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611. Valid Triangle Number

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Given an array consists of non-negative integers, your task is to count the number of triplets chosen from the array that can make triangles if we take them as side lengths of a triangle.

Example 1:

Input: [2,2,3,4]
Output: 3
Valid combinations are: 
2,3,4 (using the first 2)
2,3,4 (using the second 2)


  1. The length of the given array won't exceed 1000.
  2. The integers in the given array are in the range of [0, 1000].

Solution 1.

The naive solution is of O(N^3) time complexity, that is, for each triplet, detect if it can form a triangle. This solution will get TLE.

To optimize it, I first sort nums in ascending order. And for each doublet a and b, use binary search to find the count of numbers greater than a + b and less than a - b (a >= b).

// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N^2logN)
// Space: O(1)
class Solution {
  int triangleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
    sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
    int cnt = 0, N = nums.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) {
        int lb = nums[j] - nums[i], rb = nums[i] + nums[j];
        int L = j + 1, R = N - 1, left = 0;
        while (L <= R) {
          int M = (L + R) / 2;
          if (nums[M] > lb) R = M - 1;
          else L = M + 1;
        left = L;
        L = j + 1, R = N - 1;
        while (L <= R) {
          int M = (L + R) / 2;
          if (nums[M] >= rb) R = M - 1;
          else L = M + 1;
        if (R >= left) cnt += R - left + 1;
    return cnt;

Solution 2.

Same as solution 1, just uses built-in functions lower_bound and upper_bound.

// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N^2logN)
// Space: O(1)
class Solution {
  int triangleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
    sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
    int cnt = 0, N = nums.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) {
        auto left = upper_bound(nums.begin() + j + 1, nums.end(), nums[j] - nums[i]);
        auto right = lower_bound(nums.begin() + j + 1, nums.end(), nums[i] + nums[j]);
        if (right > left) cnt += right - left;
    return cnt;