Given the array houses
and an integer k
. where houses[i]
is the location of the ith house along a street, your task is to allocate k
mailboxes in the street.
Return the minimum total distance between each house and its nearest mailbox.
The answer is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit signed integer.
Example 1:
Input: houses = [1,4,8,10,20], k = 3 Output: 5 Explanation: Allocate mailboxes in position 3, 9 and 20. Minimum total distance from each houses to nearest mailboxes is |3-1| + |4-3| + |9-8| + |10-9| + |20-20| = 5
Example 2:
Input: houses = [2,3,5,12,18], k = 2 Output: 9 Explanation: Allocate mailboxes in position 3 and 14. Minimum total distance from each houses to nearest mailboxes is |2-3| + |3-3| + |5-3| + |12-14| + |18-14| = 9.
Example 3:
Input: houses = [7,4,6,1], k = 1 Output: 8
Example 4:
Input: houses = [3,6,14,10], k = 4 Output: 0
n == houses.length
1 <= n <= 100
1 <= houses[i] <= 10^4
1 <= k <= n
- Array
contain unique integers.
Related Topics:
Math, Dynamic Programming
Given i
and j
which are the indexes of two houses, what's the optimal mailbox position?
Consider input [1, 4, 10]
, we should put the mailbox at 4
Consider input [1, 2, 4, 10]
, we should put the mailbox at a position in range [2, 4]
. Assume we pick 2
So in both cases we can pick A[(i + j) / 2]
Let dist(i, j)
be this optimal total distance. dist(i, j) = sum( abs(A[k] - A[(i + j) / 2] | i <= k <= j )
Let dp[k][i + 1]
be the answer to the subproblem with k
mailboxes and houses [0 .. i]
For dp[k][i + 1]
, we can try spliting with length j
such that houses [0 .. j-1]
use k - 1
mailboxes and houses [j .. i]
use one mailbox.
dp[k][i + 1] = min( dp[k - 1][j] + dist[j][i] | k - 1 <= j <= i ) where k <= i + 1
dp[1][i + 1] = dist[0][i]
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N^3)
// Space: O(N^2)
class Solution {
int minDistance(vector<int>& A, int K) {
if (A.size() == K) return 0;
sort(begin(A), end(A));
int N = A.size();
vector<vector<int>> dist(N, vector<int>(N));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
int m = A[(i + j) / 2];
for (int k = i; k <= j; ++k) dist[i][j] += abs(A[k] - m);
vector<vector<int>> dp(K + 1, vector<int> (N + 1, 1e6));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) dp[1][i + 1] = dist[0][i];
for (int k = 2; k <= K; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (int j = i; j >= k - 1; --j) {
dp[k][i + 1] = min(dp[k][i + 1], dp[k - 1][j] + dist[j][i]);
return dp[K][N];
Consider input [1, 4, 10]
, we should put the mailbox at 4
so that the total distance is 10 - 1
Consider input [1, 2, 4, 10]
, we should put the mailbox at a position in range [2, 4]
, so that the total distance is (4 + 10) - (1 + 2)
Let dist(i, j)
be this optimal total distance. dist(i, j) = sum((i + j + 1) / 2, j) - sum(i, (i + j) / 2)
, where sum(a, b) = sum( A[i] | a <= i <= b )
Let presum[i + 1] = sum( A[k] | 0 <= k <= i )
. Then sum(a, b) = presum(b + 1) - presum(a)
, so:
dist(i, j) = (presum(j + 1) - presum((i + j + 1) / 2)) - (presum((i + j) / 2 + 1) - presum(i))
Another optimization is that we can use 1D array for dp
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N^2 * K)
// Space: O(N)
// Ref:
class Solution {
int dist(vector<int> &presum, int i, int j) {
return (presum[j + 1] - presum[(i + j + 1) / 2]) - (presum[(i + j) / 2 + 1] - presum[i]);
int minDistance(vector<int>& A, int K) {
if (A.size() == K) return 0;
sort(begin(A), end(A));
int N = A.size();
vector<int> presum(N + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) presum[i + 1] = presum[i] + A[i];
vector<int> dp(N + 1, 1e6);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) dp[i + 1] = dist(presum, 0, i);
for (int k = 2; k <= K; ++k) {
for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int j = i; j >= k - 1; --j) {
dp[i + 1] = min(dp[i + 1], dp[j] + dist(presum, j, i));
return dp[N];