Equalify is in an Alpha MVP "Wild West" phase.
The only limits are your imagination.
I know this wild west needs rules eventually.
For now, let's hack!
I am tuned to UX and A11Y errors.
Fixes and reports of A11Y or UX errors are greatly appreciated.
My many years of WP dev have trained me to follow WordPress coding standards.
I'm up for any new coding standards!
As for governance and a code of conduct, check out my discussion around governance.
Check out /models/hooks.php and the _scan
pattern in /actions/scan_all_pages.php.
I am inspired by the development of Gutenberg.
A community of engaged devs builds the future of WordPress around issues that are reported by users. Check out the Help Wanted and Good First Issue tags for issues that we need particular help on.
We can build a more accessible internet together.
Here if you need anything!