PR for triggering ci/cd pipeline.
git add Myapp.json Myapp.manifest.json resources/ git commit -m “Sumo-<appname>: first checkin“ git push origin --set-upstream Myapp_26022020
NOTE: - Myapp_26022020 is the branch name created in step 3.2
Now go to your forked repository in Github and follow the instructions in this doc to create a pull request to the (from where you forked your repo).
After all the tests are passed, from your GitHub pull request .Add sumo-apps-team user as reviewer
The AppDev team member puts review comments.
Partner app developer makes changes and pushes it to GitHub by repeating steps in phase 3.
After sumo-apps-team user gives approval and all the tests are passing you can merge the branch to master.
Sumo Logic will push the app to all deployments with the earliest release schedule.