Welcome to Biblios! Our online bookstore offers a vast selection of books across various genres, catering to readers of all ages and interests. Whether you're looking for the latest bestsellers, classic literature, or children's books, Biblios has something for everyone.
Browse the Catalog: Explore our extensive collection by navigating through different genres and categories.
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- Node.js installed
- MongoDB installed (if applicable)
- Firebase account for authentication (if applicable)
- Use the package manager npm to install biblios.
npm install biblios
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ArpitaAgrahari/biblios.git
- Navigate the project directory:
cd biblios
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Wide Range of Genres: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Biography, Self-Help, and more.
New Releases and Bestsellers: Stay updated with the latest trends and popular titles.
Classics and Rare Finds: Discover timeless classics and rare editions.
Intuitive Search and Filters: Easily find books by title, author, genre, or ISBN.
Personalized Recommendations: Get book suggestions based on your reading history and preferences.
Customer Reviews and Ratings: Read reviews and ratings from other readers to help you make informed choices.
Author Events and Book Signings: Participate in virtual author events and book signings.
Reading Clubs and Discussions: Join reading clubs and engage in discussions with fellow book lovers.
Blog and Newsletter: Stay informed with our blog posts and newsletters featuring book reviews, author interviews, and more.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.