This document is literate explanation of the setup for my spelling implementation. Windows is a pain, and I’ve used mingw64 to set up hunspell. But to set up hunspell in emacs, I’m taking my cues from ~nobiot~.
;; Set up languages
(setenv "LANG" "en_AU")
(defun my/fix-ispell-contraction ()
"Fixes contractions (e.g. shouldn't) aren't not being checked properly.
(add-to-list 'ispell-dictionary-alist
'("en_AU" "[[:alpha:]]" "[^[:alpha:]]" "[']" nil ("-d" "en_AU") nil utf-8)))
(with-eval-after-load "ispell"
(when (spacemacs/system-is-mswindows)
(setq ispell-program-name
(add-hook 'flyspell-mode-hook 'my/fix-ispell-contraction)